It is mandatory to join one

It is mandatory to join one.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want Hidamari.

>no gorakubu

Rabu Rabo

The Hidamaris don't even go to a club.

Love Lab because the other two clubs are filled with dykes.

> become hambeast with cake-gorging.

> experience severe autism, but still fun

Love lab
> dont have to do shit cause Maki, enjoy shenanigans

Yuyushiki's the funnest out of the three so I'm going with them.

I'd join the club where a rich plot device feeds me expensive cakes, takes me to an expensive villa holidays and buys me thousand € instruments for nothing in return.

Love lab and teach them the pleasure of being cummed inside.
Or K-on and join Mugi as she puts hidden cameras all around her rest house and secreting molesting the K-Ons.

>no Good Job Club
Shit list.

I choose sabage

But the gold-digging dyke is in rabu rabu user.

I'll dick the lesbian out of all the Yuyus

Do I get turned into a girl?
If so, Yuyushiki, if not, Love Lab.


Comfiest club

Kitakubu best bu

Data processing club so I can hang out with yuyus and still shitpost all day.

I'll bully the shit out of Mio by blowing her bass playing out of the water and turning the whole band into trve kvlt black meal

>Implying the school network doesn't block Cred Forums

Keionbu, because being in a band is hella fun.
Seriously, I don't even like cake that much.
tfw you actually went and learned Fuwa Fuwa Time on bass

Dude, it's the data processing club, they're all nerds and super hackers.

In my case all you had to do was untick proxy setting in Internet settings, even without admin rights.


Its fun to imagine what kinds of clubs to join but if it was real I would most likely join going home club.

Neither do the yuyus, both physically and mentally.



> implying they wouldn't bypass it with incognito

I was in a band in high-school, but there's no fucking way I could deal with Asuza.

Yuyushiki it is.

I'd join Yui, Azusa, Yui, Eno, and Riko, and make them the Teen Pregnancy Club.

>not posting best club

The "lesbians that do nothing all day" space was already filled.

Obviously, I would join the Literature Club, or the Tea Club of Yuru Yuri.

I'd join the K-Ons, but literally only because I happen to love writing/playing music and it's one of my biggest hobbies.

Otherwise, the answer would be Love Lab no question. I like the girls better, and I'd have a much higher chance of giving somebody the D.

Bottom freaks me out, right is


You seem legitimately autistic

best club

Nope. Been tested. Negative on that.

Now this I can get into.

Congratulations I guess

The data processing club is obviously the best choice.

> I'd have a much higher chance of giving somebody the D.

> Maki the puritan.
> Riko the eternal virgin.
> Eno the Brother-con.
> Mizushima the gold-digging dyke.

If you like Suzu I guess.

You brought it up

HTT becuase they're one of the reasons why I picked up guitar in the first place and I want Sawako to teach me how to shred like Mustane.

I was more or less hinting at the fact that if you were actually at one point unsure in your life of whether or not you might have autism and went to go get tested, it means you definitely have some problems even if it's not autism.

>actually thinking the majority of BM bass players are even half as good as Yui
What next, you're going to show Ritsu real drumming by showing your stoner metal techniques?
>but there's no fucking way I could deal with Asuza.
You don't need to. Yui will do it for you.

>No senshadou club.

Guess I'll stick with the Yuyus, then.

>>actually thinking the majority of BM bass players are even half as good as Yui
Fucked up, meant Mio

Yeah. Wanna make something more of it or what?

No, not really.

one and only Maki.

Love lab so I can dick them

I play drums... Guess I am gonna kick it with my girl Mugi.

I like cake.

You talking shit about Bongripper?

Go back to listening to The Maine, softy.

>One of the options is literally chilling with cute girls trying to learn to date
>Maximum teenage hormones engaged

Never has a decision been easier.

Nigger I love stoner/doom, I'm just not dumb enough to pretend there's much technical prowess to it.
Satan Worshipping Doom is absolutely brilliant.

You checked these guys out?

> Sexualizing your senpai clubmates.


I'll join if I could cuddle with her everytime we sleep.

I'll only join if I can share a pillow with Kumin-senpai

>I'll bully the shit out of Mio
get out of my sight immediately

(You) will not be given for this awful post

Fuck yeah, man. DT rules. It's becoming fall, though so I'm gonna break out some Anorexia Nervosa and drive around. Always cool to talk music.

Shinbunbu without the dark-skinned girl has potential.

Best club

Correct opinion.


K-Ons aren't interested in dick
YYS don't like dick
I feel like I would have a higher chance of fucking the Love Labs

With that outlook, they are all equally unlikely.

>Black metal
>Even having bass

Get trve, user

>no gondola club

>1 if you like cakes
>2 if you like vaginas
>3 if you like dicks
It's simple.

>constantly bullied

>no Friday Gathering

I play guitar so the K-on club thing would probably be okay. We could jam even if I don't speak Japanese. The other two look boring but I haven't seen those shows so I don't know what they do.

If I stay as a dude, probably Keion.

Fuck Ritsu though, This band only needs one drummer.

If I get turned into a chick, probably LL. Them girls are mad cunts, and they'd be the most fun to hang out with

good post

Love Lab so I can NTR girly-boy and have a perfect tomboy waifu to myself.

Love Lab all the way.
K-on was boring and the YuYus didnt get me at all.

K-On is probably the most productive at short term basis, but i dont feel like that relations would last longer than highschool

Yuyushiki is the most fun out of the three, since it's just a fucking around club, but it is also the most waste of time of them all.

Love Lab is a student council so it's the hardest working of them all, but it seems like it would be the best to make connections at a long term basis.

I would probably choose the yuyus and then later in life regret i didnt went lovelab.