Was there any mutual attraction?
Was there any mutual attraction?
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How many fucking eva threads do we need? Use the catalog, you retard.
Physically, yeah, but Asuka was disgusted by Shinji's personality, and Shinji wasn't romantically affectionate to Asuka.
Is Shinji's name spelled Shinghi??
Holy shit, I never noticed that. Now I'm laughing.
Why is Shinji wearing women clothes here? Is Asuka mad because those clothes are hers?
Think about it a little more.
Why wouldn't he? He looks good in them.
Yes, they just don't know how to show it.
She sees herself in Shinji, an anxious, depressed, pathetic, lonely child.
Both Asuka and Shinji hate themselves.
I honestly don't know what you're getting at. Are you saying it's something more than just an Engrish typo?
There are people who still don't get that Shinji and Asuka had sex?
Obligated attraction that comes with being a hormonal teen, but Shinji's heart was set elsewhere.
It's in a mirror.
>Both Asuka and Shinji hate themselves.
And that's the rub, isn't it? If either of them weren't so self loathing, it would have been a romance couched on a mecha show, not a tragedy of miscommunication.
fan wank
ok, so it's Shinjhi? Still Engrish
I take it you're agreeing with me.
>There are people who still don't get that Shinji and Asuka had sex?
They didn't do that.
This. Shinji and Asuka are just two sides of the same coin. While Shinji pilot the Eva to make others praise him, Asuka tells herself she don't need no other them herself. Both just need some love, thats why they are perfect for eachother
How intense would the hatefuck be?
Capable of repopulate Earth after instrumentality
Or cause 4th Impact
She wouldn't have kissed him and he wouldn't have jerked off to her if there wasn't.
Asuka is loud no matter who it is with: youtu.be
this is the only true answer.
We all know that Asuka and Shinji repopulated the earth as the new Adam and Eve after EoE
>We all know
it's only one of several possibilities, and the less likely one.
No you shipping faggots
When did Cred Forums turn into tumbler
>they kissed
>shinji fapped to her
this is proof
THey should just kill themselves
fuck off
either angel fag or shinji should of been gender bent there relationship made more sence
Kaworu x Shinji is heterosexual, like God intended.
No, that's why they're horrible for each other. They bring out the worst in each other and feed into each other's issues.
They're the textbook example of mutual attraction - fear of rejection.
I want to fuck both of them.
mirrors how do they work??
user, it says IHJNI.
the h be silent
mexico pls
>Why is Shinji wearing women clothes here?
Oh, you didn't watch evangelion.
Yes but not as much as mutual contempt.
An hour into end of evangellion. Had to stop to collect myself after aska said
"I know all about your little jerk off fantasy's!"
Where am I right now?
Oh user, I'm jealous. wish I was watching with you.
The first half of Eva was wonderful.
Alright I just finished it. Whats next? I'm assuming this isn't canon. I already watched the og series.
End of Eva is canon.
You can read the manga, which is a retelling with stark differences. Or you can watch Rebuild, which is a series of sequel movies a lot of Cred Forums hates.
EoE is canon. depending on who you ask it's either concurrent with the TV ending (you see glimpses of EoE in the last episodes) or is and alternate but equal valid ending. As for where to go from here, you could check the manga but I'd say just process what you watched for now, you can get back to that some other time.
So is ep 25 and 26 not canon?
majority of it was pretty good. if it had ended conventionally though, it would have simply been a 9/10, mostly due to good pacing, direction, and art direction
the first half more or less necessitates that things fall apart, unless it was gonna turn into a happy go lucky late 80's CLAMP anime
End of TV and End of Eva happen concurrently. They're just different perspectives.
I'm honestly not sure what I just saw user. All I can really get is that humanity is gone and aska and shinji are adam and eve 2.0
I don't know what the fuck all that weird symbolism was but I think I recognize some budha and obviously christian undertones.
It was basicly ep 27 and 28.
Most of the shit in shinji head was basicly shinji maturing and understanding that everyones got there own problems in ep 27 and 28.
This time around I don't even fucking know.
anno was doing a dialectic type of thing
it's just a long process of confusing the fuck out of you until you are forced to think of yourself outside of the tropes that you normally couch your thinking in
they're adam and eve again n the sense that every man begins again from nothing, that's what frightening about life. we need to recreate meaning with every new life, otherwise we fall apart as people.
I recently finished EoE and I feel the exact same as you bro.
Everyone did
many more
so many people felt this way that anime has been tryign to recreate it for 20 years now with no success. but it's screwed up plenty of kids in the process with its consistently distorted view of the world. (I think eva is not particularly distorted, but its imitators get more and more pointlessly cerebral/grimdark.)
