How did you guys like Oyasumi punpun?
How did you guys like Oyasumi punpun?
I like it but Cred Forums hates it now because it got popular.
>mc is a fucking bird
you a clown OP
I avoid edgy crap like that.
I personally dislike it, or at least think it's overrated. It's not particularly bad until the past 2 volumes or so.
That said, it seems to be fairly well received on Cred Forums still. It's just not popular anymore since it's long ended.
0 flaws
Masterpeice, no kidding
it is over rate
if you want realistic SOL with loser MC
read some thing by Matsumoto Jiro or Hanazawa Kengo
I thought it was pretty good overall, up until near the end.
Is the MC actually a bird? The scene with the uncle and the loli, when she went to take off his pants showed him as having a human torso.
You are joking right? Do you know what symbolism means?
I figured them being birds was just symbolism. I'm only up to the scene that I stated. Like chapter 30 or so.
>this is the kind of people who call punpun overrated
>this is the kind of people who call punpun a masterpiece
No, I'm enjoying it. I just wasn't sure if symbolism or Japan being weird again.
Stop implying, my dude.
>they didn't read the manga
>No more comfy punpun threads with nox dumping new chapters
These threads show up daily, and Cred Forums almost completely ignores them.
Punpun has been discussed to death, and now it's too popular for f/a/gs.
>Show up daily
I haven't seen them around for a couple of months by now
You don't browse Cred Forums early enough, user.
Guess I don't
Pretentious normalfag stuff. Sometimes enjoyable. Can only partially relate.
It's well known that moefags love to use Punpun for false flagging and making people who enjoy manga and anime with more mature themes look bad. See the recurring The Tatami Galaxy (or any other Yuasa work), and Eva threads started by a ""clueless"" OP making a dumb statement yet at the same time calling the show a masterpiece. This is all done in purpose to piss off third parties and negatively influence Cred Forums's public opinion on those works. That's why the thread go generally undivided, because their plot was already discovered.
It's good but very dull and pointless sometimes like the 58 chapters about the cult of nothing where nobody learns anything any nothing happens