Everyone's known that for years moron.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was funny the first time.
Now, not so much.
Like clockwork.
Was it today?
>mfw had the image
I forget, what it was again?
My god, is it already that time of year?
> not replying to replies
>8 years ago
I can't believe I haven't offed myself by now
At least Guts got off the boat.
Why am I still here
>Guts got off the boat
>Bleach ended
>OP was still a faggot
Up until 2008, Cred Forums in total has only had some 15 million replies. By 2010, it reached 40 million. This year we might hit 150 million.
All me.
Cred Forums, a board just 4 years old will cross Cred Forums soon
We need new memes.
Is that time of the year already?
Man, time flies when you're a neet.
me too man, on hindsight it has been 60% worth it holding on, vidya is dead to me, only live for 2D.
Memes are shit we need fun.
Maybe in another 8 years we'll finally have season 2 of Umaru
Memes were fun user.
W-what did I missed?
How many anons do you think have died since the first time this was posted?
Holy shit I have been watching Slowpoke from the very beginning
Not enough
Agreed, also people still haven't understood the importance of Omega 3 + white race.
*rice, ahh fuck it, amwf
Another year has already gone by?
You niggas are gonna grow old and nobody will post this ever again. Just let that sink in.
>valvrape was three years ago
Remember user, you're here forever
Aren't we slowing down
Could have sworn we were slowing down
>I'm the armored titan
>And he's the collosal type titan.
That was probably the single dumbest fucking page ever,
Is this enough?
God damn it, my sides.
2013 was an excellent year in hindsight.
Why is Cred Forumss post cooldown timer so low?
so you can shitpost harder and faster
Probably for encouraging lazy, shitty posts instead of well-thought out ones.
Hell, a year ago moot even completely removed it and made everybody shit it up for about two weeks.
>mfw I had that screenshot for 5 years.
>it's been 8 years already
I refuse to believe all of these happenings were in 2013. Most of them feel too recent, like Railgun S, the Trigger Kickstarter, and the one anime about militarized anime. Didn't those happen in 2014?
Cred Forums harbour 2 when?
Oh, and Kirino Mosaic, too.
Wasn't hyper oats in 2012?
Railgun S was definitely 2013, it's just that Frenda keeps popping up in everything despite being dead which gives memelords more reason to post her.
One day this will stop being a joke
after elections, maybe. The board is full of shills right now so a good nuking might do it some good
I honestly miss 2013 so much.
No, my friend. All 2013.
Psycho-pass ended in Spring 2013.
I posted in the original response thread. I'm practically a celebrity.
It was early 2013. The first cour aired in fall of 2012. Hyper oats was after that. I only remember that because of the 'Christmas is Shaved' posting.
You're getting old user, we all are.
Anyone have the reaction to the end of Endless 8? All I have are screencaps of the yearly Kyon-kun denwa threads.
Anybody have the collages for 2012, 2014 and 2015?
But not today.
World Health Organization-tan?
I have 14 and 15
Fuck, the fakku thing depresses me to this day.
Cross Ange was such a wild ride.
>Ben Garrison
Cred Forums!!!!
>me! me! me!
Wait, seriously? I swear that was fucking last year.
>back when Pepe was just sadfrog and not a global meme machine.
Simpler times.
Better times.
It was near the end of 2014.
I found out about it a couple of weeks after it went out, since Cred Forums was all over it.
At the time I just stopped being on Cred Forums for some reason.
>global meme machine
you mean terrorist
Forget the normalfags, a quick visit to Cred Forums and you can see how hard it's been run into the ground. And people wonder that shit gets deleted on sight here.
When the 2016 chart rolls around someone needs to make sure to include gg coming back for Macross.
I love you guys.
Cred Forums is full of crybabies
Well I'll be. I remember the shitstorms like it was yesterday.
>meme machine
Actually, he's an international symbol of white hate on par with the swastika.
The quality of 50 million Accel/touma/color/anontalk spam posts
They did Kuromukuro too but dropped it halfway through, shame because it unironically turned out to be better than Macross Delta.
How the fuck?
You've been chosen. Go visit the thread.
They're waiting for you.
We really need more anime original stuff that doesn't drop the ball hard. This year sucked for that.
>All these feel like yesterday
It was fun to get trolled by my fansubs again, even if only for two cour.
What the fuck, I just read my fortune from coffee (tasseography) and there was a goddamn soul-gem.
