Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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First for procrastination and self-loathing.
Am I blind or isn't Zaregoto in the CoR? Anyone got a download?
Second for watching JDrama all day.
Hi there.
I am currently living in Japan as an exchange student. I'm here for 10 months and to give you an idea of my level I'm probably around N5 right now. My goal is to get to N2 or N1 by the end of my exchange, and whilst probably sounding unrealistic, I'm hoping I can make a study plan to enable me to do that.
Firstly, I will be doing 4 hours of study a day, currently I'm already doing that but I'm just going through JLPT flash cards and memorizing any kanji and vocabulary I don't know, and learning through that along with the Genki textbooks to supplement. After I complete Genki, what should I do from there on? Is going through JLPT flash cards a legitimate way of studying, or is it not optimal? I will likely be again, supplementing that with different textbooks the more I progress.
If you're in Japan just talk to people, watch TV, read whatever and seek interaction.
Textbooks you can do once you're home, if you even need them then. I'd say they are a waste of time in your situation.
If it's helping you then it's all good.
>10months in japan
Nice one couldn't waste your time any better you fucking faggot.
It depends on your goals. Are you seeking to pass n1 to help you out academically? If so then study your fucking flash cards. If not then focus on content you enjoy.
Nice reading comprehension you fucking mongrel
It's no longer 2003 now. Go back to the past.
I guess "Why the hwabyung?" is the modern equivalent
>Are you seeking to pass n1 to help you out academically?
Is that smart? Interviews exist.
Need help especially on the 3rd bubble.
Is Tae Kim's guide down for anyone else?
で 「良いの知らないか?」 って ジャンボに聞いたら 作ろうって 言い出した
What's the hold-up?
I feel it's still not up-to-date
I guess ガイジ slur for "handicapped one" is the trend
During talking about topics that isn't involved with Korea, if you use that term, people would think you as ニュー速+、ヤフコメ tier (dens of netouyo) and ケンモメン (imagine just reversed netouyo, they're as cancerous as netouyo) gather and ruin threads and boards with brainless "arguments".
Stop posting.
Japanese humor is the worst.
I've been in japan for 1.5 months after going here n5-4, id now considering my level n3 but I havent done the test. Some things:
Learning passively mostly happens after you understand all the context around what you don't know. in other words, Language immersion becomes more helpful the higher yoyr level actually is. 2bad4u right now, but what I wanna say is do less flashcards after the first few months and more socialising/watching/reading.
Where you are right now, with your language inadequatacy in your face 24/7, is a good motivator for study, but really, you shouldve arrived more learned. I say this because I should've arrived more learned.
Really try to be social, even if you don't know what the fuck is saying besides gist add to the convo based on the general topic you can discern when others stop talking for longer than a few seconds. This is how actual convo progresses in luls in aby language and makes you more than awkward scenery to peoples lives. They might even appreciate the hapless gaining if he's friendly and not 100% mute.
Good news: the standard for Jap is so low in japan you probably already seem like a master. People will appreciate the effort you make unless their English is good and you're in a pragmatic situation.
Keep a notebook for words you don't know, don't handbrake a convo for it unless it's essential for you to know, but not every time you recognise a word and don't know it. mine from real life, basically.
It has become a habit for me to study everyday. This has become an addiction.
>I've been in japan for 1.5 months after going here n5-4, id now considering my level n3 but I havent done the test.
that's not at all an unusual or difficult increase in skill level
But it's very usual to overestimate yourself.
Language learning is exponential yeah.
At the start you're just binging on shit you don't understand and you feel going nowhere.
Then you finally know enough to start actually reading, and the more you read the easier it is.
Then before you know it you watch shit without subtitles and can insult a native in a culturally hurtful way with impeccable grammar and a vocabulary that'll induce an inferiority complex in him.
Anyone that's not an english-native probably experienced it since we're in Cred Forums.
I can't wait to do the same in 2ch tbf
make fun of them for that instead
I am.
>I can't wait to do the same in 2ch tbf
I'll never visit that garbage dump in ever again. You're not missing out on anything.
I'm not sure you should look at listings and see if jlpt is a requirement.
No, you're using something else to make fun of them for that
That's not the same as just making fun of them for that
Well yeah, it's an imageboard.
I'd be surprised if it was not.
do nips usually roman keyboards with hiragana printed on it?
>ろ all the bumfuck down there
How do they usually kanji their shit up? Same way we do with Japanese IME?
But 2ch is a textboard.
2chan (futaba) is an imageboard.
Yes, but nobody uses it.
pls respond
You get used to the keyboard layout you grew up with and every other one looks like bullshit to you.
I think they just use the standard windows IME in romaji input mode and ignore those hiragana only buttons.
What do they use then?
Love that OP, definitely one of my favourites next to the Oosaka one, great job
>Finally get added by someone male on hellotalk
>It's some ultra normie jap chad who's into bodybuilding and hiphop
Guess I'm not gunna be able to get away with speaking like a cute 中学生 like I usually do
They use IME just like us. I heard some old people use the kana input but these would be the type of people who take 5 minutes to type out a single sentence while looking at their keyboards
just like you
What the hell is that kanji? I can't make heads or tails from it
>Anyone that's not an english-native probably experienced it since we're in Cred Forums.
This so much.
At least he didn't keep calling you handsome all the time and saying 「君と仲良くなりたい」.
Jesus, that guy was a fag
Jesus christ I was trying to work it out for that guy but I never would have guessed that
That's pretty elegant. I added it to
3/4 of the way until I move on to only getting vocab through mining. I'll consider reading 四叶妹妹 like you all suggest XD
Christ that's a lot of orange and red. Did you add 2,000 kanji in 2 months or something?
Wish I had the autism for 600 reviews a day.
How long did you study on this deck? ^^
Took me like a month to build up to it but it was just a result of doing my reps in the morning and still wanting to study a bit at night, so I would add 30 or so extra new cards later in the day when I was bored.
