Most anime characters tend to have the same facial features making their nationality ambiguous unless it's said in the...

Most anime characters tend to have the same facial features making their nationality ambiguous unless it's said in the show what they are.

Post characters who canonically wouldn't be chinks in real life.

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She has a legit Japanese name though

Lupin is an interesting case.
At least one of the OVAs stated that he was half japanese.

But Monkey Punch said that he sees him as a globe trotter, who just enjoys being in Japan a lot.

every MC that isn't either ambigious anime face or blatantly asian has a 75% change of being "half japanese, on his fathers side"

Yes that is true. It was also said by goemon that Lupin isn't Japanese though he still respects him as if he was one. I've always seen him as Caucasian. He is literally drawn with big round eyes purposely instead of your typical anime eyes. I'd say e does have Japanese in him, but the French/white side overpowers it making him look like a typical white man.. And a beautiful one at that..

I've always thought he looked somewhat franco-italian, with a hint of serb.

I interpreted lupin as average looking but with a truckload of charisma.

Is spike a jap yes or no? I'm thinking no for 2 reasons.

1. No Jap can have that hair an still look cool

2. Watanabe is obsessed with America.

More like a countryload

Something like this wouldn't be human in real life

The fuck is that from

he's a kike

what makes you think that?

Spiegel is a jew name

Nose isn't big enough though..

He is clearly a martian

middle-eastern jew + serb or adriatic, not classic east euro jew

Isn't Lupin italian?

I don't think anyone in that show is Japanese unless they explicitly said so, Spike is clearly caucasian. The only one I'm on the fence about is Faye.

Arsene Lupin was french so I just assumed Lupin was too.

Yes French. And Jigen is American because gun.

He is. I don't know where a on got Italian from. Perhaps because the recent series takes place there, but Lupin is French obviously.

Jigen I believe is Japanese but he was born and raised in America. If I remember correctly, he's from Bronx New York. It's possible that he may not be Japanese, but it's a fact he was at least born in the US which would explain why he's such a badass.

Fujiko is Japanese?

Spike is (Neo)-Italian.

Anybody who says otherwise is a true retard.

Faye is japanese, they said it, her space ship crashed in 2014 I think

spike is canonically martian

Lupin is supposed to be kinda ugly, he has a monkey face and people calling him out on that is a running gag. Monkey Punch himself confirmed this.

So what the fuck is he supposed to be?
I know he's a hapa with Japanese in him, but I'm not sure if he's Canadian or Mexican as well.

>Jigen is American because gun.