>there was a faggot who complained about "fansubbers fucking around"
>people have gotten used to [HorribleSubs] already
Fuck. People no longer choose various subgroups for their anime; they just get the shitty, low quality [HS]
That's a function of Cred Forums X; it trawls through archives to find deleted/old posts. Don't you know it does that?
Looked very promising in the beginning, but the whole Biba thing ruined it.
Slowpoke withoutany Code Geass reference? Boring.
Not enough memes or crazy shit really. Also Biba kinda sucked.
>Not enough memes
Are you kidding? Habanero threads had the best OC all year long.
That would be Mayoiga. It was shitty as well, but oh, man, the people were creative as fuck.
Cred Forums can make even shitty shows enjoyable as fuck.
>He wasn't in the memeyoiga threads
I wouldn't even know how to fill a 2016 chart. Aside from gg's return I could only think of Re:Zero because of all the autism over it, Memeyoiga, Konosuba/Megumi and Clang. Maybe Phantom World boobs too.
Don't remember any big board-related habbedins aside from the temporal loss of Yotsuba as the 404 girl either, but I tend to be very forgettable.
I actually forgot that show existed. What a fucking disappointment.
I was but a boy when this meme was first posted, but now I am a man.
Fucking miss TWGOK threads and the jelly wars.
how did it end? why nigga spoke with god?
They seem to have mono/over-compressed audio in the original stream. Can you upload the file for future historians?
I wish I was a little girl.
First handful of episodes threads were pretty damn good though
Ironically that was also when I dropped it
I thought I had suggestions, but looking at file creation dates, everything is from 2-3 years back. Jesus, where does the time go?
Half of them stayed and the other half left, the complimentary manga is still going and it puts the anime to shame.
I got this off nyaa, it should be on there.
Besides, this is probably not the highest-quality version of it, either.
he sure spoke with a lot of girls on that trip
At least we got that delicious 12 year old.
Man 2016 has been pretty uneventful. I thought it was just me being burned out, but now that I look at it, not a lot was worth caring about.
Re:zero stuff, Habanero, Danganronpa 3, Bleach ending. Naruto ended this year right? Or was it last last year? Berserk getting off the boat?
Was the nipplemod fiasco this year or last year?
I just finished code grass this week, but I don't really pay that much attention to anime's unless they are good, so what's he talking about?
The green girl stalked lelouch? Why does that matter?
>Naruto ended this year right? Or was it last last year?
Naruto ended in 2014, user.
Is it just me, or 2015 was the last good year of Cred Forums? For some reason everything feels different this 2016, maybe, I have changed?
Fuck my life.
that was a 2016 event im sure
Moot left.
Last Fall with Valkyrie Drive.
You will all die sooner than you think.
Oh right, it's that time of the year.
Fuck time.
I genuinely miss him.
I don't know; I feel the same way. Something feels off for me, too. Both in the anime world, and Cred Forums. Hell, even Cred Forums in general feels weird now.
>Fuck time.
Well, if you insist.
I thought I changed too, but I think you're right. This year wasn't too good for us so hopefully things pick up before 2017.
Why do all these feel so recent, like just a season ago?
Some notable events this year:
Bleach ending
Nisekoi ending
Kochikame ending (not that anyone here reads it)
Luluco and all the crossovers that happened in it
Little Witch Academia TV series announcement
Mob Psycho
Danganronpa 3
Berserk and the shitstorm of QUALITY and CLANG, "That's some damn good anime", etc.
The hype about Ash potentially winning the Pokemon League, then getting his ass beat again
Feel like I'm missing a bunch.
I remember how anxiously I waited for sora no woto
Oh, and how could I forget the shitstorm of rules and regulations threads that turned into unending shitpost generals for a week.
>Danganronpa 3
This is a shitshow that will be talked of for years to come. It is a legendary kind of bad.
when the fuck are we going to have another Eva shitstorm?
I'm afraid to ask how long ago this was.
I forgot KonoSuba and the associated Megumemeing as well. I thought it aired last year, but it started in January.
There's a lot that could be pulled from it. Hopegun and 'You know why' or just Juzo in general are probably the top picks. Maybe MINDHACK
Berserk on hiatus again
hajime no braindamage?
>I'm afraid to ask how long ago this was.
not so long - 7 or 8 years ago
shit, it's today?
>I'm afraid to ask how long ago this was.
