ITT: we post shows that need more seasons
ITT: we post shows that need more seasons
more like a good adaptation
Where does the adaptation end?
Just shortly after he breaks up with the girl, if I recall correctly, so not even close to the festival.
Too bad Inside Mari was terrible. This mangaka also needs to stop drawing the same looking characters in different manga.
I want to fuck Nakamura
While wearing Saeki's uniform?
don't remind me. I wanted to love this story; I really did. once I realized the bitch was lying, I started to lose interest.
I'm also mad he just sort of stopped pic related. it had such potential.
Fuck off, that show was shit
I haven't read any of his other work. Any of it good?
There is literally no show on this earth which needs another season.
Oh. It does need another season then.
Here's a better question, which shows didn't need a 2nd season?
How did you know?
They just have to stop when shit was about to be million times cuter.
Could not imagine watching this. Art is so shit
Not really. When you notice the problems with Aku no Hana, you'll see that he really is pretty incompetent. I still like Aku no Hana, but it feels like he just lucked out when his time skip ended up working out.
Dont remind me
> in a rush to end myself
>Dragon Ball
>Sword Art Online
>Highschool DxD
>Tokyo Ghoul
I don't know.
he is better than inio asano for sure.
yes. but I can name at least 3 of his projects he just quit on. very annoying.
I say give it a try if you have time to kill.
It's really not so bad and it fits the series well. Did I just fall for bait? Anyway, my main issue with it was when character's facial features would disappear; it made some parts odd.
Couldn't agree more. Aku no Hana especially is a misunderstood masterpiece that will get is sequel in 2023.
Kare Kano would need more seasons but I don't know if they'd be able to do it as good as the first. And Nodame Cantabile'd need one more Finale.
>my main issue with it was when character's facial features would disappear; it made some parts odd.
agreed. I'm actually one of the few fans of their art choice, but those faceless scenes really seemed out of place.
I'm still mad I'll never get to see the anime version of grown up Nakamura. I don't know why I want to fuck her so badly.
Yeah there's a lot of problem in the animation but... well, nothing can be perfect, and there was this "problem" in Mushishi too even though it wasn't rotoscoped so I doubt the problem comes from that, it's rather the director that avoid showing crumpled little faces.
They made Yan and Nagi relevant too late.
Fuck you buddy, it was great
Manga needs to go from hiatus first.
I'd love to see shitstorms of neo Cred Forums about all these cheats incoming.
Aku no Hana (manga) is an absolute masterpiece.
>shitting on inio asano
I hate this meme.
>hey Nobu lol I actually still love you lol sorry for betraying you and everything
>oh lol I would have aborted the child if Nobu wanted to but I didn't actually ask him lol
>I know my husband cucks me every night and is actually in love with another girl too but it doesn't matter lol. Where is he btw I haven't talked to him in 84 years lol
>he told me to shatter his illusion and I actually did it the absolute madwoman
>Nobu is somehow still in love with me lol, guess I'll lead him on for another decade or two
I literally just read the last chapter and all I have to say is fuck hachiko, her dying instead of Ren would be a-ok with me
Only because best girl wins. I hate being 6 feet tall, I'll never find a deliciously tall 3DPD.
Only if we're getting 10/10 openings again.
I also think tall-author-san was the best girl too but that's only because the other options were PsychoSpiteful Bitch and Straight-Up Absolutely Insane Girl. I don't think that's the only reason it's a masterpiece though.
I think the show is fine the way it is, would prefer it without the dojjikos though. Thinking abt reading the manga, which I never do.
Why wouldn't you? I'm 1.90m (like 6'2?) and I've never met a girl taller than me. Or is it that you actually want a taller girl, that's a weird fetish to have as a tall guy.
You've forgot about Reina
>oh hi, Ren's girlfriend ren is my love and soulmate too
>and this little kid now too
>oh, Hi, Hachiko, Takumi's wife and mother of his kid, me and Takumi are now together and having a kid too
Go read it, user. It's worth for the trucks of spaghetti.
>Shin! Shiiiin! I love you, Shin!!!
>lol nvm jk
What in the actual fuck is wrong with these cunts? I don't care what happens to them or their kids, I just want Nobu to be happy.
You're a big guy.