Since I cannot read moon, can anyone explain why Favaro and Kaisar are fighting again in Twin Heads...

Since I cannot read moon, can anyone explain why Favaro and Kaisar are fighting again in Twin Heads? Why did Kaisar side with the boob sorceress of ice to the point of wanting to impale Favaro (again)?

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Because Favaro has "commited some horrible sin". He never tells Favaro what exactly his crime is supposed to be.

Someone probably misunderstood when the thugs attacked the kid and Favaro was there, and it got to Kaisar. And now he's chasing Favaro with help from of the witch who sent them.
Kaisar a gorilla.

Kaisar a gullible fool, who most likely believed whatever the witch told him.
I expect one of the cast members who know magic to show up next chapter. Favaro needs someone who will save him.

I didn't know there was a manga of this ,cool

Only two chapters so far

Someone please rip the second chapter. I'd like to translate this manga someday if no one else does but I don't know how to rip the pages.

Save the entire page with ctrl-s and the pages are in the content folder.

I use this sometimes.
Or you can just do There are also a lot of free bulk downloaders and scripts for chrome if you want more options.

Here you go.
But as the other anons said, saving stuff from that website is really easy.

I just rechecked the reviews on the link I posted here and people are complaining about some sort of ads, it doesn't happen when I use it but maybe you shouldn't use it if you have doubts.

Goddamn it Kaisar after all this he's still so quick to turn and think Favaro is Evil McEvilton. You let the guy chop your damn hand off like a year ago. Make up your mind.

Although Favaro is shit at explaining anything.

These men are not good at this.


Is this manga a prequel for the second season?

Well, it goes between S1 and 2 so I guess so.

The waiting for season 2 is killing me.

The wait for Manaria Friends has already killed me.

Nah, it never sounded like a good idea to begin with.

The wait for Favaro and Kaisar to kiss is killing me.

Man, I want the bromance to stick.

If they need a sitck-in-the-mud lawful pursuer, have them antagonize Jeanne in some way.

That'd be fun.

That would be fun. I just want them to be friends again. And fight together because that's usually pretty cool when they do that.


This never happens.

Holy shit, that is gold.

>why side with the boob sorceress of ice
Well when you put it like that.

This is Kaisar, he's probably the virgin soul of season 2.

And he'll be a wizard in S2. Purest boy.

That's how the dragon happens. His wizard powers go out of control. Now they must go on a quest to get someone to tap dat and end his magical mayhem.


kaisar/elsa otp

S2 soon.

Nice, I hope it's more upbeat this time.

I remember loving this show but I hardly recall any specific plot points.

When does S2 air?
Time enough for a rewatch?