Same Voiceactor Thread
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She also does Nodame and Lafiel. Probably one of my favorite voice actresses.
Voicing Kirito had to have been so boring. You can really see how talented he is when he voiced characters like Soma and Teruki.
No pics but Sho Hayami voices both Vanilla Ice from part 3 of Jojo and Sousuke Aizen from Bleach.
Betelgeuse is a great example of his range, holy fuck he sounds like American VA Charlie Adler.
you can do better with Seki
>no Kenichi
more like Kenecchi
Bellamy and Vander Decken from One Piece are voiced Okuyasu Ninimura from part 4 of Jojo.
Jonathan Joestar from part 1 of Jojo voices Serpico in Berserk 2016.
Izuru Kira from Bleach is voiced by Griffith from Berserk/Cloud Strife and Kishibe Rohan from Jojo part 4.
Skull Knight from Berserk 2016 is voiced by Whammu from Jojo part 2, Shunsui Kyoraku from Bleach, and Blackbeard from One Piece.
And finally, Old Joseph Joestar from parts 3 and 4 of Jojo voices Void and the Narrator from all formats of Berserk.
Choromatsu voiced Rohan in the games, and Osomatsu is his voice in the anime.
Aki's doing both twins? Also, can't wait for five total voice actors for the English version. Why does Atlus insist on forcing the English dub for Persona only? They let you choose in so many of their other games.
How has no one posted this yet?
Koyasu is in every anime
shit blew my mind
Also Kou.
This ones some real trap shit
Koyasu is everywhere
Felix from Re:Zero & Hanekawa from monogatari
That's some serious best grill play in there.
What does it mean?
Did a bunch of VAs swear themselves to SHAFT after they saved them from a fatal bus crash?
I thought Yuji Ueda was Wobbefet.
>Karen and Kawashima have the same VA
I never noticed until now, shit dude
One of these is not like the others, newfriend.
Naw, they just run their own repertory theater.
A more recent version.
Don't worry, she'll be okay.
Miyu-chan is protecting her.
Man, SZS had some top VA talent.
I love the episode where all the VAs switched roles.
Every week when I watch DBS I imagine Reinhard and Guilmon interacting with each other.
Megumi Hayashibara da best
Nya? :3
>real trap shit
damn son, where'd you find this?
>Every week when I watch DBS
I pity you.
It could be worse, man. He could be watching moe SoL.
May I hit you?
I can get mad, right?
Retard detected.
>He could be watching moe SoL.
What did he mean by this?
Ayano too.
Is it wrong to have more than 1 waifu if they all share the same VA?
Wasn't expecting this.
Vanilla Aizen
Kiss my ass.
Posted already on the shaft one, but it was pretty shocking when I found this out a few weeks ago
that shit pissed me off.
He specializes in insufferable faggots.
my fav
Blueberry girl will get better right?
damn you...it took me too long to make my image...
the more tamura the better
Protip: Don't marry a Yuuichi Nakamura character.
Matsuoka is hated because of Kirito but he's a good VA.
>same voice actor
Are you fucking kidding me
This is amazing and needs to be updated!
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
>Give it a girl's voice
Why is this fucking allowed?
That's just a hilarious coincidence.
Meanwhile in >dubs
>Arc does Neco-Arc
Like Pottery.
Kotono Mitsuishi
Usagi from Sailor Moon and Misato from Eva
Shit blew my mind.
Literally only voices sluts.
Everytime I hear him it's always either a fit dude, some cliche villain, handsome man, strange deviant-like character, or all of the above,
You got it.
But do they all have white haired yanderes after their dick?
Will Hanakana ever win a Uchiyamabowl?
Shizuka Itou is the queen of sluts.
No wonder Gray's women die in Fairy Tail.
Girls voice a lot of the male characters; hell, even Luffy and Goku are voiced by hags.
Also Ryuuji from Toradora voiced in a hentai
I knew that Chitoge would win (False love turning into real love, it writes itself), but I'm still mad about Onodera.
He's getting old.
It fits that Gilgamesh was the other one in that suit.
2 out of 4
I hope he doesn't retire like Wakamoto, I'd like whatever is left of the LOTGH cast to come back for the remake. Too bad Shiozawa died.
Wakamoto retired?
He can't retire untill AT LEAST the Heaven's Feel movies are completed. Kotomine Kirei is just incomplete without his voice.
He really hasn't been getting any roles besides coming back for old ones. Either that or he went to TV instead. I think the last new thing he was cast in was Ushio to Tora. It doesn't help that he's almost 71 so I don't blame him.
When he dies Im gonna be REALLY fucked up.
Wait really? Matsuoka does Accelerator?
Nobuhiko Okamoto did Accelerator.
Is Dog Days the most recent thing he was in?
He said so little. it made me sad.
So do they always come together in a pair?
>Is Dog Days the most recent thing he was in?
Ushio and Tora as a major villain.
Depends on the timing and how much foreplay was involved.
Too lazy to post images, but Tracer (Overwatch) is Brat (Yuru Yuri)
woah one person voiced all of these characters? incredible
what the fuck
It makes too much sense when activate your gray matter.
Also Gendo
Tomoko Kawakami
I don't have an image, but Shiki and Kokutou in KnK were also Luna and Shinn in SEED Destiny.
They're also married.
>all greyed out
Now I'm sad.
>Fucking Kivala
That still cracks me up every time
Not Cred Forums but they were also Zack and Aerith in FF7.
>Char, Bajeena, Full Frontal
Holy shit that's awesome
Shuichi Ikeda is one of the most famous seiyuu out there.
And the seiyuu for Amuro Ray was Ribbons.
How does popular roles for Horie Yui not include Haruhi??
Onodera was a completely empty character, if you think she's cute and nice, that's in you user. But as a character she was so boring. At least Chitoge had development and a few sides to her. Onodera's development consisted of asking Raku out 3 years too late and that's it.
Rai is my seiyuufu.
How can a guy be so fucking based?
Someday I'll be able to make one for her.
I'm surprised he was able to do three different UC characters
She was hot.
4, you forgot Quattro Bajeena
Oh fuck you user.
It never gets easier.
Missing Dlanor A. Knox
Took me like 300 episodes to realize this
couldn't believe that was the same voice and my boner wants more of her in her Clementine voice.