Arawi Keiichi's new series.

Other urls found in this thread:




Looks cute so far

Looks like 5 isn't in the mediafire folder, but might as well continue from where OP left off.


If we're lucky maybe some kind user will translate. Even if it's just for that sweet sweet e-peen.






5 was just this page.


im sorry user, im on mobile and Ive gotta study
i promise i will translate another time

A little underwhelming, but hanks!


No worries, you gotta do your best to avoid NEETdom.


This is so cute!


Looking pretty kawaii so far.

No promises it'll be good, but I'll do some.

"A long time ago, there was a bird."
"One day, the bird was flying asleep, and tragedy struck."
"It ran directly into a huge boulder coming out of the ground."
"Stuck inside the rock, the bird turned to stone, and so it passed the ages."
"At times there were religions centered around it, at other times it was stored away."
"Its uses changed as the area around it began to develop."
"Which brings us to today-"


"This is the story of a CITY that has absolutely nothing to do with that bird."


I don't know what's exactly going on, but I like it more than Nichijou already.


I feel like Nichijou was a testbed for something even more absurd.


Dat face.


where the heck did you find this?

Shitty stitch



is that guy plaing igo soccer?


What's with all the noses?



And done.

Thanks dude. It's definitely appreciated.

Damn, Arawi's art style became even more...Arawi-y I guess I would call it.

I guess doing all those Hasegawa kit boxarts affected him a lot.

"Hey, Nagumo! You in there?!"
"Your rent!"
"45,000 yen!"
"So for two months, it's 90,000-!"
"One morning, my landlady's voice woke me up."
"My bank account was a little short..."
"Actually, my bank account was totally empty."
"I was about to become a criminal."
"To pay my rent, I needed some way to turn the tables."
"I'd bet on the horse races." (don't really know about this line."

It doesnt feel the same as nichijou, maybe because its just the introduction for now.
still pretty good

I wish my rent was that low.

"Oi, Nagumo!"
"I'm gonna open the lock!"

"What're you say-"
"You can't do that!"

I don't have enough free time to typeset this all on my own, but if two or three people want to work out a plan to spread the workload I'd be up for it.

"What're you telling me I can't do?!"
"I don't have any money to lend you, today!"
"Why are you assuming I need to borrow money?!"
"Am I wrong?!"
"And why are you trying to keep your distance from me?!"
"Fine, what is it?!"
"Unless it really is money?"

porn when?

"No, you idiot..."
"I just wanted to see if you'd come play with me."
"Where are you hiding, Naguro?!!"
"I she ran out this window!!"
"Her futon's still warm, she's gotta be close!"
"Hey! Wait! Niikura!! Where are you running to?!"

I could blank out all the text bubbles
I could try to do the floating text and redrawing but I've never done any of this crap before

He is God, right?

Yeah, so? Why are you acting like it's not a common occurrence? I'm currently ranked Master in my work league.

Different user here whose also an artfag, so I could give redrawing a shot, but no promises on anything else.

"I found this."
"And I brought it here."
"Yes! Looks like lost property!"
"Thank you for bringing it in!"
"If the owner doesn't show up,"
"Would you give me a call?"

Just try to attempt it with the first page or whatever and we'll give you feedback.

Also don't worry because I'm not super-experienced either. This would only be my second time doing TS after Gabriel Dropout.

It's hilarious. Reminds me of Soremachi and Furutto. Nagumo is basically Kujirai sempai.

It's funny this is being translated when Nichijou was never even finished.

Half of v10 are the mag chapters that have already been released, anyway. Not missing anything.

Nichijou got an official English release, though.

"In short, I will give you a call if they don't show up!"
"Yaaaay. Then, in the event that they do not turn up, I would appreciate you delivering it here."
The name on the card is Izumi Wako, probably.
"Thank you very much."

Poverty shenanigans are the best.

Apparently Honkan is a term for someone at a post, so it should've been something like 'sir'.
"Your toilet really saved me, sir."
"Sir, are you filling in for Tanabe-san?"
"I have been filling in this position since the day before yesterday!"
"Don't you work at that restaurant out here?"
"I've seen you out delivering food or something..."
"Hey, hold it!!"

Something tellls me Nagumo is going to be working at that restaurant

Call it a hunch

It took me awhile and gave up on redrawing about half way through
I did notice I was getting faster blanking out the text though

just realized I missed a bit


"Hey, why are you running away from me?!"
"Why are you chasing me?!!"
"Is there a race going on?"
"That's not safe..."
"If you're free, we could really use some help around the shop."
"Anyway, thanks for your toilet."
"He's from the store on that stamp card..."

"Where did she go!"
"Niikura you jerk!"
"Tell me where are you hiding!!!"
"Come on, lend me some money!"

"Where'd she go!"
"Get out here, Niikura!"
"Wherever you are, I just wanna talk!!!"
"I definitely /don't/ want money!"

your translations are better than mine for sure

"All rigggghttt...."
"All done setting up..."
"It's gone!"

