Why has every anime sucked this year? Like I'm usually not one to complain that "anime used to be better" because its really subjective but I've noticed a distinct lack of effort and quality in this years lineup.
pic related
Why has every anime sucked this year? Like I'm usually not one to complain that "anime used to be better" because its really subjective but I've noticed a distinct lack of effort and quality in this years lineup.
pic related
them fighting words
because most of the best creators are busy
Rakugo was good though. So technically not every anime sucked.
it was alright, I don't think it's as good as people say, not too far off of shit like mob or re:zero
there were some good ones 2 seasons ago, was that a part of this year?
Do you want to elaborate on what you mean by distinct lack of effort and quality? Do you mean you thought the animation / artwork was subpar? Did you think the stories were poorly written? Did you think the adaptations weren't faithful enough / overly faithful?
why do you settle for "good enough" ?
Picture not related of course.
the art is usually always the same, like every anime has one art style "generic anime style". What does bother me more than that is the writing,i feel like the characters have no depth to them at all, i could be watching a show a 5 year old made with cardboard cutouts and get a better experience.
hella f**king epic thread!
People who aren't severely autistic like having fun
People like this actually exist. What the fuck?
>i could be watching a show a 5 year old made with cardboard cutouts and get a better experience.
So why don't you?
>i could be watching a show a 5 year old made
i have doubts that a 5 year old can make usami as cute as she is
People who actually want to be entertained by media? yes they exist
>the art is usually always the same, like every anime has one art style "generic anime style".
Well if you think PA, Kyoani, and Trigger all have the same art style then the problem is you.
>What does bother me more than that is the writing,i feel like the characters have no depth to them at all,
I promise you it wasn't any better 5 years ago or 10 years ago or 15 years ago.
Find a better hobby then. Anime can only offer you much.
Considering rezero is objectively trash rakugo is far from it.
But I don't know why I expected reason from what is clearly a shitposting thread.
I agree with OP that the last two years have been mostly worthless but he is still technically wrong.
Reminder to ignore the opinion of every user who mentions these anime:
Ping Pong
wtf is rakugo
>I promise you it wasn't any better 5 years ago or 10 years ago or 15 years ago.
Why do people then settle for this? Like why do people, especially on this board shill for the worst anime each season, hoisting them on their shoulders as if its a groundbreaking achievement in storytelling even tho its just a cheap rehash of other stories, a collection of tired tropes (see: Re:Zero)
>i'm going to post this thread every week whether you like it or not
Kill yourself
wtf i kill myself now
>rezero is objectively trash
You're shitposting harder than anyone, no right complaining.
Your original post was that it was better a few years ago and I'm saying it wasn't. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you about whether or not anime is good or not when it is clear you've already made up your mind.
Konobi was fun I swear.
just because something is "fun" doesn't make it good
>shill for the worst anime each season
I don't agree with the user above that the quality of anime is the same now as it has been 15 years ago but anime fans have always been shilling garbage.
That's pretty much a fact though. Rezero has been torn apart so hard and from so many angles that even MAL reviews are negative about it.
If it's fun it did not suck. If he wants good as in, whatever he thinks is good anime then he needs to explain what he is looking for.
Posting in the shitposting thread
just because you hate everything doesnt mean everything is bad
it is you who is bad. stop blaming us for your incompetence
>Why has every anime sucked this year?
You clearly missed out on the beautiful written cat banana show. Also, shut the fuck up, you're getting a masterpiece soon about butt battles
>pic unrelated
Fixed that for you
>only I have a say in the objectivity of cartoons.
fit me m8
>ver he thinks is good anime then he needs to explain what he is looking for
I just want writers to actually you know write believable characters, make some kind of effort other than copying what has been done a thousand times over, i'm just sick of that.
Do people really not get sick of the lack of variety?
"Fun" does not mean good. Watching Aldnoah, ReZero and Golden Time with Cred Forums were "fun". All three of them sucked ass.
>people are serious replying my bait thread
Don't forget Charlotte, Oreimo, Phantom World, and Akame ga Kill.
>i-it was my keikaku doori all along
What did he mean by this?
no bait, i just think the discussion on anime and its quality, the shift of focus in the anime industry should be elevated. I don't think its a bad thing to you know take a step back and look at the big picture and see that there are some really mundane patterns.
Rakugo is significantly better than good enough, it stands out from the past 5 years.
Fuck you, nigger, Kono Biju is great.
Something like Rakugo or Flying Witch this year?
>with Cred Forums
The threads were fun for you, not the anime.
I'm white
Yes it does, faggot.
Watching them wasn't fun, shitposting and making fun of them was.
>I've never watched Rakugo the post.
Thanks for sharing OP.
You should watch cartoons instead. Steven Universe is way better than any anime that aired since the last 5 years.
>Yes it does, faggot.
Well, I find watching Sharknado fun but that doesn't make it a good movie.
also easy on the slurs man
>implying Steven Universe is good
>I have watched it, the characters were boring.
Rakugo was good.
Mushishi delivered.
Flying Witch was nice.
ConRevo and Mob Psycho were fun.
So far this year has been acceptable/10, counting in Your Voice, Koe no Katachi and In this corner of the world, the final balance will be quite good/10. It lacked a series that made me scream "masterpiece", but still, not that terrible.
I don't understand this.
Is anime not a form of entertainment?
Is being entertaining not the baseline for good entertainment?
What does it mean for an anime to be good if not to be entertaining?
Being a teenager sucks.
Become an adult. Then you can watch anime and enjoy it without having to pretend that you're smart and only watch the best.
Yeah, I agree, there are like 4 harems the whole year. 2017 is looking great.
good writing
I don't really watch the best, i have none that i would call my favorite so i'm not really comparing this years anime to any anime in particular i just see them as subpar quality compared to previous years.
But becoming an adult doesn't mean becoming senile user.
Sure, but it seems contradictory to enjoy a show with bad writing.
I mean, if you enjoy watching a show, then surely that show is doing something right to entertain you.
To tell a compelling story while having interesting characters and setting? Just because you have wacky fun time in your anime like Koukagu no Pandora and Phantom World did, that doesn't make them "fun" or "good". It seems anime has forgotten how to do story telling and instead has focused on which characters will bring in the most revenue and sell us the most body pillows that will be thrown out once a better waifu comes along.
>pic unrelated. Also Usami is the cutest girl of the season
>cutest girl
She looks literally like any random anime girl, there's nothing noticeable about her character design that separates her from any other generic anime girl.
>it's a look at how patrician I am thread
Becoming an adult means realizing that you don't need to have the highest standard.
>Becoming an adult means realizing that you don't need to have the highest standard.
My only standard is writing with depth to it, it shouldn't be hard.
If that was the case I'd be listing a bunch of superior anime, but I'm not.
Mostly because I don't have any anime I deem superior or great
you chose the wrong medium
Oh god no
Then just keep looking for that standard that satisfies you.
>I don't want to get called on my shit taste
Postan in le ebin thread thread xDD. BTW check em digits >>
Read a book.
I wouldn't call my taste shit because I don't have animes that i really care for or consider my favorite.
my taste can't be shit if it is literally nothing
It does, you sour retard.
My wife Usami is so cute.
are we going to get things like character songs for our wife usamin
Anime has always been like that. The more you watch the more you come to realize that it's the most shallow, meaningless and destructive among the forms of entertainment that are popular today.
There are of course, every year, one or two exceptions that confirm the rule.
Character song CDs are coming with the blurays.