Rape Certainty Principle

Why do women in anime and manga seem to naturally assume that guys will definitely rape them at the first opportunity?

Other urls found in this thread:


3dpd women assume that too

Because they want it.

>But if he gets into that kind of mood

There's a mood for rape?

>There's a mood for rape?
Hateboner or extreme desperation. You could also be fucked in the head like all the pedos who rape kids.

Better question

why do girls in mango and animu think that looking at porn makes you a criminal?

No sexual education.
Or the belief that 2d=3d

Perhaps they grew up around military personnel.

Because they have no idea what boys are like


And then there are series where every single male antagonist or background character threatens to rape the heroine.


So both genders want to get raped by the other, did I get that right?
But if everybody wants to be raped, who's doing the raping?

The ones too drunk to know what they're doing

>Sex is nothing more them mutual rape

It's like i finnaly open my eyes

>think all men are rapists
>hate sexualization
Are anime girls feminists?

well when you put it like that...

They also fantasize about being the mistress for their best friend's husband

But what about when girls rape boys?

Women naturally assume that anything that arouses guys makes them want to rape

Male writers constantly include rape though, I guess to both sexualize an innocent woman and arouse protective instincts in the audience.

No they just assume all men rape.
>b-but all men are wolf!

kek then you never read shoujo, woman writers are way more deviant and perverts than you could belive.

We all know alot of women have rape fantasies therefore it could be seen as a form of projection. "I secretly want to be raped so obv men secretly want to rape". Kinda makes sense in a twisted way.

post more rape fantasies

Yea no kidding.

probably 'cause guys will definitely rape them at the first opportunity

It's ok if it's female on male rape?

>naturally assume that guys will definitely rape them at the first opportunity?
They believe the phony rape statistics currently flying around university gender studies departments?
>Five out of every two women have been sexually assaulted by every man alive.

Mine is going back to shota age who gets taken advantage by an older curvy, hot female, preferably Christmast cake age.

Because, and all the bros ITT be honest with yourselves, how many of you fantasize about raping woman or get some enjoyment out of seeing rape porn

Are we talking "ugh, do I have to?" rape porn or "NO NO PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME" rape porn?

get help

Because Japan is desperate to encorage baby making activity due to declining birthrate

NO NO RAPE, that's the best kind isn't it

Not really, I find girls wanting it and not crying much hotter.

Then nope, that's fucked up m8

>wanting to touch a woman
>an IRL woman

Joke's on you nigger



>Look this up
>Oh it's one of those elf rape subversion things
>Nope it's regular elf rape
>It turns into loving consensual halfway through, not even mindbreak.
>They get married and she naked aprons for him.

What just happened?

>Because Japan is desperate to encorage baby making activity due to declining birthrate
Isn't japan full of middle aged virgins though?

What munga is this? The art looks familiar to Harumi Chihiro

I'm pretty heavy on the M side of the scale so not much.

reverse image search

Turns up nothing.

Source, the search engine doesn't work.

I don't want to get tied up and whipped and stepped on or anything, I just want to get pinned down and pounded, having all my juice squeezed out of me.


Learn to google faggot

Blow me.

Hell yeah

What? That's not the image you asked for source on

Oh, shit yes it is my bad

Elfen Lied

Please continue...
Also sauce...


>the first time anyone ever admitted to being wrong in the history of the internet

>Also sauce...

It would help if you read the thread. Or used reverse search because it's been proven in thread it works just fine for that image.

I'm still not technically wrong, it does come up when you search, anyway it's come come vanilla

>87 x 125

Also proof

No, it doesn't come up when you search.

Fuck off, I literally just posted proof

I tried 3 different search engines and got squat. Best guess was a Cartoon Network on goolge and some random doujin's on Saucenoa that weren't it.

That's nice.

Weird, on mine it's not coming up. Even when I search by the full sized image.

I already spoon fed you the source and posted a screen shot showing it works, no need to be upset that you can't figure out something as simple as google

Was that the only manga of that author where the main girl doesn't fuck random people every chapters?

Your posts definitely come across as calm and not angry at all.

You should try searching the image by expanding the picture, right click copy link, and pasting it into google image search. Also stop being a faggot desu

That's what I did. Keep raging, it's funny to me.


Not him, but I did that and got nothing as well.

Google reverse search has been inconsistent for me recently though. Saucenao turned up nothing too.

I'd be fine either way, really.

that's not even me, there's multiple people calling you a faggot

Damn, normally that works for me. I wonder how got it though

just fyi, screenshots don't prove anything (I'm none of the people involved in this)


There's a thread for the new chapter in the catalog right now.

You're a goddamn moron

Results with the fullsize image are no different, moron.

RIP in pieces.

>Harumi Chihiro
New manga at Velvet Kiss tier WHEN?

Don't lie to me, user, there is not.


found it through tinyeye. First time that site actually worked for me, hm.

It didn't come up in just searching for the image, but I used google translate to draw the characters from and got hits that way
As proof, search 妹子不只从天降 and remember to make use of every hint

Me too, user. Google and Saucenao failed me, but TinEye is a last resort some times. Some guy already posted source above anyway.

And it's by Chihiro anyway, so looking her shit up would be enough of a hint.


>people asking the source for a weekly harem rom com manga that has been going on for almost a year

I'm reading this manga but do you know how many weekly harem series are out there?

I know right? It's almost like some people actually have things going on in their lives.

What the hell ever happened to this series?

I question the sanity of such people. I only enjoy it if it's futa porn

the men in their country are super repressed and it's super obvious

100% they would rape at the first opportunity given they had no consequences

Just hoping this tier will get a series...

Because japan loves rape. Watch any JAV and see if anything seems rapey.
She's being genre savvy. Also, rapes are likely to go unreported in japan because reporting would be embarrassing. Combine that with the submissive role nip women are expected to adhere to and you can see why they'd be wary.