I've been watching Haikyuu lately

I've been watching Haikyuu lately

I can already tell that this isn't going to become a thing is it? Despite it being absolutely perfect

It's really cute regardless just seeing them interact

Literally the best ship

Those two and pic related are the definition of sports manga pairings done right.

>in a shonen sport manga

well, no

I'm not 100% a fan of that one because they didn't actually really go anywhere with it, just side teasing

Ever seen Touch? Now that is done right

The only one from that author that I read was Cross Game.

I can't handle the same faces at all.

Gotta earn those fujobucks, man

Of course not. No show would upset the entirety of its fanbase, especially not when it's all fujoshi.
They wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot.

Haikyuu's is about fucking BROS.

We don't care about that relationship garbage in sports shows.

I know Haikyuu is about BROS and that's fine. I'm just saying it looks cute and would be nice if it happened.

>We don't care about that relationship garbage in sports shows.
I don't think that's accurate when you have Adachi Mitsuru as one of the most popular sports mangaka

>No show would upset the entirety of its fanbase.

Very gullible, user.

The author of Kurobas made it pretty clear his characters were into women and that sure didn't make a difference. I feel like Furudate could easily do the same if he wanted to.

>The author of Kurobas made it pretty clear his characters were into women
So does Haikyuu

It's almost like they need to make it clear how straight these guys are almost all the time with how much some of the guys talk about how they want to get dates and fug the managers

Heck, the scene where Hinata and Kageyama meet Ryu's sister was like one giant boner

>Those two and pic related are the definition of sports manga pairings done right.
Only if you are a shipper.

Fujos care as much about canon as anyone else does when it comes to shipping, which means not at all. It's all escapist fantasy regardless. Also most fujos like Yachi from what I've seen. I think they would enjoy the canon development while still shipping their non-canon-compliant yaoi.

I agree.

By the way, this led to one of the funniest moments in the manga


Someone agrees on one of the best OTPs

It still Shonen series, user (even fujoshi dominating its fanbase). Those two will end up together.

And Suga will end up with Shimizu. Screen cap this.

>Pic related
My managerfu

I thought she was in lesbians with senpai.

>Of course not. No show would upset the entirety of its fanbase, especially not when it's all fujoshi.

how does that even work? are there even enough gay asians in the world to make haikyuu popular?

Based fucking Lelouch. Why he not a mod yet?

That's pretty much the only pairing that could possibly exist in the manga

There was that one girl on the girl's volleyball team that obviously has a thing for Daichi but she's pretty irrelevant

>And Suga will end up with Shimizu

>Lelouch is Fudanshi
I'm not surprised

>Laughing at SigaMizu ship
U wot m8?

>That's pretty much the only pairing that could possibly exist in the manga
I don't know, Hinata always treats her like a bro and Yamaguchi is the only one who actually showed interest in her.

That's why I said "the only pairing that could possibly exist" because I doubt Furudate to actually go anywhere with it since it's not that kind of manga. Also, they pretty much always start out as bros first in these things

>Yamaguchi is the only one who actually showed interest in her.
Yamaguchi only exists to get cucked.

Hinata and Yachi haven't interacted much since her intro chapters. Meanwhile Yamaguchi and Yachi are confirmed for going to get married.


what do?


But they do interact.

I don't even think Yamaguchi has spoken to Yachi proper outside of that side story

>tfw every female in HQ is perfect

Almost all of Shimizu doujins are BASED as fuck.

Except for that one where she got raped in the van


In the manga they haven't really interacted since before the Seijou rematch, but the anime put a lot of filler in the last episode of season 2.

There are not many shippy moments in this manga at all except Yui's obvious crush towards Daichi or the Nohebi captain having a girlfriend. So the fact Yamaguchi thinks Yachi is cute and always getting flustered around her is the most shippy thing we'll get.

What? I never read that one.

Wanting hetero romance in Haikyuu.

This is not Free! thread, Jim.

Yes much worse


Except no

>it was about... this big

The glass girl might end up with Suga. KageHina is too strong. Yachi has no chance.

Except yes.