Winter 2010.
Exactly. It reminds me of Psycho Pass season 2 in terms of being an intersection between awful and memes.
>100+ million posts later
It has so many memes and OC and I love it.
Probably gonna have to add Nardo anime ending unless they pad it out with the lns to fill in what happens from ch699 to ch700.
I wouldn't suprise if that 1 hour episode ends up being one of the highlights of this year; it's been hyped up a lot.
Damn, how long will it go on?
Are we back?
Lewdness incoming
Will we ever get another 2011?
Should probably add HxH going on hiatus too. Also, New Game and Dragon Ball Super's Goku Black kill all ningen bullshit. And the Ghost in the Shell Hollywood movie.
What the fuck? There's no way that was six years ago. There's no fucking way.
What the hell have I been doing with my life?
>Terraformars and Fakku were 2014
I could have sworn they were further back, what the fuck is wrong with my head
Christ we used to talk liked faggots.
It was a different time.
now we use fa m
doesn't look all that different
>champ, etc.
I don't think it's any better now. And that's a classy way of addressing someone, fuck you.
My phone adds apostrophes.
There's only one meme hippo that cuts serves above 100 posts.YOU THOUGHT YOU"D GET AWAY THIS
We sound even more like faggots today desu.
Bring old Cred Forums back. Please.
>now we use fa m
Speak for yourself.
What are you talking about, this year was great.
And posts in your stead?
Back the fuck off sir
pic unrelated
>tfw only been here since '14
>have yet to experience a good shitstorm with Cred Forums
Shut up you niwaka.
No, just the apostrophe thing.
>not using m8
I don't think you know what that means Sir
He was being humorous, idiot.
How was moot leaving not enough, fag?
lmao you fucking wish redditor
No shit, candy-ass.
You weren't even here back then.
I think this has been a truly shit year for anime. Sales have been low all year, every season because everything has been shit (moreso than usual I mean).
Add in Cred Forums dragging in redditors due to trump memes and you've got a recipe for shitposting.
Nah, you probably just stopped liking anime. It's still as good as always, but for some reason you can't enjoy it as much anymore.
Whatever happened to ol' Gendo?
Makes sense.
At least we still have Hox.
I want 2014 and 2015 versions.
What a year
truly the greatest year to be on Cred Forums
Hardly browsing Cred Forums in 2011 is one of my biggest regrets.
Yeah and some of "us" talk like faggots now.
This. 2011 was a wild ride.
>not watching your chinese cartoons on based laserdisc
i knew Cred Forums was casual, but not THIS casual
enjoy your streams, plebs
Next year again, i'll be looking back at this thread same way I did on all those previous ones.
when will I get off this ride? ;_;
I don't get it
>another year has passed already
I haven't seen him in ages. What's he working on these days?
Next year will make 2016 look good.
I think Cred Forums's quality is directly tied to the quality of currently airing anime originals. With stuff like Madoka, or even Ano Hana, Penguindrum, and C, nobody knows the plot beforehand so the discussion is fresh and full of speculation. And with Madoka and Ano Hana, which both were able to draw in huge crowds, you basically had an Cred Forums that had fresh discussion, a good amount of OC, and a sense of board unity. Compare that with Re: Zero, where people already know the plot ahead of time, there's barely any OC, and there's zero board unity.
>Aldnoah was in 2014
I don't believe it
That date masamune manga or something
I've always felt that the reason Cred Forums has stayed so good compared to the other big boards is that we have a constant reliable stream of new content.
I miss Punpun
That's not even your pic, you filthy liar.
>another year has passed already
Yeah, another canned project.
What's the source?
On the topic of waiting, I'm still hurting from not getting to see Dreaming Machine.
That's pretty fucked up.
>Cencoroll 2
>Scheduled for summer 2014
And so the tradition continues.
Ah fuck I forgot to get my ladyfriend her traditional Slowpoke Day gift.
Oh fuck, I totally forgot about that one.
That time of year again already
This year had a decent number of Original Anime, which is always what brings the best out of Cred Forums, so next year you can guarantee that folks will look back on this year as a great one and wonder why CURRENT YEAR hasn't been up to snuff. Cause that's how nostalgia works.
So remember the utter disappointment of Under The Dog, The Cuckcalling of Erased and the general dick sucking of Goblin Slayer as things to add to the list.
We are recently, but that still doesn't account for the explosion in popularity earlier
Did we upgraded moetron this year?
