Oh wow, we're already done with talking about this? Shit man
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you want to talk about?
Last episode was not bad in and of itself, but it didn't really conclusively resolve the war, and it doesn't make up for the rest of the second cour.
Still enjoying Walkure albums though.
We had a 500+ reply thread last night.
Am going to miss hoina
We already did. Not our fault you missed the threads.
Best girl won.
Since you just had to make yet another thread
What were the things you liked about Delta?
where's the pic for chap 6 of keith manga again?
This one?
If we got a continuation movie(s) would that fix things?
the one with him and roid
need twitter link
I'd rather have remake movies
As long as they hire a different writer.
Easily the worst Macross series with the worst ending.
A real shame because it started out so good and the music was great.
So I never bothered to start, where would you put it in terms of Kawamori stuff, below Frontier but above EVOL? or did it REALLY shit the bed?
It starts off strong for the first half but dips below EVOL in the second.
thanks user
It's around EVOL level. It makes the same mistakes of great first half and the second half goes downhill with one or two decent episodes.
I think it might be a little bit above EVOL because the triangle wasn't cancer on the show and the main girl wasn't shit
Well this was my first Macross, so it wasn't too bad for me at least.
I'm looking forward to whatever they put out after this. Not sure if anything was announced yet, but I'll be checking out whatever they do
I liked Macross II more than Delta.
>I'm looking forward to whatever tey put out after this.
I think a lot of us are too!
Wanting Macross to be great is part of why people were disappointed.
Watching the raw I hated it how it seem like a replay of ep 13 but with subs on the lyrics just fit the action so damn perfectly.
Translator user, where are you? Will you translate the new chapter of Keith's manga?
Start watching all of them.
I liked SDF and 7 the most.
So we all can agree that Macross 7 is still the best, right?
I can't think of a moment more hype than the whale singing with Basara on Dynamite.
Basara moving the mountain duh
Nah, Try Again
>Cred Forums147828776
>Black best friend
Damn, now I really wish that Fish-sis and Mirage were BFFs
If only for best boy, yes
What was the point of the Fishnigger bitch again?
It could if they rewrote it and made it not shit. It could also be just as bad or even worse.
Only time will tell.
My favourite by far. I can understand if somepeople would not consider it the best Macross though.
>somepeople would not consider it the best Macross
Well they clearly didn't listen his song for long enough.
It should have been for being Claudia
She even had the hots for the dead ace pilot senpai as well see
SDF parallels are everywhere
I prefer a continuation to a retelling. Delta was...disappointing, but if the producers decide to chicken out by redoing everything from scratch like in Frontier, this half a year of nothing happening would truly become pointless.
God it really was over by that point wasn't it?
For Mirage-san? Yeah, never really stood a chance ;_:
Fucking pineapple salads man.
I'm just glad my folder of HayaFre fanart didn't become pointless
I kind of like that the war didn't get neatly resolved. The war is rooted in a lot of deep seated issues between NUNS and Windmere. It would be lame, and a cop out to have an understanding end or a "peace" end. I liked Heinz saying, "yeah, we're not done yet, but we gotta kill Roid right now". I wish more shows would do that.
I can't fucking believe Herman survived the whole series.
Wait for the films/OVA
Honarabu sacrifice #2 is coming up
7 is definitely the most fun to pic a random episode and watch. There are a lot of comfy episodes, especially the movie and the bonus episodes.
Heinz stated early he'll start the peace negotiation. It was over when the NUNS got BTFO. The whole shit about letting them paid was to assure Bogue who was being a whiny baby and Bogue let his hatred go when he teamed up with Walkure. You don't need him to tell you about it, his actions and feelings were more honest than his mouth. Keith was done with it too. He was legitimately happy when Walkure started singing and actually saved Freyja, Mirage, Mikumo and Hayate when he could have just let them die when he blew up the star shrine. Keith sent his regards to Heinz who understood his brother's will.
Live the present at the fullest. To be able to do this, one has to let the past go.
He'll die instead of Keith right? Keith will become Mirage's prize.
>Told myself I'd make a Mirage subfolder later when I get enough pics to justify it
>she's irrelevant
>never made it
Best decision I've made when it came to image folders. Meanwhile, my Sheryl subfolder is 3x larger than my entire Delta folder
Starting peace negotiations doesn't necessarily mean that the war is over or that will end. That will have to depend on how NUNS responds. It's not an understanding end or a "peace" end, because don't know if peace will happen, and Windmere still hate NUNS regardless of the Aerial Knights personal feelings towards Walkure, as Walkure aren't NUNS. The wait the "conflict" didn't official end is a more honest conclusion to the story's premise for Windmere is fighting than having a "the war is over, both sides agree to total peace" that we normally get with mecha anime.
I like Robotech
>Heinz stated early he'll start the peace negotiation
Given that they now have no advantage I don't think those are going to go well for the Windies. Maybe if the movie is a continuation rather than retelling we'll get Heinz having adventures around the galaxy after the monarchy was abolished and exiled and the aerial knights tagging along for the ride out of loyalty.
Treaty of Versaille when?
If Windermere is WWII Japan, then what it really needs a new galactic threat to come along, to which keeping Winderemere in stable condition is strategically beneficial, ala America's need to boost Japan during the Korean War.
>after the monarchy was abolished
This won't happen. Windies adore Heinz, he'll be a great King. Well, he already is.
It's a step toward this. The 'understanding' ending wasn't with NUNS. It was with Walkure and Chaos. It's less about what he said to help them then and more their emotional reaction to Walkure. They were honestly happy. Bogue is the proof of it because he was the biggest detractor and he does feel happiness and excitement and kind of glee when he saves Walkure. That's the understanding. I think they understood it when Freyja made her love break them free.
The story as far as the protagonists are concerned was about Ragna and their lives, less about NUNS (but Hayate and Walkure will protect Freyja's planet). They got that back. Keith personally saved the son of the man who as far as he knew dropped a bomb in front of him which scarred him all his life and he liked him and praised him in the end. Because he recognized Hayate as a person who must live on.
They reached out to each other during that battle. NUNS stuff doesn't matter as much. It's a minor detail. It's possibly the beginning of Anti NUNS forces for future Macross, but what mattered was to get Ragna back. Heinz' not interested to take the planet back even with numerical advantage.
>Given that they now have no advantage
>Keith is a galactic hero
>Freyja, a windermere, is the greatest songtress of all time
>NUNS unmasked as war criminals
>any shitty thing they could have done could be blamed on Roid who even murdered their king
>actual heirs of protoculture isn't just roid's delusion but a fact
>only planet with overabundance of fold quartz according to novels
>mightest fighters/most powerful fold waves users according to mag
How exactly things aren't going on their favor again? Earthlings should take a hint and start to try to fuck windies if they want to stay relevant.
I finally listened to Walkure Trap!, and I have to say, I'm disappointed in Walkure's version of Ai Oboete Imasu ka. It has to be the weakest version on any Macross soundtrack to date.
>It was with Walkure and Chaos
Correct, but the war itself was never with Chaos and Walkure per se, but with NUNS, and to that end there isn't an "understanding" end. My original post was that I found it refreshing that Windmere didn't turn around and say, "let's be friends, NUNS" and that the war isn't technically over or neatly wrapped, because Windmere have legitimate reasons to hate them and the conflict is bigger than whatever Roid was hoping to do. There might be peace talks, but it won't be "understanding".
>Mikumo bursting out of the rubble in episode .86/1
>Freyja's su ki yo in episode 18
>Mikumo blowing up the infrastructure
>Axia sung about one's heart exploding right as Kaname flashes back to meeting Messer
>Reina saves Makina in the last episode while singing that they'll hold up the skies
Delta had some great musical moments
Macross 7 is too silly. It would have been great if it was more serious and less wacky.
wackiness was the best part of 7
>I'm disappointed in Walkure's version of Ai Oboete Imasu ka. It has to be the weakest version on any Macross soundtrack to date.
Absolutely. One of the first songs I listened to on the album, and one of the first I deleted.
I liked remember 16 at Messer funeral, it was a nice touch(thankfully not as NTR as in 7).
The NUNS in Delta aren't portrayed as someone you can reason with. They are portrayed as Galaxy hivemind: one-dimensional cackling villains you BTFO. That's why they got BTFO and the understanding shit happened between parties who were portrayed with some kind of depth.
NUNS were never a protagonist faction in Delta (pic related, not a single NUNS character is included in the cast celebratory ending by the character designer). Chaos isn't UNDERSTANDING with them. In fact, they portray them as opposing the NUNS too, even if they aren't at war with them. They just care about protecting Ragna and cluster as they were hired. Heinz understood Chaos was protecting shit, so he probably left them alone. The issue wasn't to have planets, it was to protect them because he didn't trust the NUNS. They can trust Chaos because they know where their hearts are. Likewise, Chaos isn't picking fights with Windermere either. The conflict of miscommunication was between them.
