As promised, took shots of lots of plane-fu's from the Second & Third Sortie artbooks. Commencing dump of the best shots I got.

Other urls found in this thread: Tenjin



One day, I'll get around to doing a DSLR capture of all pages of all books.

Meanwhile, tell me your favorite Macross and why.


Having only seen DYRL, Plus, Frontier, and Delta, probably Frontier.

I'm planning to watch 7 next, followed by 0 and then SDF, but from what I've seen so far, Frontier is the most complete package I've seen. It's not perfect by any means, but DYRL and Plus feel a little too compact to tell a great story, and Delta was pretty shit in a few ways.
Also, Frontier has Yoko Kanno going for it.

Yeah. Kanno's talent no doubt elevated Macross Frontier's music quite a bit.

Try to take pictures with the camera parallel next time.

7 all the way, although am partial to Frontier and Delta due to having watched them with Cred Forums.

>tfw you couldn't watch the original SDF and DYRL when it came out originally.
Man, this has been the most fun I've had in years.

Camera is parallel, however the pages are glossy; so the flash ruins a lot of the shots. I had to adjust both camera angle at times or the position of the art so that the glossy paper wouldn't cause a reflection and ruin the shot.

This is my phone though, and I haven't invested in a DSLR yet. Planning on doing that around Christmas.

Watching a fun show with Cred Forums always makes said anime that much more memorable. Star Driver was fun as fuck, for the sole reason that it was fun to watch with Cred Forums. Rewatching it at a later date, though, isn't as enjoyable. As you don't have a hundred other people reacting in various ways at something happening.


>Cred Forums being around when SDF and DYRL came out

Maybe in some other part of the universe it might be possible.

>>Maybe in some other part of the universe it might be possible.

Well I meant watching it with other people.

Anyways, hopefully archivescans scans it.
Looks great-







Pausing for an hour, will resume at 11pm.


>the mother fucking macross gets triples
Fuck yeah.

How many pages is it?

First Sortie is 126 pages. Second Sortie is 110 pages. Third Sortie is 126 pages.

I thought that the third sortie would have more Delta related materials, but it only has about 4-5 pages worth. So basically 3 books are dedicated entirely to the continuity between SDF & Frontier. Thus, when we get the Forth Sortie maybe after Delta's movie treatment, it will cover more art of Delta.

And all the art is absolutely fantastic. My Valkyrie Fighter boner is like the Vajra; folding to mate with the next galaxy.

This is really cool.

>362 pages
nice desu ne


I won't be doing all 362 pages tonight. I'll make new threads over the course of the week, and dump little by little till I cover it all. Today's dump is around 80-88 pages.

Come Christmas, along with the DSLR, I'm gonna get myself the VF-25F Armored Messiah Alto Custom from this: shot (basically movie version). My cat's too young and my apartment is too small atm to build my own and do a custom paint job like I want to; and then later get the Durandal as well.

Hopefully, a couple of years into the future, once I have my own house; I'll dedicate a room to building mecha models and then I can redo the Messiah & Durandal to my liking.




I was wondering where this thread was. Thanks!

You're late.


SDF is still my favourite, and I can't imagine that ever changing because social and psychological conditions that went into SDF no longer exist. It's the only Macross series where we've gotten a cynical yet hopeful view on the world and the future. It's only the only Macross that has done the military right (I guess Zero did as well). Then there's the fact that the protagonist wasn't anything special (he wasn't even the best pilot in the series). Futhermore, there's the characters. Old school anime were just better at making imperfect and flawed characters. There was a sense of realness to them that doesn't really exist in shows down-a-days. I'm thinking Orange Road, MS Gundam and Touch for example. In older anime characters were balanced and were portrayed with an eye towards honesty. So when people hate Kaifun, Minmay or Hikaru, it's because they have the honest ugliness and bad traits real people tend to have. There women who are as inconsiderate to people's feelings like Minmay. Lastly, and probably my biggest reason for loving the show is the epilogue. Hardly ever in anime do we ever get to see the after effects of the war - the struggle to make it all work as society and at a personal level.

I saw DYRL admittedly before I saw SDF, and then went straight to Zero > Frontier. I've yet to watch II, Plus, and 7. So I'm gonna watch that in chronological order next.

That said, the reason for the lesser focus on war's effects and more simply on the conclusion and the altruistic conquest to prevent it definitely has to do with the peace currently existing in the world. While there are wars and conflicts that go about happening, I think the 2011 earthquake likely put a huge dampner on exploring tragedies in anime as well as the after effects of a major event.


Totally agree, as well as the fact that it's been 61 years now since Japan has been actively engaged in war. Kawamori wasn't born during the war, and the generation of animators that he worked that (like Ishiguro) were alive during that time are either dead, too old to be an influential force on anime and narrative trends or the memories of the war and its after effects have ebbed with the times. It's why we'll never get a gundam series that will portray villains with the honesty of Zeon

I wouldn't hold your breath. If Trump is elected president in the US, we just might.





And last one for the night. Tomorrow, I'll bring more shots from the art books.

I have Second Sortie and am buying Third Sortie, but I can't find First Sortie easily.

I knew I should have just bought it years ago when I saw it at Kinokuniya. Regrets.

You can grab it from Amazon for 55 bucks here: Tenjin

It's not officially labeled as First Sortie in retail. That said, I'm headed to bed. Good night.