Bestgirl was a failure.
>No one remembers the loli/yotsuba mod and T shirt guy.
It was the day Cred Forums got a mod banned from Cred Forums.
You have apparently forgotten multiple things from early in the year.
Time flies too fast for me to handle.
Why do magical girls always get the 14 gets?
Given that /tg/ is also one of the highest producers of new content and also considered one of the best boards, you're probably on to something.
I feel bad for you if you think that's a "notable event".
I meant more Megumin in general.
Her face was plastered over Cred Forums for weeks and she still has threads on mondays last I looked.
How come nobody noticed that OP replied to the original OP instead of the last reply to it?
I hope those two anons are still alive.
They aren't ded r-right?
Protect her smile from Relife and that one guy that got mega time travel cucked?
OP, you just went full retard.
I assumed everybody did.
Why does every year just get worse and worse? Fuck, will it ever reach a climax of shittiness where it can only get better?
>Devil's Legacy was last year
I've literally been shitposting since middle school; I'm in college now. Where has the time gone? And why has it been so shit? ;_;
Do people feel a sense of satisfaction when they lie about how long they've been here?
It may have something to do with how time is viewed here. I've been here over half a decade and I am still considered a newfag.
Miko bullying, Nisekoi ending, Luluco, fucking KIZU IN OUR LIFETIME. And there's still have an entire season left full of shit like Keijo and Gakuen Handsome. The list writes itself.
I miss Frodo
I admire your dedication.
On the one hand, you're a post-neonewfag, on the other I legitimately think you might have been here longer than 80% of Cred Forums.
someone should post that pic which has oldfag to newfag time spent threshold
My status just got taken down a peg.
>on the other I legitimately think you might have been here longer than 80% of Cred Forums.
I suspect as much as well. But occasionally you see screen caps from posts made in the early days of the website. It's not a good litmus test because someone could have just saved it and reposted it to pretend to be an oldfag, but I would like to think there are people who have been here over ten years, and are a bastion of knowledge about the culture.
>Any minute now
Was that FuckQuest?
That 2015 is weak. Someone can do better.
Front page of the New York Times right now.
I wonder if we still have that many NEETs here
>“Once again, racists and haters have taken a popular Internet meme and twisted it for their own purposes of spreading bigotry and harassing users,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO.
Oh wow.
>tfw you will never know the old Cred Forums
Don't forget the Sonic Munakata bio thingy.
And also, depending on what happens tomorrow, Kirigirifags either dying or reviving.
Honestly, the fact DEEN made not one but two good anime at once is itself worth noting.
NEET reporting in, though everyone else I know from Cred Forums has moven on to work/education though.
>8 years ago
...I think Cred Forums x is bugged. It can't be that long.
2015 was pretty boring.
No fucking way 21 I DIE and that bullet bullshit was 3 years ago.
I'm not american, and I don't give a single fuck about the elections, but look at this article on Hillary's website.
>>Why is there a frog standing directly behind Trump?
>That’s Pepe. He’s a symbol associated with white supremacy.
>>Wait. Really? White supremacy?
>That’s right.
>>Please explain.
>Here’s the short version: Pepe is a cartoon frog who began his internet life as an innocent meme enjoyed by teenagers and pop stars alike.
>But in recent months, Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the “alt-right.” They’ve decided to take back Pepe by adding swastikas and other symbols of anti-semitism and white supremacy.
>“We basically mixed Pepe in with Nazi propaganda, etc. We built that association,” one prominent white supremacist told the Daily Beast.
It's ridiculous how they're treating their readers like babies. The whole article reads like a mum educating her 5 year old son.
>This is horrifying.
at the end of it..is just hillarious. They're basically putting words in people's mouths instead of letting them think for themselves.
Sorry for bringing this here, but I just couldn't resist.
2013 had so many great shows.
All those gets.
I will never forget, CAUSE I FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL, and the Happy Meal version of it.
Kimi no Na wa vs. Koe no Katachi and Thunderbolt Fantasy can go into the chart.
Will this ride ever end?
7 years laugh happened in this year.
Fuck, almost forgot. I miss the countdown.
Jesus, I want off. Let me off this ride please.
The ride only ends when you die
Compared to 2016 it was like it was 2007 again. People don't even bother in make a good shitpost anymore, I fucking swear that the quality of the board have dropped even if people keep saying it's been always like that.
