Storytime: Konjiki no Gash!! AKA Zatch Bell: Volume 23

Faudo has been awakened as the series moves into the peak of it's quality in the heart of the third arc, and where the anime diverged from the manga.

Gash bell is a Shonen action/comedy series by Makoto Raiku. The basic plot premise is that there are 100 kids from the demon world who come into the normal world to fight until only 1 is left standing, who is crowned king;

I'll be making a thread every day (can't give a specific consistent time of day yet due to IRL bullshit) and will post 1 volume every day until the whole run is posted.

Opening 1:
Opening 2:
Opening 3 (current):

Previous dead threads:
Previous active threads:
Volume 17: Volume 18: Volume 19: Volume 20: Volume 21: Volume 22:

Other urls found in this thread:,


>Why should I be interested?
It has really fantastic art, good humor, great tactical fight's with great choreography and is really excellent at utilizing both positive and negative emotions for FEELS; admittedly the series is a little rough untill arc 2 rolls around, after that all the above starts to really shine and continues to get better; the art in particular.

>Where are your scans from?
NULL's release. their site is here: and they can also be found on and mangasaurus. EBJ has superior digital volumes for sale on their site, but they are japanese only, I'll be buying and ripping them eventually. There's also some really amazing quality Portuguese scans, but only for like 20 chapters halfway into the series, and, you know, aren't in english.

A-Destiny has really amazingly high res scans in english for the last 3 volumes, but they aren't publically available anywhere right now other then the last 3 volumes as jpgs on otakusmash, and the translation is generally nost as good as NUll's I feel in most cases. They also have 18-30, but thye quality isn't much better then Null's and the translation is still iffy.

>Isn't Zatch bell that kiddy pokemon ripoff?
You probably saw the localized anime. The anime is pretty not great due to changes it makes and missing the last arc (nontheless, here's a link to the anime episodes:, and the localization is fucking terrible. The manga is way better, but even it admittedly starts out only above average untill it gets into the second arc.

I encourage you to post and respond to stuff as i'm dumping pages. It's far more fun for me while dumping if I see other people reacting to stuff that's happening and there' conversations I can reply to.

HOWEVER, please do not post images till I finish so the image limit isn't hit before then, and use your judgement for how often you post/how long what you are posting is. Don't overdo it.



What an educational whatever that thing is supposed to be.


Is Raiku-sensei teaching children to strangle each other?














Here we fucking go thanks OP I love this fight



Gash has come so far holy shit





Aaaaaand the suffering begins.





Aw shit.


hell be fine






>merely a flesh wound



I forgot how much of an asshole kiyo used to be.












lmao asspull

Get fucked Leo.

It's Hungry Hungry Baous!

>Strategy that they had been planning and executting the whole battle



Don't quote it, I'm sure he's a retard.





I call it an asspull because since when did Baou ever split apart into two-- let alone four parts?



We've seen zeguruzemu chain lightening attacks in the past. Such as the boulder that rebounded the lightening in the zatch vs earth fight. So it's safe to assume bao would do the same.

Gee maybe those zaguruzemus have something to do

>Leo in charge of counting

When has Kiyo set up a branching Zagurzemu chain line before now?

If you have two points that are equidistant from each other, it would obviously split towards both rather then just go towards one

>"I don't know how magnetism works"

Since when did they try to make it split. Until now all they've done is try to chain it into 1 hueg one. Kiyo didnt even know if it would work as intended here.


His smile and optimism... gone.

His smile and Optimism gone

Instant despair

lol beat me to it.

I can't believe Kiyomaro is fucking dead


Good night sweet prince.


Getting real tired of your shit talking leo


That's not the only thing gone.

I wonder what that ice guy's master is doing.


I'm glad this fucker gets defeated in a humiliated way.

even his chest laughs

he's fucking dead

I never noticed Gash has True Baou's eyes right now before now

Awesome. This is one fucking crazy volume, this is gonna be a blast.


