Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agree that Mob is AOTY

Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agree that Mob is AOTY.
It excels in every aspect: animation, art direction and writing. No other show aired this year comes close.

Space Patrol Luluco exists, you redditor.

>: animation, art direction
Just because it looks pretty doesn't mean it's good. Let's wait until Saiki is done to see who really is AotY.


The catalogue exists for a reason. Use it.

Are you the same OP that samefags in that other thread?

Good short, could be #2.
Did you miss were I said that the writing is extremely solid as well?
Fuck off.

Blatant autism

>muh general
This thread is about AOTY discussion as well as Mob.

Re:Zero is AOTY, but I hope mobfags keep making these threads so the show will experience the same contrarian backlash that Re:Zero got on Cred Forums

Sweetness and Lightning was AOTS, but this was very good too.

GTFO reddit. Cred Forums loves Re:Zero.

>Reddit: Zero
You have to go back.

Absolutely agree with you easily aots and a very strong aoty contender.
>but muh meme final ep bwaahh waahh no epik edgy mob fight bwahhh wahh
Chuunifah opinion need not applied.

How can someone be so autistic enough to create threads then shill/shit on the show trying to make people hate that show?
I just don't understand.
On an unrelated note, it was AOTS

I don't agree

That's a shame.

The story is shit tho

I guess you never visited mob threads, but they're a combination of fujoshits and trollers that are still mad OPM got popular.
Re:Zero threads are heaven compared to those shitfests.

Are you implying animation and art direction are less important than the script? Fuck off.

>inb4 muh Filp Flappers/Hibike shills

You called?

Not him, but yes. A shit looking shows can still be good, but a show with shit writing can never be good no matter how nice it looks.

Stop this retarded non-debate

>A shit looking shows can still be good
It's like people don't remember Ping Pong


That's the opposite of the truth. A show with little focus on the writing can still be great if it's carried by the visuals. Think of Nichijou or Space Dandy.
A show with good writing and shit visuals just makes you wonder why you aren't reading it as a manga or novel.

Nichijou and Space Dandy are well written. Fact of the matter is that something needs to be good in every way in order to be good. Saying one thing is better than another is pants on head retarded. I've seen this argument too many times, it never goes anywhere.

>Nichijou or Space Dandy
The fact the animation works so well to support i.e. the jokes in Nichijou is due to the directing. Which counts as writing in my book.
I don't think there's a show with horse-shit direction and shit story/boring characters but great animation that is still enjoyable (no, not only ironically).

>art direction

writing is above average for shounen. and that's all

Several episodes of Nichijou and Dandy have dogshit writing that doesn't go anywhere, but they're still enjoyable because it's not the focus and the animation is amazing.
>directing. Which counts as writing in my book.
It doesn't.

It doesnt underestimate the viewer like every other anime this season. The jokes are pretty original and aimed at *me*. Great op/ed. Great art and animation. Best characters in reigen and mob.
It has morals that are easy to understand with constant character developements.
Either mp100 or konosuba is my aoty.

>tfw recommended Mob Psycho to my co-workers and they all loved it
>get asked by my manager who doesn't even watch much anime to recommended her some shows
Feels good

>Now that the dust has settled
If you want me to take a thread seriously, this is the wrong way to go about it.

rakugo is aoty. mob is top 5. re:zero isn't in top 5, after fall, maybe not even top 10.

Good luck recommending anything that wasnt written by ONE,

mob = saturday sale discount OPM

In before tumblr bawwwwwwwwwwwwws

After fall hopefully none of those are top 5. Mob's better than Rakugo too, easily. Hell, I think Re:Zero's better than Rakugo.

Cred Forumsutist taste.

Re:Zero is one of the best anime in the past 10 years.

Well considering her favorite anime is SAO, I literally couldn't recommend a worse anime if I tried .

why did I even bother.

Not really, no.

A woman liking a romance focused anime isnt all that suprising.

There's that meme again.

Stop deluding yourself, New Game is obviously AOTY and no other show comes even remotely close.

Yeah It lures people to watch it with "mmo anime where people battle and die and level up" drops it in 2 episodes and it about boy+girl relationshops after that with lipservice to combat every once and a while.

Why the fuck are you serious in a bait thread?

>post Cred Forums loves re zero
>another posts says reddit loves re zero
So which is it assholes does Cred Forums like re zero or not or are you finally going to realize that Cred Forums and reddit isn't one person?

You people do know we're getting another season of Teekyuu right? How could anything else become AOTY, ever?

Well both obviously, cause they have a huge overlap. Same with Mal. I frequented every Mob thread on the Web and was suprised by the circulation of Memes started on here on Cred Forums and spreading everwhere in seconds.

Mob is easily AOTY, apart from Rakugo and JoJo. Solid 8,5/10. Best adaption of a manga ive seen in a while, almost nearing perfection. Everyone who dontt like it are a shonenfags, who cant think for themselvess, those opinions should be dismissed.

Jojo, Mob, Rakugo.


All three are 6s at best.

a 6 is pretty good in a land of 1's and 0's

Yeah I agree.

Oh, come on!
Some times, we can agree on animation.
Some times, we don't kill each other over art direction.
But NEVER do we agree on writing!

Depending on how you would rate other anime, your 6 is totally useless and can be seen as exceptionally good or bad. Name your favourites of the year, so i have some reference.

None of those are anywhere near Fujoshi anime. Though Rakugo does count in some way i guess, being an adaption of a Josei manga. Still better than any moe waifubait anime this year, like ReZero or New Game. I mostly dismiss opinions of people who cant function in society and you seem to be one.

I don't really have any favourites this year

Amaama to Inazuma was hot fucking garbage. And that's coming from someone who was really excited for that shit for months before it started.

The best thing to come out of that was good gifs and OPOTY

At least use a different picture sometimes, faggot.

Last year will do too, any favourites you consider well written or just all around great anime?

That's 91 days, blobfag

Nice try.