I don't often browse Cred Forums but I always end up seeing this thread every year for some reason
Holy shit. Is it that time again?
>one prominent white supremacist
It's awoovement faggot
>shoop maga hat on anime picture
>call it Cred Forums related
you can thank reddit for that. this place is infested.
dumb Cred Forums poster
Well, shit
Wow. I honestly don't know how to respond to that.
I gained an inch.
and the pokerage because ash loss the leage in the finals
Those threads were a good time.
I still want to properly tie up Chiri and due lewd things to her.
>Pepe is a cartoon frog who began his internet life as an innocent meme
Just turn off the internet. Someone needs to take responsibility.
I love all of the SZS OPs
>KLK was 2013
No fucking way. It seems just like yesterday I was watching the live streams with you faggots.
Memes grow old and are replaced. The old ones are picked up by Reddit, 9fag etc.
>wanting Cred Forums to invade all other boards again
please kill me FUCKING KILL ME AHH
Why cancerous newfags always memetext like Cred Forumsermins?
He wasn't here long enough to appreciate moot, so him leaving probably didn't impact him as much as it did oldfags.
Who the hell is this "moot" guy you're talking about
>trying this hard
Hell, I don't mind it, but what drives me up the wall is using the word "meme" seriously, like these two.
Repeated, brainless entertainment that makes you laugh for a second or two? Is this what Cred Forums should be? I'm not saying you should be serious all the time, but come on.
>he wasn't here when this jewel was made
Here we go again.
And you are still a useless retarded tripfag, fuck off.
HxH goes on hiatus every couple of months or so. Nothing notable about that.
One more year. I could swear the 28th thread was just the other day.
hi, i'm new.
Best Year
That's actually correct. Ringo is the shittiest of them all.
Fuck you Ringo is GOAT
Yume's ass comes to mind.
The Hisoka Bullshit
The Hyped but bland Yugioh Movie
Do you suck cock?
That's not 2011
>not using sir when discussing patrician tastes
What a faggot.
What's the worst year we've had? Every year seems to be good to some degree.
This year
This year has been pretty awful so far, senpai.
Either 2014 or this one. There was a solid streak starting from 2009, lasting all the way to 2013, but everything fell apart after that.
It will be next year, mark my words.
If next year is good I'm going to printed and eat this.
Next year will be awful
Every year for me just keeps getting shittier and shittier
How are you guys doing? Hope you guys are doing well this year.
It's been getting worse and worse from 2014 onwards, silly tripfag.
I'll expect you to be eating your words by next slowpoke thread.
>freaking out over gets
You're part of the problem you know
I'm doing better this year in comparison to the last five years. Life is becoming pretty all right.
Still waiting to wake up from this dream.
What will The Next Year bring to the table?
Berserk and HxH coming back from hiatus won't be enough.
We are seeing the increase of fujobait shows. What will the industry do?
Next year will be a year of rebuilding trends, a hit and a miss
>AiMaiMi getting a bigger picture than Non Non Biyori
NNBfags need to be put in there place
>What will the industry do?
Ai Mai Mi was an underrated classic.
Oh shit.
I've found a Ruri
It was shit, you're a tripfag so it checks out.
Finally a trip with good taste.
Can we address the issue of /ghost/ being intolerable? I think we should move to moe.
>time is progressing at a normal constant rate
The only reason it feels sad is because you've done absolutely nothing with your life in all that time.
Can't forget Kyoani and Noizi coming back to draw Haruhi promos and Hirano changing her twitter theme to Haruhi for an event just to not announce S3.
Also reminder another announcement is happening late this year.
You're kidding me, right? 2014 was when pepe became popular on social media. I deleted 75% of my frogshit by the end of that year.
>implying implications
I've watched a great deal of anime in the meantime, I'll have you know.
I now listen to the sound of a grandfather clock, its pendulum swinging, tick, tock..
To the future we march.
It feels sad because I feel like the last 5 years were my entire life.
Are you implying that normalfags dont get nostalgic and cry about the past and how quickly time seems to go by? You're projecting way too hard.
We need more anime originals. A lot of the time they're absolute train wrecks and no one on Cred Forums knows how it's going to end. Habanera was an awful show, but it was sure fun to watch with Cred Forums.
Also, everyone forgetting
>how does it feel to be teased?
If Cred Forums had a calendar, can September 28th always be new year's?