>casually going for the book with a lighter instead of using a spell

Why are Leo and his bookerkeeper so fucking retarded

Did, did Gash just pull up a huge segment of the fucking ground rather than just a handful of dirt?

dirt where? they are in faudo guts


You know damn well what I meant.

its more unsettling that he ripped up a (proportionally small) wad of tissue and flesh straight outa faudo's hide. was it fleshy and squishy, you think?




Don't worry guys, band-aids solve everything!

Megumi you can check his heartbeat later just use the fucking spell jesus christ


No, it would be a waste or energy, she needs to know if he's alive or not.


>he's ded
>casts it anyways


>its a 'main character fucking dies' chapter


>are you a liar


B-but he really dies.

Need to go do some IRl thing, will continue dumping in 5-10 mins

what a fucking cliff to end on

Now on to Gash Bell Part 2!


He mummified rather quickly

We need a title for a part 2, like JoJo.

>5-10 minutes
3 hours later...

Fuuuck and we just go to the good part

>it's a "the battle ends while kiyomaro lays prone due to his death" chapter

Can't wait for Gash's new partner to appear. :^)

I can't believe Kiyomaro is fucking dead.


>Need to do some IRL thing
Just tell us you need to take a dump, you can be honest here.
Also, leaving right when Kiyo is fucking dead. This is either a beautiful coincidence of a personal cliffhanger or you planned this from the start.



All according to keikaku

It's my grandmother's birthday and I needed to call her


>one of his last thoughts

suzume confirmed to have won the kiyobowl if he didn't fucking die

>calling her
You fucking bastard why didn't you take her out somewhere nice
Nice family dinner, don't sit around on fucking Cred Forums dumping.

user, don't project in a storytime please

Not OP but, not everyone lives short distances to every family member.

>Kiyo sacrificed himself and still couldn't even take down Leo

What a shitter.

What makes you think i live near her


Oh boy.


God dammit

Folgore sing! you can save him if you just sing!

user pls, wait until the volume is done

pham... not during this volume

RIP ;_;7

Oh yeah, sorry.
Doesn't every volume take up like 200 pics or so?
That would leave us with 51 free spaces


What the fuck Gash he's already dead no need to smash in his chest

I kind of find this amusing, Gash hits Kiyo as hard as he can, in the same way he struck the ground earlier when deciding what to do about Faudo when he left a crater in the ground. But a demon can't kill their partner, or really hurt them it seems, so rather than harming Kiyo with the blow he restarts his heart.

Did,did he restart his heart punching him really hard?

>are you a liar
Damn, this hits hard

Best defibrillation ever



This is kinda stupid tbqh



One flaw in an otherwise solid ride, but impressively enough it doesn't really detract from the rest of the series

It bothers me that not a single character actually dies. I wish either riddles died in the Belegium EO battle or that Won lei actually died against Unko Tin Tin.

Nice, Megumi.


Bottom row Kiyo has a similar expression to Dufaux

Megumi is almost too into it.

Don't worry Raiku kinda fixes that in Animal Land.

I kinda wish Tarouza or another human protagonist did die though.

Thanks for cockblocking, Momon.
You piece of shit.


>When is mommy coming back?
I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry bitch tears at that.
Such an amazing death too, coming from that character.

To be honest, it has a bit of logic because Gash use electricity as power.


Striking someone's chest can cause a stopped heart to start beating again. I mean it's not how you are supposed to do it, but chest compressions are the most important part of cpr.

>Having sympathy for that piece of shit villain
It was annoying even in his final moments, fuck that crybaby.


Isn't chest compression just used until someone gets defibrillators?

It's time.

Bring Earth is truly suffering
The guy never catches a break

No, there is not always an expectation of getting a defibrillator to someone. CPR can save someone without a defibrillator, which aren't actually that safe of a thing to use, and the use of a defibrillator should be avoided if you can.

Gash's theme is electricity so I'll let it slide.

As usual, Momon goes a bit farther than I expected.

Even in times of crisis, Sunbeam maintains his principles.