What was the point of them suggesting that Minmay was Lady M?
It seemed weird that they kept Lady M's identity on the sidelines as a half-baked Chekov's gun, mentioned that it may or may not be Minmay, and that was it.
Even ISIS is there but not CIA. What a shame, CIA's death was one of the best scenes.
Heinz looks so beautiful. He should have been a loli.
I totally see where you're coming from, and I do agree that NUNS was never portrayed a force you can reason with in Delta.
Yea. it would have been better if it were just JUNNA alone
Isis-kun was best boy after Messer. True winner of Deltabowl.
post your face when you realized that Delta died with Messer
I think that was just incredibly lazy writing. NUNS have always been depicted as a moderately good intentioned if not effective government that sometimes has to make shitty but practical decisions with bad people falling through the cracks inherent to a decentralised and vast organisation who then do their shitty evil things.
It seems wierd that they are now all cackling saturday morning villains being over the top dicks for the sake of making Windermere more sympathetic.
That seems to be what Kawamori was thinking.
Kawamori went from DYRL to 7 because he felt uncomfortable about having to resort to force of arms in the end to solve the conflict, but in the interviews for Delta, his stance seems to have changed to one where he thinks that music can't magically resolve conflicts between humans.
Meanwhile look at Bogue. He can say "i-it's not like I wanted to save you or anything" but it's showing something different. His urgency to save Walkure was real, like his happy reaction to them. And at the end, after Keith's passing, he's no longer full of hatred and exploding into rage. He has a mature expression.
His balls dropped, lads. His idol saved two Walkures, the Galaxy, and even Immelman's son. He's always wanted to follow his path.
The animation quality sure died with Messer
>NUNS have always been depicted as a moderately good intentioned
Last Macross Project, Macross 30 for the Anniversary, NUNS characters are super evil fuckers who nearly ended the universe. But don't worry, our plucky SMS protags stopped them.
They had been idiots and incompetent, and a thorn to protags since Macross 7. In Frontier material it reveals a lot of control and corruption behind the scenes, beyond Leon (just look up how they handle their production technology level). The revised Frontier info from Delta puts NUNS attacks as the reason why the Vajra decide to leave (so they are responsible for unleashing Var epidemy in the whole galaxy by driving the Vajra Queen to another galaxy) while SMS are whitewashed as the good guys who were just fighting Galaxy's Lucifers (and among the SMS forces, who was there? Late White Knight, Adria-sama!).
>It seems wierd that they are now all cackling saturday morning villains being over the top dicks for the sake of making Windermere more sympathetic.
Macross Delta is a dramatization of real world events that took place in Macross universe. Just like Murricans portrayed Russians good or bad in movies or fiction depending if they were before or after cold war, it's obvious the current political agenda will influence the portrayals of the NUNS. That and Kawamori's preference.
Remember Grace was a villain in the Frontier tv show and not that bad in the movie. Realistically, Heinz was probably a child who didn't act as mature as the one of the show, he probably cried and acted more childish, but it's a dramatisation and they can oversee any obnoxious realistic traits.
Yeah Leon was the dick who was a part of the government and did bad things but the President before him was well intentioned. In Frontier there are also loads of NUNS pilots and officers who are just trying to save humanity from the bad space bugs. In 7 Max was NUNS and he was definitely a good guy and even when the high command back on Earth pretty much left their fleet to die Max explained that it was not out of malice but a misguided attempt to save Earth and humanity. There were some shitty offivers underneath him but they were never evil, just arrogant and stupid.
>The revised Frontier info from Delta
Just sounds like more bullshit all the NUNS are evil writing to get people to open up to Windermere. Given how the Windies themselves were written there would be no reason to like them without the continuous circlejerk about how bad and evil NUNS is.
Shhh, you're gonna trigger that user.
i felt walkure's version has its good and bad points. Reina's voice was the one that disappointed me though, since toyama did sing the song before and it was pretty great
The NUNS being shit started before Delta. High commander NUNS at least with ties to Earth, not the civilians (like Cathy's father) or the fodder. Like any big organization, when it grows into power, those inside get greedy and twisted.
The novel writing it's better at handling the Windies. There's no baiting about LOOK HOW HARSH AND ASSHOLE KEITH IS to "fool us" into trusting Roid. Keith has a whole viewpoint chapter that focuses on his motivations and he's perfectly anti-heroic in his actions. It's a more consistent characterization than the anime which did a turn with him and Roid that made no sense.
Anyway Delta has too much jap projecting of (((bad))) spess murrica bombing (((good))) spess Japan.
Found the Murrikan.
If only I was one.
Speaking of the novel, will we still have translations to look forward to? The translator won't abandon us will he?
He just posted chapter 2.
>implying Windermere's ambitions for domination over that cluster is any different from the Co-Prosperity sphere.
The war clearly started because Windermere wanted to rule a region of space and the people there while everything else served as an excuse to justify those ambitions.
>it's a "the villain is trying to merge all individual human consciousness and become God" episode
i already miss these threads
Which chapter is Keith's?
>The issue wasn't to have planets, it was to protect them because he didn't trust the NUNS.
And did Windermere EVER asked these planets if they wanted to have their free will taken away?
Or indeed, did Windermere ever even gave a damn about the peoples they enslaved, even to the end?
me too senpai
Thanks user
Doos Ex was actually well-written compared to Delta.
I don't think writing has ever been a strongpoint of Macross and it has never particularly suffered because of that. It's just that making it about geopolitics emphasises just how bad it really is to the detriment of the show as a whole.
Must hurt like fucking hell that Windies got away scott free and the narrative portrays them as misguided but good guys, uh?
Great, looks like someone is still into Delta.
In the middle of the flames, the girl was singing. Overflowing with the joy of being alive, she was singing.
Her expression said that even if she died in the next moment, right here, right now, she was fully living.
And the boy, who had searched but not found anything worthwhile, also felt his soul begin to shine.
Without a doubt, music is mystery, and love, and power, and life.
Laying it thick Freyja won since the beginning. He had no special reaction to Mirage. He even had more reaction to Mikumo, but only on the "it's a goddess" level like Freyja's reaction.
Isis-kun is responsible for everything as the one running the weapons industry and arming all sides and he got scott free with huge profits.
I liked the theme of enjoying life instead of stressing out about the inevitability of death or the pain of the past. The pacing didn't need to take a hit to convey this theme though. The first cour managed to weave action and character development together well enough, but the second cour opted for talking heads and too much breathing episodes.
>with huge profits
I thought Epsiold was just cutting losses at the end given that the original plan of helping the windies in return for getting hold of mind rapey song magic before Roid ruined that.
The image for the main trinagles was updated, someone should update this too
>Walkure sings Do you remember love
It was shit, right?
He'll return to Heinz-sama now Roid's gone.
The sigur valens is gone though. Is there anything left that he can make a significant profit on?
I just realized that Mikumo's Star Song is sung by JUNNA and Ami Koshimizu.
Nice touch.
>The sigur valens is gone though
The sigur valens isn't gone, user. What the fuck are you talking about? What was blown up was the star shrine in Ragna. Heinz was in the Sigur Valens. Which was never 100% operational just as those bad powerlevels shounen shows.
I guess I might have to rewatch it then. All that shit looked the same to me.
Now that Chaos and Windermere are pals Chaos will help them to unlock the 100% and the Sigur Valens will become the weapon of mass destruction that will put an end to NUNS.
Couldn't agree more. Such a terrible notion that an ending isn't good without total resolution.
Freyja should just pika pika RUNE beam them.
>It has to be the weakest version on any Macross soundtrack to date
Care to explain? Like I really don't see how anyone with even a rudimentary understanding and appreciation of music could actually think that.
She can't, she's dying.
Vote for your favorite delta song
Way to miss the point of Windermere and the show. Way to make a complete retard out of yourself. Good job. Windemere autistic haters are as retarded as ever I see.
Please enlighten me as to the point of the show then user.
I do not hate Windermere, just their depiction as the good guys when they are just as bad as NUNS.
The VF-31C's hatches opened, and spit out torrents of missiles.
But then, right before her eyes, the enemy fighter seemed to blur.
The enemy'fighter effortlessly slipped through the storm of missiles and ascended. It even deceived all of her sensors, proof that it had an extremely powerful stealth system indeed.
Is this why they never use missiles?
>Idiots actually believed mirage was going to win out of nowhere because "muh older girl always wins Macross"
>She lost hard and was non-existant the entire show
hahahaha faggots
Windermere doesn't want to rule shit. They started this war because they wanted to avenge themselves from what the NUNS did. They see NUNS as evil fuckers who are oppressing everyone and throwing bombs of mass destruction when things don't go their way and the NUNS in the show have done absolutely nothing to prove them wrong.
