Blue-haired girls are always best girls

Blue-haired girls are always best girls.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: You can't.

Red aired girls exist.

Well, your first mistake was posting Aqua.

black hair > blonde hair > else

There're always pink hairs exist



I predict that this will turn into an Evangelion thread

i know they do, but why?

Here is my second example.

Well, that was easy.

Thar nullifies your point.

Exalt me more


good blue hair

bad blue hair

Damn rite

Birb is love.

>inb4 teh rei


fite me


shitty goddess


dumb aquaposter





Green hair master race here.

Cutest CriCri.

Pink is my fetish.

Literally the only good blue hair on the thread so far

Do people in here like blueish-purple type hair?

Like Kotori too from Amaama to Inazuma?

Let me guess, big Inuyasha fan, too?

It can be acceptable in some cases, but we can't diverge too much from our true goddesses

I like the lavender flavor a bit more, though.

Wanna fukn bet, kiddo?


Rem is a strong argument but her sister is better

I said blue-haired girls are all best girls, not best girls are all blue-haired

K den


But they can also be worst girls, user

Mai is perfection.

Naruto is actually decent if you headcanon the series to end at chapter 450.

Everything after that was trash except for Might Gai's father being named Might Dai (who immediatly died after his introduction). 10/10 unintentional comedy.

Literally the only good blue-haired girls on this thread.
Aqua is a shit. So is Rem. So is Ami.
Sayaka is the lowest possible kind of trash (became meguca for Kyusiko)

PS Touwhores do not count as characters. They're just doujin fapbait.

I can't

Yeah you know it. I fucking loved Kagome

Only decent answers so far.

It looks like she jizzed all over it

she is the only blue haired i really cared about :( fuck that subaru.

season 2 when.

They really don't make them like they used to.



psycho murderer

Surprised I haven't seen Kaname in here yet :/

Was just about to post her.

man i really wanted that show to be good

I've heard they're adding something onto the anime, but they haven't specified what or when it will be exactly.

It's a shame that Seimei had to be trapped in such a terrible show. She was the only reason I was able to keep coming back every week for that shitfest.

hooo, dubdubs of truth.

also nice taste

Cutest and easiest to bully


Seems about right.


More like POO hair, amiright?

got me there.

I honestly can't.

>Prove me wrong


you seem to have forgotten about fluffy haired girls

I can't.

What about blue ribbons?

They are starting to wise up.

fluffy is love, fluffy is life

Red or Purple is the best

Silver objectively is the best

Worst girl

My wife Chino is so cute




SAO a shit, I feel bad that Sinon is stuck in it. Definitely best girl. Not like there's stiff competition though.

Aqua is like the one instance where blue hair isn't best.

>Prove me wrong.

I dunno I never really thought Juvia was best girl material. In fact, she's one of the worst girls.

Even Levy who also has blue hair is more bestgirl than Juvia is.

I think it's a thing for them to be really dumb/autistic

>squid girl
>Retarded Blue Fairy
>Big breasted maid from the seasonal self insert
>Papi the Birdhuman
>Chino from gochiusa

Who else?