Dammit Momon

This is who I was talking about
Giller can go fuck himself


Idols are literally not allowed to have any sort of public relationships. Imagine how frustrating that might be.

Is this namek?

Oh boy, its time

It's more like Karakuri Circus.


That was sd as fuck, but for some reson the wolf dad dead always hit me more.

The ninja and tiger dead were great too

I'm sure Kiyo could find an answer for that. Also if she needs a popularity boost she could call international super star Folgore and get some help.

*loud revving noises in background*

I hope all the people who were disscusing what constitutes "jobbing" or not are still here because oh boy

thread theme

Wew, Time for Leo to be Raped



Kiyomaro comes back from the dead with white hair, and Gash is still berserk? What sort of asspull is this?

Fucker can teleport, but he actually came there by grabbing Leo when he teleport into the brain as soon as the seal was released and has just been hanging out.

The Ninja was fucking metal to the end.
The only tears shed were manly tears.

Wait, Zeon has silver hair?

Huh. I guess this is what happens when you read a black and white manga.

Time to die, Leo.

And he also has two lines coming down from his eye now, wtf?????????

That's a big title drop.

Yeah, back when he first showed up in volume 6 I even said "For reference, for people new to the series who have never seen the anime/color covers, Zeon has silver hair and purple eyes, and slighter paler skin compared to Gash"

They're tears of rage.



The fucking rusemaster



That's what you get for not getting a haircut


>your job is done



Dofux just doesn't give a fuck.
Or whatever his name is in this version


Aw yes, been waiting for this. Time to eat shit, Leo.

Come on guys


Time to get fucked so hard.

A combination of loving Zeon's ruthlessness and seeing Leo get his shit absolutely pushed in after pretty much killing Kiyomaro makes this one of my favorite fights.

We DBZ now


I love that smile.


Yeah, it really makes me grin when I see it.

is this the first time someone recited a spell so casually?

not enough teleports behind you yet


>Those last three panels


I do wonder if Dofux had anything to do with this plan of Zeon's, or if Dofux just sort of went with it without bothering to check the plan over. I mean we see later that Zeon doesn't ask him to use Answer Talker all the time.

Smug level: !!!error unable to calculate!!!


>should I say anything about this plan
>nah, it's gonna work out
I'm pretty sure that's what went through his head

Haven't seen the teeth gnashing gag in a while.


I am willing to bet though that Dofux did use answer talker to find the best hot dog stand in that city.

An attempt was made

I highly doubt Dofux gives a single fuck. Zeon probably wouldn't need or want his help for someone thing like that anyway considering his personality.


I know I would

Man, Leo is such trash.

It's not that leo is weak, it's that Zeon is stupiedly strong

Keep in mind that even Leo's weaker spells did a shit ton of damage to Kiyo and gash when leo was fighting him and gash


>Leo is being handled like a child

He is a child

[ ]Not Told
[X]Toldasaurus Rekt
[X]Grab a coat baby, it's very told outside



I wonder why he didn't want to just straight up kill him

Double-zapping Roppes' book at least had a dickish purpose but "alright Leo time to send you home" just doesn't have a lot of kick 2bh

I wonder what they did while they had nothing to do. Did Dofux just go around eating from the best food stands in every city he went to?





>it's a "leo gets defeated by his own massive hair" episode

Eat shit, Leo.

>teleports ontop of you
Pssh, nothin personnel

That or looking for some nice scenery.





>Keep in mind that even Leo's weaker spells did a shit ton of damage to Kiyo and gash when leo was fighting him and gash

That wasn't a fair fight, Kiyomaro lost a lot of energy before the fight against Leo.

I'll admit, this is kinda cute

>I-I want to burn sempai's book...

Nice try Kiyo.


Kiyomaro has been so unusually low on energy since they landed on Faudo I was assuming that he had already been cursed somehow.


Then I remember that one Gintama parody

>he sees his Zeon's cock


the fuck? how is he that strong?


