One Page Thread

You know the drill

Other urls found in this thread:

I love those out-of-context pages





outta context, ya say?













Next Grand Blue thread when



Holy fuck, non mc actually going to be relevant. picked up.


we already caught up so nothing til 7th

Well translating user said cockblocking chapter in midweek so nothing til then

Pudding pout.

So it was kinda cancelled, uh?
I'm a bit dissapointed

Chapter 93 raws when?

Sorry in advance but google/iqdb/saucenao/tineye not helping. Source?


Ok i'll bite.

Which one is this. For some reason I get cartoon network when I do a reverse search of this.

Sure -- Shuukan Shounen Girl


I see. Thanks!


Trully a sides killer

Google shows 'design' as result, nothing useful for char name either, nothing on iqdb, tineye or saucenao.

If you can't find a title by simply searching by image, you can use the keywords revolving around it to find it. With this example, you can easily find it. For example, it's a 4koma featuring a vampire, the genre is comedy, and there's a name given. Put all of this together and google will, like magic, spit out the title as the very first result.



It was cancelled?

Quit posting this, I can't bear to see such a great manga typeset and cleaned so poorly.


This written by the Jin? The Friendly Orc guy?
Looks interesting.










Out of context, you say?

I don't know why I keep browsing these threads. Every manga posted here is either
>mediocre with the only good page being posted here
>axed after 5 chapters
>on hiatus forever
With 1% of actual good manga which I already read.

just learn japanese user

that 1% is worth it to come around and look at every single one of the images

until you realize you've already read it

Every time I see this I consider reading it and then I remember "Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Life" and have to stop myself.

If Google can't find it, Yandex usually can. It gave me Kami-sama Drop.


its not bad for its genre. Good art

Not him but it's by the the author who wrote Asu No Yoichi, I'd tell you the name but I don't remember it.

>it's by the the author who wrote Asu No Yoichi


updates never

Is this worth picking up?

Hey, fuck you, buddy. It was one of the first few manga I read.

Wat. Elaborate






Anime when


>v.3 c.29 by Necron99Scans (966d ago)
>Release Frequency Inactive Group
Why even bother


Chapters 11+ when

Every thread


There have been plenty of great manga posted this thread, though?




Until you fucking like it



>not posting american manga


This one was great and gay cop was based

>Leftist garbage

Why would you post this?

Searching gave nothing, but the art and dialogue picked my interest. Sauce, please ? Is it good ?

How I Stalked Some Dude with an Exposed Nipple and Stumbled Upon the Zenithian Sword
Pretty good

Yeah, if you're retarded.

>that name

Seems pretty good, indeed. Thanks

>Education is leftist

All of my what.


>looks interesting
>read what's available
>done reading
>next chapter not gonna happen in months

This is not the board for you. Fuck off.

Author is a guy, the series is about his daily life with him depicted as twintailed loli.

They could have put all three words on the person of color's shirt, but I guess they have enough trouble reading one word.

Best comedy manga, and anime. That I've seen, at least.

where is this from?
tried to search for it but im too incompetent and google thinks im not worthy

Maou-jou de Oyasumi

This is a diving manga.

Fuck off.

>anime by SHAFT



I can't explain how disgusting this sounds.

well, to be fair she got fucked by a homeless man in a car

Mankind's endgoal


Of all the cute father-daughter manga I've read, this is the only one where the MC feels more like a lolicon than a dad. It's weird.



Yeah, It is written by him and it's fuckin cute.

Loving this mango

it was already translated by user


What's wrong with gore?

inb4 deen gets it

Source on these two please?

Alternatively, a way to find source of manga aside from saucenao

Ok leave then

desuarchive search it

>the white man is the criminal

>replying to a 7 hour old post

Maybe he will come back you never know also I've been drinking but hey


Best girl

First one I already responded with the source, though the asking post was deleted. The second appears to be "8 Tales of the ZQN" (which I found using Google). Other ways to find source include Yandex and the Fireden archives. SauceNAO is pretty much only good for porn.


Can you help me with sauce? My search came up with jack


Jesus fuck, the terrible typesetting triggers me


Should be Sunrise + Gintama's director.