I know this means "whether you like or not..." but I have two questions about it:
1. How is the second 好 read? The first is obviously konomu, so is the second kou or yoshimi?
2. Why does it mean what it means? まざる means 'to mix' so I can't really figure it out a way for it to make sense in my head.
Appreciate any explanations
>1. How is the second 好 read? The first is obviously konomu, so is the second kou or yoshimi?
>2. Why does it mean what it means? まざる means 'to mix' so I can't really figure it out a way for it to make sense in my head.
No, ~ざる is a verb conjugation.
Oh I didn't know it had a reading that involded ma. That makes more sense than mix lol
Can you use set anki to learn kanji by radicals?
I just mixed up つまり and つもり. This wouldn't have happened if the japanese used their respective kanjis!
You can't learn Japanese.
>This wouldn't have happened if the japanese used their respective kanjis!
This describes my entire time learning this language
It's from 好まない → 好まざる
This wouldn't have happened if I knew kana!*
Except 特に is written in kanji all the time
This is what you get for being a pleb that doesn't study Classical Japanese.
Paying close attention to kana is a pain
ソ, ン etc still make me stop for a sec sometimes
You haven't played enough JRPG then.
b d
p q
They're all very similar too and I doubt you'll ever mix them up
You can't learn Japanese.
Does this make any sense ? What i'm trying to say here is that, there are alot ways to say one thing that are the same.
I'm putting new cards to 0 for a couple days and there is nothing you can do to stop me
how you type that backwards b?
How much do you pay for the charge of cell phone per month?
In Japan, I need to pay for about $90 per month per person.
In family, we usually pay $350-500 monthly.
I think it is too expensive. What do you think?
I pay 15$ per month here in Europe.
People say this way too many times in this thread
Is this niggah for real?
What the hell is that springy thingy
I pay roughly an equivalent of 8,3 dollars each year.
Why does she hate the kanji that much? I guess there is only one いれる that works here but separating verbs seems like a good idea to me :(
literalyl doesn't matter unless you're a gaijin and most gaijin think they want fewer kanji even if it doesn't actually help them
That's a Japanese slinky
What kanji would you use there?
The real question is are YOU for real kuso piggo
How do I get fit on a conversational level?
Is there a good way to just learn spoken japanese and the vocabulary they use?
Oh yeah. I'm the realest.
>Only 常用 counts
Ha! Read your first novel.
Then why are you asking a question that makes you look like a DJT faggot that thinks it's 入れる?
If you know 淹れる you should know you why it's not used in an educational video and shouldn't make boastful statements like
the idea that there's some significantly smaller level of "conversational" vocabulary that you can learn and still understand tv and such is a myth
This thread is boring
Gotta bounce, see you guys tomorrow
Maybe 一つのこと(or事柄)には同じ言い方がたくさんある would be more understandable expression
I don't think you can handle a high-context language like Japanese, friend. You can clearly see the image is from some Japanese 101 video.
But I don't. I looked up いれる in a dictionary and 4 verbs came up, one of those was 淹れる. I don't know about joyo list or whatever I just want teachers to teach the correct writing of a given word
>I don't know about joyo list
literally dunning kruger
There's a difference between spoken and written in every language.
Yeah but good luck watching anime with that attitude
Ah, I made a mistake, 同じ一つのことor事柄にはたくさんの言い方がある(言い方がたくさんある) is correct
And your sentence means there are a lot of same ways to say one thing
いれる is the correct writing for 淹れる. You know, that's what the fucking 常用 list is all about.
Even some kanji in 常用 are getting used less and less. You can see stuff like 皮フ科 or 処方せん in Japan.
WTF!? I hate our shit service!
I hope the other country service join in, and destroy it.
Still, if you want to mine the word always put the kanji with it.
You'll learn the simplified version for free and you will encounter the unsimplified version sooner or later.
Yeah, yeah, you ankidrones do what you ankidrones do.
So the purpose of that list is making verbs ambiguous? When I git gud at japanese I'll use as much kanji as possible, it will be literally chinese
See it's only ambiguous if you're a beginner
stop posting and read more
When you stop being an autistic ankidrone, you'll might read some text in Japanese, learn what context is and learn how to use it to recognize words.
Right now you're peak lol, walking this Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you were making thread on /r/learnjapanese about how you'll read N1 in a year.
> I'll use as much kanji as possible
It's "I'm wiser than anyone in this class" mid school children or classic novelists tier behave.
It'll pay off once I play my first chuuni game and encounter stuff like 蠱毒 and 仇 on a regular basis.
>When I git gud at japanese I'll use as much kanji as possible, it will be literally chinese
if I see 3年A組 on a classroom
do I pronounce the last kanji as kumi or gumi?
But you won't see that. They won't allow shady-looking weebs into schools in Japan.
yeah, you're right...
>"I'm wiser than anyone in this class" mid school children
There's plenty of people like that in here.
>you guys are all learning Japanese the wrong way!
>lmao you're literally fucking stupid for asking a question I know the answer to
>nobody except me is allowed to try to answer people's questions since I'm the smartest
>dude why don't you just understand Japanese in a naturalistic, native-like way like me? No, that's not natural enough, you're thinking the wrong way, try thinking like me instead
Where did you download Flyable Heart from?
I just downloaded it from nyaa and it took all day long and now it doesn't even work fuck.
A good reaction image should have the text be readable in the thumbnail. Shame on you
A non retard can just hover over the picture to see the full version. 愛してる
Not good enough
Good. よくやった
>$90 per month
This is a joke right?
What is wrong here?
What's the problem?
If you're easily offended, boy have you come to the wrong site.
every explanation is "sexist" I guess so they're downvoted to hell by triggered retards
i don't think you get it, they're hidden by default reddit-style
>From a woman's other mouth comes a baby with perfect likeness
I forgot about that anime already. Thanks for reminding me.
