What the fuck is happening in Tokyo Ghould:RE?
What the fuck is happening in Tokyo Ghould:RE?
Big fat Saiko thighs.
>finally got around to binge reading up to the most recent chapter
>get to this page
Latest chapter was very stupid.
I'll keep reading it to the end though
Has been trash for the last like 20 chapters at least.
This arc has been pretty shitty for the most part. Cochlea had some good moments but Rue Island is just complete garbage.
i agree
It turned into a battle manga
Do you think Saiko inherited Nutcracker or one of the new Qs has it.
Tokyo Ghoul truly is the new Bleach.
Today is Best Girl's birthday.
>Old character appears out of nowhere
>Unintelligible fighting moves
>Last minute save
I came up with another chapter Ishida-sensei
RE was a mistake
Side character shit
Im waiting until Kaneki shows up again
There there user. The first 30 chapters were pretty good.
Ishida somehow lost the will to kill off characters.
Mado is definitely living through this.
Sometimes I think that (the real) Ishida has been kidnapped/killed and replaced by some talentless hack around the time Rue/Cochlea arc started. Cos this has been a whack arc so far.
I hate the new powerlevel bullshit
I liked it when every fight was gritty and you could feel the tension, even if the participants were weak.
The shift from street level ghouls trying to survive to global conspiracy was for the worse
>The shift from street level ghouls trying to survive to global conspiracy was for the worse
Making the CCG ghoul-controlled was a big mistake.
How long has it been since we last seen Kaneki?
This was one of the last few decent fights we had, Hairu loses because she loses her footing on a puddle of blood and gets stabbed and a ghoul rends himself to decapitate her too.
Honestly all of the fights in Tsukiyama Arc were pretty decent except Ui vs stairs.
7 chapters
Wasted trips
Bleach was good when it was ghostbusters with swords
>lost the will to kill off characters.
You mean lost the will to kill off relevant ghouls. The amount of last second saves this arc is astounding. Investigators continue to get shitted on. Ui is next.
Yeah becuase you could feel the desperation of the battles. The Noro vs Qs and the Nutcracker vs Shirazu fights were the closest in vibe to the original series.
>muh feelings wins the day
It was shit mainly because it was designed to hype up Ishida's wankfest for Furuta. Kijima and Hairu were wasted characters and died pathetically, as many investigators before and after them.
I mean they were barely characters in the first place.
>wanting Kaneki's homolust for Arima to continue
No thank you
Everying is setup for Matsuri to become Branch Director and bring S2's Suzuya Squad and Quinx to the forefront, and instead of fighting/investigation The One-Eyed Owl like Urie always wanted he'll be going after Kaneki.
Not to mention Urie isn't going to be able to eat human food for much longer.
Ishida was always able to make impactful characters in the original manga because he actually gave a shit. Now, characters are introduced and killed off for no good reason because Ishida can't bother with them anymore.
I mean Kijima was just there to tie into a video game series and Hairu was just there to establish The Garden as an important place for the CCG.
>Feelings are what make you stronger.
And Shimoguchi and Hachikawa were just there to do nothing at all.
I mean Shimoguchi was always only there to represent people in the CCG (other than Ui) who were opposed to the idea of Quinx. He was conveniently killed off before the Quinx squad gained real recognition.
Hachikawa was always there to be a do-nothing, just like people such as Mougan. They're characters who have unique designs and a few characteristics to make them stand out but are really just wallpaper/set dressing to make the CCG feel bigger and more diverse as an organization.
It's the new Bleach. The pace is beyond trash, the random side-characters that show up and take a whole chapter and then have a random flashback are pointless and uninteresting, what is even happening half the time in the battles no one fucking knows and the two sides have mixed together so much that who can even keep track of who supports who.
And to think that at one point this series was about how is living life as a ghoul, weak or strong, and not about who has the biggest asshole to pull a kagune out of. At least Ishida had the decency to end the original series so it can be appreciated on its own without the disgrace that is :re.
>Build up Amon returning as a half ghoul for the entirety of Re
>He gets his shit fucked up in his first real appearance
You're forgetting he needs an emotional trigger to activate his powers.
