Is there one (1) anime that everyone on Cred Forums hates?
Is there one (1) anime that everyone on Cred Forums hates?
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F/SN UBW movie
I'm pretty confident that no-one on Cred Forums likes Mars of Destruction
Steven Universe
I don't think anyone actually saw that, but rather googled "worst anime" and got that result
quit being contrarian, re:zero is AOTY
I don't know about that. I liked REmake much more.
Dont think any of the faggots here are dumb enough to enjoy 2nd season of SAO. Or rather 2nd part of s1? GunGale was the only decent season the rest were bad.
Your favorite.
Did anyone actually like Comet Lucifer, non-ironically?
Lunar Legend Tsukihime
I watched it. It's so bad that I was laughing at almost every scene, and thus I ended up liking it in some way.
What is pic related implying?
Why did you quote OP if you are just gonna leave a blank reply?
Expected from a person with shit taste.
Aqua is a shit.
THICC thighs though.
>imply I like Kairi
KEK. She's fucking disgusting.
fuck off faggot
As far as popular shows go, SAO, Elfin Lied, and back in the day Naruto, are the closest Cred Forums will ever get to universally hating a show.
Re:Zero has plenty of haters, but also a ton of people who defend it on Cred Forums too, so it really doesn't compare.
>not liking best waifu
Confirmed. You guys have shit taste.