I'm having trouble understanding kanji for some reason. in 日本。The first kanji stands for ni right? Looking it up though most places only show it as meaning nichi, jitsu, hi, -bi, and -ka. I believe. So how does it mean ni? On top of that why is the nichi reading in katakana? Isn't nichi hiragana?
It works, you're just not doing something correctly.
A symbol can have more than one reading, hence reading kanji in isolation is retarded and you should be learning vocab instead.
>not listening to ecchi japanese ASMR for listening practice
I usually hate ASMR, but hit me up senpai.
>2 hours
Dis gon be good.
ASMR is just too dangerous
I can't listen to one without going on a several hour long ASMR spree followed immediately by passing out in my bed covered in jizz
くらい means way too much different shit
You don't know the half of it yet 初心者くん
sorry i wanna learn real japanese not jerk off japanese thanks
give me vids of old men talking about baseball and the smell of their farts while constantly interrupting each other with complaints about how atsui it is outside while fanning themselves throughout
Says barely an N3. Shake hands with him.
It's like there's a foreign ghost floating around behind me giving the least threatening but most irritating haunting of my life.
青二才 is the proper term. 初心者 status is lost after learning kana.
Nah nigger it's like having a cute japanese gf.
Just watch any Japanese movie.
i want like real uncut unfiltered gomer chat
That is not o (お), right?
What, the あ? Why would she be saying おの?
Why would she just randomly say the word "axe"
its あの
Yes it is. She wants to confirm if the other girl is not, in fact, a hatchet.
Is ぞい actually an old man thing? Dedede says it too.
It's archaic so yeah I guess it gives off an old person vibe
Got any good channels to recommend?
>that voice
I swear to God that's a trap.
What does Akame ga Kill mean?
Akame gat killed
Not really sorry, at this moment I just go by the related videos.
There was this channel I REALLY liked but she recently made it private and now I can't watch any of them. She was called Gemmini or something like that. Her channel had unusual stuff like taking care of you and feeding you while you had a fever, going to see the fireworks together, and all other kinds of sweet roleplay ASMR, and her voice was lovely. Fuck.
I hope not but you never know huh. She's actually one of my favorites, her name is Yuzuki Akari.
and that video is the only ecchi ASMR video I've found of her. The rest are the usual cuddly stuff like ear cleaning and she has some examples on her personal YT channel. I think she does doujin voice work too.
>I hope not
You some kind of fag son
Akame kills (via sword)
Why didn't you download any of the videos?
It's your own fault.
Every single video on youtube will share that same fate one day.
>First for procrastination and self-loathing.
I got you
So many torrents for eroge on nyaa have exactly one seeder, that I sometimes feel like they're all the same guy and if he got arrested then the entire pirating community would be destroyed.
Anyway you need to mount the CD, using something like deamon tools lite
What is the longest/most difficult kanji you can handwrite from memory, DJT?
Probably 鬱.
I learned the numbers first and then quit writing some more days in
Probably 曜 since it's so common.
I could write back when I practiced handwriting everyday, but not anymore.
this kanji is fucking cancer
>he can't write 三
Look at this nerd.
At least he didn't post worst girl.
>handwriting kanji
For what purpose?
>you will never be Hifumi's pet
What is this and is there more?
Fluency. I plan on studying kanji writing once I'm deep enough in this shit language.
She really is the best.
Why is Aoba not replying to anything she says?
It's super duper fun :D
Drama CD. Yes.
She's supposed to be talking to her pet, which is (you)
I thought she has a hedgehog?
I'm autistic so please don't make jokes that are not completely obvious
She's talking to her hedgehog, but in a way that, at least at the beginning, sounds like she could be talking to her boyfriend.
I am trying to find an anime to watch with JP subtitles but it's hard to find the raw version (with seeds) anywhere
does anyone know series that are popular enough for people to share ?
looking for something simple on nyaa & kitsunekko
You do realise you can just turn the English subs off, you don't need to download underseeded raws.
Yes but will the JP .srt I get override the subs in the .mkv?
>looking for something simple
Look here kiddo, I'm drop some knowledge bombs on you Nama-sensei style.
The only reason you're looking for an easy way is so that you won't have your own inability to blame when you inevitably fail.
But here's the kicker: Nothing worth having in this world comes easy. So get off your ass and do some real work. Bitch
lolwot this doesn't even make sense
for doing a mining deck i need to make the cards myself right ? i mean looking for:
>the kanji
>ways to read it
and a what else ?
or is there other way?
Read the guide
I fill other with images here and then when it's easier or helps with retention. Of course everything but expression can be empty.
Sometimes I just put the reading and an image, for example involving food or terms that have a too lengthy translation like 絶対領域.
Today I did Anki for 36 minutes and then I read a visual novel for 2 hours and 4 minutes.
ok thanks, im reading some mangas and when i find a kanji that i don't know i look it up on, so i should keep doing that and add it to my minnig deck right?
I don't add individual kanji, just vocab.
However you want to do it is up to you.
I wish I were as cool as dailyjapaneseprogressman
Add the word that contains the kanji.
What the fuck is a 製箔者
I managed to let the IME fuck up the kanji twice
It was supposed to be 精薄者, which means "retard"
Is the $1 JapanesePod thing worth it? I can listen to shit during work so I'd figure I'd work on my listening/speaking.
Anyone have any good sites for recent JDrama? I can't seem to find any sites that have them streaming w/subs besides ones from like 5-10 years ago.
>add the word that contains the kanji
i don't know if i understand you so as an example instead of 食 i should add 食べる ?
Yes. Let's say you come across 確認 while reading a manga and you only know the first kanji. Instead of adding 認 to your mining deck, add 確認.
That should be obvious, I don't think user is retarded.
Did you not read his posts?
i see your point i think i wil do that
He said he was adding kanji, not words.
>be me
>starts playing and eroge
>uknow kanji appears, search it
>keep reading
>after 30 minutes same kanji appears
>forgot a bout it
>fuck.jpg search it again
anyone has this problem or is my autismo above the average ?