They took over those planets because Roid assured them their weapons would work better (but that was Roid's lie to fuck around with Protoculture). They thought they needed it to defend themselves against NUNS. When Gramia was alive, those planets were left alone with their own rulers still in charge and only the NUNS forces stationed there had an issue. It was a bloodless taken over too as they made their military forces (not civilians ones) stop fighting. The only one that got them trouble was Ragna because NUNS got involved and - big surprise- bombed the civilians and their own forces there.
Things got messy when Gramia died and Roid turned their war into an excuse to run his experiment when their real original objective was to kick the NUNS out that sector (objective accomplished by the end of Delta). The galaxy 'conquest' wasn't much of a conquest and more trying to kick the NUNS out the control of other places. Something Heinz was willing to do on negotiation and peaceful talks because he got fed off this shit. Roid was the one still pushing to crusading to get galaxy control. None of them gave a shit about it.
They seem pretty ah-OK with Chaos protecting Ragna because they are cool people, not fuckers who would use dimensional eaters.
My memory's a bit foggy.
In the early episodes, when the var just makes people go psycho and kill each other, was that perpetrated by Windermere, or was that a natural phenomenon due to the vajra shit?
Windermere were portrayed as more misguided and self righteous than bad. They have nuance and can be talked to in the end. While NUNS were always portrayed one-dimensional nuke-dropping cartoon villains.
Did Freyja not die?
>Dips below evol
Thats really fucking bad, im not going to touch it with a stick
Windermere only started to use Var in the first episode of the show (the shrine Heinz sang to do this was only finished previous to Keith's sortie) and they distributed the apples and the water to NUNS headquarters, because their plan was to use Heinz' song to make their troops to surrender and avoid a bloodbath. It was to reduce the number of casualties.
Var as galaxy wide pandemic and its existence is due to the NUNS' actions: their nukes and aggressiveness chased the Vajra Queen away. The Vajra leaving is what made the Var virus appear. Var is direct consquence of NUNS actions. The Windermere is using it against them.
Only ones who died in the finale are Keith and Roid. Keith took Roid down and blew the star shrine to save the galaxy as the mc of the show Hayate couldn't be.
You people keep on claiming that NUNS are the villains of the story in Delta. Yes, I do agree about but have you guys not consider the fact that Lady M was actually part of the whole conspiracy?
IMO She could be the one who is pulling the strings and indirectly using NUNS resources for her convenience in research purposes. She seems like a normal figurehead of Chaos managing transportation or any kind of business activities. What if she really is using Chaos as a 'good', 'non-militaristic' organization as a tool to her disguise?
Didn't they said that their aim was to destroy Signur Valens with MDE 7 years ago? I believe this intention does not come out of nowhere, however thanks to research results they decided to destroy it since its proven to be a dangerous weapon, this could also be Lady M's suggestion. Why I say so because Wright stole/took the sample from the ruins in secret which is now revived as mikumo, whom is the catalyst to reach the full potential of the protoculture system. With that, Windies already lost the most important part of the system, what is left can be destroyed and this inflicts huge blow to Windies so that NUNS gains the upper hand over them
who is without the Signur Valens and the sample. Things did not turn out that way because the whole plan backfired during Wright's mission.
So my conclusion is if the cause of this conflict have something to do with the Protoculture ruins and the the Star Singer, then most likely Lady M is indeed involve in this. She could have even anticipated this event to happen since she is someone who have been crazily researching about songs for the past few decades. I'm not justifying NUNS actions, I'm just thinking there is much more to the incident which I believe most of it was yet to be explained
NUNS are just doing their jobs to protect the fleet. If the Vajra had not appear, lives would not have lost, and aggression would not happen. besides, the Var virus was already in fact existed before the events of frontier which is before Macross Global and the expedition ship was destroyed. Of course, grace and leon are the ones to be blame if you were talking about TV series.
Do you also think Japan entered World War two because they wanted revenge against the Westerners who treated them like shit or that the USA invaded Afghanistan to deny a safe harbour for terrorists? In regards to Windermere it could very well have been a real motivation for the philosophy of their government and its policies but geo politics is never as simple as hurf durf they was mean to us so we war them. The actions of NUNS were simply a casus belli that allowed the people on Windermere to feel righteous in the pursuit of their ambitions.
Before you get butthurt over this I do not even care that the Windies are doing this because that is how nation states behave and I do not believe that it is inherently immoral. The NUNS were pursuing their own interests and the Windermerians were doing likewise and a conflict ocurred where the two overlapped. Where I think Delta failed is that it did not sufficiently remove the characters from the politics.
>Anyway Delta has too much jap projecting of (((bad))) spess murrica bombing (((good))) spess Japan.
It's actually the opposite.
The Windermere's got hit by Wind 9/11 then spitefully and indiscriminately lashed out at those they placed the blame on
It was better than Frontier at least for the first cour, and it still went strong until chapter 17.
It went downhill thanks to it's shitty pacing, it wasn't framed to be 26 episodes long, that's for sure.
Got my BD in the mail today.
>yfw Messer delivered pizza before he became a pilot
The hat looks cute on him.
What? Why would you think it's the weakest? I thought it was good. I even liked it more than the original and Ranka's version. It felt very different which is great.
Boy, am I glad I didn't watch this shit then
Unresolved plot threads
1. Outcome of war?
2. Why did Hayate and Freyja resonate and what about Hayate's Var problem?
3. What about Freyja's remaining life?
4. What happened to Berger?
5. Is uta wa heiki?
6. Who is Lady M and why did she create Mikumo?
7. Why did Wright's superiors remote detonate the MDE?
8. How did Wright deliver the star singer cells to Lady M?
9. What was the point of Arad searching through the abandoned NUNS base?
10. What was the point of introducing Herman's son?
11. What was the point of the twins?
12. What was the point of episode 19?
13. What about the cure for Var?
Is there anything I'm missing?
Ai Oboete Imasu ka is one of the most iconic songs of the first Macross, as with many iconic songs, furtehr versions and covers will be dissected in detail by the purists.
Other than that, I'm a sucker for Hametsu no Junjou and i fucking love the Mikumo solo version MUH gori gori.
As much as I despise Makina's voice, Onya no ko girl is extremely catchy. I just re-view In the credits of episode 17 says that Teddyloid has something to do with it, so it explains it
7 had loads of hype moments but Gamlin singing was the best for me.
Did you listen to any of the 5 infodumps on what the Var actually is?
Also, the show gave answers to 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 13.
I think the VF-31 has the best looking super pack.
The Rasmus Faber and TeddyLoid tracks I really liked.
>Delta movie gets made
>the Happy Merchant of Arms Dealing just infodumps for 80 minutes
>he then proceeds to sing My Boyfriend Is A Pilot while surrounded by dancing harem girls and friendly mercats
Good to know that the Delta threat will die down till the next series is announced
Are there any links to the BD extras?
And it'll still be better than 2nd cour cos Fujiwara Keiji.
I love how Delta expanded on the Macross lore. We finally got to hear and see what the original Protoculture song sounds like and what it was intended for. This was a plot device that was first brought up over 30 years ago. This was the best ending I have seen in ages. It actually makes sense in terms of the story they have setup over the past 30 years. We already knew coming in that the Protoculture deified the Vajra and made things like the Fold drive to try and imitate them. They also would have wanted an ultimate weapon to end the wars that they were in with the Zentradi.
The protoculture were a bunch of retards. People in Macross should realise this and stop idolising them.
I like all dat lore and stuff, but overall the second cour and the ending are underwhelming. I mean, they are, like, more or less within expected parameters. Which is boring.
Keith pls
You're a jellyfish now.
I'm running out of ways to say that this went nowhere, did nothing with anything/everything it introduced early on, and did so very, very slowly, squandering the somewhat above average (at least for this season) production… at least for the episodes that weren't 24 straight minutes of exposition. Not a single character had even the slightest bit of development over the entire six month run, the plot only 'advanced' through exposition and handwaving about things happening somewhere far away, and most of it was just to fill up some screentime anyway. Christ, you could've written Hayate out of the show entirely and literally nothing would've changed at all. This would've been a poorly paced three episode OVA. Not a single character was integral to the show, nor was anything that they did. So what was there to get involved with? What was there to root for?
About the only times it was palatable was when it was being willfully idiotic; overselling the idol fandom, shenanigans with the idiotic catseals, teenagers being the super bestest at absolutely everything. The story was tripe, the characters could've all been replaced by catseals without any loss of fidelity, and it even jettisoned the idol stuff for most of the second half. That's what I get for giving an idol show half a chance.