That begs the question, where did Earth enter from?
He's the final boss of the arc, he has to be strong

You find out eventually

Because he's the Kings son. He's strong as shit by default and he's had intense training since birth aswell.
Do i even need to spoiler this anymore? He just got revealed as Thunder Emperor.


>twenty seconds
We are in Namek alright


Like Leo said, Royal training

>That begs the question, where did Earth enter from?
You know where

>where did Earth enter from?
the anus

>shounen pacing

i don't think you need to, i get who he is.

but goddamn


TRIVIA: barusuruku is a rare spell modifier that causes the user to gain a monstrous appearance and go berserk. The only other known user of a barsuruku spell is Demolt.


>Dufaux has to remind Zeon about the banter he made earlier
GET IT TOGETHER ZEON, stop being such a slob.

What about OPs waifu; Kolulu? She did the same thing.

Damn shame. I kinda liked Leo. I always thought he was a descendant of Stone Golem with his chimera centaur design and his thing for curses.

Leo's an asshole, but I like that we get a look inside his head and see that he's just trying to live up to his families expectations

It's not so well done with leo specifically, but in general this arc is pretty good at making the villians seem sympathetic as you'll see later

And both Demolt and Leo's barusuruku spells starts with "Giru" as a prefix, which shows up on some other spells, but I don't think anybody has worked out what that is supposed to signify yet

Huh, I never thought of it like that.


no fuck off raiku

I'm not falling for your "reveal the sad backstory before you off the guy" bullshit

he LITERALLY murdered kiyo

I'll totally fall for this in doubutsu though

As I said, it doesn't really work well for Leo, but it works for Zaruchimu, Cherish, Roudeax, and Zeon

Here it comes!!!!


It's shaped like a ring because that's the size of your butthole after this spell is done with you.


>30 seconds

I seemed to completely have forgotten that. I just remember he was an asshole too. I wouldn't really call cherish a villain tho.

So you just stab that shit into your head?

It doesn't excuse shit. His backstory isn't a good enough reason.

As this user mentioned Even Triple G is tragic enough to justify some of his edginess.

Leo edginess comes from being an asshole like Zophise.

>you gotta nail it on your forehead


Let's settle this

What's the cooler way to shoot lightning?
>from your hand like Zeon
>from your mouth like Gash

I agree with leo it wasn't well done.

Hand, Gash's thing is silly and stupid.

I have a thing for mouth blasts but Zeon's hand lighting fits him pretty well with how casually he blasts the fucks out of most people.


I don't think its meant to make him that sympathetic or absolve him of any guilt, but i think its good to show even Leo had hardships and reasoning behind the shit he pulled, it further shows how fucked up the battle can be and then how ruthless/powerful Zeon is by beating him and his resolve so easily. Hell maybe that's the point, Leo's resolve and reason to fight was weak and couldn't come through, a selfish desire to live up to expectations set by others with no regard for those you might hurt along the way. It is despicable and holds no candle to Zeon's ambitions which in turn are defeated by Gash's RIGHTEOUSNESS

Hand, easy.
>Easier and more versatile to aim
>Doesn't loose consciousness
>Keep that smug look on your face when you BTFO niggas
>Don't know if it works, but potential to shoot with both hands
>You can punch a nigga and shoot a spell at the same time for a double wammy

I don't think it's supposed to be a "sad" backstory, but it is supposed to show the extent of his resolve. He reached far and put a lot on the line.


Hand is definitely cooler, but mouth has more charm.

>shooting things from mouth is cool as fuck but he goes unconscious briefly when shooting
>can shoot thunderbolts and bitchslap people at the same time
Gotta go with Zeon

Could Faudo beat Zeon or Clear?

basically, not everyone has to have a long fleshed out sad backstory, sometimes you just need to show a nigga was trying hard too

Zeon sure, as far as Clear, I have no idea how durable Faudo is, but I would expect Clear to be able to take him out eventually.


Yes and possibly are my guesses

I think faudo could probably take out clear provided faudo actually was able to target him from a distance


The funny thing is that Clear can do it too
Essentially, it'd either become a sniper battle or a battle of two giants

How did this girl come to be such a badass at her age?