>muh feelings are stronger
Hilarious as fuck because Ishida's most powerful bullshit is his "empty" stoic Gary Stu.
Moreover; character and personality-wise, Kei is far better than any TG:re character / Captain Autism as well.
I dont know why Ishida thinks stomping on someones balls is cool, thats is even beyond disgusting.
Mutsuki has been completely ruined, I get that she was gonna change personality wise(like Kaneki) but the execution was abysmal.
How does Ishida plan to wrap all this shit up in three chapters?
>Nishiki/Kurona/Kanou/Roma/Shikorae shit
>Amon/Akira/Mutsuki/Takizawa shit
>Naki/Miza/Hooguro/Shousei/Tsukiyama/Ui/Fura/Kuramoto/Kuroiwa shit
>Quinx/other shit potentially
>I dont know why Ishida thinks stomping on someones balls is cool, thats is even beyond disgusting.
She needs to have a "thing" like Kanekis inherited finger cracking
Why does Ishida choose to retcon shit like Takizawa's pain threshold?
>V shit on both sides
He's truly reached Nishitty status. It hurts ever so slightly.
She just got out of a rape cave, not only that but she also was afraid of men after being raped by her father, her going for the balls is the most sensible thing to happen this arc.
He did that in like the next chapter after that scene.
Maybe he didn't get his balls crushed on a regular basis during Kanou's torture.
Getting your balls crushed is probably one of the most painful things you can experience. Normal people would instantly faint because the pain is simply too much for them to handle.
>next chapter
No he doesn't you liar.
When Hinami cut him.
Ishida clearly didn't intend for it to be this long, it's popular so he's milking it.
It started going downhill in Tsukiyama arc when he started to kill characters introduced 3 chapters before just for the sake of shock value.
I remember telling everyone back then that the way both that Arima fangirl and the potato died were basically Akame ga Kill
>Fangirl survives super mortal blow that would've killed her but it wasn't gruesome
>Only to get decapitated out of nowhere in a second
>Potato literally falls on his own chainsaw providing a death that was so stupid and edgy it became funny
Of course everyone told me that I was shitposting. See everything that happened after that arc and tell me i'm shitposting, Arima Sue is more of a Sue than ever, Kaneki's character is ruined, Kirishima's plot armor, Eto is a joke, Takizawa gets kicked in the balls by a low tier retard after beating one of the most powerful characters we've seen, Akira contradicts herself and teleports in front of trap.
Oh how did I forget Kaneki's magical hair! and Super Saiyan power up, apparently it wasn't because torture it's just literally ghoul magic that he gets when he powers up after talking to some dead people in his head.
Re was a mistake
He just wants money and nips just want edge fightan.
i dont get the half-human shit. if half-humans are more common than half-ghouls, then why wouldnt they easily survive in the womb? i mean how would people have even been aware that you need to cannibalize for your ghoul-human baby to survive if 99% of the time its half human and therefore doesnt need human flesh
seems like something they sort of just shoved in without a real explanation
Why no one smashed arima balls?
>>Nishiki/Kurona/Kanou/Roma/Shikorae shit
Roma rekts Nishitty. He still makes it out alive because of RE plot armor. Shikorae and co escapes from rue island
>>Amon/Akira/Mutsuki/Takizawa shit
Fugly trap becomes a retarded bimbo and runs away because I kill-ed a dumb bitch!
Nevermind. Akira was pretending to be kill, she was alive all along guys!
Edgelord finally gets killed by Juuzo and CCG reinforcements and Amon escapes with his dead body
>>Naki/Miza/Hooguro/Shousei/Tsukiyama/Ui/Fura/Kuramoto/Kuroiwa shit
Faggyama defeats Fura and the other random investigators. Ui jobs.
Naki Miza and co join RE group because why not? Let's suck aniki's killer cock too.
>>Quinx/other shit potentially
Who cares? After a new obvious timeskip Urine and qsfaggots are going to try to find and save shitty trap's slutty ass
It's ghoul magic aka illogical pseudo SCIENCE. Of course it doesn't make sense at all man
he's a gary stu
Ishida has said he looks like this character.
Because he doesn't have any
Ishida's artstyle fit most of my aesthetics but I find Tokyo Ghoul pretty boring.