Search via Yandex or Fireden archives. Both have it listed in spades -- this particular page is posted in nearly every thread I've seen.


If you like cakes, shitty comedy and zero plot, you'll like this.

>It's just a prank bro
I'd be so mad.

This is the WCW author, correct? If so, I'll try it


Don't bother. It released its first chapter over a year ago and then immediately went on hiatus.

>not an iM@S idol
Come on, son.

I've been seeing this office 4-koma a lot recently. What is this? Google says nothing

Yandex says Iki no Kore! Shachiku-chan .

Oh shit, this looks neato.


Damn why are their only 3 chapters?

Which one is this? Google search seems to think everything is Cartoon Network

Look for replies to Dead posts.

Also booze and nice food.

Does anyone recall a manga where people have numbers on them and if they run out you die? This guy has negative numbers but if you have an artifact you can counter act it. He had a sword. Then it gets weird where attack helicopters appear and then they travel back in time to where its is normal present day or some shit with a high school being trained for war.


Thanks brah

Wolf Guy mangaka?




>tfw no one cares for the classics.


I'll have to kindly request source.


well i think i have a new waifu then


Thanks, dead post didn't show up for me.

Nope, I don't care, user. But I do care about you.

When will the elitist genre hating meme end on this weebsite?






>normalfags miss out on good manga voluntarily


Mishiro san to Yamada kun

I am learning it
I own the first three volumes


I can't believe there's no doujin from this artist, I'm so disappointed



Education is fucked.

There is no reason to waste money on the flunkies. Just send all the future dropouts into apprenticeships after 6th grade




Oh shit, thank you user.
I'll yandex and to check the archive next time.


What's this called?



Was fun until kuro goes nuclear


>rello is kill


Source? Yandex, Google and iqdb give me nothing.



Looks like Konjiki no Word Master.






Desotoru is so fucking cool.




























So, you're saying...
they stayed girls ?
and it's not gay... ?


what did he mean by this?


What is this expression attempting to convey?

Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san

BLAM! spinoff?


With you first, faggot.

Jesus, that's some real Liefeld feet he has there

Fucking rekt




Janitor mod can't get enough of power trip banning people on opt for asking source when this whole thing started because people weren't finding Manga to read in first place

Meanwhile, the hentai reposts get off scot-free even if it is blatantly hentai and not smut at all
Moderation standards sure is weird

your loss, user

interesting manga

careful, you might get banned for posting lewds


You can put a pig in a dress all you want, it's still a pig.

I love you OP. This made my night.

I don't think I found a very good translation


Do they fuck ?

It took me a moment to realize what was wrong, jesus

read it and find out




Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai



Tails not long enough?

You have made it very clear Mr rogue janitor
that you don't play by the rules
for anyone that needs to use it.

The perspective is all fucked, the stones on the pyramids make the dinosaurs look like they're projected away

L m a o

Updates never.

Thanks, jannys a douche


Actual manga is apparently typical haremshit, but damn, the author draws great tiddies.

Shit, I remember reading that webnovel but I can't remember the name. Had no idea there was a manga.

I can keep posting the link of the archive version of this chat forever rogue janitor
Also you do not seem to value your powers.

Looks like Noragami.

I found it, it was Maken no Daydreamer.



Two things

1) Jin is still obsessed with really forward women who want to be deflowered.

2) His superhero comic is amazingly well drawn. I remember when we first heard of him and he had that sketchy style.

Fuck, what chapter was this?


I got nothing, sauce please

My shitty sleuth powers have failed, I require your sauce brothers.

I love this one. Im so glad it's getting translations again.

Is Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Does the man fuq the shota?

What is this? Yandex is giving me nothing for some reason.

Shit, that's a church I can get behind.

147857407 is called Immortal Hounds

Is this continuing, or is it over?
I read it like 2-3 months ago, and I've forgotten.

Man, the murcielago author must be pretty fucked up.
The entire thing is basically a guro doujin with random fetishes/likes tossed in.




I tried to read it a few times after OPTs but somehow all the chapters I tried were sort of boring.

Is the rabid mod gone? I can't find the source to a couple of these

the specials