Who was the best Horizon?

Who was the best Horizon?

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All of them.

dfc wolf

All Horizons are best Horizon.



The pervert Miko.

They're all the best Horizon.

I like Masazumi best, personally.

They're all pretty great but Kimi is my personal favorite.

Season 3 never

The flat blind? girl.

All of them, though I personally prefer the flat chests

Just believe.

All Horizons are best Horizons but my favorite is Nate.

You mean Suzu, and she's not a titcow, but definitely not flat.


Remember, Suzu's tits are big enough to hook over Adele's arms.



Pic for reference

>Nate is bigger than Malga
How about that shit?


Toori is easily the best character in the franchise. Not to mention he's one of the strongest and most alpha protagonists in existence.

Masazumi is not even in the chart


You posted her.

That's because Masazumi doesn't even have breasts.

Fucking bullshit, no way the dog has a bigger chest than lesbo witch

Nate has more volume. This is important.

Nate and Miriam are perfection

This threads lacks Mary


So deliciously flat

A man of fine taste.

Still no better butt than Tomo.

I need more.

Would you a girl with a child?

I can do that.

Would I what? Have sex?

Should I read Owari no Chronicle before watching Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon? I've been reading some chapters of Owari no Chronicle but the start's kinda slow and the premise doesn't seem as interesting Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon.

And not annoying.

Why is her butt so round?

I haven't finished it yet, but I hear that some stuff in Horizon makes more sense if you know what happened in OnC. Definitely not required though.


Why are her boobs so round?

>Should I read Owari no Chronicle before watching Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon?
There's no need to, all the background information can be gleaned from the show itself or you can read a two-minute summary of the setting first if you like.

Owari no Chronicle is really good, though, and I recommend it. Read on until the "Amazing poison" scene and if you still don't like it you can drop it.
Alternatively, give the Drama CD a try, it covers volumes 1A and 1B.

Tomo's are rounder.

Alright thanks, looking forward to reading that poison scene.

S3 soon. I can feel it.

>We'll never get more of this fine specimen.

Top waifu

Maybe someday.

About tres España...why the fuck there are two baseball players?, no one in my country plays that sport (I'm spanish). It's because once again nips thinks we are cubans/southamericans?

Mexicans are innately good at baseball

The Nips love baseball above all else. It's probably an interpretation from the Far Eastern part of Tres España.

S3 never.

I want her, Horizon, and Musashi to have a scene together where they see who can be the driest bitch.

Or her and Naomasa to compare their giant robot arms.

Asama and Nate are pretty great


Adele is great, it's like she was designed for bullying.

I wouldn't doubt it.

Do not bully the Adele.

>flat as a board
>smells like dogs
>so slow she's only useful as a shield
It's just too easy!

After the show i have only 1 question left
Do the Novelist and Shakspeare get togheter ?


Has Miriam given herself to Azuma yet?

I thought the scene in S2 when THEY FLIPPED THE SHIP was very touching.
It showed intimacy between the two despite the somewhat cool atmosphere due to Azuma's MISUNDERSTANDINGS hijinks.

From what I've heard, their relationship keeps evolving in the later volumes but I don't know the details.

I want to thank this series for resulting in art that made me appreciate hips&thighs.

Horizon's cast was amazing.

It's kinda funny that the images you usually get when you look up the for merch and ads for this series make it look like a porn franchise.


I'm in book 3C and she keeps in touch through the chat system.
She got really jealous when she learned there was another flat chested long-lived on the Musashi.

better than nothing i guess

I want to pluck Kimi's flower. If you know what I mean!

Tough luck , she's only avaiable to those she choose too


Rape exists for a reason.

She will dance you to death and then slap you

She's a priestess of the god of striptease, you don't think there are anti-rape blessings?

couldn't even be bothered to watch the show?

So if I subscribe to god or rape, will I get anti-anti-rape blessings?

It's worth a shot at least.
Just remember that she sent a lesbian flying with one of her slaps.

I hope she will send my cum flying with her slap.

why don't nipples like that exist

Good luck with that.

All of them, i don't know HOW Kawakami does it, but i don't dislike or hate any of the characters.

My afroamerican friend.

They're all pretty great, my favorites are Futayo, Horizon, Kimi, Amazon Teacher, Tomo, and Nate.

What type of man would it take to please Kimi?

a brother



I love Asama

Go away Kawakami.



I know this is just a thread just for jerking off to the girls, but I really like the setting and especially the magic systems in this.