Perhaps we can all see that now that their intentions have been truly revealed. We kind of knew before, but now that we have actually seen what the protoculture was like, that sense of mystery is gone. I just think the mystery was revealed in a way that was satisfying because it unified elements from all the past Macross series.
I think now Macross as a series can finally move ahead as well. Humans can now surpass the Protoculture that gave them life and the Macross.
That hat on his hair is so ....... fitting.
I miss Messer
He really likes jobs that have motorcycle outfits as their uniforms.
>Protoculture were actually just a bunch of chuuni fags who spouted off about MUH WIND and MUH BIRDMEN as badly as the Windmerians do
>created a slave soldier race just because they were too busy fucking their Kumokumo vocaloids to be bothered to do stuff
>thought the alien race of galactic ants were transcendent because the Vajra hivemind linked the drones to their Queen no matter the light-years of distance
at this point I'm thinking the Protoculture were just a bunch of jerkoffs.
I think the characters in Delta were just shoveled together to provide filler so the main story of Macross could finally be advanced. This is something Frontier should have done but didn't. This was a show for true Macross fans who could understand and appreciate that advancement. And it fucking should have been because it was the 30th anniversary. You want deeper characters? Go watch something else.
Wasn't it obvious?
On another note, Keith gets along well with Sara in Macross Scramble. They both feel about shitty people fucking with their home and are concerned older siblings.
Did we ever find out if that dude's sister lived or died?
were you not paying attention during the credits?
Chuck's sister showed back up to greet him on Ragna with a broken arm and leg
With all the dropped plot points, I can't believe they spent time adressing the fate of a perfectly pointless character no one cares about that we all assumed died long ago.
Priorities are all wrong Kawamori.
I didn't even watch the last 3 episodes. I deleted it from my hard drive. I wasn't about to experience another Aquarion Evol ending.
Chuck's sister might've done more relevant things than Chuck himself ever did.
She brought the food to the idols, after all. What did Chuck do, besides be the one guy who never got shot down by windies? ...Shit, Chuck was the actual ace who stepped up to fill Messer's shoes.
>protoculture built up as a super mysterious race
>they're just space hippies
Did the alien win the MCbowl? I dropped this at episode 14 or so.
They're all alien girls.
I prefer frontier to 7, honestly.
The useless apple girl won, but she's an OLD HAG whose skin is already starting to chip.
Mirage got btfo in front of the galactic hivemind. I wonder how hard her family are going to bully her for that.
Delta felt like wasted potential. Had some good ideas but they kinda lost where they were going.
Also, brainwashing plots involving the characters being controlled through a special word is such a cheap gimmick. It felt like there was on consistency to how it was applied.
I like the intimate scenes and casual banter between both Misa and hikaru.
This episode is what makes me board the Misa train.
worst girl won?
might was well not even finish it then
>The useless apple girl won
Good, that's all I wanted.
>Mirage got btfo in front of the galactic hivemind
Holy shit, now that's just cruel. Seriously why rub it in that much?
>mfw after having watched the last episode
>botched Ai Oboete Imasu ka
>weakshit Aether attack instead of Daedalus
>Can't even remember if there was an Itano Circus or not
>no kiss
The ending was fine as a whole. Some plot points were left hanging though for sure.
Because they were in love.
Also MUH fate.
>fine as a whole
>some plot points were left hanging
No, seriously, contradict yourself more.
I know how this fucking hack works. I suffered through Evol. As soon as I saw it was not going to even get a remotely satisfying conclusion, I deleted it. I will never watch another show he directs again.
Freyja won since she was the first girl he met, but here is the turning point.
>daedalus attack
>when the ship used to punch the thing was called aether
>Holy shit, now that's just cruel. Seriously why rub it in that much?
It isn't. Mirage confessed to encourage Freyja to confess (she didn't want to confess because her skin was starting to crystallized and was trying to spare Hayate who had confessed his feelings already). Mirage shipped those two and was more frustrated about her feelings than actually pursuing him. All her actions was to help them get together. She's a good girl who is happy for them.
Um it was a satisfying conclusion. A girl actually won and the protoculture stuff from 30 years ago was explained. What else would you want? The only thing I can think of that was left hanging was Lady M never showed up. However, because Lady M was implied to be Minmay, that is consistent with the fact that characters from older series never show up in the current Macross series.
You have good reason to doubt, but this time was different. It was not like Frontier or Evol's endings.
So, what's the update on apple-girl's lifespan? She on borrowed time or did they fix that up in the finale?
Thank you very much user, nice hopeful trips by the way.
Frontier's ending was wonderful, the fuck are you on. Just because it didn't have a romantic conclusion doesn't make it shit. The battles were fucking amazing.
Shipperfags need to die.
what was the song with the engrish from the zero g episode?
She has 5 years left to live.
>War not over
>She has to continue being an idol
>Will die in one year top
Fuck that shit.
Suit yourself. I'm not gonna force you to watch anything.
it's just her hand, it's not so serious.
War is over to them. They took Ragna back and Heinz doesn't care about it. They aren't NUNS, dumbass. They don't give a shit about NUNS problems.
2nd best
I liked Frontier more
Nope, no fix, 15 years left on average, better start popping out those apples
Why do you guys watch this shitty show?
If she chooses to keep singing she has even less left.
They can leave that for the movies if the sponsors aren't jumping ship already.
I thought there was going to be actual drama about Hayate trying to make her stop singing instead of what we got.
And now they're celebrating Freyja's future death. Such desperate.
>dismissing all criticism as butthurt miragefag tears
Shippers are autistic.
Who are you quoting?
No, retard. She only started to flake when Roid activated his ruins bullshit. They are inactive now. She sang all her life without any issue.
>miragefags so asshurt they have to pretend Delta was never good now
>Actually comparing this to EVOL
Fags who've only been here for 2 months and want to claim they've experienced LE EPIC TRAINWRECK XD
There's so gonna be a movie
I was just listening to that song damn
There isn't much to talk about, the show isn't that controversial nor was it that good either.
You know if you guys want /m/ to be better and people to actually talk about shows it'd help if you brought up a topic.
It was pretty good but there's really not much to speculah about save for Lady M
Another show gg made better than it was
There's the whole transmission from Megaroad-01 in subspace but that's just headcanon discussion at best.
The Megaroad subspace storyline and Heinz's showdown with NUNS should be in the movie.
I hope Heinz survives until he's at least 19, because I want to see him grow as stupidly good looking as his older brother. Gramia's children are fine. Too bad he never had a daughter too.
Will there be a movie? This sold a lot less then then previous Macross
i wish for lots of heinz being cute in the movie
>I wonder how hard her family are going to bully her for that
everything sells less nowadays, disc sales are not (that) representative anymore
She's dying user. Throw her a bone at least.
Delta isn't popular enough to justify movie(s). Frontier was HUGE.
Why would I ever want to post in these fucking terrible threads? I've just been enjoying the show since the threads went to shit after the first half.
Because you'd know.
Walkure needs to release more music and a movie would be a good excuse for another album, or even two more.
To think that you guys are still hoping that Delta would actually get movie and that the movie will save the series from its flaws.
I don't understand why people claiming that Freyja's dying.
The same autism that makes people claim the show was a failure cf
Mirage is going to be disowned. She brings great shame upon her family for being a shitter. She can't shoot windies, she can't sing and she can't win a boy's heart. Absolutely useless.
You do realize that if we only ever allowed things that did ridiculously well to get sequels we'd never get anything. We wouldn't have even gotten Frontier.
She'll be fine as long as she doesn't push herself like, say, Cassim did.
I didn't mention a movie you flippant retard.
Delta's the sky high top seller since spring season and that's not gonna change until Love Live and New Game go on sale either
>Sky high
Not sure about the sales for the second cour.
You can't be sure because it's not out yet lol
Thats why i doubt second cour's sales will perform better than the first cour when its out.
That last episode isn't going to make people want to purchase the blurays unless there is new content. Delta getting a recompilation OVA is more realistic.
Do "Miragefags" even care about the triangle at all, if they actual exist?
Not him but many shippers in Cred Forums acts like that, like the reply about bashing this show but nothing to do with Mirage, they still count that reply as Miragefag's butthurt, even that guy maybe actually Freyjafags, since i saw some of them talk about how they like the HayaFre ending but also critique the other bad part of Delta.
I mean it's like, over 80% audiences of this show are "Miragefags" now.
I was a Miragefag for the first cour. I stopped caring though when it became obvious it wasn't a triangle though, just Hayate and Freyja with her off on the side. By the time 26 rolled around I wasn't upset in the least that hoina won, infact I probably would have been if Mirage had deus ex machina'd her way into first place.