Doesn't Clear have long range mega artillery too?
That's like asking who would win in a nuke throwing contest between the US and Russia: It doesn't fucking matter, everyone is going to get fucked.

I'm concerned what's going to happen october 1st. ICANN being handled over to the UN can spell the end of Cred Forums. It's been fun reading.

You'll find out next arc.

Yeah, He'd beat human form clear but lose to monster form Clear

>spoilering her survival

You find out at the start of the next arc'

Pretty much yeah

Don't be, ICANN ownership is a meme concern. All they do is handle backend DNS stuff, and the EU/China/Russia won't actually be able to influence them

Being worried about iCANN censoring the internet is like being worried that your electrical company will censor your internet

How does Raiku draw these swirly circle patterns on the wall stripes and a few of the characters this arc anyways? always thought it looked neat, did some assistant just slave over drawing circles?


Kolulu's spells are Zeruku and Zerusen. However, Kolulu was said to be "reprogrammed" with an alternate and violent personality. It is a special condition enforced on demon children who were extraordinarily non-violent and would otherwise refuse to fight. It is not a barusukuru spell although it is similar in concept. One key difference is that a barusukuru spell conveys the risk of making the demon attack their own bookmaster while transformed Kolulu did not show this disadvantage.

I'm glad there are so many posters here tonight

we're gonna need each other for the end of this volume

Hand lightning is SAIKYOU NO KUURU.

Like, this isn't even that bad. I mean, Leo was going to blow up a continent.

Huh, this was translated a little differently in the Viz version. The anime too, from what I remember.

Zeon was saying that he considered hiding his power and feignin loyalty to Riou, but decided his pride wouldn't let him take orders from a scrub.

>Leo got offscreened

No one has fucking died besides Kiyomaro and he came back. I didn't do anything wrong.


And Leo has been defeated like the trash he was.

They're on Earth's face too, I think it's just a screentone.


There's nothing to be concerned about, the ICANN giving the DNS rights to the UN is a complete lie forged by the Senator Ted Cruz. Ted doing it for the purpose to pass a bill through the senate that allows the US government to take over ICANN completely out of spite because the internet dismantled his campaign and ruined him. The only thing that's going to happen in October 1st is that the deal between the government and ICANN is going to expire. Returning the DNS rights to the private organization which is ICANN itself.

They're all going to get burned.

>Leo got offscreened
No I'm pretty sure we saw exactly how Zeon beat his ass

I really hate these two, and wish they had their book burnt when their partners were taken out in the first team battle.

Alright then, only thing to be concerned about is election day.

Keith has them too (Bari's cigar-smoking rival). It looks pretty neat.

The burning part, I mean

Almost wonder if she would've been better off with it. Oh well, Ted HYPE.

I know right?


Keith never fails to amuse me.

Zeon's cloak gets bigger and bigger.

Sunbeam and the nun is a cute couple

Bankis probably shit himself, threw the book, ran and hid somewhere since he can't leave Faudo.

style level: maximum

I totally forgot about Zaruchimu's reaction.


it's foreshadowing

It can be whatever size he wants it to be, well there might be a limit but I bet that limit is quite large. Though the thing itself is explained in more detail later on.

Oh now I remember.

He didn't even expect it to split in the first place. He just shot 4 charges in different places so that Leo wouldn't notice.
He even says "I wonder what will happen".

I'm 100% sure that Dufaux answer-talked "how and where should I sit if I wanna look as cool as possible"

It's a plot point.

Leo pls

You lost and brought shame upon your tribe.

Leo how are you shitposting from the demon world

Isn't this exactly how you do that? I've heard some people get a rib or two broken but survive.

Don't be a bad loser, Leo.

OP's friend here, OP just up and died.

Something doesn't look right with Papipurio face but I realized that kid has facial hair.
He shave it later, though.







Zeon confirmed nopan?

It's actually just nose hair.