The Shinto system seems a little OP.
"You can have ANY spell or blessing from ANY system if you can pay Shipping and Handling!"

Anti battleship mikos are my fetish

You want to talk broken, just look at Kimi

>She is literally invulnerable to everything so long as she is erotic
>Kimi is always erotic

I found this a little bullshit
>I cant use my bow against people
>But i can shoot battleship
guess what battleships have on them

Not really. She can be beaten with enough effort. Its just every time she fought, her foe stopped before she reached her limits.

Battleships aren't people, user. Besides she most just shoots out the guns. If the ship should explode because of that well then that's on the fault of people shooting guns at her.

I want to read erotic fanfiction with her.

Mikos are famous for bullshit loopholes.
The most famous being "If it's anal, I'm still a virgin."
I'm be disappointed if Toori doesn't reference this at all.

>"If it's anal, I'm still a virgin."
I know that doujinshi

Did Mikos need to be virgin? I thought that was more christianity thing..

I'm not sure.
I'd imagine up to a point, but it's really a thing that's passed down through family, isn't it?

can they date and subsequently marry?

Guess I liked Kimi, Tomo, and Suzu. Honestly most of the girls are pretty crazy and I'm not sure how enjoyable it would be to be around them in the long term.

Two best girls in one pic.

Nowadays the only requirement to be a miko is being unmarried, though in earlier times it was necessary to be a virgin.
seems like religion in the whole world think that virginity links to divinity better

I suppose it depends on the god, because I've heard that the Egyptians had beer temples with temple whores.

Yeah, they'd been removed in preparation for the sex change which would have completed the name succession.

Still want this hat

It depended on the shrine, the god housed there and the family's traditions. Some shrines demanded purity and chastity from their mikos. Some didn't.

Most shrines would typically have a priest and a couple of miko's, and even at the shrines that prized a miko's purity were usually willing to let miko's leave to get married when they wanted to. They recognized that saying, "No," would often result in a miko having sex with the guy anyway, and then coming back and performing her duties while dispoiled.

Better to just let her go her own way.

But, for the majority of shrines one's purity didn't matter except during the indoctrinational rites. A miko was supposed to be pure when she wore herself to the shrine's gods, but after that if she had sex with someone else that was considered alright.

It's not directly stated, but I get the impression most skirmishes in Horizon end when either side runs out of protective charms, which means having to pay extra for a spell outside your repertoire would make you run out of Blessings quicker, or be cost-prohibitive.

The loophole is that she shoots the shells fired by the ships, and it just so happens that her shots penetrate the shells and accidentally hit the battleship behind it.

Huh, I learned something new today.

This. This so much.

I remember a few months ago (or maybe it was last year), some kind user made webms of several of Malga and Margot's fight scenes. Anybody happen to have those?

This. Especially since the Tsirch nations aren't allowed to use internal Blessings, all their spells have to be prepared ahead of time. On the flip side, they're easy to use for that exact reason.

She would also often shoot the platforms out from under people.

also Im not sure how this is for the whole world as Ive only seen the anime but there doesn't generally seem to be a whole lot of dying going on in this skirmishes.

Battles seem to have sense of objectives and rules in place to make victory clear

The whole schools idea suggest me is that they're trying to save as many people as possible , in order to have spares in case this world reproduction fails.

Apparently there's plenty of dying once PA Oda get involved. I still haven't reached it yet.


I'll give you the sauce because this is a comfy Horizon thread. It's from Amagai Brilliant Park, a pretty top-notch comedy series.

Not that. The doujin


Muneshige is plowing that. Or isn't. I dunno their relationship is kinda weird.

Cant wait to see how her husband goes to take her animated.


Puberty Crazies, by the guy that wrote Koi de Oshigoto, about the underage hentai VA.

Masazumi>Miko>Perverted nee-san>Black haired lesbian angel>the rest in no particular order



Naomasa taught me that I have a fetish for exposed shoulderblades.

This is perhaps the one boner I can't fully understand.

so why don't we have more seasons?

The fans want it, the material is there. Just leaving money on the table


Do you reckon he has a big dick? Or is it inversely proportional to the rest of his body?

Horizon can do that too, when she's not covering it with her hair. According to the book, that black part is her skin.
There's also Gin and if ever we get S3, I think Terumoto from Hexagone Francaise.

IIRC Sunrise said a while back that they wanted to do more seasons of Horizon and Accel World but their time was taken up by Love Live.

