Saddest Panda Thread

Other urls found in this thread: english



Is it bad manners to TL something that has already been? I was considering this, someone else posted and I wasn't going to anymore, but there's so many mistranslations...

If you feel you can bring something new or do it better then by all means go for it. Also if you feel you can do a better job at typesetting or cleaning then feel free as well. The only time you shouldn't is if your translation is word for word the same or has very little difference

The Guy who makes Hajimete no Gal is still doing Gal doujin. It is good to see on all artist forget where they came from when they get a manga deal.

It's an absolute waste of time. Barely anyone is going to read it and nobody is going to bother to help you typeset/edit something that's already done.

Unless you plan to waste even more of your time by typesetting it yourself.

What are some delinquent girls
Gyaru are welcome

I may have something new for you

Yeah cgrascal and laruffi versions of things are all we need.

That's true to some extent.


Any more prostitution like these? The prostitutes ends up addicted to sex even after they stop getting paid

Anyone know where to get that (western?) fakku book with Linkle in it?

Have some links:

>bad manners
Who are you trying to impress? If it's a shit TL anyway go ahead, it'd be appreciated by some but know you'll probably get less hits from it thanks to the shitty one being up earlier.

If you want real bad manners try sniping a project someone is doing now like succubus stayed life 3 because they're a slow piece of shit.

tfw exhentai won't let me login anymore

>open up sad panda
>open up new translations
>Doujin Mukashibanashi
>what's this
>extreme hardcore NTR where mother fucks infront of her son
>get a boner
I think I've been in too many sad panda threads

>sniping succubus stayed life 3

>Is it bad manners to TL something that has already been?

No. Also don't listen to faggots like there are a lot of folk who would appreciate releasing proper translations for anything CGRascal butchers. Like improving Henkuma's Ushio doujin translation.

I just looked up CGRascal's uploads and every single one was above 4 stars. You're deluded. Are you even a translator? Lmao

>Legitimately using stars as a rating of a translation's quality.

You're actually retarded. Sorry, I don't talk to stupid people.

You gave it away m8.


I'm completely serious by the way. The satisfaction derived from a CGRascal TL compared to a translation by an N1 JLPT-certified native English award winning writer and translator by EOPs is so little that it doesn't warrant a redo.

For the time spent on redoing a gallery that probably nobody is going to click on, a translator could be translating any of the thousands of material which would immediately yield more satisfaction than a redo of a bad translation simply because it's new.

Stars doesn't mean much. Also, TL doesn't seem to mean much either, since you can probably rewrite the dialogue with anything delusional that makes sense in english and no one will complain.

Who rates low because of editing/translation?
I rate it based on everything as a whole.

I don't want to edit anymore, or I'd post it.

It seems the more you improve, you realize there's always more work to do and it only gets worse.
First editing: 1h
Last editing: 8h



>Who rates low because of editing/translation?

I do. I've been giving almost everything CGR butchers that I like a 0.5 star and slapping the poor grammar tag on the gallery.

Ops, nevermind it, I read leotard and thought leopard for some reason.

Are you also making a comment pointing out at least 10 errors? If not you're likely to get banned from tagging.

0.5 star ratings are meaningless because ratings that deviate too much from the mean get discarded from the average. Use 2.5 stars instead.

>because ratings that deviate too much from the mean get discarded from the average

What's even the point of rating then?

Savage man, you sure are doing a lot to stop the tyranny of CGRascal

Thanks user, I do my best.

Fucking Tosh, burn the traitor alive.

If you were an H-manga artist: a person who does fictional pornography with endless scenarios and creative possibilities...


this tbqh fampai

What up

>Anyone know where to get that (western?) fakku book with Linkle in it?

You can read it for free on Fakku, you just need an account to do it.