I tried a normal page

its the thought that counts
keep at it

Yes. It's the official sport for Keiichiverse

it done


You missed a bubble here.

Should post for QC before uploading next time.

>in 2016

Welp, guess my work here is done!

Isn't going legal now? How do they still allow fan translations?

Thank you for your work user

No, they just host a few shitty manwha webcomics.

"I was about to become a criminal."
-->> I can easily guess the culprit.
"To pay my rent, I needed some way to turn the tables." "I'd bet on the horse races."
-->It's I who lost on a horse race, trying to pay the rent. I needed some way to turn the tables.

KyoAni adaptation soon.

"What're you say-"
--> I didn't say anyth-"

Wait for QC and TL-check next time silly.

Much appreciated!

How many different Cred Forumsnon scans are there? SAZ, Habanero, who else?

This was actually a really good hook. It starts off with a situation and hints at a flowing plot, has the traditional Nichijou-style action scenes, wordplay, and absurdist jokes. I really think this might be successful if this keeps up. Hopefully there will be preorders for the first volume in less than a year.

I didn't actually make I just posted the link saying it is already done for the anons working on it

>"If the owner doesn't show up," "Would you give me a call?"
--> Is this the case if the owner doesn't show up, I can have it?

>"In short, I will give you a call if they don't show up!"
-->Probably, you can have it, if they don't show up!!

>"Don't you work at that restaurant out here?"
>"I've seen you out delivering food or something..."
-->I run a restaurant nearby. We'll deliver food anytime, if you like.

>"That's not safe..."
--> She is barefoot.
>"If you're free, we could really use some help around the shop."
--> Seems like they have too much time on their hands. I wish they would help our shop.

>"Tell me where are you hiding!!!"
--> You only have to give me a shelter!!

Isn't this old woman Mio?

That was really nice, less slapstick than nichijou, but I liked it more because it feels like there'll be progression

His works are always very hyper. I think that's what Nichijou lacked for some gags. They gets stretched for way too long.

This entire event feels like the intro to The Simpsons.

fucking really?

Today is a good day.

That was good

Have you seen Nichijou?

Made me giggle. Bretty good.

Thanks. That's pretty nice for a first chapter.


The art always makes me feel good.

Fuck, why are all Arawi's girls so cute?

She stole, didn't she?

She's the daughter of the archaeologist, so she probably just took it to the police to get rid of it.

No. The daugher is Matsuri. But her name is Wako.

Who cares? Nichijou manga wasnt even remotely good. Anime was good thanks to KyoAni and despite poor source.

Thanks for that obligatory post, I was afraid to not find it anymore.


I liked it, thank you.

Can you faggots just enjoy something in the language it was actually written in instead of butchering it with shitty fan translations by people who couldn't write creatively to save their lives? You are just as bad as the EOPs.

This might come as a surprise to you, but back in the days Kyoani was known best for making loyal adaptations of already great works, spending about one year for a single project.
They wouldn't be here today adapting unknown crap 3-4 times a year (+movies of previous unknown crap works) and selling like hotcakes if they hadn't built their reputation with the Key trilogy, Haruhi, Nichijou and Hyouka.


What is goddess?


A site that grabs everything from batoto.

Good shit. This will be more than enough to fill the Nichijou sized hole in my heart

I really like the main girl's design.

Yes, me too. And personality as well. She's like Yukko but with a bit more sense.

>is more of the same
I don't know, I definitely like it but, anyways.


It's because she has knee high boots

More of the same is better than nothing at all.

It's like that guy from home improvement

Kyoani adaptation when?

Right after VEG and that Robot Heart thing

Kyoani stopped making adaptations of good manga long ago.


Karaoke with Buddha is an enlightening experience

I prefer stupid Yukko though

What is that last panel suppose to imply?

>this girl is a fucking idiot










>places where I haven't found good vol 10 raws
perfect dark
japanese google

the search continues

add tokyotosho and and different irc xdcc bots to that

Nichijou patch for Dark Souls when?








It's what i do. You should see the /c/ and /w/ nichi threads

what have I been missing


Nano is a good waifu



Nichijou patch for Mount & Blade when?

lets make a Nichijou RPG Maker project!
so we can abandon it half-way through


>that Q sound effect

>"Sup, niichan?
>"Whoh, you started me."
>"Matsuri, what about school?"
>I went home half way
>Yesterday, Mom sent that Haniwa as a souvenir, right?
>That weird smelly thing?
>I washed it and put it out to dry and now its gone...
>What should I do?
>That's great, then it won't cost us any money.
>Mom always sends weird things while traveling, right?
>Our shed is stuffed so I've started throwing things out as they arrive.
>I put a big trash sticker on them (to have them taken away).
>Is that fine? Throwing them away?

is this the oldest thread on Cred Forums?

There's a translation up on Batoto and presumably other places now. I'm really liking it, cute series.

whats wrong with it


i really like this one