One thing i don't understand is do Kawamori really afraid Freyja become another Ranka, so they try as hard as he can to make sure Mirage doesn't have development and screentime, almost zero talk scenes between Hayate and Mikumo, Makina and Reina are simply /u/ bait, and Kaname become who in 2nd cour, Bogue is just a clown, Heinz almost never talked to Freyja other than that judge scene, and of course second-son kun does not exist in anime.
But i guess it's ok, even this show had many flaws, Hayate x Freyja's plot done fine enough to make most people ship it, since Macross Delta looks like is just a revenge from Kawamori, so i guess it's okay as long as he is happy for the result.
>She can't shoot windies, she can't sing and she can't win a boy's heart. Absolutely useless.
Kawamori truly is an asshole.
I'm pretty sure Miragefags only upset about she never got actual developments.
But show's over, i guess that's that, and even i like her, i hope they just delete her in movie if they still not planning give her some development(by "development" it's nothing to do with Hayate, HayaFre will and should stay same in movie), it's good for everyone, including Mirage.
i like walkure's DYRL
Walkure Trap album sales:
day1: 23,306
day2: 13,351
For comparison Walkure Attack:
day1: 28,413
day2: 19,374
It seems it will sell ~25% less. Which is still a lot. Everyone who thinks that it won't be profitable for sponsors to give money for a movie or two is delusional.
Nah, the most useless person right now is Kawamori.
Kawamori is basically Rooney of Macross series, we need a "Mourinho" to kick him out of frontline, i'm sure if there is Macross Delta movie with same Hayate x Freyja ending, a better director that in charge everything can make a better show than Kawamori.
I would watch macross with keith as the MC.
Can't be helped, even not talk about battle and triangle, the second half of Delta also didn't perform Walkure Trap's songs well...you can say it's pretty bad actually.
The songs are good of course.
No. Because Kawamori didn't want a triangle and he wanted a show about pilots getting powered up by their idol partners. That was his idea of Delta. No war, no triangle, just an aerial flight competition club.
I wonder if they could have done Delta better as three cours. One from Hayate's POV, another from Keith's and then the third where they clash and resolve the conflict.
Wasn't there an article floating around when Delta first started that quoted Kawamori saying he didn't want a triangle but the producers forced him to include one because sales would be far worse without shippers?
Is that why Mirage was shafted all together?
So was Lloyd right and the Windemeres were made as the ultimate humans?
That's the problem: not even the fighting part is good, especially after first half, and second half didn't perform Walkure Trap's songs well(in fact they still keep repeating Walkure Attack's songs).
So i don't see this can be a excuse, because even he want to drop triangle and/or war, but it's not like the song part are done well enough to overshadowed other 2 elements.
>Wasn't there an article floating around when Delta first started that quoted Kawamori saying he didn't want a triangle but the producers forced him to include one because sales would be far worse without shippers?
Also i highly doubt triangle can sell BDs, sure it can make people argue it, but argue is one thing, will this part make them go buy BDs is the other thing.
In the end i won't purely blame Kawamori or sponsors or writers or Satelight animators, because they all have faults about this show.
Wish one day they outsource one Macross show to Kyoani and see how will it end up.
>Each time I plan for a new Macross series, I always think that it could be about time to remove one of the three elements, such as the love triangle relationship, but the sponsor always says no (laughs).
Me too.
I would have liked it more if they removed the Shalalalala parts.
So Kawamori end up make none of all 3 elements is good in after episode 13? what a man.
DYRL star song ver. sounds a lot more better than the Walkure's
This is going to sound shallow but I'm kind of glad they backed out of there being a Kaname/Arad thing. I don't know, it just felt like it wouldn't have been right to Messer even if he was gone
It depends. I found Delta good as my first Macross so I did not have any expectations regarding it nor I had the other series to compare it. The second half has weak writing at many parts and the lack of mecha fighting was something I was not a fan of. Still I liked the whole thing, but that's me.
And I think Kawamori did not like that Delta had more than 13 episodes. Settling down with a love triangle again and a war is not out of his writing but when you have a plan in mind about it and the whole writing team was going for 13 episodes + movie that got around for 26 episodes instead, there are going to be problems.
Go watch SDF
>weakshit Aether attack instead of Daedalus
user, are you an idiot
I am on episode 20.
I'd chalk it on writers' incompetence over actively gimping a character over another. Delta's cast is too big and terribly mismanaged.
Did you know Majestic Prince is getting a movie?
But this show almost solve nothing after 26 episodes, i don't see 13 episodes+movie would become better.
>NUNS unmasked
Good luck convincing NUNS that NUNS is bad. Literally everyone and their mom in the universe would only be able to hear whatever the Windermereans have to say because of NUNS influence.
The most they can expect is a higher command in NUNS to apologise to them and actually pay attention to them this time around instead of leaving it to a subdivision.
>muh actual heirs
Defective discarded weapons, not heirs.
Macross is mix of Gundam and Love Live ?
Reminder: There won't be any movies
Because they obviously had another plan with the movie and the writing it would follow. I do not know if it would solve everything but the second cour added more stuff than necessary thus having a finale like that. A 2 hours movie with the plot they had in the first cour could lead to a good conclusion. Of course we also do not know if, after they learned about the second cour, they also had to change the writing during the first cour so there are many factors to consider about how the writing would follow. It's up to speculation since we will never see their original plan.
I thought the main relationship (Freya/Hayate) was pretty good. And yes, I've watched previous Macross that isn't just Frontier.
>Because they obviously had another plan with the movie
In after last episode of frontier, they announced movie is coming, but Delta still nothing.
But i don't see movie would be good if they don't change the main writer, so far he is the main problem, while he know it change to 26 episodes, he just wrote episode 4, that mean he had plenty of time change it become something fit for 26 episodes, but clearly he didn't even try it.
>weakshit Aether attack instead of Daedalus
Do you have a link?
Is it just me or was Delta not about humanity moving forward?
I could agree with you about the writer but honestly, I don't know how this whole thing with production and writing works behind anime. I mean he is not alone writing the episodes, he needs others to approve them, so he is not the main fault here. Of course his ideas were lazy at times but there is a writing team beside him, plus Kawamori, plus director etc. The team behind the anime is responsible for the final result not one person alone.
The production can also be held responsible. Their idea to include more than 13 episodes caused shit to happen. Honestly, I would watch the heck out of a high school setting with aerial fights/lessons and singers, it sounds fun. But the sponsors rejected:
>Kawamori's original Delta idea
>Not to include the love triangle
>From 13 episodes and a movie to 26 episodes
If I was Kawamori I would be angry as well. No wonder the dude went to another project so soon.
You're so desperate. Are you the same guy who kept saying Gary Stu this Gary Stu that in the gg comments?
>I would watch the heck out of a high school setting with aerial fights/lessons and singers
So Frontier?
Where can I get Mikumo's Star song?
In all honestly I'm considering that to be Delta's DYRL since it did have some lyrics and mental interference when it got played.
I don't like the official Delta DYRL.
It's in the OST 2 which is available to download now.
It's in the episode. Mikumo sang DYRL in what seems to be the original protoculture language and tune.
IIRC, the text on the 500,000 artifact was translated to human language, so there will be a slight change of rhythm in the song's music.
Is it like that? I am still watching SDF.
The MC and his pals are in highschool along with one of the girls in the triangle and her friend. The other girl who is a galactic pop star even decides to spend some time there and there is an eipsode of her running around the school chasing after her panties,
Keith was easily the worst part of Delta.
I can't understand why people still fall for stoic+autism bait. Those characters almost never work. If you want Keith as main character go watch IBO or AZ instead.
At this point Keith fans are no different from fujos. They probably like him only because he is cute bishounen and nothing else. I remember some people were telling before the last episode how deep his character is and how complex his relationships with Roid and Heinz are. But then he instantly killed Roid without even trying to talk. Keith's last words were the most shallow attempt to create some dramatic feeling. Such love, very deep, wow.
Windniggers were a mistake.
The one Misa found on that slab?
I see. Thanks for the info. Sounds interesting and I know many love Frontier here.
I disagree but ok.
Thanks. I hate downloading entire albums for only one track but might as well.
I know.
>The one Misa found on that slab?
Frontier is good fun, but SDF, 7 and Plus are even moreso. Enjoy the ride user.
I only realized this now, but the song of the stars really was the original DYRL protoculture version, wasn't it.
Welcome to the party
I assume so.
I still think it's just the song the Protoculture loved a lot and was a lullaby instead of some super weapon that they thought of.
I'm not down with this whole 'songs are weapon' deal. At least not as far as it being a Protoculture plan all along.