Speaking of vanilla, Jewcob sent me a message earlier today, telling me Fakku's going to have some positions opening soon and that he'd like to talk to me about it.

what the fuck
I just want to translate vanilla in peace

Nagare Ippon actually gets pretty creative with his plots sometimes. He used to even do a pretty long fantasy style hentai story back then too. Would love if he went back to that sort of stuff, but sadly I think most of the magazines publishing stories today don't really have a penchant for stories that aren't some form of modern japan setting instead of something that is actually a fantasy setting. Comic_Unreal is the most well known one I know of that does so.

They draw what the people want. What the people want is vanilla. Plus some loli.

No, they do what their editors wants.

And what do you think the editors are motivated by? Hint: Sales and survey results

If they do this one thing out of endless possibilities, then it might just be an indicator that vanilla is, in fact, the best.

>tfw Jewcob-senpai doesn't notice or email you
I-it's not like I wanted to translate for faggu anyway b-baka.

Well given that you'll never have sex it's all the same difference to you.

I need help, how do I clean

The original lines are visible so I don't think it's impossible.

How did he manage to screw up that bad?

I-it wasn't me I swear.

I was asked by my friend to clean it so he can typeset some translations.

why do i KEEP seeing the panda

Take it as a compliment. Or a ploy to remove another prolific scanlator from the scene.

what a shitty taste

The least you can do is set it to B&W and white brush the dirty parts, but I think you'll need to redraw some of it.

Think this will get a sequel?

Go ask him.

Source, "onegaishimasu"?

Don't worry, mother NTR is a patrician fetish.

Teach me how to select which part of an image to make into a reaction image, senpai.
How would you make the crop here?

Example (right girl drinking yoghurt):

In my humble opinion, the thumbnail is the most important part of a reaction image, so I usually try to optimize for that. But: I'm always unsure how much I can leave out when focusing on faces, especially in images with high foreheads, lots of hair or clothes. I also always feel really bad to cut away so much from the hair and clothes. Hair plays an important role in Cred Forums-related character designs.

Example prototypes (image related, from left to right):
1. image optimized for head (all hair shown)
2. optimized for facial expression & thumbnail
3. optimized for context (not as narrow due to some background, more cloths detail like the ribbon)
4. compromise of 1 and 2 (face, much hair; notable lacks space to the left)

In 4, space to the right (hair) should probably be traded away for more space to the left (see: 3), where the subject is looking.

The Erotic Side of Miss Nonoka. In the latest shitsurakuten, also translated by the jews. Excuse me while my cat sips this coffee.

Hentai coffee even.

2nd from the left obviously

Her hair is irrelevant

Have a look at this model example

Thanks mang

But hair is so nice. ;_;

(I just noticed that the vast majority of my reaction images is from short-haired girls.)

I'm fucked then.

Original lines are a big help but some lower contrast areas will definitely need redraw.
Don't count on me.
Not anymore top 2 of april

Blue or Red?
Honestly this chapter is worth subscribing for. I've fapped to it at least 10 times now

I wonder who's behind this post.

Fuck you

So I tried 24 Dunmachi doujins. Here are four best ones. (bestial) (comedy most fappable (lili

You should consider it. Not many people get to translate pornography for a living. Of course you would be selling your soul, but money is money.

post pigs

I'm jealous. I applied last week and still haven't heard back ;______;

Accept it and then do meme translations for money
Living the dream

I never even applied, that's the funny thing.

What the fuck do I looking at?

>do I looking at?
What the fuck am I looking at?

>followed all these steps
>still cant get past sadpanda

Do they update every time someone finds a way to get in?

I believe there is a waiting period if you just created your account.

Oh fug just realized it's only been 6 days

Does the ExHentai Easy 2 plug-in work?

Just be patient, for fucks sake. The porn's not going to grow legs and walk off.

>The porn's not going to grow legs and walk off.

How do you know?

>Does the ExHentai Easy 2 plug-in work?
How can you claim to have read this image and still ask that question?