Sorry I was putting some squash in the oven

I took emergency first aid training and that's also what they told us. People can get their ribs broken or worse. They told us a story of an emergency victim who was dragged from a burning building and when they applied chest compression the person's burned-off flesh was literally peeling off and sticking to their hands, and they kept going because as long as the heart keeps beating then nothing else matters.




Jesus christ how horrifying

Hey, so is the bump limit about to become a concern? You have four chapters after this one and I can think of a few pages in them that are bound to get a lot of replies

Nah, i'm not worried.


Be careful with those throws holy shit.
>it's a "Sorry I couldn't become king" episode
aw fuck I can't handle these feels

>bunko editions.

Uh oh.
I hope you're ready for a motherfucking badass moment in this Manga.

Things you should not do with an unconscious person.

>Kodansha USA will never license these

It hurts

These are the ones i'd be getting digitally for my release

Honestly this was stupid of Won Lei, he could have waited for the fucker to catch up, or picked somewhere other than on other side of a metal barrier to fight.


What makes you think Poop Dick wouldn't just ignore Won and attack the others if the wall wasn't in his way


I think it's firmly established by now that Won Lei has a heroic suicide fetish.



>Unko's stance



A clever replacement for Rashirudo.



This shit

Bravo Raiku

I told you guys that he is this manga's Shiryu
Spotlight stealing extraordinaire


You know,
for kids.


that fucking face

>Won Lei get suicidal for this clown

>Won Lei's face
I like that he doesn't even know how to react

I really like this page, but

What in the fuck.



This fucking guy


Are you fucking serious Raiku?

>that absolute mood whiplash in less than 3 pages

The classic "villain is a complete clown but the fight is very serious and sad"


Reminder that Kiyomaro died earlier in this volume



Remember back at the begining of this story where Kiyo was a selfish jerk who almost just left Gash and Suzy to fend fir themselves against a bully? Look how far he's come.

>Unko Tintin's attack is pulling out the entire arsenal and going bananas on the enemy
What a strat


That would be 12345654321.


Unko Tintin getting rekt even in victory
I like that the string actually does something in his attacks

Even Won Lei bullies him.

Man Suzy is too fucking pure for this world and Kiyo knows it.

Fuck that looks brutal

Never noticed that

Poor poopdick, just keeps getting bullied.


Here you can see Won lei channeling ceaser zeppeli


You know that yeti monster would've won the war had his partner not been a shitter. Hell a few of those one chapter demons would've made it super far had it not been for shit circumstances.


Its used when heart and lungs stop working, it keeps oxygenated blood flowing to the brain so it doesn't die


Oh god. It begins.


Time for martial arts bullshit!


Look at Folgore. You know he's seen people die. He's gonna go fuck some shit up.

Yeah, that's the correct translation.


I'm sure its a bit late to be saying this, but "heart power" is a bit of a clumsy phrase to me

You did well Buzarai.
Pretty good finishing at 30th place.

No breaks on the Bully Train.

I fucking love this guy

>"I have something to show yooooou!!"
Unko Tintin, you fucking bastard.


The anime's colors were always hit and miss with me. This guy and Leo for example looked like shit

>tfw you will never show Megumi your phoenix

>Tio's face

Leo's anime colors match his canon colors though?


Even Umagon's crying over his body...

What is Shin doing in Gash Bell.


You know the fact that Momon's mouth is so big it can cover both his mouth and his nose probably helped out a lot here


This is Megumi's punishment for bullying Suzy

Too bad his last thought was of Suzy.

What was Buzarai's manga colours?
It was red too.

No wait I fucked up. I meant that this series' coloring was hit and miss in both canon and anime. I didn't like a lot of the canon coloring and some of the anime's looked bad too. I always imagined Leo with silver armor and lighter colored color. Looks better than ugly orange everywhere.


I always thought they were pretty fitting, you know, lion colors.

It isn't martial arts bullshit, it's marital hearts bullshit.