Most podcasts that are intended for learners are 80% English which makes them pure garbage. You'd be better off listening to people talking at a real pace where even if you can't understand shit you can pick out the key grammar words like それで、だから、 and get used to the rhythm and intonation of real japanese speech, as well as the aiduchi and such.
Although maybe higher levels of japanesepod are mostly Japanese
>preview of hellotalk message i received is something like "今日も一日頑張"
>it's just boring 頑張ろう
Is it from a cute girl? and what's hellotalk?
just wait until these fuckers find out about 強姦
I've said this before and I'll say it again, the bottom part of this kanji is the flag of the USA
having trouble with writing complicated kanji is exactly why you learn RTK
女 * 3 = Cunning and wickedness.
Makes perfect sense.
姦する is pretty cool. Do women = rape
these readings mess me the HECK up pupper
the >geei< mainten it while
>she< supports me
That's stupid.
The only one of those kanji that is even remotely uncommon is 維 and all of them commonly appear with their onyomi so just fucking learn more words with those kanji and pay a slight bit of attention
How is it a problem? If you use anki you should be having that exact experience every day. Every time you relearn something it comes back stronger.
You're stupid.
yeah thats how you do it boyz, drop kcal intake + poor sleep
fuck i want to live on my own again
Kind of like your random style a little more but it's cool to have two different styles.
I'm going to play a japanese server MMO that bans english speakers
W-wish me luck DJT
Buddhist monks in Japan would fast for days at a time as it allowed them period of great focus and mental acuity. The science behind short term fasting and things like short term memory increase seems to be supported. Not the poor sleep, though.
>fuck i want to live on my own again
I'm sure many anons know that feeling. What sort of cards were those mature cards you failed, vocab recall?
Which server/game?
What game?
>bans english speakers
If push comes to shove you can just say you're European or something.
They finally made a japanese IGN! Now I can waste my time looking at pointless game information in japanese with a decently designed website!
>gaming journalism
Fuck off.
I still can't get into this. Is it something like
"Don't know anything good?" If heard from Jumbo, let's just make he said?
I'm too retarded. Can somebody just please rough translate it?
Who are you quoting?
I imagine that would also get you banned instantly.
Piss off you fucking idiot.
You're on Cred Forums. Take that shit to Cred Forums.
Enjoy your ban.
I'm informing people learning Japanese about a popular website that they can read in Japanese and not the mess of that is 4gamer/famitsu. Ever heard of "compelling content?"
No need to get triggered my friend.
The bookshelves they sell at the store are too deep and hard to use.
And they look weird.
Is that so?
>で いいの知らないかジャンボに聞いたら作ろうって言い出した
So, when I asked Jumbo if he knew any good ones he said we should just build one.
Thanks man. Still having a hard time dealing with 'quoted' sentences.
I have no motivation to study recently.
It's my fucking job that killed it.
>learn everyday for 6 months
>nice progress could even start reading with little to no problems
>4days of night shift where I had to work my ass off
>come home, sleep, do chores and go back to work without having time to study or do anki
I have the time to study now, but this fucked my routine and 999anki reps are waiting for me.
You can't learn Japanese if you're not a NEET, sorry.
Just drop anki and read New Game
>they fell for the meme of learning by reading
>instead of just learning by listening while using anki for vocab, and therefore becoming able to read naturally
Enjoy having to relearn all the vocab you "know" because you know it by kanji instead of sound.
you cant learn japanese if youre a neet sorry
Listening to what exactly?
I've heard several times that "immersing" into the language by reading, listening and generally surround yourself with Japanese is very effective.
But what do you actually listen to user?
How do I call someone a fag in Japanese?
>What sort of cards were those mature cards you failed, vocab recall?
yeah actually, i fuck up the pronounce or meaning and i instant fail it
some where meaning as well but mostly pronounce, saying it too quickly or not giving it a pause
shit like that matters right, its a different meaning from 好意 to 恋 with the length
Is doing mining decks really necessary? I kind of hoped that after I finish 6k I just pick up the rest by looking shit up as I read.
tell them
how can they bear drawing their own characters this way
maybe they run a competition for kids?
>I kind of hoped that after I finish 6k I just pick up the rest by looking shit up as I read.
Of course you can do that, much like how you don't need to do Core at all and can just pick it up from reading instead. But Anki is more efficient for most people.
Yeah, get that, but just kind of hoped I wouldn't be doing Anki forever and ever, kind of hoped I could one day say "okay this is enouhg of a foundation, I get the rest by consuming actual material"
I think it looks nice and clean desu
Make cards from all the Core notes with the sentence audio on the front and the sentence on the back. Watch all the anime with timed subtitles that you can, do subs2srs.
Watch all the nihongonomori videos with the goal of understanding everything they say - the grammar they are covering is just providing lots of context to make the rest of the listening easier, but you'll learn just as much by trying to understand everything else that is said.
Reading helps in introducing rarer vocabulary faster and getting you more used to long sentences, but reading has a relatively minor impact on your listening skill. You can get good at reading and still be ass at listening. But if you are capable of listening to real japanese, and didn't avoid kanji or some stupid shit, then you will be able to at least decently read japanese.
You can pick up a lot of them naturally, but a little bit of anki goes a long way. If you just add things that have new kanji or strange readings, it will help you a lot. You can pick up obvious shit like 聖水 easily through reading but it's a lot harder for 蝙蝠
I still can't tell if this is supposed to be a joke post or not.
Why the fuck do they always shove random sentences in English in the middle of these SoL-shit opening songs? This is so fucking retarded it almost makes me cringe
>i am the bone of my cringe
they think its cool i guess
What 2ch viewers do you guys use?
I'm using Tae Kim's guide to Japanese and am currently on the を particle, but I'm a little confused on something.
What is it that する adds to this sentence? If the する was removed, wouldn't the sentence mean the same thing?
