Has Eva gone too far?


Which one is Eva?

Yes. Anno is the Vince McMahon of anime.

me, on the left

>No Misato
Elevens prove once again they have shit taste.

Asuka looks odd.

eva has lived too long

Xe is a tranny, after all.

The only question that really matters, can they be penetrated?

>mouthbreathing newfags acting like this is the first 1:1's they've seen

I'd say these are a fair amount bigger than 1:1.
They are supposed to be around 14 years old, not in their twenties.

WTF those are some creepy statues. The Asuka one is too deredere, doesn't even look bitchy, 0/10, wouldn't fap to. With such big statues they could've at least put in more care and detail.

They all look shitty and uncanny, but it's sad there's not even a Shinji.

Those can't be 1:1, they're taller than the actual Jap next to them. They have to be closer to 3:2.

No one would buy a Shinji

That's bigger than 1:1

Except they would, fujoshi love him.

He was elected the best male character at Newtype magazine for 1998 and 1999.

A spot that Kira Yamato would win many times in the future, again elected by fujos.

Then why doesn't he get any figures or statues?
If people were willing to buy him, merchants would take advantage of that. But they don't.

Fujos only vote Shinji because they are shippers.

Not only that, fujos are notoriously poor women who wouldn't be able to afford it anyway.

Why make it, if you can't penetrate them?

I'm waiting for a video of some guy dry humping the Rei figure.

Any second now.

Are you dumb? Fujos have tons of money to dosh out when it's something they're into. So much so that it's influencing the Anime industry more and more.
Why do you think there's a Kaworu statue in OP's picture?

Aggressive, targeted pandering, of course. Evangelion hasn't been an "equal opportunity otaku service provider" for a long time now. It's a franchise that actively neglects it's objectively most popular assets in order to popularize the least popular.

Then still, the fujo market is dwarfed by what is considered the conventional market.

The disparity is there. Regular male otaku merchandise reach higher retail and resale prices, and outnumbers fujo merchandise - it's that simple.

I meant less popular, not least.

Didn't all of this happen already? Which timeline I'm at now?

Do remember, Japanese people are famous for being short


Other than Asuka who is half German, these characters are just as Japanese as real Japanese people.

How much are they?

>toiletcucks are still mad