Western fantasy is incredibly imaginative and intricate by contrast, even when it is being overtly Tolkien. It's like the only thing Japanese fantasy writers know how to steal from is MMOs and Dragon Quest. Don't they know fantasy by definition can be literally anything?
Kevin Brown
It's because Japan doesn't have a Tolkien.
David Clark
Everyone has Tolkien. They don't seem to have any problem borrowing from Lovecraft.
Colton Perry
Some fantasy anime series are good and innovative tho.
Jackson Baker
Is this a bait thread? I can't tell if OP is being a retarded faggot, or being a faggot pretending to be retarded.
Carson James
Name one Japanese fantasy manga or anime that doesn't borrow heavily from myth and folklore.
They're good at sci-fi but Japanese fantasy is all the same shit.
Easton Reed
Exactly, ask yourself why the Japanese like school life mangas so much?
It because school is the most interesting thing in the life of an modern asian.
Parker Gomez
No actually the answer to that question is "Japanese like ass and titties".
Levi Kelly
Shinsekai Yori
Name one western counterpart that doesn't borrow heavily from myth or folklore.
William Perez
Because, shockingly enough, Japan has their own fantasy. People don't seem to consider it fantasy since it's dissimilar to Tolkien high fantasy stuff. They have no problem writing about youkai etc.
Ayden Watson
That's a pretty good answer desu, but can you name any more? SSY seems like the only anime with decent worldbuilding.
Juan Garcia
I sure can, but am waiting for the response to my query.
Ryan Adams
Jackson Gutierrez
Sci-fi is cooler.
Thomas Evans
Escaflowne was a great fantasy show, despite it's shortcomings.
Just watch more/older anime.
Leo Foster
OP here. This was a bait thread.
Thanks for the recommendations losers.
Nolan Gonzalez
To answer your question, video game mechanics make it easier to relate to for the audience that's being pandered to at the moment (Otaku), so it's an easy way to write it without having to build your own world. Especially with light novels, it's about spitting shit out to cash in on the current trends, so ever since SAO lit LNs on fire, people have been rushing to serve stories in a similar fashion, which means vidya game machanic because mmos hurrr.
Fantasy in older anime has this a bit as well -- the popularity of Replays (dramatized D&D sessions sold as novels) was a major influence on japanese fantasy. Which is why a lot of older anime fantasy just feels like random D&D campaigns -- because they are.
Which, at the end of the day, I'll take over incredibly boring Tolkeinesque fantasy quest any day, that shit is so fucking horribly played out. Sci-fi is better, btw.
Christopher Ward
There's one about a girl who can speak to animals, was a dragon/gryphon tamer or something.
Older anime has say Lodoss War, Arslan, 12K. There's also a long running fantasy by the author of Lodoss or Arslan from 1960s and it's still being written,
Robert Reed
I remember an user who didn't realize that all the youkai and oni and such were fantasy. It was a little odd, like if there were samurai, shinigami, and ninja instead of knights and dragons then it wasn't fantasy.
Tyler Wood
>that doesn't borrow heavily from myth and folklore That's not even remotely what OP said.
Kayden Powell
Stop bumping this bait thread.
Joshua Russell
No keep bumping it, I need more recommendations.
Since Cred Forums wiki is updated by reddit, /r/ is dead and recommendation threads are banned on Cred Forums the only way I can get recommendations is by making bait threads. Feed me more annie may.
Julian Scott
>dragons >haflings >naga >Norn
Planscape borrows from numerous culture's mythology, even a quick glance at the wikipedia page verifies that much. If I actually had played in and Planescape games, I could probably list more.
Akame ga Kill Break Blade Dog Days Spice and Wolf Tales of Vesperia First Strike The Legend of the Legendary Heros Utawarerumono
These are just ones sitting on my hard disk, if I actually made an effort I could likely list more.
I make no apology for my shit taste.
Ayden Nelson
Jeremiah Moore
>All of those >Not borrowing heavily from mythology >Fucking Spice and Wolf Are you retarded or did you just not understand the question?
Christian Gray
Wrong redirect scrub, should be going here
Kayden Anderson
Nice try, I already got plenty of recommendations. I'll be back when I've watched them to reset my IP and bait for more.
Lincoln Perez
Gabriel Roberts
Go on, I'm listening. Tell me how I'm wrong, I'll wait.
Jayden Wright
No I'm pretty sure Cred Forums is your board.
Cameron Campbell
No you are legitimately retarded if you think any of those don't borrow heavily from real world mythology and folklore user.
Camden Anderson
>/r/ is dead Do you not know what /wsr/ is?
William Torres
Horo is literally based on a real life goddess you fucking sped. Do your own research before you post awful bait.
Caleb Martinez
Yeah, I forgot the Inuit legend of the man who couldn't use quartz to power his robot.
Julian Sanders
Sure, it's not as good as Cred Forums. Once again, thanks for the pick ups guys.
Landon Green
>Robot >Fantasy HMMMM
Aiden Miller
>it borrows from real world mythology >No, it doesn't. >It's not fantasy, then! So you admit you haven't seen the shows he mentioned, or what?
Adrian Reed
I don't think you understand your own posts at this point.
Michael Robinson
Yes, there are fantasy series with robots. Welcome to fiction, enjoy your stay.
Aaron Morales
Which one?
And that is one out of seven. Still waiting for you to invalidate my response. I bet you can't since you are so full of shit.
Nolan Adams
>the only fantasy anime I've watched lately were Danmachi and Grimgar Cool and great to know, OP