Getting real tired of your shit japan
I thought it was just おばさん but nothings that easy is it
勉強 is a noun. する makes it a verb.
勉強 is 'study' as a noun. To make it an action, a verb you have to do it, so you have to say する
I know 'study' us usually used as a verb in english, but you can not equate words between languages, not just meaning but also part of speech, frequency, politeness, gender, context
You literally have to forget english
>bug = バグ
>debug = デバッグ
I'm not sure how to reply to this.
Oh, I see. Thanks for the help.
This is my new favorite word, so fun to say.
but you can only say it 時々
>huge for-profit company
>using volunteer workers
>don't even offer perks
I think that community service projects are great, but private, for-profit companies asking for volunteers to complete work on projects which the company will then use for profit just seems corrupt. That's not the realm of community service. Pay your workers a fair wage for their labor, Valve.
Not that I'm anywhere near good enough to translate into Japanese, mind you. I was more looking out of curiosity.
1. 命令に従う
2. 死ぬ
If anybody wants to work for free that's their problem not Valve's.
So many people do it though.
Even paid translation work is 90% freelance for like 6 cents per word so its a lot of work either for free or shit pay while not really being employed.
Even if you are N1 and beyond, the only people hired as fill time translators or interpretets are natively bi-lingual from birth
Say "How does it feel that all your years of hard work is being taken for free and used at will without you seeing a cent? That people don't consider your life's work worth their pocket change?"
>the only people hired as fill time translators or interpretets are natively bi-lingual from birth
That honestly sounds like a load of bullshit you just pulled out of your ass. Can you back up that claim or at least make it sound more convincing?
Why the fuck are most piratable LNs are scans when it's infinitely easier to buy digital and strip DRM than to scan a whole physical book?
If you go to any language class, for example, it's pretty rare that the teacher is natively bilingual.
I wouldn't really have a problem with linking to his site or something. We already do so for the Yotsuba Reading Pack which has a donation option.
But in my community college, all of them are natively bilingual.
Spics teaching Spanish don't count.
My university (not berkeley but not joke tier either) literally has a Japanese professor who self studied Japanese
This might be true if a region has an overwhelming of second and third generation immigrants, but the number of western cities where the number of Japanese immigrants vs. the need to interact with the Japanese language are very strongly in favor of the former are fairly small.
You might run into this problem if you live in Hawaii or something.
>Japanese professor who self studied Japanese
haha madman
I was obviously referring to the Japanese teachers. I took a spanish class just for the heck of it and even that one was taught by someone who spoke Catalonian dialect. Not sure about the other languages.
Yeah, i live in the part of LA that has some of the highest concentrations of Japanese people.
Futaba got actually fun threads from time to time, even though it's a bit slow and has an interface stuck in 1998.
The guy that hosted me in Japan me used kana input but he's like 40 old and only uses computer to google tranlsate airbnb messages and look at 80s pop idols on youtube, he types slow as fuck.
Hello friends. I'm studying vocab, came across this.
What the fuck is 〜 ?
That's one of the imoutogana.
There are services who will scan the entire book for you for an incredibly small fee. Probably a matter of time vs effort?
I really hope it is just a long elaborate joke as well, or else I'll just feel bad for the guy.
It's called a tilde, it's used as a placeholder for omitted text.
If you hold shift and press the ` key you can type one yourself.
what the fuck is that chart and imoutogana pls delete this
wow wtf i hate nippongo now
I won't disagree that the retards should learn when they should and should not demand money for their work, tell Valve to fuck off until they're ready to write a check, and stop shooting the general population in the foot by agreeing to work for less than they're owed, but for-profit companies working on for-profit projects shouldn't look in a place like that for labor to begin with.
You're not morally off the hook the minute that you stand to make a buck. Adam Smith would be rolling in his grave if he could observe this level of brainwashing.
もう我慢の限界を超えたぞ このクソみたいな言語!!
If you consider only time and effort digital wins in every regard, pirating a kindle book takes 5 mouse clicks and 5 minutes total.
I guess physical books are cheaper since you can buy them used or resell them to get part of your money back, but only if you live in Japan where you risk to get vanned for shit like that.
delete this
You probably aren't still around, but you just have to keep the Flyable Heart DVD mounted. You don't need a crack.
Those aren't even similar. You need to start learning kanji by their components and not just as some vague pattern of lines and dots.
>Those aren't even similar.
They are when you're reading them in a default-sized font on a computer screen.
What I need to do is visit my eye doctor
Is this nigga for real?
Japanese is hell
兄弟 kyoudai
兄妹 kyoudai
姉弟 kyoudai
姉妹 simai
Hit that zoom button, then.
They're just as distinguishable if you learn it as a "vague pattern", you just have to not be blind and pay attention.
Please, you might mistake one for the other at first glance, but you can tell them apart just fine even with a smaller font. Even more so when they show up in context.
姉妹 can be read as きょうだい too, and the three others also have unique readings.
>姉妹 simai
What's exactly a problem here?
Whatever you.want to believe paco
Talking about translation/interpretation, not teaching.
Maybe you should learn to read english before you study japanese
>teaching Japanese
>not interpretation
Okay, Mr. Neverwrong.
Amazing. Every single time i come here its nothing but shitposting by people who can barely manage the basics of japanese.
If you faggots put half as much effort into study as you do being an epic contrarian shitposter you'd maybe be fluent by now
translation is even easier to get into
You are so fuckong stupid and you can't even admit when you're wrong.
Again, not sure why i expected a to have anything but edgy teenagers
Why would I care about Japanese I'm just here to study 中文
>everything I want to read is too hard at my current level
>everything I can read at my current level is boring
You're going to be stuck spending a lot of time hovering over shit with rikai and looking at DoJG in the beginning. That's just a fact of life, and it's also how you get to a point where you don't need Rikai or DoJG.
Read whatever interests you.
>not liking SoL
Should have done something about your shit taste before you attempted to learn Japanese.