>I'm not down with this whole 'songs are weapon' deal
Think about it this way, if what Kawamori said is true about protooculture systems functions as a tool to subdue Zentradis and with the consideration that DYRL works on them. Therefore, most likely the Star Song sung by Mikumo is DYRL since she is the singer for the horticulture system.
So i just finished DYRL. While the general plot is better than SDF, the triangle was fucking bullshit. It feels like hikaru is the one who wrote it as some kind of revenge story.
Protoculture system*
>While the general plot is better than SDF
What drugs are you on?
>horticulture system
I mean the historical plot point or the contribution to the lore.
That's alright. What I find hard to swallow is that the whole Zentradi problem was solved almost instantly by some random girl whereas this awesome super race could do nothing about it and simply went extinct eventhough they knew the solution.
As far as I'm concerned, songs in general are just a bit more like spiritual aphrodisiac in the Macross universe. That's it.
If we do have to go the "songs are weapon" route, I'd like to think that the Protoculture either never thought of it that way or forgot about it over time after their repeated success and growth over centuries and the Zentradi thing caught them all off guard during an era of peace and leisure.
I was under the impression that the protoculture were killed off by the supervision army, not the zentradi.
Wait, the singer fucking won a Macrossbowl?
The fuck is this heresy?
What the protoculture system was revealed to do at the final episode wasn't technically a weapon either, it was just the protos going full retard over Vajra worship like usual and building something that will turn them into their idea of a god.
But Sheryl won too.
He means someone with bigger purpose.
Hmm I guess so. It could just be me overthinking things.
As for Vajra worship, looks like they weren't that retarded in the end. After all the fact that they're not connected means they stopped short of going through with the entire thing.
Thank you
What if the Windies's lifespan problem is treatable as long as it doesn't reach the brain but NUNS kept the medicine away from them because they are assholes and it would be easier to dominate them as they are now? It's just that the whole thing sounds awfully similar to Sheryl's illness. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if Kawamori said in some interview that there's a cure or that Xaos found one.
Did you not see the gif he posted? Her purposes seem big enough to me.
I actually prefer the duet version of Kaze wa yokokunaku fuku to the Freyja solo.
>What I find hard to swallow is that the whole Zentradi problem was solved almost instantly by some random girl
It's not about some random girl though. It's more of a culture shock; songs just happens to be an effective way of inducing the shock towards an alien who knows nothing about culture. What made minmay so important is that she happens to be the only popular singer on the macross back then and her songs brings culture shock to the Zents hence her name was spread throughout the Zent's side.
Sheryl's illness was connected to the Vajra. Windemere hair cancer is an evolved development. The only cure is interracial mixing.
Yeah except Zentradi never had culture did they?
Don't get me wrong. I love the twist that an alien race was subdued by a girl with a simple song.
It's that I find it troublesome that the Protoculture could've solved it if they knew about songs being powerful which they apparently didn't considering the fact that they're extinct.
Are you saying that delta actually a propaganda anime to encourage imigration and overcoming the birth rate crisis?
It's been a while since I watched SDF, but I vaguely remember that it was certainly more than just songs. So yeah, it was indeed culture shock. Like the kissing scene and the zentd having their mind blown when they infiltrated the place. Short of blasting porn to the other zents, playing idol music is the the more SFW option.
Couldn't solve what? The Protoculture did not give the Zentradi any culture and forbade them from seeking it out so that they wouldn't realise they were just tools of war and turn on their masters. The Zentradi didn't kill of the Protoculture.
Controlling the humanoids with songs.
It should've solved the war between Zentradi and Supervision Army after Protodevilns were dealt with.
The merchant classified songs as weapons but I don't think the Protoculture thought of it that way.
Even this huge Vajra-like network that Roid used was probably more like a science project from back when they were at their height of being Varjeaboos.
I at least enjoyed the fact that Mirage saved the day by out-bitching the singularity to get everyone to keep going.
I just wish she'd shown that sort of vitriol and sharp tongue more than twice in the entire season.
Maybe I'm in the minority, but Delta has one of the most enjoyable casts out of all the Macross entries.
I'm surprised, for example, at how much I enjoyed Berger's character. He's not evil per se, just neutral, a wild card. He cares about money and his own well-being, but seeing how NUNS, the ones who supposedly protect the galaxy, have such assholes among them it doesn't surprise me that he would offer helping Windermere and Roid as long as he faced no danger and then defect once he understood Roid's intentions. He is an interesting bastard. Roid, too. I have a hard time thinking of him as a pure villain, even if his actions were bad and selfish.
>tfw I called it since July
Delta needed more missiles.
>comparing Keith to Eggs-kun and Mika
And this is where you go full retard. is this bait or something?
DYRL solos by Mikumo and Freyja when?
I doubt they are going to fix her character in the movie since most Macross movies only fix the plot point. There isn't just enough time for proper character development in a movie. Unless of course they go full mirage dickriding like in frontier second movie.
Still celebrating that best girl won.
Probably just a pleb with low powerlevel.
Yeah. Which is a bit of a disappointment because it really feels like there is enough with her to tell a good story.
I mean, a heir to a prominent name that's trying her absolute best but can't quite life up to it? You could make a movie out of that basic concept easily. They had a nice easy ball tossed right at them and struck out.
She's wasted potential that I doubt will get anything extra to flesh it out.
the best is DYRL desu
Feels good.
I think the cast is cool as well. I just think you have some characters that aren't utilised well and some that serve no purpose at all.
It's strange. The Frontier movie ending left me sad. This one just leaves me empty I guess?
Oh man this episode.
Literally "I cannot control my boner": The episode
Ranka would have won too if Sheryl had no screentime at all.
Post the latest version for you.
What letter in the word stoic do you not understand? It's a generalization, but they are all emotionless and they are indifferent about too many things. Granted Keith isn't completely dead inside like Mika or empty like Inaho. But his weak smile when he was fighting Messer is not worth much.
But Kawamori said that Alto only see Ranka as sister. It mean that even Sheryl die or didn't exist she still can't win Altobowl.
Yeah. It was pacing and weirdass screentime decisions that killed it for me.
Oddly enough, one of the special moments (Having Walkure team up and put Mirage in a matching Walkure outfit) made me realise just how little we know about Mirage's friendships.
She basically never interacts with any character other than the captain and Hayate. They could have included her in a lot of the 'General girl talk' scenes and given her a lot more stuff without needing to add a heap of extra time to anything. (Though man there was plenty of padding that could get cut)
Heck, that mini episode thing could have been turned into a full episode and it would have done more for character development than half the existing episodes. That and it would have messed with the fans in a hilarious way to have Mirage in a Wakure outfit/singing in a 'next episode' part.
My favorite girl actually won for once in Macross. But I don't even feel like celebrating. If only mirage actually put some fight.
>My favorite girl actually won for once in Macross.
I feel sorry for you user.
Show needed more loli Freyja.
Mirage's personality doesn't really suit her for "fighting it out". Plus I always thought it was clear that Mirage already knew Hayate was into Freyja by the time she realized her own feelings. Her putting up a fight after that would have only made her seem more pitiful. In a way, I'm glad Mirage went out in a blaze of glory of acceptance in that she lost that triangle so she could cleanly move on.
>them 69
Even Mirage called him a horny boy in the last episode. He won't be able to keep his hands off the Hoina, will he?
I am happy we did not get a fight. Mirage realized Hayate had eyes for Freyja very early on and although she could not stop her feelings, she decided to not go horse race against Freyja because it would lead to nowhere but pain for all three of them. If anything I respect her a lot that she did not act like a bitch over a D.
Agreed. We need a spin-off with Loli Freyja as the sole MC
Would watch. Loli Freyja was the best part.
It's something pathological to japanese people. Half of anime is cute desu nya lolis in highschools and the other half is that freaking trope of individual vs collective.
>I am happy we did not get a fight. Mirage realized Hayate had eyes for Freyja very early on and although she could not stop her feelings, she decided to not go horse race against Freyja because it would lead to nowhere but pain for all three of them. If anything I respect her a lot that she did not act like a bitch over a D.
Now if all the screen time for 'Mirage fights for him' had actually been re-purposed into actually doing her story-line rather than turning it into a couple of lines here and there.
But Mirage actually interacts with Chuck, Makina, Reina, Messer, Kaname, Mikumo, etc. She also talked to Herman, Keith and Bogue in the short time she was with them. I don't think she's as Hayate-centered as many people make her out to be.
On the other hand I was a bit disappointed that Freyja stopped interacting much with Walkure in the second half. Kaname, Makina and Reina had a bigger role than her in the Mikumo subplot. So much that it feels weird that Freyja would be the one to snap Mikumo out of it when it should have been Kaname, actually.
That's not what I meant. Mirage got fucked hard in this.