Tomorrow is my birthday lads.
All my bills are unpaid, electricity in particular could be cut any second now, i have what would be 1 dollar on me and enough food in the house for two more meals, two days since i have been eating only once per day for a while already, those two meals are going to be egg with rice and spaghetti with nothing on except some oil.
Today could very well be my last day on Cred Forums in a very long time if not forever since i see no way of paying the bills.
If by monday i don't manage to get enough money to eat again i may just off myself.
Love you guys.
A true gentleman & scholar
See you tomorrow user.
Why don't plead incompetence and move in back with your parents?
>inb4 I'm american and that's very dishonorobru
I think he's more surprised that the post can still be found. We've swapped and changed archive services so many times now, you would think some data and threads would be lost in all that time.
>joined in 2014
I-is it because of me? I'm sorry, everyone. I was trying my best.
Sadly impossible. Can't rely on any family at the moment.
See you tomorrow
It's all your fault. You should've only started posting this year.
pls notice me
What was the tipping point in 2014?
OPM is Reddit tier trash
Too many newfags and cross borders.
Finally they became so many that they ruined the board.
Um, actually it moves with exponentially increasing rate.
That's not because of physics but because of biology. Our brain treats time as relative values, not absolute.
What I mean by this, the more time passes, the quicker it starts to pass, because year becomes a lower percentage of overall time you lived, and brain feels it went quicker.
I can understand that. There have definitely been more tripfags than normal. Though that's why I try my best to make myself useful instead of being another shitposter.
Out of curiosity, why do you tripfag?
I hope DR gets "You know why" on the collage
I just realized it's almost 2017 and still no word on 4.0
What is Anno doing?
Make yourself useful and take off your trip.
working on 4
You will (not) get a proper ending.
Okay now what?
Now hang yourself
What about Ash losing the finals
What about after that?
>What is Anno doing?
Just Gojira things.
>Devil's Legacy
So whatever happened to that again?
Nah you're thinking of "Please wait warmly"
Rose best girl
Fucking THIS.
Love you too, fag
See you tomorrow
All the possible tears if SnK s2 does end up diverging into anime-original territory.
If you happen to an hero, would you mind coming back and haunt me as a ghost loli? I have tons of life force you can feed on
I remember watching moot's farewell stream from beginning to end live. It's weird because that one feels both not that long ago and forever ago at the same time
I cried at the end of it
So did I user, so did I.
Literally said every single fucking year
I honestly wondered if he was going to drop any info before he signed off, like if someone was coming back or if he was going to announce his successor that day. But a simple "see you, space cowboy" was enough for me.
I think a lot of us did
Moot leaving felt like the end of an era, man, almost like I should have moved on myself. You get that feeling of being left behind somehow.
I'm not in the mood for this.
This was nice too.
Too much normalfags for me to enjoy Cred Forums anymore.
Thank you for your tributes, Jebus. It was really touching.
I passed out around an hour in, as I'd already been up for a long time when it started.
I woke up 15 minutes after it ended, judging from the posts in the thread.
Once I realized I missed it, so did I
The funny thing is Trump has posted genuinely racist memes before. He posted some bullshit chart about black on white crime statistics citing a source that didn't even exist that supposedly originated on 4UX2 chan's Cred Forums. It would be a lot easier to point to that then trying to make a fucking frog out to be a force for evil.
still chuggin away on vinland saga and histoire. Though vinland saga had a really weird side chapter this month
Thanks for the yearly dose.
It was today?
Jesus time flies.
Source? Was it a doujin or something?
Not just you. I was really depressed about a year ago when things really started changing quickly. Now it's nice to see all these oldfags coming out of the woodwork due to all these meta type threads
2015 was a bad year. It was probably the turning point of a series of bad years that had started somewhere between 2012 and 13. 2016 has been a bit of a turnaround, mainly provoked by the sorts of shows that have aired and been popular here throughout this year.
Rumba Rap > Ringo > Bure > Rumba
Romance Romanesque best ED. This is objective fact.
I'm sure you can discover on your on, user. I believe in you.
>Not Zetsubou Restaurant
It was nice to hear him say that Cred Forums is probably the most successful large board during that stream. I totally agree with that. Cred Forums has still managed to maintain discussing its subject matter as top priority over the years while other major boards have succumbed to various levels of shitposting or memery that's known to get in the way.