>who can barely manage the basics of japanese.
i cant even get は and が when i compose, the more i read the more rules i discover
Is there a good way to read manga in japanese on an Android? I downloaded an app called "Manga Rock" or something like that, but there are no raws on it
>i cant even get は and が
Well yeah it's literally the only hard part of japanese grammar
Then what about you quit going by the rules and start writing what feels the most natural?
>everything I want to read is too hard at my current level
Like what? Surely Muramasa-tier VN and prewar literature classics aren't the only things you want from Japanese.
Hint: moe eroge being easier than plot focused ones is a meme, you most likely can handle some good sci-fi stuff if shit like Flyable Heart is boring to you.
>Flyable Heart is boring
Try Hanahira
Any image viewer that can read archives and scroll things right to left. I use Perfect Viewer.
>Like what?
Mostly eroge, think VNDB top ratings (which, yes, also includes Muramasa, Albatross, Dies Irae and stuff like that). I'm sure stumbling my way through one of them and taking four times as long as normal is entirely possible, but it would probably ruin the experience.
I'll check it out. Thanks, user.
>Mostly eroge, think VNDB top ratings
Well, I'm saying plenty of the plot focused ones are easy enough to be your first.
>I'm sure stumbling my way through one of them and taking four times as long as normal is entirely possible, but it would probably ruin the experience.
It still would be way more fun than stumbling your way through and taking for times as long on some boring moege.
In fact, experience with moege suffers the most from your bad understanding of the language, you don't get the only fun parts of them when your Japanese is shit.
You can find all of the JPod101 lessons ripped and uploaded in the CoR.
Have you actually tried reading a well-written moege? Don't assume just because they have cute girls on the cover that they're automatically bad, the best moege are equally as fun and enjoyable as any plotge.
>pay to play
But why
never read a more 主観的 post in my life
ill have fun with moege AND plotge アカンベー
>Cant do it cause vac ban
The fuck steam?
how did you get the ban, writing about quality bleach to buy guides on dota2?
>getting vac banned
Good job doing some literally illegal shit.
Why didn't you post a moege then?
There's more good stuff than the top page
There's enough GOOD plotge that there's ones you might never hear of that would be good enough to be entertaining but aren't spammed here so you won't feel as bad about "ruining" them.
Plus there's good dramas that aren't scifi or fantasy shit but aren't moege either.
Like, just choose an author who is liked, and read all the stuff by them that isn't considered their "best" work. Save their best one for later. That way you aren't really spoiling anything.
If Natsukuru isn't a moege then Flyable Heart isn't either, both have mostly fun comedy/SoL with some scifi elements.
wew that's pretty fucking good
It always surprises me how "free fun" is such an alien concept to the japanese
Albatross is a fucking obscure even in Japan.
It's hilarious how you EOPs suck moogy cock so hard you fell even for the Albatross meme.
>6k words
>start watching drama
>literally every other fucking word is new
i give up
you mean they dont talk like a walking newspaper in dramas? おそろしい!
I mean considering how f2p will always make more money than them in the first place with shit like in game cosmetics
There's a lot of cute and crazy manga and anime that is never translated, and I would love to read / watch that, but is it really worth it? Putting so many hours into learning Japanese just so I can read and watch some cartoons? I already have 150 manga books and I've read like 7 of them. Bought some because they were about bees and I love bees, but fuck there's a lot of kanji because it's some old school medieval themed manga or something. When am I ever going to learn enough to be able to read everything comfortable?
The culture and the country? I mean, Japan is beautiful and they make some bomb ass food, but seriously, fuck the culture and the country as a whole. Corrupt cops, overwork, politicians not giving a fuck about children, lack of care about other people, nobody gives a fuck about mental illnesses, everything is centered around beer, cigarettes and yakiniku, school is expensive, the tap water tastes like chlorinated water straight out of the public swimming pool, people are too fake, taxi drivers drive like shit, prostitution is ridiculously common, school kids are basically slaves, Japan is so far behind when it comes to most aspects of technology.... sure, they are good at making things that beep and move and light up, but actual helpful, useful things like... oh, I don't know, fucking credit card readers in shops?
>but is it really worth it?
>everything is centered around beer, cigarettes and yakiniku
>prostitution is ridiculously common
Literally perfect
>user, it says here on your resume that you've been studying Japanese for 2 years now. Can you tell us a bit about why you decided to learn that language and how it has affected your life?
>everything is centered around beer, cigarettes and yakiniku, school is expensive, the tap water tastes like chlorinated water straight out of the public swimming pool, people are too fake, taxi drivers drive like shit, prostitution is ridiculously common, school kids are basically slaves
What the fuck, man, did you learn everything you know about Japan from seinen manga and 龍が如く games?
Wa is the topic, ga is the subject.
You wa faggot ga yarou.
thanks its all cleared up now
No, he's pretty much right. Bit pessimistic, but right.
I personally don't see the need to learn Japanese outside of Japan, unless you're mentally ill or autistic and have too much free time with no real direction or purpose in life.
I decided to learn japanese for the pornographic visual novels that are to this day untranslated.
I'm talking about dozens of games here, this is not trivial.
So, when do i start ? I hope i won't have to work with that worthless google on the left.
But muh 東京オリンピック
>politicians not giving a fuck about children
This smells like a reddit pasta alright
Everything you just said only makes me want to immigrate there even more.
I just looked this up in Rikaichan.
Apparently you're talking about the 1964 Olympics?
Why are you so obsessed with the past, スポーツマン ?
>There's a lot of cute and crazy manga and anime that is never translated, and I would love to read / watch that, but is it really worth it?
I've been in Cred Forums since 2007 and i have so much regret for not picking up this language sooner. If you're not at that point where you want it bad enough, don't bother since you'll quit fast.
The newest ones are mostly on nyaa.
No idea about subs though.
Because I have to tell people that I'm actually preparing for something and doing something with my life other than watching anime and jerking off to catgirls all day when they ask me why I'm learning Japanese
>Because I have to tell people
Ok, I only have to tell mom and dad, to be honest
Speaking of which.