@ Kalevala !!MOlwtfFBLWI

Hows the progress going along on [三色坊 (Darkmaya)] 酒飲精呑 (Fate/Grand Order) [見本] ? Sorry to keep asking but i been dying to view it.

Any user wanna translate a doujin with me?

1-has to know either jap, korean or chinese

You really think there's only one or a two people who supports Fakku?

I think there's only one or two people who bother to shill it in these threads.

You should probably post the doujin in question first.

not yet decided

>wasn't here during the x-eros, kairakuten purge
Nah man.

I'm all done. I've got bunch of other /fgog/ related stuff coming up too and I'll upload them in tomorrow or on Friday.

>Commissioned by SkillfuLoli
Someone paid for this? With real money?

Anyone around here gonna watch worlds tomorrow?

You're right, tomorrow we could all get hit by a fucking meteorite, and then there will be no porn. But the odds are against it.

So you mean start a partnership/group? Post what you're interested in and people might join if they share it.


>a partnership/group?

I don't know... I was thinking more like doing it for fun, that sounds too serious for me, or maybe not, I would have to look into it.

I like artist like Kojima Saya, Yuzuki N Dash, Uo Denim, Ishigaki Takashi, Oohira Sunset, Udon-ya, Doumou, etc

Thank you soo much can't wait.

Well, if you can edit, depending on what you want I might be able to translate it.
email: [email protected]
ex forums: Danicco

I also know a thing or two about editing (that's what I like to think at least) so if you think your editing isn't good and/or is within my capability to teach you, I'd gladly do it, but I don't want to edit anymore.

Portuguese-BR anons: Isso também vale para quem quiser editar para pt-BR, traduzo quase qualquer coisa.


stop using plugins

there was nothing decent about her to begin with

Anything with lusty villainesses raping innocent heroes?

nice, I see you have a fetish on rocket monkey or something, very nice work.

I'm sure we can work something out. Don't you have a discord btw ¿?

and would you teach me portuguese insults I would like to understand what huehues say to me in league and overwatch

>mfw I lost the bookmark of a site that uploads fakku-exclusive stuff and I forgot it's address




Kalevala fuck you, there is nothing worse than be fapping and see finland beared jesus at the end.

why you lie on the internet user?

lolitrains is a fucking pain to edit.

Anyone planning on scanning/uploading these 3? If not I'll claim them now.

Any update of this?

The answer is exactly the same as when you asked it the previous couple times. Digital will be available in a few days, don't expect physical soon or ever at this rate as Mikocon appears to be dead. Or mostly dead.

Post tewi Doujinshi that havent been scanned yet.

>Mikocon appears to be dead

Literally everything, doesn't matter if its good or bad.

At least a good number of magazines have digital versions. Not all of them are very nice to look at though.

I hate to ask this. What are good h-mangas that are not in sadpanda?

The ones at Fakku™

New methonium parody.

Any more of these? classrooms are preferredd:

sauce on pic?

Is copying and editing the translation

And adding it an autistic thing to do?

If the image quality is better it's not, no.

Lots of autists do that, you wouldn't be the first.

I'll keep going then.

I need onee-sans.

I hope you die in your sleep.

Looks like I was beaten to the punch but just incase you missed the upload

It's been a long time wish of mine to commission some drawfag to make me a nice genderbender version of the page but I never have enough cash after I am done buying doujinshi

God shiokonbu does such great covers it's too bad his recent stuff is Victorian shit
Holy fuck that adorable art style. The title set my expectations up so I can't say I didn't expect old men, but hopefully one day he'll do a doujin with her onii-chan too.

I, too, need this.

I was surprised how many volumes of this thing we were missing. Here they are in less than stellar resolution.

It's pretty crazy to think he's been doing them for like 10 years or some shit.

anyone got the title for that one where the dude is getting tutored by a girl, he fucks her, goes to tutor her little sister, fucks the mom and then her sister? has like 6 chapters.


bless you user.

someone repost that doujin about delinquent all girl school with futa heroine forgot the title
nutted so much in one reading

I got bored after 12 pages.