I don't think there was any attraction.
Shinji a faggot
It's spelled INRI, duh.
Anyone who doesn't understand that Shinji is bisexual is a total faggot idiot.
Is this all NBS fault?
>its imitators get more and more pointlessly cerebral/grimdark.
Agreed, there were so many immitators that thought eva was great because of how dark it was that they overlooked that it was also very bright and joyful too. It was never one note.
I agree. Eva is about finding hope, and a reason to live.
Only after saving us.
I feel as if there is definitely some intellectual philosophy buried underneath all the weird imagery/gibberish
but honestly I think they were just throwing shit together to see what works/ the director was trying to push his own weird ideology into it.
The series strong hold has to be its mature manure of putting kids in the role of saving the planet.
It shows you exactly why that's never a good idea and even shows you human nature of lies, deceit, and backstabbing.
All in all its kinda refreshing to watch an anime that legitimately tackles uncomfortable and even philosophical subjects, and dosn't do the usual annoying anime tropes. Even if the end result isn't something that can be comprehended by well...most people who have a sane mind.
check out this other thread, some interesting conversation is going on once you get past the usual shit:
Consider this: two evangelion ovas after EOE where shinji and asuka live happily ever after
Make it happen Anno
Those exist. It has all the asuka playing with bubble wrap glory you could ever want.
>asuka playing with bubble wrap
fuck that sounds cute
it does doesn't it?
Yeah. The travel to Asuka's home together and she mostly plays pranks like spilling orange juice and leaving her clothes on the floor so shinji thinks he is all alone on earth and contemplates suicide.
>and leaving her clothes on the floor so shinji thinks he is all alone on earth and contemplates suicide.
This reminds me of the phobia I had of the Rapture as a child.
rapture would really be creepy
Rapture is no biggie. You aren't alone by a mile, and it's basically a last adventure as the sinners fight the demons that come to earth, and there is still a way to get to heaven.
As far as an Adam alone scenario though, it'd be fun for a while, but eventually you'll get bored and be like: time to see what it's like to crash a plane into a Skyscraper while drunk.
You need a cutie eve to walk around with.
Those fucking Jesus movies aren't for kids. Like damn, I think that was the most traumatizing movie ever that I saw as a kid. They present it as a true event, and then nail that fucker to a cross. And if you don't like him, you go to hell.
Of course. The only ones denying it are anti-shipper fags who, in order to spite shippers, purposely put on goggles to ignore all the moments in the show that suggest Shinji and Asuka are attracted to each other.
Yeah, I lived with a minister for a time as a kid and I had to watch The Passion of the Christ. Traumatic.
To be fair, and to be relevant to the thread, Eva gets into some stuff that seems way too traumatic for its apparent demographic too. Does anyone know offhand what End of Eva was rated when it was released in theaters?
No, but everyone knows the show had to be moved from it's schedule.
It's a cartoon.
But I did have a dream about instrumentality, and I had to acknowledge it is creepy having no idea if you are doing the right thing. I saw all the scared faces, and then watched everyone die as I had a beer and waited to dissolve myself. It was funny cause my last thought was: I wonder if I made the right choice.
Then I woke up, but it was one of those weird calm ones, where it's like I blinked in my dream and my eyes opened in the real world.
shinji pls, the live action sequence has gone on long enough. jump to the next part.
Yeah, I was just wondering if EoE gave up on calling itself shounen.
Just because it's a cartoon doesn't mean there weren't some seriously disturbing imagery and scenarios.
everyone who don't understand that shinji and asuka are bisexuals needs to die.
I tried to find some info on it but couldn't. But once you get catatonic masturbation and a few of the uncensored vaginas in Japanese media I'm confident to say it didn't get classified as Shonen.
Nothing on NGE hints at Asuka being bisexual.
Then why is there an Evangelion Yuri thread on /u/?
I wouldn't say there's evidence for Asuka being bisexual. Pandering in promotional art doesn't count.
true, but i want to project my ideal relationship with shinji and asuka. :(
Rebuild & lesbians have fantasies too.
Who /ret-ake/ here?
>Who /delusional/ here?
who /shit-eater/here?
who /asukafag/ here?
It was decent.
Funny how all the doujins are about Asuka.
me i like Asuka but I like every girl in Evangelion
You mean you guys actually watched Evangelion? Woa nigga
Me, but I'm like
Yeah, they're all nice. Except Mari. And ritsuko. And ritsukos mom
But Mari is my waifu.
Maybe it's Shinchi
They attract similar to unlike poles.
Its a meme. No one actually watches this shit.