Hinata only loves volleyball. Yamaguchi will win the Yachibowl.

>expecting a SugaMizu end
>Get a DaiSuga end and an AsahiMizu end instead

I'm okay with this.

Hinata is cute! CUTE!

The real OTP

Some Adachi are shit, but a few are pretty good.
Touch is one of the best, if a bit old.
Katsu and Cross Game are close seconds to me.

That's so crack, I don't know where to start

Is Furudate a boy or a girl

what is Baby Steps

At least he's the only guy she doesn't seem fed up with because he doesn't drool over her like a beta male. But yeah pretty much every ship is crack. Even DaiYui is one sided as fuck because everyone is a volleyball autist and there are never any SoL shenanigans.


Ryu know

Leave the memes to me!

How did that translation even come about? It doesn't even make sense.

They were kind of talking about ancient memes, which are a thing in languages with Chinese writing. It would have been clearer to English speakers if they'd just called 四字熟語 idioms.

Why is Ushijima so shit? He ruined season three!

>He ruined season three!
But it didn't start yet!

I want to fuck his sister.

I want to enjoy a lazy afternoon with her just drinking a beer and shooting the shit.

I get the impression fujos enjoy some level of straightness in characters. Canon homo won't happen, but girls still want to see men demonstrating their masculinity by pursuing romance or sex so they can only really do that with girls. It's cute to see them get flustered too.

If that were true then Noya, Tanaka, and Terushima would be the most popular characters. They just care about cute boys being cute or seeing Oikawa used as a cum dumpster.

>I want to fuck his sister.
Who doesn't?

She's one of the hottest ladies I've ever seen in a sports manga

I thought Noya was pretty popular

Judging by fandom he's probably in the third tier of popularity. Protagonists are in the second tier. Fukurodani, Nekoma, and Seijou are in the top tier of popularity

>Ryu Nee-san tits



Hello Suzan, the fujo board is

>Hey kid, wanna /ss/?


>fujo show having het relationships

Hinata is a huge slut. He would probably suck your dick if you promised to teach him a new volleyball move. In fact that's the key to his heart. Otherwise he'd just get bored with you and move on.

>10 weeks of Namek
How long did this arc last in the manga? A year?

Cherryboys in the back.

It's not about being a fujo or not, Sports shows don't need some cheap romance couple to ruin the show and the glorious bro's it offers.

It's only 10 episodes so it doesn't turn into namek.

8 fucking months if there was a chapter every week.
Do you think they'll make cuts for the anime?

Have you even read any manga?
Hell yeah there's romance in shounen manga.
Heck some of the most popular sports shounen manga were build on a romantic premise.

That's a massive leap in logic, there are many factors that go into popularity and I never claimed it was a huge influence, just something they enjoy a bit of. And most fujos do think their crushes are cute and funny.

But why would anyone want that for haikyuu when it's done so well without it?

I marathoned all of haikyuu recently and can we all agree its not a good animu. Its's drawn out to DBZ levels (i didnt think that was possible) and I just don't understand introducing a load of interesting characters (nekoma, seijou etc) just for the show to only focus on hinata and no one else. i could understand the focuse if he was changing but he isn't, he's still the exact same as he was at the start.

True. It's only when the female characters show interest in male characters that they hate it. Like Mikasa, Orihime, and Sakura are some popular examples of extremely hated female characters for shipping reasons.

>Its's drawn out to DBZ levels
You haven't seen DBZ.

It won't
B-but don't worry
Y-you can always read shitty fanfic

When season 3 comes around you will forget Hinata is the main character because he becomes so irrelevant in that match.

Though I agree that there are too many other teams and Furudate tries to make them all likable only to later ignore them for long spans of time.

>DBZ levels
I would post the sports_in_anime.jpg but I can't fucking find it

Shhh you're not supposed to criticize Haikyuu in fujo threads

>mikasa, orihime, and sakura
I'm not saying fujos never hated on a female character because it got in the way of a yaoi ship, but could you at least try to pick good, popular female characters for your argument? Sakura and Orihime are hated because they're useless, and can never seem to save their own ass yet keep getting into situations where they have to, whereas Mikasa is one dimensional and a cheap yandere. There are plenty of reasons, shipping aside, why those characters are hated.