Don't forget the after-story


This is also related.

And then this one I guess is even more distantly related.

Any sad doujins?

Who makes the most happy end doujins
and why is blmanian

>he fucked another one despite having a loving girlfriend and a stupidly large harem



Your image's text is very relevant to yourself.

>being a semantic cunt over erotic chinese cartoons

I don't post on Cred Forums often these days, but I am having a hard time going to sleep. Any horror doujins worth checking out? None of that guro shit; more like the shit that really messes with your mind.

Check out Henshin if you haven't already.

How are you guys getting past the sad panda?

Close enough

The ritual dance

>current year
>still getting panda

Is that some junji ito shit?


just b urself

Whats the extension/script that lets you hover over panda links on Cred Forums?


>there are no good mother loli daughter titles

>page 10

/ss/ is fucking rare get used to it

I meant /ll/ damn it


The only one I can remember right now is this:
Cute lolimom for one chapter, then the MC has a threesome with lolimom and his girlfriend. All coated in the sweetest kind of cute sugar so your dick can contract diabetes, thank you for everything Murian.
If you mean oyakodon with a lolimom and her daughter or lolimom x loli daughter /ll/, then god damn I'm going to suck your dick if you can find that. Even normal mother x loli daughter /ll/ would be great.

Yeah, no. aside from this I got nothing

Raise middle finger

Appreciated, have another tanned from same month

I'm looking for typesetters for some upcoming scripts. I've got scripts coming soonish for C.Meiko and Nao Kokonoki that could use typesetters, reward in credits/hath to be negotiated.

Also I have a willing translator who'll be doing all the previously untranslated chapters for Muronaga Chaashuu's new tank (I've commissioned scan of it, should be out late next month). If anyone would be interested in typesetting that, let me know.

I may also try to finish this Kotoyoshi Yumisuke tank. These projects vary from simple slapping text to bubbles to heavy redraws required so there should be some doable material even for the less experienced editors.

I am thinking about taking commissions for C91. I have a few idea for how to manage it, but I would like to ask you all what way you would like to get a C91 commission.

Right now I am thinking of making a site to take all the request. I will do offer a few services, the first will be getting stuff from comiket and mailing it the person. The second will be getting the books and scanning them, and either posting them to panda or sending you the file.

I haven't worked out pricing just yet, but I my main goal is provide goods faster than other sources.

Don't worry, that's only one story. The last one in the tank.
The chapter I linked is clean, and so is the one right after it.

Have you looked at how much others are charging?

A site works if you want to attract people from elsewhere. A thread on the ehentai forums is also a decent way to start. Check out some others scanners' threads/sites to get an idea.

1. Yes have a shitty blog with details, quite essential.

2. Do some free releases you know will be popular to a good standard of quality, and put them on the panda with commission whoring information, so your name gets out.

3. Wait for the meagre amount of shekels to start rolling in.

I have, but looking now isn't that helpful since there is always a mark up around comiket. Also it is hard to know how much something will cost before the comiket. However I may have a better idea about prices once C91 is closer. I want my prices to be fair so for just me grabbing the book and mailing it to you I would just charge the price of the book, total shipping, plus a small service fee for me doing the leg work.

Will while I wouldn't say I am popular I am pretty sure some people have seen stuff I have scanned.

I really don't have time to make this a full time or even a part time thing. I plan on just doing seasonal work for the 2 comikets right now and see how things go from there.

A bit more on my pricing model, it will be set up that the more work you want me to do to get you the book the more it will cost. So if you want me to scan the book and send you the file, then you will save on shipping but will have to pay a fee for each page scanned. I think now the standard rate for scanning a book is around .75 to 1 USD per page. There is a lot of stuff to that needs to go into this so if anyone has input I am open to it. Seeing how it is people like you that I will be working for.