That's not the image I meant to post.
For the Terumoto statement, look at her cameo in the last episode of S2. Her shoulders are bare.

as if I needed another reason to hate that shit

>Love Live
>Accel World
my hatred grows ever deeper

Terminated or Zone Alone

Does Horizon come with proper equipment to please Toori?


This. The entire point of the Testament and the Academy system is to prevent the kind of near-extinction events that happened during the Age of Dawn.

Oda's tactics, in that sense, are way out of the norm. They use dragon line reactor bombs that are basically akin to nuclear weapons.

Zone Alone

>Does Horizon come with proper equipment
Toori is too perverted that he wouldn't enter a relationship with her if she didn't.

The most high-tech automated dolls can reproduce in Kawakami's universe ever since Owari no Chronicle.
You can assume that's the case unless Kawakami directly dismisses it.

>…Do not worry, Master Muneshige. We are still thirty-seven away from all fifty times, so let’s keep trying.


He is.

well good. she's a nice girl who deserves her bowl

Don't they make it a point to specify the reactors almost always only hit evacuated areas?


elevens cannot wrap their minds around the idea of seasonal shows with breaks between seasons, despite a handful of successful shows doing just that

Indexfag, or rather Kamachifag here, we've been asking the same question, especially since s3 would cover the actual good parts of Index.


>that crease
I need to go feel myself down below.

Yeah. I just wish the face was a tiny bit better.

I wish someone would make/sell a replica of Slicing Dragonfly

spears as so underrated

>also Im not sure how this is for the whole world as Ive only seen the anime but there doesn't generally seem to be a whole lot of dying going on in this skirmishes.
There is a lot of defensive measures that are available but are basically offscreen.. I just assume everyone is hard to kill.

At least not that time when they nuked the pope.

Also this. Everyone is stocked with all kinds of divine protections.

Speaking of which, he's got to survive somehow, because he and Galileo were using Staseis Porneia, which being Horizon's Lust, would be the most important one to Toori.

So when does he show up again?

As of vol.7, when I dropped reading KnH, not yet.

Masazumi carried this series in all honesty, especially season 2.

truly best girl

aside from Nate

Oh right, Nate's a girl. I keep forgetting because of her lack of tits

Not nearly enough screen time to be best girl. Would have been one of my favorites if she did.

F. Walsingham a cute!

Yeah, but she has a world class ass.

show had class badonkadonk across the board

My mechanical nigga

ment for

Huh, I would have guessed Kimi was bigger but Asama actually has the noticeable edge when they're all unbound

Based on the spoilers eventually some mysterious figures who are presumably the pope and Galileo deliver Staseis Porneia to Horizon during a pinch

This, it's a weird setup where the main protagonist is more like a heroine and a flat politician without any love interests does the most to push the plot forwards.

Tonbokiri best husbando. I can understand why, but it's a shame its speaking parts got cut in the anime.

wait it could talk? That woulda been so cool.

>I can understand why
I can't. Just give it Bardiche's voice, it's a magical talking polearm.

Same goes for the chains.

In the anime is mentioned that she's a werewolf , doesnt that mean that she can transform ?


God fucking damn. It's almost criminal how juicy and delicious every Horizon girl is.

They do have sex in the novels so yes she does.

Enjoy it while it's still alive.

At least with no more seasons we'll never have to see him die.

Horizon werewolves are different, they're basically spirits.
"Hard wolves" like Francis Drake are more like our definition of werewolf.

>“Listen. Both of us may be lupine races, but Loup-Garous have some differences from us, especially the pure-blooded ones. Hard Wolves like me are either humanoid wolves or a fusion between wolf and man, but Loup-Garous are the wolf-possessed.”

>“Wolf-possession is a spiritual phenomenon. Instead of a human going mad, it’s a wolf spirit possessing a human. And…”

>“Just like standalone spirits, spiritual beings can easily surpass the abilities of those who live in the world of men. Do you understand? Don’t let how Loup-Garous look fool you. They’re no different from a spirit with a human form. And the moonlight fully draws our their true nature, turning them into a monster. They were the gods of fear itself in ancient times. After all, the Loup-Garou is the oldest monster in Europe.”

>“If they possess a human and devour other humans long enough, they eventually gain a true spiritual body. Once they can leave their host and still influence the real world, they’ve reached the knight class. When those intermingle, they give birth to a Loup-Garou with an actual body that can continue to devour humans and become a noble class. Above that are the royals and the highest royal is the queen."

As for transformation, no she can't.
>She could not tear off and throw such a gigantic piece of the crust’s metal frame and she was not a pure Loup-Garou. She was a half-human who could not even transform.
Nate-mom and other pure Loup-garous can, though.