I finally want to watch this but forgot the name, does anyone recognize this?
I know it was posted here a long time ago
If you kill them they won't be able to talk to you any longer, user.
It's from 花子とアン
You'er in luck, I posted that
Switched over to linux as my main OS and now I'm going to redo my anki reps from the ground up unless one of you knoe how to import my wangblows progress
Just copy your Anki folder from windows to ~/Documents/, it's really simple.
But then who is gonna pay my bills?
hey guys, what's the best way to emphasize amounts in Japanese?
For example in English, we say "so" to emphasize amounts. e.g. "Why is this line *so* long?" "Why are you *so* quiet", etc.
What is the best way to show this concept in Japanese?
Could someone help me decipher this Kanji please?
>not syncing with Ankiweb everyday
Neat, Thanks.
Where did you grab the episodes, nyaa?
Create an ankiweb account
I believe there was a mega link on raredoramas
こんなに etc, probably.
Actually posted that right before I found it on avistaz.
Anyway thanks
Run into you again in another year maybe
I want this Mega link.
I can't stand navigating through all the Jdrama sites just to find my download.
I was thinking this, but I'm not sure about using そんな、あんな、こんな, etc, because they seem to point to an arbitrary amount instead of simply emphasizing it, if that makes any sense,
I'm not trying to specify an already established amount, just bring attention to the amount itself.
In English, when you say "Why is it *that* cold", "Why are you *that* tall", etc, you are calling attention to an already established amount, rather than just calling attention to said amount in the first place.
I realize I may be overanalyzing this, which is why I asked in the first place. . .just wondering if there's another way of saying this.
Just get on something like avistaz
10 seconds on google.
極めて then? It was my first guess upon glancing at it.
Also, are there ANY good JDramas?
Every single one I've ever seen, bar Blue Blazes and 火花: Sparks are all literally shit.
>Bad Production value
>Bad Writing
>Bad VFX
>Trying too hard to imitate American television
This is all I see when I watch Japanese TV Dramas.
And it was right, why are you asking then
Because I like bugging you, user.
掟上今日子の備忘録 has pretty high production value, but it's a bit advanced.
Question for fluent speakers. How did you get used to listening to Japanese conversations? While I'm practicing my listening skills, I notice people talk way too fast for me to recognize a simple word/sentence anyone can easily notice.
watch lots of annie may
Just keep doing it till it clicks
I can usually watch 90% of shit and keep up
Hearing spoken in person feels like a completely different thing though
>Question for fluid speakers
Anyone called me ?
This is the right answer.
Then if you then watch anything that is not anime you'll feel like they stalk too slowly. Success.
>Fluent Speakers
Truth be told though, I'm pretty fluent in reading, but listening is still kind of tough for me, as I've never been to japan.
なげええええええ instead of 長い for instance.
I never even bothered trying to get an invite, I can't maintain a decent ratio since UL'ing in Japan is dangerous.
Thanks. I had assumed there was a giant Mega archive similar to the DJT resources/sticky.
The original GTO is great, of course. I hated Gokusen in comparison, but it's quite popular too.
My favorites are IWGP and 人にやさしく. Definitely try IWGP, it's cool as hell in a way I didn't know Japan could manage.
I recently started watching ディアスポリス (many parts were filmed in my neighborhood so I'm a little biased) in anticipation of the new movie, but it's incredible - doesn't resemble any sort of drama I've seen before.
Depending on how much of a shit otaku you are, you might like Akihabara@DEEP, but I hated it. Blue Blazes fans might like it though.
I personally love tokusatsu and /m/ shit, so things like Sukeban Deka or Jetman are really fun in a cheesy sort of way.
I'm not fluent but one of the best ways you can learn to parse words is by trying to mimic or repeat what others say.
It may seem unnatural but it affords you time to comprehend the sentence, reinforces natural language, and doesn't seem too strange since quoting is quite common in Japanese + you're a foreigner anyways.
It's what we teach kids who want to speak English in foreign countries to do when they can't understand spoken language too.
Imagine if they were told something like ?
>Just go watch more Spongebob, dude.
Anime is a vast medium, many of those have people talking normally.
Characters in Spongebob all talk like retards.
>50 minutes until my next anki day
>no reps done
My procrastination went too far today, what the hell.
I haven't done my reps but boy I kicked France's shit in.
ワッツ ザ ファック
Why does this switch to Chinese midway through the sentence?
>scripted conversations
>talking normally
That's some great display of autism right here.
>I'm not fluent but
Then why are you answering
>kids learn like adults
yeah you know nothing
watch more toons
Not all great eroge are also notable. You should be checking EGS, seeing what people say about certain games and asking others for recommendations based on what exactly you're looking for.
You also need to realize that you'll never read a game like Albatross or Dies as well and fluently as a native. No amount of realistic preparation is going to be enough for you to tackle one of those games perfectly in every single aspect, so you need to just make the most of your experience after having tackled a few dozen games already.
Challenge yourself with stuff you like reading and keep at it! Don't be an ankidroid like most of DJT. Balance is key.
I don't think anyone is going to answer that they're fluent in a language as complex as Japanese, that's a bit ridiculous expectations.
I'm just giving my experience based off years of actual immersion within the culture.
Not sure where you're getting the "kids learn like adults" line from though.
A kid is anyone under 18 - I'm not expecting a six year old to spend a month alone in a homestay and be able to utilize the language skills necessary to shadow language to reinforce learning. Why would you even imagine a strawman like that?
Yeah user, literally nobody has ever gotten fluent in Japanese.
I think you're angry and grasping at things that weren't said. You should take a break and come back.
You must be paid a lot for your ability to forget things minutes after you say them.
Try Patlabor The Next Generation.
Watch the anime movies first, though.