What the fuck. I could have sworn that I've accidents like this uploaded before

Is there any reason people would want a scanned physical copy over a digital copy of a doujinshi?
I have a few that are already digital scans.

Digital in japanese standards is often low-resolution and the most ridiculous par its that sometimes its actually a scan, not even the master images.


Oh fuck I honestly need to finish writing this
Here's a good example of why.

Alright then, I felt like I was going to get harassed for uploading that stuff. Thanks.

>3. Wait for the meagre amount of shekels to start rolling in.
I wish I could remember the time I actually got even a meager amount of shekels

You should also prepare your butt with some kind of clause for when someone uploads a shitty version of the doujinshi that you got commissioned to scan and the commissioner gets angry

all i can think of mother daughter titles if pic related
would've been good if it werent for fucking bestiality

It's scary how japanese digital stores will do a complete hack job. I wonder what the original artist thinks.

This is one of the reasons I want to get into the game now. Panda is used by japanese a ton since they have no other good option for getting good scans. Netflix and things like than have shown that people will pay money for something they can steal if you make it easy to get and offer original content that isn't half bad.

I mean come on there is tons of money in porn and this seem like an untapped market. I just have to do it in a way that doesn't make me look like a dick.

They will most likely email you incendiary emails and in my case ask hosting to remove my blog

I feel that there is a gray area that one could work in at the start. Doujin are already in a legal gray area. However there are plenty of sites that main job is to sell them. If one could set themselves up like one of those sites but just with a focus on digital products... All I am saying is that there are footholds and loopholes in a market space, being the 1st to take advantage of that could net you a good deal of money

Why do people point out huge file size when it's uploaded in good resolution? Are they just being autistic or is that a thing?


They are usually third worlders with slow-ass internet and/or data caps

Because while I approve of high resolution scans, using common sense is also a good idea. 1GB scan of a 20 page doujin is... slightly overkill.

>6000px, full color 20 pages
1GB is reasonable for the lossless torrent though.

It's not even cleaned. Those "white" areas should actually be pure white

Yeah I guess but you can tell by looking at it that the leveling could use some work. The colors looked washed out. I am by no means good at leveling, I tend to oversaturated my colors, however even I can tell when my white spaces need a bit more leveling.

something I tried to level

x-links even works with private galleries..

As long as you have the link you can access any private gallery, which is why the sadpanda API (and by extension x-links as well) also supports them

Just need the tokens to find them all now.

Despite hiding all the western shit, it still makes me sad that people upload that in droves

Doesn't take a lot to make you sad then

panda chaika is moe
Diabetes. And shaving.

Was 5 a.m. hidden from exhentai search?

When will there be a site with admins that aren't retarded?

Showing 1-25 of 324

Don't be a retard when searching.

>I'm not stupid, it's them!
Man, this is probably the best futa on male porn I've ever read.

What is the gateway hentai to homosexuality?

Futa duh

"traps are not gay"

Of course they are

Anything by locon will make you doubt yourself.

>not old udk
>not shimaji

this series got me into traps

>Chastity Belt
Okay, normally it's hidden in one page or something, but I really can't see anything even resembling one in this one.

what are some english +

DV when ?

Alright, bounty for editing C. Meiko's chapter is up.


Here you go

Anything for Homunculus

I was on Akiba checking some goods and I found Shingeki's Watashi no Morale by Harusawa just because I liked the the the other tank with the Lying Girlfriend ntr story I tried it.
How one can put so much fetishes and make it be so boring?

huh why is exhentai plug in bad? i've been using it for years without a problem. forgive my ignorance i don't really frequent these threads.

Anyone know of a good tankoubon that will take a few hours to read?

It's been known to cause an error saying your account doesn't exist. We get a lot of posts in these threads asking about said error, and thus the plugin has come to be reviled.

huh i wonder why i've been spared the error. I'm sure now that i'm aware of it it'll happen the next time i want to fap.