Thanks. I'm happy to hear there's nothing that could ruin her nice figure

Having Toori's kid probably will.

but that's a good thing since we will have a mini Nate

It's great.

Pretty sure we already met her kid, and she wasn't little.

There's a serious lack of Yoshiyasu in this thread.

>ruin her nice figure
That's probably why Kawakami decided she couldn't transform.
That, and to act as a power limiter for Musashi's fighting forces because true werewolves are ridiculously broken in Horizon and Nate would overshadow every other fighter if she was full-blooded.

Nate-mom casually cracks the crust of a small floating island, and she swings around a silver cross probably weighing several tons like it's a baseball bat.

Yoshi a cute.

Have a Yoshy.

And she very graphically described how her human husband tamed her by taking all her holes while she was tied up. Not relevant to her strength, but definitely something that would be cut out of season 3.

live Yosh > dead Yosh

>and she swings around a silver cross probably weighing several tons like it's a baseball bat.
A silver cross that, in theory, SHOULD hurt her. It is the equivalent of Dracula drinking holy water for fun. She is so powerful that she is unphased by a weapon that hurts her on contact.

It can only hurt her if its power is turned against her and the silver weapon has its will aligned with her as an ally so they fight together it seems.

n-no ;_;

I don't think she really is, but its been 14 books since then now, and she still hasn't been even hinted at like the pope and galileo.

Are the SPEARs really their future kids?

Wait what?

I think that was a theory someone was floating, since every spear seems to correspond to a specific character. I haven't kept up with the latest spoilers so no idea if that was confirmed or not.

It was partly confirmed false, at least for Hashiba.

What was the deal with Hashiba again? From the spoilers I only remember Nobunaga being Horizons original body with an automaton mind.

>Built in copulation button.

Im not quite sure you understand how copulation works

which is pretty standard for Musashi. Where are the teachers.

>It can only hurt her if its power is turned against her and the silver weapon has its will aligned with her as an ally so they fight together it seems.
Well the thing is, we know that the silver chains her daughter fights with actually DOES hurt her daughter on contact with her flesh. And the chains and the cross are basically a pair.

I wish I lived in the Horizon world. I know I'd just be some nobody and die a meaningless death but it looks like it would be pretty fun.

>implying there isn't one button for the lower regions

Hashiba was never a main part of the theory since she isn't one of the SPEERs, so that doesn't harm the theory any.

I agree exactly.

Is Asama the type to never marry

Hashiba is an automaton body Nobunaga uses to interact with the real world since her actual body is too damaged to move around.

The regular Kawakami threads got moved to /jp/.

It does. Remember after her fight with Walsingham, one of the first things she requested was her nails to be painted with a special coating. That's probably the substance that allows her to use the Argent Chaines without hurting herself.

Yoshy a cute.

Pants have to be pulled down manually, sorry.
Refer to article 4 of the Futurepast clothing reference I have attached, however, and you will observe that panties are generally attached only with strings to the hard points. If the strings are detached from the hard points, they can be removed without having to slide them down the legs.

>At the lower stomach of her inner suit, the panties portion had been removed from the left and right attachments and then fallen down between her legs. It was still attached on the butt side, so it swung down like a pendulum.

Came here to post this.

>Is Asama the type to never marry
She basically has to. She is the heir of the shrine and she needed to fuck someone to pass down the family business to the next generation.

looks good to me


Hell, even your death would probably be kind of fun.

>Not wanting to become more than some nobody and winning over your waifu through courage if not power

Can someone give me a spoiler of Masazumi moments after S2?


Basically what does she do after the Armada arc. From what I've read of the story it seems to point toward more actions and we all know it's not her forte.

She needs more love

She earns a well deserved reputation as a warmonger.

I like the lesbian witch. And she already has a waifu. And I'm not a girl. I mean, even in my imagination I don't stand much of a chance.

Fucking Masazumi, I knew she was a monster deep down. She needs to learn how to outmaneuver Toori it seems.

>not imagining you're a girl
>not imagining the witches are down with lesbian threesomes

>it's been 4 years already

Sorry. I was always told I had an underactive imagination.

She becomes someone knowledgeable about pressing two balls together, sucking on them, and then tugging on them again and again.

>You will never have sex with Futayo

She gets a running joke where she's harassed for declaring war every time the Musashi negotiates.

She pulls down her underclassman politician colleague Ookubo's pants down in a debate in front of the whole ship, like what Toori did to her. Pic related.

