Watch just a few episodes of a show and say it's bad

>watch just a few episodes of a show and say it's bad
>"b-b-but you're only at the beginning, you can't judge yet. Also, the show only starts to get good after episode 100"

>watch the whole show and say it's bad
>"lol if it was so bad then why did you watched the entire show XDDD"

>watching series that are 100 episodes
>expecting them to be good

You only have yourself to blame.

Four episodes. If you haven't gotten a good feel from it by four episodes just drop it.

That's the rule I run by. If it takes half of the show's run to get good it's a fucking waste

Watch 2/3rds of the series
It's enough to have a reasonable opinion but not enough to make people call you out for watching so much

I never see the latter.

>I deserve to like stuff because everyone else says its good.
No, get out.

At this point you might as well watch it all, bad shows can be just as rewarding than good shows sometimes.

Yeah it's too dumb of an argument to belong even on Cred Forums, but it's the kind of shit that fills the youtube comment section.

Is it even possible to watch 2/3rds of case closed? Thats like 550 episodes.

I see the latter all the time, and it does make sense for certain circumstances. When someone goes "I just finished LoGH and hated every minute of it," for example, there's a much better chance that they're just shitposting than that they actually sat through 110 episodes of something they didn't enjoy from the start.

>watch first few episodes and say it's bad
>"just watch it until so-and-so and see if it's for you, it picks up a bit then"
>watch it until then and say it's bad
>"ah well sorry you didn't like it"

What about monster?


Judging a show on it's start, especially the first episode, is perfectly valid. Usually the first episode is meant to provide the viewer with enough of a reason for them to watch the show next week, whether it's by plot intrigue, presentation, art style fanservice, or animation quality, which is often why the first episode has alot more time and effort put into it.

If the first episode is poor despite having more time and effort on it, then it does not bode well for the rest of the series.

I don't know why people try so fucking hard to make people watch stuff.

Like, hey, I get it, you like thing, but it's not my thing so I'm dropping it. It's fine. And if someone talks shit and refuses to continue despite you think it's really good, and they should watch it, it's their loss. Big fucking deal.

I understand what you mean, but there's also some series where it feels like the author had to play it safe duet editor pressure at first. Take Negima for example, it starts off disguised as a fairly standard harem before going full on battle ahonen later in the series.

Yeah but that's not because of the quantity of episodes, but because they used the term 'hate' which isn't a proper term to use in conversation any time of the month

I agree with I used to give series' a three episode rule, but most of the time you could tell right away (even during the first 10 minutes) if something is interesting enough for you to keep going or not

Don't force yourself to watch something you don't enjoy, it isn't worth the time.
There are some rare cases you might try watching something not in the right mindset/mood that you might want to pick up again later, but again, if something doesn't work, don't fucking force it.


If you can't decide for yourself to continue a series or not, that's your problem.

Instead of taking people literally when they say something gets 'good' at a certain point, you should assume that's when it starts justifying the hype or when people who like it already start to love it. That's true for Gintama, for example. But if you hate it from the start and can't see anything redeeming in it, you're probably not going to suddenly enjoy it.

Should've just liked the show faggot.

What is Urusei Yatsura.



Gintama means G in bubble, which is false.

There are series which trick you into thinking it's going to be standard, mediocre stuff like Steins;Gate or Madoka, and uses that to surprise you on latter episodes with mood whiplash and whatnot.

There are also others which simply completely messes up on the first episode but become genuinely good later on like Gintama.

I'd recommend watching anime you think you might not enjoy with someone else if you can, even if it turns out to be shit you'll still be able to keep it entertaining just by discussing what's happening on screen. That's what I do with my big brother anyway, he's not that big into anime but he does make hilarious comments most of the time.

Where do you think you are?

>watching or so intro 8 episodes of S;G to find out if it's shit or not

It was shit from the start

>watches first episode of a show everyone says is great
>fucking hate it
>"keep watching dude, it gets really good. And the ending is spectacular!"
>follows advice and sticks with it
>still shit the whole way through
>ending was even worse than expected and made no sense
>"kek I guess you're too much of an idiot to understand"

>posting kamina
You really are

What about Ippo?

I want to fuck Naota.

As much as I didn't want to, it's the only image I've got that works well with this.

>"ah well sorry you didn't like it"
>On the internet
This is a whole new dimension of shit that didn't happen.

Fucking laggy browser cuntstain, that's not what I wanted to post.
Please forgive the 3DPD

>Take Negima for example, it starts off disguised as a fairly standard harem before going full on battle ahonen later in the series.

Negima was still awful and then ended horribly

Your personal taste doesn't change the fact that it completely shifted genres and would naturally appeal to different people in the process.

>>On the internet
>This is a whole new dimension of shit that didn't happen.

>Please forgive the 3DPD

Now you're just bullshitting me.

I'm sorry if it was too ironic for you to handle.

maybe you shouldn't care so very much about what people say in temporary threads on an anonymous imageboard, you thin-skinned cunt

>Did you check out that anime I told you about?
>Yeah, but I dropped it.
>Oh shit, I'm sorry.
>Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our recommendations. Especially since they’re so patrician and all.

This. Without an exception.

It was... Interesting
I don't want to say it was good, but it was certainly interesting.

If it's some shallow SOL or harem where you know the plot isn't going anywhere, might aswell drop it early. If it has an actual story and is going somewhere with it, you stick through the world building and slow buildup. It's not rocket science really.

>What is Gintama?

Absolute garbage that thinks references are in any way funny

I have done this myself, but only once. Revolutionary Girl Utena annoyed me from the start, but based on its reputation I forced myself to watch all of it in the hope that at some point everything would click together. It was definitely stylish and did things in an interesting way, but the things that it did weren't that interesting and the characters were irritating. In retrospect I probably should have known better because I felt the same way about Eva, and the two shows are often held on the same pedestal.

You know what's even more bait and retarded? Completing a show just to say it's shit. Who are you trying to impress? If you don't like something, that's fine. But why bother torturing yourself by watching something you think is bad?
Anyway, OP went into a show wanting to think its bad anyway. Good bait

LoGH is mediocre but it's been shilled too much

I can either shit up your threads after watching it completely or after dropping it halfway. Which way do you prefer senpai?