The only real choice

>you're a teen idol who cannot have any relationships because contracts
>get involved in a demon fight
>some 8/10 would totally bang guy who looks like an oni at times becomes your greatest ally
>develop a crush on the dude as adventures go on
>suddenly he fucking dies
>restore his ass as hard as possible
>his kid plays him like a drum so hard his heart beats again
>all he needs is CPR
>this is it
>the chance of a lifetime
>no fans or producers or anything anywhere in a 1000 mile radius
>no one here would judge you
>suddenly some unholy mix of a rabbit and a monkey who steals panties for fun shoves his uncircumsized fat mamono tongue down the guy's throat and cockblocks you
Being MEgumi is suffering

I never liked Rodeaux's coloring, always thought his "red" should've been black.

Kiyomaro's been running on fumes since the drill now that I think about it.

Could have used a better shade and he looked like he had too much orange and it wasn't very good on the eyes. Even the dark parts of his armor were orangish
This too. He looks like a guy who would be all black and white colored.
I didn't like Ted's hair color either.


Fuck that's ominous


Hand by far. No loss of consciousness. Crazy versatility.

THAT Kanchome part we all know is the peak.




laugh at him as Faudo disappears into the demon world but don't tell him until after.

Because Leo was a dumbfuck and thought Zeon would do jack about it.


the guy has just been beaten to a pulp, doubt he was thinking straight after that...



Reminder that this guy is STILL probably weaker then Demolt



Demolt is the fucking strong, no buts about it.
But man, if Rein was here things would go so different.

I don't think the blindfold was necessary


>About to get crushed
>Still raises his fist to meet the challenge

I love this kinda character so much. They're always the coolest guys. Won Lei is great

In no other series have I ended up feeling so much like there should totally be a half demon baby as with these two.

I never got that Protecting King thing. What's the actual difference between that and a kind king? Is a kind king not gonna protect his people? Is a protecting King not gonna be kind?

I'm betting my ass there is a demon baby. It's too perfect.

Honestly does she just stay single for the rest of her life? This level of emotional attachment isn't easy to get over at all, it fucking sticks to you forever.


To sharpen your other senses better since she have to feel him. As much of a cliche it is it actually helps.

>500 replies
Oh shit


>past bump limit
O fuck


If something happen he would immediately prioritize protecting his people, or by shonen standard he would come in front of the threat himself.

She's got her kid to keep her company.

Oh she totally has a half demon baby. Who grows up to be a kung fu badass with weird eyes and takes control of Chinese Mafia. No one can tell me otherwise. Raiku could try and say otherwise and I'd just ignore him.

How in the fuck?



Even poopdick is impressed.

But I'm working on the assumption that she didnt end up giving birth to demon spawn


Kiyomaro death + Zeon appearance + Unko Tintin = a lot to talk about

Just means it's really getting good.

Also possibly more people around this time of night, I know I've missed most of the other threads.

Well you're wrong then. we don't need your kind tainting our fantasy



In the event this thread 404's before we finish,

Whoops, my post got cut off

In the event this thread 404's before we finish, i'll make a second one and i'll finish there and however long that lasts it'll last with people disscusing stuff I guess


Everyone remember this page, it's gonna be necessary for applogia purposes in the future.

Zeno is a child soldier with weapons fighting against a bunch of normal children.

>Page 6
Man, stop doing stupid threads, Cred Forums.



We've hit autosage bruh.

It's to complete the Shiryu thing they're going for.


Oh boy.

And they are both super Chinese even though neither of them are actually from China

We're almost done I think we can make it

>standing up through pure determination

>It's "muh dbz reference" chapter

Time for the depths of despair


I can never remember how that works. I know it means that the thread basically starts to move fall down the list to getting 404'd but I can't remember if people continuing to talk in these threads can still keep these alive.

I don't think DBZ invented villains trying to take down people with them by exploding



Megumi x Unko Tintin OTP

It means that no further posts bump the thread.

>but I can't remember if people continuing to talk in these threads can still keep these alive.
What's what autosage means. Every new reply will count as a sage which means the thread won't be bumped to the top so it'll just fall down until page 10 and get pruned


Carry on OP, ive been reading every day since volume 5, it has been a wild ride so far

F ;_;7

poopdick pls go

>beating mother brain.avi

Give me examples before DB.

