Why the fuck does Cred Forums worship cowtits so fucking much?

Why the fuck does Cred Forums worship cowtits so fucking much?

is the daily thread

I just like em

Because Cred Forums is full of healthy males..

Who am I kidding?

Same reason they worship butts

cropped from an hmanga, or the official manga?


By Cred Forums do you mean straight men in general? And lesbians too, actually.

Hell, even lots of straight girls still like big breasts.

I'm sure those are cattits

I used to be a straight man, now I'm a lesbian, and I've never liked big breasts.

Keep telling yourself that

But those are not cowtits, those are big fat cat tats


I love cowtits!

small breasts > *

>You can see the nipples poking through
I want to fuck Blair so bad


Cred Forums love everything 2D

jealous cowtits are best cowtits

Thanks user

That's why we are here
fuck 3D


Cowtits are life


For tittyfucking

image dumps belong to /e/



Nee-san doing her job

What's not to love?

Healthy males like big milk tanks. Shocking truth.

I like all tits

I don't know, why does Cred Forums?



delicious looking cow tits

Cropped from the final chapter of the Soul Eater manga




cow tits and flat chests are both great. it's the average sized tits that suck.

I must go.

>Misaki will never titfuck you

You're not asking the proper questions. A more important question is "Did they have a threesome in the end?"

it was implied though

I worship witch hats, the bigger the better. DCT or DFC are just an accessory.

Maki's not that interested in sex, why would she agree to a threesome?


Fuck i hate being this guy, But what is this anime and who do those beautiful cowtits belong to?





Can anyone tell me what this is from

Soul Eater was so fucking bad, that it had no right to have such a good first four episodes. If anyone reading this, no you won't get the same kind of budget or effort again, so drop it.




The manga was alright