What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Pretty sure she's mistaking N/F for S/M, as in sadist/masochist
Yes but, what N and F stand for?
Nothing, they're just randomly chosen letters in place of s/m.
Nigger or Faggot
She's talking about you OP
No or Fun
Kaede best sister 2bh
emmu (M) sounds like ennu (N)
essu (S) sounds like effu (F)
I heard what you said
National Spelling Bee?
But what did she mean by this?
She's wrong though, society is warped by the mass media and the clerisy.
I'm a little disappointed in Kaede now.
Just kidding, I could never be disappointed by sunshine incarnate.
>a loli mispronounces words
I'ts also for FUCK off
The modern educational system is flawed as it grades children on a standardized numeric scale rather than one of ability and thus more often prevents children from learning due to a sense of pressure to perform or general disinterest when what they should be doing is instilling a love of learning so that children will strive to succeed and better themselves on their own accord. It's honestly a terrible system.
How do you fix it
Shut up, C Urchin.
She means she's a huge dyke and will bone the other loli when they grow up
>She means she's a huge dyke
Lolis aren't huge.
regrettably Im not sure you can at this point. It would require a massive restructuring of the system that most governments wouldn't want to fund without massive external pressure.
What's more parents have taken a much too "hands off" approach to their education and are spending less and less time sitting down and talking with them.
Until either of these issues are dealt with true change can never take place.
>What's more parents have taken a much too "hands off" approach to their education and are spending less and less time sitting down and talking with them.
This, this triggers me to no end.
It's a terrible system that works. Those that can cope up with it and come out victorious will reign the world while those who can't do anything by themselves will end up flipping burgers for the other ones.
>What's more parents have taken a much too "hands off" approach to their education and are spending less and less time sitting down and talking with them.
That's because the system failed them too.
Kaede is too cute
It's regrettable that parents lack maturity themselves and brush their kids aside as if they where pet you can get bored with and not a massive live changing responsibility.
While it is true that there will be those who will manage to succeed on their own, does that really mean we should be complacent in that? Why do we not strive for a higher standard?
A mere percentage of success won't push society to greater heights and until we come together to achieve greatness as a collective whole can we find a utopia.
What's more is how we take so little pride in certain fields that we look down on them as inferior when they provide a service we all enjoy.
Those jobs won't go away so why must they likewise be looked down upon. Instead can we not hold those fields to higher standards as well?
It's a viscous cycle indeed
Well said.
Pretty much in groups our motives become watered down, and we accept this. Many even yearn for it.
The people who don't, exploit it or simply get on with their own shit. I'm not yet sure people can/do collectively strive for greatness.
Sure it's easy to judge people for settling with "getting by" but we've progressed a huge amount from a few hundred or thousand years ago. That's a fraction of our species' history, too.
You can call it a plateau, but even then we're doing more than we've ever done before.
Nanoha and Fate.
If Urchin gufl can cont, it would be a good thread
well it is a sticky issue