So is Wright Immelmann Anime Dad OTY or what? I mean, he made sure his son got a cute Hoina waifu. If that's not what a true best dad is...
Immeldad best dad.
I hope that we will get anniversary album, we might get Freyja's Seikan Hikou.
>I mean, a heir to a prominent name that's trying her absolute best but can't quite life up to i
To be honest it sounds extremely generic and cliché.
>tfw I daughteru'd the fuck out of her
What a cute loli
Anyone else assume Heinz was a girl for quite a long time?
Yeah, no. Keith was only emotionless when he was facing Heinz or Gramia because he felt he had to fulfill his role of serious business Knight, no feelings allowed.
Again, you're just reducing him to a one dimensional caricature because you have a hate boner for him, but he is a multi layered character with inner conflicts and an actual character arc.
So you said that Mirage might has a chance if she have some fight? She pressed her boobs on Hayate's back and go shopping with him but nothing happen.
>a girl's name
>two runes
Same. Hoina is my daughteru. In the end, like a proud father I had to give her away to Hayate. And even though I'm heartbroken, I know he will make her happy. I'll be a proud grandad once they start popping out children.
It was about how stupid was the protoculture.
>sent dozens of trinkets, weird shit, and mildly autistic but romantic-sounding letters to his son
>including fold quartz which would give his son GIT GUD flying powers
>gave galactic pop music to a windy loli
>made it snow to stoke the anger of the people of windermere and set up the next war
>all so his son could vould have a cute hoina idoru waifu years later
GOAT dad
>He wanted to fly forever, holding the singing girl in the VF-171's hand.
Hayate went full waifufag pretty much from the very start.
Mirage had little screentime for a main character
Febri interviews for those interested.
Yeah, he did. I'm just wondering how he could be so dense and not realize he was in love with her from the beginning.
>I'll be a proud grandad once they start popping out children.
I want to see Messer Immelmann Wion.
>adult Freyja
Holy shit.
This is why she will become a loser who won't achieve anything in her life. Everything is fair in love and war. If she want something she should go fight for it. At least until it's actually over. Hell, she didn't even get proper rejection. Now I feel really bad for her.
Thank you.
I wonder if their children will have runes? Oh, Btw I just thought of another Macross tradition broken aside from Older girl winning.
This time, it was a non-human who won the triangle since Freyja is Winderemerean. If Mirage had won, I guess she still counts as human since she's only 1/4 zentradi.
>Hell, she didn't even get proper rejection. Now I feel really bad for her.
I don't know about that, bro. Having the guy you like confess to the girl he loves in front of you while the whole galaxy is mind connected seems like enough of a rejection to me.
>Mirage cucking herself infront of the entire galaxy
I'm still giggling.
>Everything is fair in love and war. If she want something she should go fight for it. At least until it's actually over.
It was over way before Hayate confessed. Heck, that's the reason she did not put a fight. She could see Hayate was in love with Freyja and Freyja feeling the same. What's the point to creating more drama for two people when they have feelings for each just because "I have to put a fight and try my best?"
I would be fine with her putting a fight if Hayate wasn't sure about his feelings regarding Freyja and he was thinking if he felt something for Mirage too. Mirage could see if he felt something for her, that way she would want to fight for his growing affections. But this never happened.
It would be painful for her because at the end she would keep on fighting a battle she lost early on. It's better she did not act on it and at the end confessed. She cried twice for the reason Hayate could not return her feelings and I prefer that over her going through emotional against for him.
Isn't Sheryl the more "human" one compared to Ranka?
You know what? I think Macross Delta deliberately played with what we expected to see based on previous Macross series.
>So you think Messer will survive because dying now is too soon? Well, you were wrong.
>So you think Freyja will lose because she has all the loser flags? Again, wrong.
>So you expected one of the girls to have another guy midly interested in her? Wrong.
>Freyja being a wind singer or something like that and bridging the rift between Windermere and the rest of the galaxy? Well, she's just a normal girl, Mikumo is the special one instead and Windies change their mind on their own.
>Expect the lifespan problem to be solved at last like Sheryl's illness? Haha, wrong.
It's like the anti-Frontier.
Nah. She liked a guy but realized he liked someone else from the start. She simply confessed and then instantly encouraged Freyja to do the same so that they can get the fuck out.
Mirage conducted herself pretty well though the same can't be said for her shippers.
>Immeldad is the one who stole the original Kumo's remains and gave them to Lady M for cloning
>he was trying to collect a harem for his son before he went nuclear
Damn it, every time I forget, someone has to remind me.
Too bad they also decided to be anti-plot, anti-pacing and anti-giving the main cast more screentime.
Why were the Protoculture so retarded?
>multi layered
It's ironic because that's exactly what Okada said about Mika.
>Keith was only emotionless when he was facing Heinz or Gramia
So what emotions did he show when facing Hayate, Freyja, Bogue and Roid? He is not just hiding emotions, he is intentionally killing them in himself which makes him completely different from characters which only try to act and look serious. You're ignoring one of his defining traits in exchange for muh headcanon.
>Expect the lifespan problem to be solved at last like Sheryl's illness? Haha, wrong.
I'm retarded so I didn't even realize that only males have two runes until near the end of the anime.
Why the fuck were the windies making Wrights plane ready to fly?
Delta peaked out with Messer's death, then did fuck all with the remaining episodes. What a letdown.
I'd add also
>So you expected the three main to resolve everything? Silly you, the ones moving the plot were Keith, Roid and Heinz.
>Think Epsilon is the third party behind everything? Actually it's all NUNS's fault and Xaos may be shadier than Epsilon who are least didn't had the brilliant idea to revive a Protoculture weapon.
I still think the best part of the series was in the second half when everyone resonated with each other. Shit was chilling.
Songbuffs were pretty lame
No, I'd say it peaked with episode 13. That was really great.
Then after that it started going downhill except for those two stand out episodes that gave me hope
>be so perfect for each other that you overbuff your brains out and have to be deliberately quarantined from each other so that you don't destroy everything
Makes me a little worried for when they finally have sex.
Some of the anthology
I kind of figured they "fixed" their resonance in episode 26 when they finally went "love-love" for each other. I mean, Freyja sings and Hayate doesn't seem to be in pain anymore.
Alas, we will never know unless we get a movie to fix some plot points.
God bless you
>messer blushing
You realize that right after the ending scene, they probably danced in the Siegfried again, and we never got to see it.
>implying they didn't fuck the second they were out of sight
>and we never got to see it.
The ending is heartwarming but it kinda leaves me empty. I wish we could know what they do after all of this shit over.
The four times Hayate tried to reach Freyja. And the one time when he finally did.
>Hayate acting like a house-wife
I want cockpit sex doujin.
That's cute. Never let her go again Hayate.
Hayate was a space hobo so I think if they live together they will eat at Ragnyannyan or have a cup noodle.
No they didn't fix it. Actually she shortened her lifespan even further by singing so hard that the crystal skin thingy is covering a part of her body now.
AKA she is going to die even younger. She helped save the universe and got the boy though
Eh, she'll be fine as long as she doesn't do more protoculture shit. Anyway, I'm just happy she made it out alive.
Remember when the snow reaching scene meant "SHE'S GOING TO GO TOO FAR AWAY FROM HIM!"
Remember when Mirageshippers kept saying
>Freyja will lose precisely because it seems she won already. Delusional Freyjafags, Mirage will now come in and win the Hayatebowl.
I don't understand why people claiming that girls who wins early will lose at the end. Sara and Sheryl have an early victory too.
It's not even about protoculture's ruins, but about pushing themselves and "riding the wind". Cassim died because he pushed himself too much in ep 22 after the ruins triggered the white marks in ep 18 (that were already appearing on his body on their own, by the way). The fact that Xao warned him back there must mean that Windies are perfectly aware of what unleashing the full extent of their abilities, be it flying, singing or doing whatever, does to them. Now, I have been asking myself for weeks why Keith, who rides the wind on a daily basis, had no white marks or why the ruins only affected Cassim, while the rest of the Knights have gone unaffected (and Herman is still alive). Is it because Keith is basically a runemaster like Gramia?
I wish they had explained this properly, but what I understand from the show portrayal is that Windies have "batteries" that they burn through their heightened physical abilities and fold receptors, and pushing themselves even more like Heinz, Freyja and Cassim do in the series depletes those batteries even sooner. Exceptions are people like Gramia, Keith and even Herman who have total control of their "wind".
In short, I hate to say it but what I get from the series is that Freyja has 5 years left at most, especially if she keeps singing (and she was singing at the ruins at the end of the ep). Heinz probably even less than that. Protoculture are major assholes and I don't understand why the writers didn't fix this issue when they have portrayed it as a burden for the Windies in every aspect. At least they should have undone the white marks, fuck. Ranka magically cured Sheryl in TV Frontier and then a blood transfussion was enough to heal her in the movies when she was half-dead and Delta ends with the lifespan issue unresolved when Mikumo's song magic could have done the job.
