We wait for spoilers either today or tomorrow.
Boku no Hero Academia- All Girls are Best Girls Edition
The Best
I love all the girls in MHA except Froppy.
How is Horikoshi so good at making hot designs???
I shouldn't have read all 108 chapters in one day.
Now I don't know what to do.
>except Froppy
literally why?
Read it again.
this is genuinely what I did. I have so much manga downloaded that I need to read but I just read BNHA again and again. it's so good.
He has the best grasp of human anatomy of any artist I've seen in jump save maybe Miura when he gets off his fat ass to actual release a chapter.
I just fucking want Jirou interacting with Deku
>5 minutes
>/ss/ Froppy doujin
You mean Murata?
his artstyle has a softness to it that allows him to create super cute characters and he draws their bodies in a somehow more realistic way that makes them look healthy and naturally attractive instead of pure fapping material
Let's chew on this in the meanwhile: as UA's Quirk Counselor, how would you deliver a Freshman Orientation Speech?
Also, does anyone have Viz's translation of this page from Chapter 5?
>Fujos think Aoyama could be the traitor because he isn't smiling and sparkling in the volume spine.
I mean we don't know what he did in the USJ invasion but, seriously?
Anyways that Vol. placement is triggering me.
no, kentaro miura of Berserk
He's not in Jump, you retard.
Also, he has terrible anatomy.
But he isn't in jump
Miura isn't a Jump artist, and he's not really a name that comes to mind when it comes to anatomy.
didn't see the "in jump" part
this is what i get for browsing Cred Forums at 2am
shittiest taste detected. kill yourself familia
>I love all the girls in MHA especially Froppy.