The blush has been protected!

thanks, that's great

If you are thinking about selling hour scanlations doujins. No. Just no. That's both idiotic and shitty

That's cute a wanna be jewcob.

I wish people cared about Remora Works as much as I do.
I wish their new stuff would get scanned assuming they're still around.

so, fakku?

Glad I'm not the only guy who thought that

anyone got any gud genderswap
i really liked this one

>Liking cowtits

>tfw doujins no longer fill the void


Ikezaki Misa

Thx user


Oh wow, new Exe's distance chapter was a tall girl x shortstack 3some.

And Mahaya's character had mole on breasts.

I didn't know I wanted this so much.

Ryo chapter was shit though.

Why do people get so salty over Ryou lately? Or is it all one person

did Emergence got deleted from SadPanda??

It's been over two years since Wani started getting their content removed from panda. You should know what to expect with Wani book uploads by now.

Karasu is pretty good. Why is the tank still untranslated?

Because translating a whole tankoubon requires a huge commitment. Most times just the interesting stories get translated.

Because it's Wani you fool.

More like this?

>if I lick your dick will you listen to mommy


>it must be one!
You can go to panda galleries just but have you seen his late works? Like he is trying comedy but doing it half assed. Or maybe is black comedy.

Have you seen his earlier works? He's always been like that.

Yes. Authors tries variety, people are free to like and dislike it just like people like Rocket monkey ntr work while others like his vanilla works.

>that nyuu time stop doujin will never get a sequel
actually fucking kill me

Is it fair to say that liking femdom is a mental illness?

I prefer assertive.

How to add images to comments?

You, specifically you, can't.

Post unique(or just a bit different) art-styles. Amatsukami is criminally underrated.

Im not asking if i can, im asking how.

Which one, the Aya and Momiji one?

I like your attitude.

Is this good enough for you?

Be the uploader, do it in the gallery description, and have special privileges.

Then how kalevala does it here?

Comments support BBCode?

Private gallery and BBCode.

> no good h-manga because mikocon is being slowpoke and c90 is over without the good shit ever getting scanned
> NTRPG3 suspended / dropped
> no other good h-games
> no good jav because dvdms, sdmu and iene which are my go-to labels dropped the fucking ball these past few months
> not even good western porn on shitty sites like hamster and phub

Haven't been able to masturbate for a week. I'm dying a slow death.

>not reading the wiki

Alright, now, what do you mean with special privileges?

user, please.
One more time.
>not reading the wiki

So i have to create a gallery, make it private, and thats it to be able to post images?

Not sure if its worth it to donate $20 to be able to do it.

You can buy them on the forum for gallery points/credits/hath, whatever. People do that with the $100 gold star as well.

Why do you need to do it so badly?

I dont, i just got interested.

What was the name of the doujin where a female guard starts working at a prison and gets raped by the prisoners?

I think that's from either arakure or yuugiri

What are some doujin artists that are legitimately fucking great and are actually kinda wasting themselves with porn? Minori Kenshirou and Kiyoshirou Inoue draw better than most mainstream mangaka.


>tall girl x shortstack 3some
Dear fuck.

i love trains

who are you?
Come up with great encouraging words to make my cleaner work faster.

Good taste.

Anyone have a link to this? None of the sauce places have it.

Yandex does you degenerate.



>Guro amputee
Squadala I'm off to hang myself.

The artist is obviously Blmanian, should be easy to find.

Sauce on the ferriswheel ride?


Still craving some psychological horror hentai please. No typical guro shit in terms of horror hentai.

That one hentai that I can't remember the exact name of, but it was some Ghost In The Shell/Blade Runner tier stuff with the girl in the story not technically being human. Easily among the quickest tryna jerk but will read for plot instead hentai doujin I have ever read.

>3D image
The sooner, the better.
>loli anal book
>scat out of nowhere
Well shit.

