Favorite butt from manga/anime?
yeahhh Boiii!
Butt of the year.
I loved how in a relatively (visually) restrained show this showed up out of nowhere.
Fucking nips man
My waifu's.
Chinatsu butt is a recent favorite
The best butt belongs to the girl you love!
Yeah I agree with this.
His waifu has a really good ass.
I want to bury my face in that plump rump
This butt was the only reason I watched the show
Eating out Hibiki's ass is a miracle.
mikan is a miracle
>You will never be a bead of sweat rolling down a round, soft ass cheek
Fuck my life.
>Favorite butt from manga/anime
this is hard to say as I am not a nigger. now if we were talking about cute tummies that is my specialty.
Canon head of the ass class and Anal Queen.
Hibiki has a top tier tummy as well!
Truly a miracle of the universe!
Liking asses doesn't make you a nigger. You can have a girl with a flat chest, but you can't have a girl with a flat ass.
Her butt, her belly, he thighs, her back, her genki, everything is Hibiki's charm point.
What about her daddy issues
Non-existent after GX, just like Topdad will be.
You literally cannot beat this ass
It's the most perfect anime ass of all time
big fat mom butts!
what do anime butts smells like?
Miku became her new daddy, right in time for puberty. It's why she was hesitant to make up with her old dad. She may get along with him now, but in her heart she understands that Miku is her new daddy, and this daddy needs her cummies.
Chaika butt.
Seikoku no Dragonar or something like that.
It's not hentai though, just ecchi with a lot of tentacle rape.
w-what is this from?
The good thing about non cropped images is that the built-in Cred Forums google reverse image search actually works
big butt on top, mini butt on the bottom.
>no Sachi
Let me fix that.
All hail Fate's ass
I don't speak jap tho
She's not that attractive DESU. Loads of other girls look more unique AND attractive
3D butt
did they do this on purpose
that's one fat butt
Fairy tail might be shit, but goddam the girls.
I don't recognize this, source?
New Game!
>all dat biscuit
I'd nibble on Bikki's biscuits.
is it ok to look at sleeping butts?
Nigger here. Personally, I prefer big breasts with a cute, small butt.
Truly Bikki is the best Bikie
If they didnt want someone to look at their butt they would use a blanket.
>two more seasons of biki
>they've surely run out of 'repeat' character progression ideals
The future is bright for bikifags.
You say rape but they are definitely enjoying it.
You say rape but they are definitely enjoying it.
Also, posting best butt.
Papi has indeed a cute little butt that should be getting rimjobs on an hourly basis.
What a time to be alive.
I want to stick it in where that rabbit is.
I have had a bit of a weeb relapse as of late, I have been out of the loop for at least a decade or so. I am currently watching Gurren Lagann, and holy shit I'm surprised at how much sex appeal Yoko has to me. Not having a 100% extremely annoying personality that grates on my nerves helps, of course.
lurk for 2 more years before posting again
Simon you're a fag.
Why, is the show hated here?
post ruru butt
I can't believe the best butt hasn't been posted yet.
I must know where this butt comes from
What is this
IS failed me
Black Butler: Cielin Wonderland Part 2
no u
Nice ballsack
Good taste
Such butt deserves a bigger picture.
Good taste.
You know you should keep going right? Even if I am not, fortunately, around to encourage you.
Much better
Don't forget the Mikubutt.
Big supple Zenbooty.
Giantess butt
>valkyrie drive
That show had so much for so many people.
I want her fat ass on my face.
Where's this from?
Can't believe this one was not posted yet!
Great butt.
my niggers
Ah, yes, google guessed "anime". Well done google.
symphobutts are great
I like this thread.
Me on the right!
Top tier ass.
Okusama ga Seitokaichou , s2 airing this season
Isn't she supposed to be flatter?
Are they barbie dolls?
For that scene specifically? yes.
If you have to ask, then you didn't lurk enough.
Cred Forums is filled with contrarians
It turns out, plutia has an amazing ass built for grabbing,riding and using as a pillow.
Jesus Christ. sauce?
Maken-ki. OVA 2 i believe
that ass doesnt look attached to the body and its freakin me out
Hotaru wins every time
I unfortunately don't have a pic and I can't be bothered to find it, but I remember there was a moment in season 2 of SAO with an excellent shot of Sinon's ass.
this thread is ass
oh lawd, sauce
Boku no Pico
I think I am turning gay. I look at all these large asses of 2D females I can't help but get erect. Somehow they are super interesting and require copious amounts of observation.
This was the ass that turned me into an ass man.
nobody can top haruhi's butt
I beg to differ
Butt of the year, all years
There are two types of assmen.
The kind that only value an ass based on weight(the fools)
And the kind that appreciate the geometry of the ass, regardless of size. (True assmen)
Tiny, shapely butts are a treasure too. No true assman would accept flabby, cottage cheese.
Large butts can be shapely too.
Let's not forget the ass/hip/thigh/waist ratio.
Ass appreciation is a complex thing for sophisticrats.
This thread is so heavenly.
This. Same is true of tits.