Hey user... would you settle down and have a family with me?
Hey user... would you settle down and have a family with me?
No. You're from a meme anime, you're ugly, and I don't know anything about you.
Rejected again.
>meme anime
What's wrong with you?
That's my wife you're talking about buddy. Apologize.
You're my waifu but right now I'm more interested in Emilia.
I know animemes when I see them.
>I'm interested in a mary sue
No fuck you cuckfag
I love Emilia
who are you?
What ethnicity have natural blue hair?
i tried watching this shit once but it was really REALLY bad. why do people like it?
Why does it look like there's a bait hook behind her head?
The Tale of You
>So there I was being an user in some other board
>People over here suddenly liked using this word "cuck" over and over again that it became the hottest epik new meme buzzword
>Later on, I went to Cred Forums, a board totally foreign to me/I don't visit as much
>I started using "cuck" over there as if I was still in my home board, after all I believed like an idiot that every Cred Forums board has the same norms.
>I don't know what this "NTR" word is, but anyway, I used "cuck" over and over again to spread how epik the word is to Cred Forums, not knowing that they have the equivalent called "NTR" way long before I got here
>"Cuck cuck cuck lolol cuck lmao cuck Cuuuuck Cuck!" says me, the newfaggot
>And thus, I become the summer newfaggot nobody likes
>The End
Maki a slut
Who is that and why do they look so much like Ram?
Stop memespaming my wife
shut the fuck up
Once you get past the horrible 1A episode, it gradually picks up.
Merry Christmas
Sure it has been my dream for quite some time now.