I think we all have different interpretations of it, I guess. Idk man, don't think too much about it. I like to just focus on the good. To me, Freyja made it out alive, got the guy she loves and is dearly loved by everyone around her. Characters don't die, they just fade away in your memories.
Just focus on Freyja being happy.
>I hate to say it but what I get from the series is that Freyja has 5 years left at most, especially if she keeps singing
>Ranka magically cured Sheryl in TV Frontier and then a blood transfussion was enough to heal her in the movies when she was half-dead and Delta ends with the lifespan issue unresolved
You gain something while losing it. That is how cruel life can be.
P/s but I still cannot understand why Keith does not have any signs of deterioration even being under the influence of massive fold waves.
Probably because it wasn't relevant to the plot at all.
AKA the writing was shit the whole 2nd half.
>The true wind comes from oneself
Probably because of that.
Does anyone know what was the nips response to Freyja not getting a fix? I mean she is the fan favorite after all.
Thank you user!
Both stories were fun lol, the first one specially with everyone asking Freyja about her rune (or so she thinks that's what everyone want) at the end it's Mirage the one who touches Freyja's rune haha.
The second, from what little I understand is that Messer scolded Mirage and Hayate and Mirage was feeling down because of it, so Hayate planned with the others to get revenge on Messer by making his room "cute", so messer tries to find out who did it.
>the supervision army, not the zentradi.
The supervision army are zentraedi the protodeviln brainwashed. Windies were made to BTFO the zents and retake the galaxy into this Vajra network control bullshit. So they were always meant to mind control people into submission.
Freyja was the one who snapped out Mikumo because is the one Mikumo had the chat about purpose of singing with.
Maybe he was afraid of rejection. Freyja did think of him as a stalker and a creeper, so he just convinced himself "It's not like THAT ok?"
Freyja did break them out mind control thing.
What changed to is the relevance of humanity, Windies ended up doing all the important points. Mikumo even counts as windie commodity.
Except the Protoculture never did went for it. They realised it's a stupid idea.
They probably only did it as a sort of milestone towards achieving everything the Vajra were capable of.
Because Keith is perfect. Even Hayate would have sucked his dick if he survived. He was the one character who thought everyone running around with MUH PROTOCULTURE of every side were retarded.
Okay. I misspoke. What I meant was that is was just a weak as shit punch with no penetration and missile barrage.
>Except the Protoculture never did went for it.
Because they were killed by the SA before they conducted the experiment. They left the Star Singer with the Windies and died. It wasn't for the lack of trying. They simply didn't have time.
Protoculture has always wanted their creation to become like the Vajra is one of their defining traits. The fucking ruins were programed to tell Roid what he needed. It wasn't something he pulled out his ass. Did you remember the sparkle sparkle glitter bullshit while he was minding his business. It was the protoculture program that he discovered left for him and other windies to carry out their will.
Will Bogue get laid with Makina and Reina?
Nah, the wiping out of Protoculture was a long drawn out process that occurred as a side effect of the battles between Supervision and Zentradi.
They had ample opportunities and time to activate said system if they'd truly built it intending to use it as a weapon.
I don't trust Roid at all. He was obsessed with the idea of being heir to Protoculture.
>another Macross tradition broken aside from Older girl winning
But the older girl did win.
Now that the dust has settled, is Macross Delta the Iron-Blooded Orphans of the Macross franchise?
>He felt like he could spend eternity flying.
>He had finally found it.
>Something he wanted to do.
>Flying in the sky, forever, forever…
>He wanted to fly forever, holding the singing girl in the VF-171’s hand.
Jesuschrist, he didn't even know her name but he already fagged Freyja this hard. I wonder if he will jizz in his pant when Freyja let him touch her rune.
They won't make babies for at least a few years after they get married. You want to know why I know that? Because he is going to spend every night finishing on her rune until its completely caked.
So the only reason Mirage was even in the show was to urge Freyja to confess to Hayate.
Worst Jenius.
You're Falcon-2 in the video game, the unsung hero of the war and the forgotten pilot who ended up I'm just bullshitting for a crappy series don't mind me.
If u ask me it was better than Frontier or 7 as a whole.
It started off pretty strong which neither Frontier nor 7 did
If she just sang every song in the book, id listen to them all.
Her VA is better than rankas VA
It occured to me that 14 yr old freyja is like the equivalent of 40 to humans.
Has anyone else thought about the fact they'll be about 10 years older by the time the next Macross series comes out?
Freyja is not a dog. It's not like "She's x old in our years".
NUNS basically became an analogy for "big intrusive central government"
Note that in all macross tv since 7 the protags have not been UN spacy, but rather colonial paramilitary or some such
Delta was rubbish and I regret watching it
so, is kawamori jsut setting up his next macross with a 1/2 earthling 1/2 windermere protag?
the middle part dragged on a bit but i found it pretty solid until about ep 19.
I felt the idea that songs were weapons was a looong time coming. Its like we have song power levels in 7 but no one ever realised to weaponise it
Shes perfect as a main character
All the moe, without the blob
I keep telling you guys the next Macross Mc will be Messer Immelmann-Wion. He's going to be amazing. You can't go wrong with a child born from Hayate and Freyja.
Onyanoko Girl a best.
Post Kanamesan.
it and hear the universe are the only trap songs i listen to
The political themes in Delta are so overtly bizarre. NUNS and Earth government are stand ins for Japanese government. Windemere kingdom is a stand in for the Japanese right wing pro-Imperialists who want the empire back. Epsilon is Iranian arm smugglers because why not.
Walkure is just typical jpop anime music, nothing close to trap or EDM.
No, he is pure
I think because he was half dense and half not questioning why he acted the way he did towards her. I remember in episode 16 Mirage told him the way he is with Freyja could lead to a romantic relationship and he was all 'Is that so?' which to me it means he never thought of why he feels that way for Freyja, he just accepted that he does and goes along with it. And once he came to realization he feels like that for her, he did not act like a retard MC going 'what's this feeling? do I like her that way?' he just accepted how it is and that's it. It was more like 'I feel love for Freyja, good' and he was happy about it. No negativity or questioning. It felt natural to him or something.
the album is called walkure trap
We know, Kaname. You made it clear when you treated his memento like it was him.
its just typical anime drama drag the love triangle shit out.
Youre supposed to get riled up about it, its typical emotional manipulation
Remember Delta 1
>Wearing gloves
Smart girl.
The truth is that Hayate's love is not real. He is merely being mind controlled by Freyja into loving her. Freyja is like a witch or succubus who charmed a young and naive knight. And now Hayate is completely mind broken by Freyja and won't be able to resist. He will continue loving and serving Freyja till the very end.
>Messer Immelman
Will Auntie Kaname dote on him?
>Kaname going ara~ ara~
They'll use him as their living dildo.
>Freyjamom wonders how her Messer-chan would look like with a Mohawk
>Auntie Kaname makes this face.
I thought this meme is already dead.
Let's kill the thread with some cute high school AU fanart. Let's end it on a positive note.
I remember that stupid ass user previously where he thought Hayate was actually being mind controlled by Freyja.
I'd be more than okay with a silly HS AU spin-off.
Bogue would be a weird mix of your typical school delinquent and a rich, posh boy who is actually a top student.
I bet Miraju is the childhood friend.
Remember this one?
So the guy in ED is Hayate?
That was an early Mirage bullying pic. Damn, I'm gonna missed Delta thread.
All the Mirage bullying was what made the threads great. I'm going to miss you, motherfuckers.
Yeah. The first ED is about Freyja waiting for Hayate in the classroom. The second ED is about Hayate flying towards Freyja.
Let's do it again in next Macross thread in next 8 years.;_;
Writing wise this was a very poor show (but not the worst on the franchise), held together by above-average production values (nothing outstanding though), and some good music (but by no means better than frontier's). Everything felt so incredibly lowstake and kid-friendly that by the time the show got to the recycled Vajra uni-mind Keikaku, I was just wondering about what kind of off-hand remark they will make in the next macross to dismiss all this. Overall a glaring example of mediocrity and the latest example of why kawamori should retire (if that wasn't clear enough after Aquarion and Nobunaga the fool), I'd say is a 4/10 to 5/10 show that could only possibly satisfy lonely waifufags and shippers.
Maybe they'll go the route of Logos and Kawamori won't be involved.
Get ready for lots of bullying.
I love bullying, it's fun.
>mfw Hayate and Freyja flew off together at the end of Delta to fuck in the cockpit
>All this waifufag HS posting.
Yep, this franchise is dead.