3A through 3C
She continues learns nationbuilding through meetings and negotiations, especially with Qing-Takeda's Yoshitsune, Anne of Austria

3C through 4B
Neshinbara gets put temporarily out of comission, and she proceeds to fuck up a battle since she's lost their best tactician. She vows that Musashi will never lose again.

In general
She expands on the Musashi's policy, because really it was initially a very hollow excuse they used to save Horizon with. She aims to stop the Apocalypse and many of Musashi's actions are centered on this: collecting information (through force sometimes), buying important items like the Mayor's balls, and increasing cooperation between nations so that they'll share their knowledge on the Apocalypse and spiritings away and such.
Next, colonize the outer world so Japan can be just for the Far East.
Until then, Matsudaira will be fair rulers and resolve all history recreation peacefully.

>implying she knows what that is

This is true, it says so on the Divine Network.

I came across depictions of such negotiations recently

>Implying you know that is

Wait, I'm a retard, isn't Matsudaira the guy that blew himself and Mikawa in season 1 or did Horizon take the name too?

any Asama spoilers

The Far East will be ruled by Matsudaira, that's the clan's name. Horizon is officially a Matsudaira now since she's in every way the heir to Mikawa and the Far East, and in the future all of Japan since Matsudaira in the end becomes the ruling clan of Japan.
The clan name was changed when Tokugawa Ieyasu changed his name. Before he was Tokugawa, he was Matsudaira.

Muneshige got there first



There was blood

She continues being a violent perverted drunkard.

That's why I love her

broadcasted on national tv



I had the whole wiki edit scene cut and pasted and green texted up trying to post it a few hours ago, but there was some stupid error and it was lost, and I was too lazy to try it again. Bless random anons who had the same idea I did and referenced it anyway.

Her perversion is off the charts in some of the untranslated stuff.

I'm still disappointed Miriam was just a red herring all along.

I recommend reading Kimitoasamade if you haven't already.
If you want more Asama, she's the main character there.

I will give it a look. thank you.

She love Toori right?

everyone love toori

I don't.

Okay, I'm lying, I love him too.

I mean love in sex, fuck and shit

so did I

Seriously, is she in the harem or not?

is it even a harem? He's pretty dedicated to Horizon

Do you shit in people you love?

Toori's harem is Horizon, Asama, and Nate, with possibly Horizon and Horizon joining in. all the other girls are pretty much paired off by now.

I mean his sister, the werewolf girl and Asama

Asama and Nate move in with him to join his harem.

Everyone is in the harem, but perhaps not the harem you're thinking of.

>all the other girls are pretty much paired off by now
What about Kimi?

Obviously his sister isn't in his harem, she's pretty clearly paired off with Futayo

>with possibly Horizon and Horizon joining in

>Horizon and Horizon joining in
I understood that reference.

Horizon thread?
More like, reason to fap thread.

She'll only be with someone stronger than her. She's spending a lot of time training someone to be stronger than her. Seems pretty clear what her endgame is.

What? you're dumb

If you really want to know, just scroll up and read all the spoiled text. Its pretty much the biggest spoiler in the series so do with that what you will.


>all the other girls are pretty much paired off by now
Masazumi, Futayo. Adele, and Suzu?

It just 2 of them


those tomos.

So who?

Do Futayo and Masazumi interact much later on?

they're cousins aren't they?

Wait Seijun got someone? Last I heard only the boy had SO.

I think that user is implying it will be Futayo, but that doesn't make any sense.

Only by name inheritance. They aren't actually family related.

Masazumi is staying pure for Tsukinowa.

She is Kimi's property.

>Adele, and Suzu?
They belong together. Adele will be the husband, and this role will finally allow her to get past her breast envy. Who needs breasts if they're the man of the house?
These are all 100% confirmed™ by my uncle who works at Sunrise.

fuck love live who ever made it can go to fucking hell

I thought it was just a joke about her arms.

Masazumi spends a lot of the battles being carried around by Futayo.

And at one point Futayo decides if she has to marry someone it would be Masazumi. Then she beats someone up for attacking her wife.

Masazumi loves only war. And adele will probably be blacked by that guy who destroyed her mobile shell. You're right about Futayo of course. That just leaves Suzu pure and innocent forever.

Well I didn't think of that, but lets just say I'm a master joke teller and what I said works on several levels.

>And adele will probably be blacked by that guy who destroyed her mobile shell.
Sassa already has Fuwa. But don't worry, Adele still has Yoshy to be her dog girl.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.