7 years laugh
The shitstorm at the end of Erased
He confirmed he was working on it at some Godzilla-related event.
Also that animator expo short could be considered like a small teaser for it.
2013 was a great year, it had a huge amount of great shows in every season and almost all the threads for them were filled with actual discussion and silly edits. Cred Forums magazine even made a small come back during spring-summer. I miss 2013.
The rule of the last few years has been simple. The more frogposting there is, the worse the board because of the people it brings in.
>Mob Psycho
>Danganronpa 3
Now post the list that isn't for people with shit taste.
>these trips wasted on this reading comprehension
You're right about 2013, but I still think that was around the point where the downswing began. I distinctly remember part of the year being relatively barren and the transition into 2014, and 2014 itself, being relatively mediocre.
how did it feel to be treased was a pretty good moment
>>Given that /tg/ is also one of the highest producers of new content
Haha, they've purged the majority of those threads and they're out to kill the rest
Also Goblin slayer Rip and tear
Case and point: fucking Mayoiga.
Do we have many originals airing next season?
New Game
Ace Attorney being a shitfest/localizations
Koukaku no Pandora
and these
>year after hour minute seconds
the fuck
What anime
>take the time to crop it
>can't take the time to use iqdb
I did actually, got me a connection error, the other two options didn't give me the results either
I wish I posted more instead of lurking...
It's Idolmemories
Some have. All of 2014 and early 2015 are still missing on the current Cred Forums archive.
T hey don ' t know shit and neither do you:
>It's been 6 years since you were last able to add annotations to other people's Youtube videos
sure user
they just...live on a nice farm now
virtually nothing of note has happened in my life since 2009
why did i start coming to Cred Forums again
I celebrate Asuka's birthday but not my own.
Is anyone who was here 8 years ago still watching anything these days? I only have the energy to follow one show per season. 91 Days at the moment.
fuck you all guys
The end is near.
It would be Christmas.
I watched about a dozen this season and I have about 4 more standing by to marathon now that they're finishing up.
I went through a period where I didn't have enough spare time to follow more than 2 or 3 shows a season but I picked right back up after that time passed. Burnout is all in your head.
About eight years?
Even the Guts is out of the boat already.
>mfw 2010 was actually 6, going on 7 years ago and not 2
Hell, even Planetarian got an anime
Time is a strange thing.
>Hell, even Planetarian got an anime
fuck you're right, how can I forget
I've been here since 08 and I still watch most of what currently airs.
hopefully never. god that was awful
I'm only watching a couple a season, but still steadily working on that backlog. I've still got a lot to watch.
Cred Forums isn't really growing as much compared to other boards though. in fact Cred Forums is neck and neck with us in terms of posts/minute
2006, watching everything airing every season and still going strong, mostly because I don't want to miss the shitpost on each threads
There's also an inverse correlation with the quality of the entire website and the post/minute of Cred Forums
same, l only catch one or two shows per season
>8 years
Where the fuck does the time go?
reply count advanced faster when dubs got banned
>dl the stream and put it on my phone
>listen on the subway
>back of the bus on the way home
>8 at night
>supressing the urge to cry
The bad times will just keep piling up wont they?
The Bjork edit is probably the greatest shit ever.
How many anime have you watched?
>i told you so!!
What was this about?
I don't keep an exact count anymore, but it's been about 100 a year since 2008 and was less but still significant prior to that.
Aside from Bleach and Nisekoi endings, it seems to be a fairly tame year.
I don't keep track shit like MALfaggots, should be well over 1k by now
>out of the boat
but we enter in another hiatus not so long ago
I'm fun
When was the last time we had FCM?
There is probably dozens of anime you genuinely forgot about. I mean if you watched that much anime then you surely have developed a refined taste.
I can't even remember everything I watched this season, to be honest. It's entirely an in-the-moment-thing, and once a show's folder is out of my active viewing queue it might as well have never happened; with various notable exceptions, of course.
Why is Inu Boku on there?
>Where the fuck is my Full Metal Panic season 3!!?
Someone hold me. It hurts too much.
Nah, it's the reverse once you watched that many shits you can eat any other shit without even thinking twice. I literally have no standard and just watch for the sake of being able to have discussion here
If you use MAL's system it's over 1600. If you don't count single short OVAs and specials it's around 1100.
Taiga is really convenient.