>tfw I just realized Unko Tin Tin looks like Belgim E.O and this fight is the same kind of "silly moments into sad moments" fight



Goddammit user, we're trying to have a sad moment here.

Fucking love won lei.


>Bonding With Your Shota: A Guide



Man a ton happened this volume


page 8

>this thread has 10 minutes before it's sent back to the demon world



Man they totally banged.

There's no way these two weren't fucking.

fuck you raiku

Censor that shit OP

>Won Lei suffered and got sent back for fighting this clown

Personally I hate this fight.
Won Lei is a cool character and he's wasted fighting against this joke of a character. I know Unko Tintin is strong but he could've gone against better much better opponent, especially for emotional ending.

At least the one after this gone rather awesomely and the opponent is better.

H-he's going to kill megumi too?

And yet they're still in Namek. I loved this arc but sometimes I think if I had read as it was coming out instead of marathoning I would be kinda tired of Faudo already by this point.


Man it'll be awkward opening up a new thread for like 10 pages.

Real time or shounen time?

incidentally, is raiku married?




Married with kids.

>Go Fishing With Your Shota
>Sit Around With Your Edgy Shota Making Cool Poses

We can talk about Gash Bell in general, but people will certainly talk about spoilers.


Where the fuck is the baby??

>Unko Tintin suffered and died for fighting this clown

Personally I hate this fight.
Unko Tintin is a cool character and he's wasted fighting against this joke of a character. I know Won Lei is strong but he could've gone against better much better opponent such as Megumi, especially for emotional ending.

At least the one after this gone rather awesomely and the opponent is better.

I just realized that we see something like this barrier later on, that clear protects his partner with a similar thing.


>you can put the hoe down

Wew this better be beit

>You can put the hoe down

Jesus Christ Raiku.


Damn, Won Lei should really get his own series. He's literally the shounen protag 101

Man this is super cute. Now I'm sad.

>memories flashed from the demon's book while it's burned

This never happened to anyone..

page 9

Does OP have enough heart power to complete the dump?

This couple just gets more and more lewd~

You can say you will protect her all you want, right now you are failing to protect that smile.
You should have lived you son of a bitch ;_;


>600 replies and 201 images. Click here to view

No other pair fuck like them user

No other partners had a closer bond than these two.

Bruh you don't even know. There are so many shonen protags in this fucking book it's insane. Although the greatest is The Hippo

You gotta fuck your demon for that to happen.

Kid's "heart" talked to Dr. Riddles while he was fighting, it's fine

Unko Tintin stop posting you piece of shit!


And you stop posting pics, retard.

He protected her now so she could smile later. The Ultimate hero.

Must be the silly enemy that's causing this.


Raiku also broke his hand so there was a several month long hiatus. I guess I should be happy I picked on reading it weekly when the endgame began.

At this point does it even matter.

Just post the chapter, the end volume stuff can be posted in the next thread tomorrow

>He obtained the eye of the tiger
he was too good to go here


Then everyone fucking died. It was a good run, anons.

Honestly we've got like 15 pages max left and a post, with a pic or not, will not matter on the speed that the thread dies.

*peaceful chinese song starts playing*

I'm worried i'll forget

>page 10
Oh no!

>protecting so hard you create an afterimage of protection on sheer willpower alone
Fucking metal

page 10

thread theme:



New thread:

Have you guys every PROTECTED so fucking hard?

She's uber preggers

Good fucking way to end a thread

God damn it


Also, is there rule34 of Raiku?


What a way to end a thread.

You son of a bitch when will Cred Forums stop being sick bastards 24/7?


Can this thread survive?

I was expecting the self-destruct to be a bluff.

You coward

He's dead jim

>Zophise and Leo
>Victoreem and Keith
>Moonstone and Faudo liquid
>Belgium EO and Unko Tintin
>Leila and Cherrish
it happens