Fuck off, kekfag.

> All it took for Mai to fall for Kid Trunks was for him to punch his older self

Does that make her a pedo?

Oh fuck, I need to catch up don't I?

What the fuck was the purpose of this filler mini-arc?

Fucking Beerus

>post yfw hakai




Why is he so awesome?

How do you think Zenos tournament will be?

I'm thinking expect fighting there will be also sports like football

> How do you think Zenos tournament will be?

It won't happen.

Do you honestly think we'll have a tournament with TWELVE universes? Each with a team of five?

That's 60 fighters. It's way too much, and it would take way too long.


Best thing he did for the DB franchise was erasing GT

>It's over Black
>I have the high ground

leave black to buu!

>Goku and Gohan grew up with no signs of them getting wished young again.
>Gohan gave us a daughter.
>Goten was kicked out of the story.
>Kid Trunks wants to hold hands with a loli.
>He's due for a growth spurt at any time.

This is disappointing. DBS is going to need a new shota soon.

>buu absorbes black
>end of arc

even if he cant absorb somehow, they should take buu along anyway , this nigger is indestructible he will be used as a good distraction as a punching bag when things get tough to create time. Maybe we can see vegeta and goku fuse while buu holds off black. im still ticked out that he did not fight in the tournament.


Did you forget what show you're watching?

Any suggestion or question you have will always go down the toilet. There are no alternatives to anything, it's either Goku wins or bust

This. Fucker could be an actual useful member to the party now since he's the only that can fight.

Instead he's a background satellite character

Yu Yu Hakusho had the Dark Tournament Arc though...

Who said it needs to be 5 again? Why not 4 or less? Some fights are just gonna be skipped too, are you retarded?

>Leave Black to me you guys!


>loses to the time machine on the way there

>implying he wouldn't round house kick himself to the future

>It's okay guys leave Beerus to me!

What if goky black is the sayian Beerus had a dream about?

it was yamcha you fucking idiot

inb4 they pull some balance thing out of their ass like if there's a good goku there will always be a bad goku

>implying it wasn't based yamacha

>It's okay everyone leave Zeno to us!

As much of a meme as this Yamcha transformation is, I really wouldn't mind a Human transformation to make them relevant

but this will never happen


> it's either Goku wins or bust

The only fighter Goku actually beat in DBS is Botamo. And through ring-out. Unless you count his "fight" with Trunks.

- Lost to Beerus
- Lost to Freeza. Got rescued by Vegeta, Vegeta beat the Golden forme out of him, and Whis turned back time. Beating Freeza was a team effort.
- Lost to Frost. Regardless if he cheated or not.
- Lost to Hit
- Lost to Black/Zamasu

It's almost like you have no idea what you're talking about.

> Multiverse Tourney
> Why not a team of 4 or less?

4 - 48 fighters.
3 - 36 fighters
2 - 24 fighters

Maybe a team of two would work. But 24 fighters is still quite a lot.

The original WT had 100s of entries. That doesn'r mean you have to show every single Dinosaur-man vs Bear-man fight, only the ones where Goku wins and Tien dies.

I wish more people would understand this

>Lost to Freeza.

To be fair he only "lost" due to whats his face's laser not due to Freeza himself. If beating Freeza was a team effort so was Goku's loss.

Anyone used to collect these. Found one in my closet

That was the contingency plan that Freeza had thought out.

Regardless, Goku lost that battle. It's his fault he let his guard down.

Whis basically handed Freeza death to Goku on a silver platter. I wouldn't call that Goku's victory...it was a team effort much like the Saiyan Saga Vegeta fight.

> If beating Freeza was a team effort so was Goku's loss.

Fine, then Goku lost to both Freeza and Sorbet. Or Team Freeza.

Gohan will be the hero, r-right?

Yeah in your fan fiction


ready that hand gohanfag

Gohanfags need to fuck off an accept he's useless already

>More useless than Vegeta
Keep thinking that, friendo.

>Buu and Piccolo in the poster
>they don't do shit in the whole arc