It's one of those things where when you see a picture you can almost always remember what genre it is and then search it. As for remembering the intricacies of the plot, that's random at best as there just aren't enough shows worth remembering.
>she's supposed to be the cover girl for this month, but only half her photos came out good
I really have no idea, I've always been too lazy to use one of the tracking sites.
As I said, I'm extremely slow and have plenty of shows on the backlog which I've been meaning to watch for a long time bet never got down to.
Don't forget they actually got to the basement already
Author of the manga passed away last year.
Otter finally finished the Watermelon.
They did and it was another "it's fucking nothing."
Isayama takes too many writing cues from north american live action tv
Oh yeah that rings a bell. Fuck.
and i felt nothing. moot leaving was like someone who have been getting to go for a long time. i mean Cred Forums isn't the same, and it wasn't the same since 2011, maybe? it's not even about just Cred Forums. and to me moot have left a long time ago.
Not enough layers of irony.
>its been one year already
Honest question: If someone made a new anonymous imageboard, would you all shift there?
what for?
I didn't for the last fifty fucking Cred Forums spinoffs so why would I now
Do you have any idea how often those have cropped up in the lifetime of Cred Forums?
As long as this site lives, no director, anonymous competitor stands a chance of ever being anything more than a niche namefag circlejerk with the posting rate of /po/
obviously not. the only reason to move would be if we could get rid of all the newfags, but the thing is oldfags themselves have already been sucked of all life. it's been 10 years. we're old now.
If we didn't move to 7,8,11,desu,lain,etcetcetc chan, why would we move to yet another new chan?
user, there are dozens of dead chans already.
pretty sure 2014 was either during or after /r9k/'s poopoo peepee shitfit
What if it was called Onee-chan
The only thing that would make people move over to a new chan en masse would be for Cred Forums to truly die.
Only if there was an /ss/ board.
Almost nothing compared to even a newfag. I also only watch 1 show per season and have even skipped multiple seasons, watched almost nothing last year and this year for example. I'm going through my backlog extremely slowly too.
Now, if you ask about manga though, I'm not keeping count but more than a 1000 surely. It's way faster to read than to watch, specially for super long shounen full of fillers.
How about Onii-chan?
Nah but I would visit it if it's good.
No, because there's already a ton of them and none have enough activity to become a worthy replacement. All of them save for one or two exceptions also become massive circlejerks after a few months.
Did the manga finished? I have it on my backlog
Already exists my dude
desu desu desu
I forget when, but moot was shitposting and someone asked him when he'd stop and he said something along the lines of "soon, my child. soon" and then he posted "i told you so!!" on Cred Forums shortly after his retirement announcement.
No. I've said it before, but the only way the majority of us would leave is if the site actually dies, and even then you're looking at a split between users trying to pick through tons of replacement chans, and another sizable group just quitting the whole thing cold turkey.
I can't listen to this without thinking of Moot's long-ass goodbye anymore
He dedicated twelve years of his life to us. What's another eight hours?
Holy fuck man, you've gone and made me sad again.
It's gotten worse every year since 2005.
I got real depressed whenever he started choking up, never have I heard the voice of a defeated person.
They live on a happy isle.
Fucking when?
rip in piece thread
I miss moot
3rd impact
>thanks faggot miss always
Rumba > Ringo > Bure > The second OP no one ever talks about
I love you too user, good luck.
I will call you a faggot with shit taste one more time before thread 404
Happy birthday faggot
Nostalgia threads are nice every once in a while.
I love these threads.
Should of an hero like the greatest of anons.
For Cred Forums maybe, current board should be nuked.
Hiro would have to fuck it up pretty bad and whoever made the new would would have to be literally moot for that to happen. Hiro fucking it up is more likely than I'd like to admit so I will probably stop using imageboards altogether when it happens. All things considered this place isn't so bad when compared to the other clones out there.
To be honest, if moot made a new chan I'd probably at least lurk it until it ran it's canv.as course.
See you next year, faggots.
I love you guys
See you next year
>thanks faggot miss always moot
I always will miss that #faggot.
There were only two truly epic gets and they were both on Cred Forums.
I'm leaving this place forever. So long, suckers
Triple 666 and what else?
See you tomorrow.
See you this weekend.
I love you too, user.
>there will be a day moot will actually die
>people will really throw four-leafed clovers
As if I wasn't feeling depressed enough already.
What day was Asuka's birthday, again?
December 4th.
Time flies, huh.
Never leave