Please tell me there's some policewoman rape doujins not on panda, otherwise I will be very sad

You say that like it's a bad thing.

trying to find a group futa on regular female manga, can anyone help?

there's some policewoman rape doujins not on panda, otherwise I will be very sad

it's basically about how this chick is the only fertile female left, and all the other futa chicks have to fuck her

never mind, found it

I had some loose change in the form of credits and hath so I went and bought the "right"

What artist was this again?

> shortstack
Is there a tag for shortstacks? I bet there isn't. But at least "trap" got helpfully renamed into "tomboy".

The closest thing is oppai loli.

> oppai loli
Worse than scat Tbh

What are you a fag

Oppai loli is on the same level of delusional idiocy as furfaggotry. You should all kys.

I just started reading some of the artist pages on fakku
I never realized Pyon-kti was married to Momi. Are there any other artists who are married to each other?

Most artists are pretty private about their private life. It's "rumored" that Udon-Ya's two members are a married couple, but I don't know if that's true.

Nah, just gay.

How do I filter tags from all searches? Settings screen gives me nothing.

You need tag flagging perk and even that still shows the results but you can hide the thumbnails for flagged works. So you can for example make a flag for scat and when you see a missing thumbnail on the search results you know to instantly ignore it.

> You need tag flagging perk
So no can do, then? Ah, well.

There are no more, that story is one of a kind, it's a masterpiece.


Civilized people say "kill yourself", you know.
In fact you should do that right now

After months I finally found the gumption to sort through some loose images I had in a folder labeled "SORTYOULAZYMOTHERFUCKER". I rev up my hath client and get ready to download some doujins en-masse, and I find out they scrapped the whole hentai@home downloader system. What the hell? What does running the hath client do now?

Wow I never realized how fucking retarded the exhentai staff is. I never had to realize because hath just werked. Is there another P2P doujin program I can migrate to?

who draws he lewdest faces

>What does running the hath client do now?

Give you GP, hath and a number of free downloads based on your client activity. Also the H@H download only ever gave you resampled, lower resolution images so using it to download was a stupid choice.

Honestly I had to further downscale them to use them on the devices I wanted to, so that wasn't my problem. I can't believe some people don't understand the significance of bittorrent.

>Is there another P2P doujin program I can migrate to?
Despite all the shit the site gets, they still run the smoothest service

Who keeps adding those shitty manhwa to Sad Panda?

On that topic one could set a watch directory for ones torrent client to emulate the convenience factor, but then what would one do with every other archive?

Who keeps adding those shitty western vore furry galleries to Sad Panda?
Someone please translate this, it seems to be way too fun to remain forever in Japanese. These two pages in particular are great.

Why not just commission some poor scrub to provide you a script?

Because I'd rather put in as much effort into that as I have into learning Japanese. the joke is that it isn't much
I'm just betting it all into the possibility of a kind translator picking that doujin up on their free time because they liked it or something.



Is panda dead?

As usual the answer is no.

fuck you man I need to trade my gps.

search hentai at the cafe

post stuff with cute girls involving torture, guro, depressing shit, etc BUT has a good/happy ending

Anyone interested in editing any of these?

Guess the news didn't even reach outside my continent. Recently a man (45) is sentenced 10 years for impregnating his 2 daughters (age uncisclosed)

>The Chronicle of Mutsumi's Breeding Activities
>no impreg tag

Didn't you get the memo? You have to have a panel of a sperm entering an ovum for the tag to be used

But there's no mention of impregnation of any kind, just lots of sex.

Will this ever get a decent scan?

Holy shit this is perfect

>"titles never lie" says the gullible user

where do I go for bounties?

apparently amanoja9 has a book out on toranora I didn't know about

I can give you some hath for it if you want.

>Can't log into e-hentai
I can access the front page, but everything else times out!

>butcha-U's 60 page delightfully fuckable and unrefined still hasn't been translated

its just not fair

Pay someone to do it then

Wasn't there a Tsuyu Asui /ss/ doujin in c90 previews? Did it not get scanned?