That's just heteronormative baiting

The only acceptable pairing is Shimizu x Oikawa

there's even vanilla doujins about it

It's only bait if you're the kind of person who ships Luffy and Nami or Ichigo and Rukia.

The female characters in Hiakyuu are only there to attract Males and Hetero people

Haikyuu is so volleyball centric I imagine you have to be really desperate to stick to it for the occasional cover with Saeko's tits. Might as well just read Souma if you want fanservice.

>Implying you're not shipping those two after reading that doujin

Remember that end-of-episode PV from season 1 where Shimizu says "Hi Oikawa!"????

that's enough canon for me

Each two episodes would be a set, five sets in the match, so 10 episodes total. The pacing will be perfect.

>"Hi Oikawa!"????
>that's enough canon for me

They'd never find the pieces of her Iwaizumi didn't eat.

I wonder if people will love him or hate him.

It's more common than you think.

Hottest threesome ever. It goes in all directions!

Sissy Boy + Gril
Alpha Boy + Gril
Alpha + Sissy

>and can we all agree its not a good animu. Its's drawn out to DBZ levels
I greatly disagree with both of these things

He's probably the most popular Shiratorizawa player, because everyone loves a freak, but he'll never topple even the secondary cast favorites like Kuroo and Bokuto.

Funny how Tendou ended up the more responsible one between him and Ushijima. It's like he's babysitting a literal autist.

Overrated, and a shit fujo show.


All AOT characters are cardboard cutout. Armin and Eren are far more annoying than Mikasa.

Well rated and you're insecure faggot.

Fuck off.

What part of this match are you guys most excited for?

The part where the arc finally ends.

This. I'm actually really enjoying the current arc, but the Shiratorizawa match can go to hell.

Noya calling out that he only needs 3 tries to receive Ushiwaka's spikes gets me hyped every time I read it.

I'm so grateful this is getting its own season and we don't have to suffer through it again.

If only they made this match into a condensed movie and just waited until they had enough material for a 25 episode season next year.

Thank you, the sensei was off the charts for a show like this.

I can't wait until Kageyama is btfo again.

I knew that elite training camp would turn him into an arrogant dictator again. This manga is getting stale.

Just the opposite. I think it's interesting that Kageyama could hang with the best of the best and then he has to go back to mediocrity.

He's only hurting himself if his team ends up hating him again. They've been too tolerant of his asshole behavior anyways.

Crawl back to MAL you delusional fujo. Trying to defend such an overrated show just because your OTP or husbando is in it is the most pathetic thing you could do. Stop trying to force it on others and accept that it's for an acquired taste.


We actually don't know. It's a male name but it could easily be a pen name

The irony in that scene was hilarious. They were poking fun at shoujo clichés while the show itself is a generic shounen sports series.

>Delusional fujo
>OTP husbando
Projecting much? Jokes on you, I don't even have MAL account.

>Talking about taste on Cred Forums
>Posting haremshit character
Hahaha. Disgusting.

It's a pretty generic reaction img

and even if I was a Chirifag
>implying the SZS "harem" is anything resembling common "haremshit"

The only fujo about Haikyuu is the fanbase.

Kenma will call him out. Just wait. Everyone'll be shocked and no one will see it coming, but with Oikawa out of the picture it's going to have to come from a setter that isn't Suga or Kageyama's not going to listen. Kenma will see him wrecking his team with this elitist bullshit and lose it all over him in public and jaws will hit the fucking floor.

Kageyama has a right to be pissed. Only Noya is truly elite among the others.

I want to devour the sweat from her underboob.

>about fucking bros
>fucking bros

Poor choice of words, tripfag.

Noya dives for a mervelous diving receive from the backline.... oh wait, it's a direct toss to Hinata!

Hinata flying in for the spike, 3 blockers on him... He twists and readjusts in midair for a second toss!

The toss is to Kageyama, no blockers, defense only prepared for a dump or a cross... he makes a roaring straight spike!