>And at one point Futayo decides if she has to marry someone it would be Masazumi. Then she beats someone up for attacking her wife.

Well OP no sense in making a thread if you're going to post best girl in first post

so has he came inside them?

Horizon had first dibs, so yes for her.

They've been busy with Honnouji since, so the other two have to wait until later.

did toori ever have sex yet? also anime fag how much emotions did horizon get so far

Miriam a cute.


From what js06 tells us she has them all, and they totally do it and accidentally broadcast it.

holy fuck really broadcast it kek so now their only mission is to stop the Apocalypse now right?



official tiddies are best tiddies.

any of the other girls

how long did they do it

More than a minute, less than 18 days.

Does he has sex with Asama yet?


so a day?

finest of tastes



Toori will break this record with Nate.

You should have seen this already if you're reading the LN translations.

Not because he has to either, just because he wanted to continue.

They discussed this and weren't sure if being a half-werewolf would make it take half as long or twice as long for her to conceive.

who are they having sex with

The one with the log.

what is this series about? never checked it out before

Who wouldn't, right?

Even better if it's for science.

Narumi isn't having sex in that one and Nate-mama is getting with her husband for 24 days straight.

Based on everything that you saw on this thread, what would you guess?

>what is this series about?

That is an excellent question that I would like to answer for you. I can't but I wish I could.

Are Kawakami threads allowed back on Cred Forums again?

The thirty-years war.

A student council with too much power takes over the world. Also history lessons. And whatever you call this.

They were never banned, it was just some faggot newfag mod who probably already left at this point.

It's probably the image that OP used that misled them. Also the fact that it's not labeled as a Kawakami thread. Probably.

There's a bit to explain and a lot going on.

It's the far future, where after a few apocalypse scenarios, humanity has fallen from the heavens to a ruined earth, and they're trying to retrace their steps through history to rediscover the technology without killing themselves.
The thing that was telling them what comes next, the Testament, has stopped updating and everyone is afraid this means the end of the world.

In the middle of all this, a big hearted perverted idiot named Toori Aoi, who is technically the leader of what represents Japan, has decided he's going to confess to the love of his life, even though she died 10 years ago.

Some shit happens, so they have to go around declaring war on the entire world to collect weapons made from a girl's stolen emotions.

Just watch the first five episodes and decide if you want more.
Exposition is going to hit you like a Mack truck, but just try to follow.

The last time an LN thread got made for this it was still

I just want to take out part of why I love the ship flip so much was because they took the time to show Adele actually planning it out in her head.

Something about the heroes actually racking their brains to come up with the crazy shit they pull just makes it more impactful


>characters from later arcs



>24 days straight
jesus fuck that husband got some damn stamina

Just believe

>look at all these nice things you'll never have

He only lasts that long because Nate-Mama shares her werewolf energy regen with him while they do it.

Fuck love live Idol bitches

Well, when you fuck a werewolf in Horizon, they kinda suck the life force out of you.
But because of their deep bond, her regeneration was applied to him too.
So their energy just kinda got looped between them, while he fucked her long and hard so that her body would learn that her hymen didn't have to regenerate.

And just wait until you see what Nate-Papa looks like.

He's the manliest stud, I honestly can't compete.

>he fucked her long and hard so that her body would learn that her hymen didn't have to regenerate.
Truly this series is a gods gift to the world


its a shota they got fucking stamina in hentai too

Such a perfect being could only come from a perfect union.

did toori fuck any other girls or is he planning to fuck more girls

He's eventually going to fuck the werewolf and the Miko.


which one gets it in the butt.

Can't say for sure, but Tomo is a Shrine Maiden and secretly perverted as hell.
So that's two strikes against her.

against or FOR?

Same difference, really.

I want to fuck Shakespeare

Raw, even.

Push up contest when




Man Id love to take her flower

I have been looking for an incentive to continue reading for a long time. Thank you, user.

I think the term LIGHT novel in this instance is a real misnomer

I don't even know how out of date this picture is.

Here's the most up to date one.

>go to bed
>wake up
>thread is still alive
I didn't expect this.

Sweet Googley mooglily

Movie never

is a movie even viable without being like 5 hours long

I would fight the whole world if I needed to win her hand in marriage.

okay so here's how it works.

Ill help you in your fight for Kimi and you can help me fight for Tomo. And then I guess we can double date because they're besties and probably gonna force us to hang out anyways so we might as well get off on the right foot with a buddy cop adventure


Giraffe, please.