>comparing アニメ to inferior Western animation
sorry i make it a point not to watch things older than i am
>you'll never read a game like Albatross or Dies as well and fluently as a native
I'm not sure if this is really true. I know several ESLs who have managed to read books like Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow without much trouble, and I doubt any VN is anywhere near such novels in terms of difficulty.
Hi noob shitter here.
I'm following the guide in the OP, thanks to this thread I got through hiragana and katakana.
5 years ago I tried to do RtK and it was okay but I didn't really like the mnemonics.
What's my next best move here? Do most people here skip doin Rtk/KanjiDamage and go straight into vocab (gonna do Core2K/6K) or should I try one of the above or something else? I don't mind the grind I just want to be efficient.
Thanks in advance
anyone who name drops albatross or dies irae isnt someone you should listen to even me in this post
Who else /積ん読/ here?
It's easier than ever in the internet age where everything is free. If I was spending money I'd be more inclined to read, but fuck spending money you don't have to.
Me, except it's pirated manga instead.
learn basic grammar and read shit for toddlers and when when you can get your poopies in the toilet read things for children and when you hand handle times tables and tying your shoes move on to young adult equivalent material all the while making sure to focus on new words and mastering them as well as new grammatical constructions using the limitless resources available to you on the internet the greatest invention in the history of all of humanity there you go easy
Read more
Maybe so, but he probably only mentioned them because the user he was replying to did.
What a retarded point.
The first movie is fucking great.
I’m more like 積んゲーム
Slow progress thanks to playing all this shit in Japanese doesn't help.
I haven't played a VN in a year
I downloaded the new 8月 but haven't felt like going through it yet
great thanks
>Do most people here skip doin Rtk/KanjiDamage and go straight into vocab
Do vocab and fall back into mnemonic route only if it gives you serious trouble or if you want to write.
The guide already does a decent job of explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each vocab/kanji method. Just pick the one that sounds the most appealing to you.
積みゲー is proper noun.
積みゲーム, 積んゲーム these are not right.
Back when I first did it I used to think I wnated to write but I can't think of any real reason why I would want to now. I guess I'll just do vocab, fuck it. If the more complex characters fuck me up I'll try KanjiDamage because RtK gives me PTSD.
Thanks you're right. I think I'll just do vocab, fuck the mnemonics and kanji by keyword shit.
What's the best way to stream raw anime? I'm on a uni connection, so I'd rather not risk torrenting.
Wow! You can speak Japinosas?, that's cool!
There is no risk to torrenting at university. Its' honestly safer than if you had your own internet.
If you want to bring attention to the amount or degree then just use the noun form of the relevant adjective and make it your topic.
don't worry, feds don't give a fuck about nyaa
I feel like you guys are trying to fuck me over, but whatever. I'll just ask around and see if anyone here has ever gotten in trouble for torrenting.
>I feel like you guys are trying to fuck me over, but whatever
this isnt Cred Forums and we dont give a fuck unless you're going to 'stream' anime
I mean, you should have just done that instead of sperging out on Cred Forums learning moonru nes to watch anime instead of meeting people during your colege years buddy
>I'll just ask around and see if anyone here has ever gotten in trouble for torrenting.
Maybe if you're from the US
I literally asked about streaming.
Thanks for the advice, but I'm good. Spending 1 or 2 hours a day studying Japanese doesn't have any negative impact on my life.
Torrenting will give you AIDS and streaming will cause all human beings to maintain a 10 foot boundary from you.
Is there a method of watching anime that will turn me into a nihonjin?
Still morning in Helsinki.
This meme will never take off. やめてください
So this is what sensationalist garbage like VICE will do to you.
Go back to being a little girl, roleplay faggot.
It's already known that imouto is just a zainichi korean or chinese anyway
why do people say that imouto is finnish? i don't get it
It's just 3 or 4 shitposters, I don't know where they got it from either.
There was an insufferable Finfag who used to post constantly who suddenly stopped posting when this imouto faggot showed up, and their posting times are the same. For a little while the Finfag would post every now and then but when he would post, the imouto fag oddly didn't post that thread. Now he is just roleplaying full time, aside taking breaks to samefag, like here
Finnish guy who spammed Aoba for a long time claims to have learned through anime and claims to be fluent (but shitty at kanji and reading)
Imouto types in mostly kana
Thus the meme was born that they were the same. But of course Fin claims to be around N3 level and imouto read some intentionally obscure kobun-style rune shit that someone posted at some point, and is usually on east asia time zone schedule
Imouto is not fucking finnie
Anyone above intermediate can tell that shit
But occasionally 1 or 2 people will impersonate him(imouto not finnie)
Finnie is probably getting fucked in the ass by 3 dudes right now and doesn't have time to post here.
>and imouto read some intentionally obscure kobun-style rune shit that someone posted at some point
There were other anons who could read that, because there were dozens of google results with people asking how that specific was read.
>and is usually on east asia time zone schedule
Also overlaps with Australian timezones, and Australia has a huge amount of Chinese and Chinese nationals. I think Cred Forumstards have a phrase for this coincidence, something about making you ponder.
>imouto randomly posting retarded shit.
>anons start shit talking him, imouto suddenly stops posting for a while while one user steps out of the darkness to whiteknight for him
Go back to posting 苺ましまろ images while talking about random things you want to eat, tryhard. You're fucking transparent.
Ok fammie ^_^ Don't get your knickers in a knot okay?
>There were other anons who could read that, because there were dozens of google results with people asking how that specific was read.
You're thinking of something different then. This was something someone wrote specifically for this thread.
>Also overlaps with Australian timezones, and Australia has a huge amount of Chinese and Chinese nationals
Neah it's also the time zone for lizard people he's clearly a lizard person
Why do people complain about imouto instead of just filtering him?
Are you a fluid druid?
why do people complain about people who complain about imouto instead of just filtering them
Can't filter posters with no tripcode, username or avatar.
maybe just pressing the x in the upper right
why do people learn japanese instead of kill himself?
Because we've finished learning English unlike you