
Live-action anouncement:

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i like part 5

I just want someone to love

I need somebody to love...


I like Part 5 too user, it's a fun ride.

Heartwarming to see an actual respectful disagreement

Why can't we all be like this?

>Part 4 anime nearly finished
>Part 5 anime guaranteed
>JJCA working hard to give us what we don't have yet
>DiU movie doesn't look or sound like shit
>JoJo coming to Toonami

Is this the perfect time to be a JoJo fan?

When your only other options for immortality are being a creepy vampire, being the epitome of posing evolution, or breathing heavily really well, being a turtle ain't that bad of a deal.

I was joking, but I seriously can't watch anime without seeing the in-between shots, it just ruins the whole experience for me.

>No DIO in the middle to meet the two sides together
>Or at least Giorno

Still looks cool

at least he gets to run a mafia

I need my Takashi Jojo already. I want to see how he'll exaggerate everything.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure that Polnareff wanted to die a hero more than anything. Most of his friends and his sister are dead and he's got a shitload of survivor's-guilt, I'm sure he'd rather join them in heaven than be the novelty-pet of DIO's dickhead shitspawn.

Gappy makes me happy

I'm starting this novel and Mista is now a rude motherfucker, what happened to him?
inb4 all his friends are ded

>Polnareff's hips
Alright that fucking does it boner, you have crossed the fucking line

PHF is good with Fugo and the new characters but fucks up most of the old ones.

Apparently Abbacchio and Fugo snuck out to murder children without Buccellati knowing, it just has some pointlessly edgy crap peppered in with the gold.

You kind of ruined any character Polnareff had in Part 5 for me just now and that was one of the few things I really liked about it was seeing Pol again

But Christ you're right, what the fuck is wrong with Part 5

I like to believe that his friends in heaven pushed his soul into a turtle so that he can be relevant to (another) JoJo again

That image makes me sad.

>part 5 anime practically guaranteed
here's hoping we don't see gold QUALITY requiem and king red. hope they keep ger and diavolo's asb actors too

Anyone else think that Speedwagon has the saddest death in JoJo?

Think about it.

>Most positive character development, went from a common street urchin to a philanthropic oil tycoon

>Could have totally made a move on Erina with Jonathon out of the picture, but he didn't out of respect

>Put up with Josephs bullshit

>Heals Zeppeli through the power of abs

>Wills the entire SWF to assist the Joestars in their future endeavors

and, the fucking coup d'etat,

>He dies of a heart attack at age 89, completely alone.

I'm exaggerating, Polnareff actually seemed pretty content with being a turtle. He squawks at Giorno and co not to leave him behind and seems to count his survival as a bonus, he gets to live knowing that he was the key to taking down Diavolo and making the world a better place. And even if he's not a fighter anymore, he's there to be Giorno's conscience and keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't end up like DIO.

Not to mention that Jotaro and him would've still been able to bro it up, and Jotaro loves animals.

Diavolo is Kira's voice now so
>Koyama was good to yell shit and act angry but he can't to long talks right

>Morikawa wasn't good to yell shit and act angry
>Koyama for Diavolo

Nigga we almost certainly going to get QUALITY on King Crimson's little forehead face. I'm looking forward to it.

It's a massively popular part in Japan. If there's anytime to put the budget somewhere, it'd be then. Fuck SBR though lul

poster leaked

You have 10 seconds to explain why this isn't better than every opening we've got from David so far.

Hint: it's impossible

>never married

The Joestars were his best friends.

the animation is shit in this one.

so is the song, for that matter.

>Could have totally made a move on Erina with Jonathon out of the picture, but he didn't out of respect
I dunno, are we sure it was Erina he was into? He barely had anything to say about her, whereas he was constantly gushing about Jonathan and how he wishes he could hold his hand. Him being a cockgobbler could also explain why he never searched for love elsewhere either, it wouldn't have been acceptable.

post MEMES

>Bruno Mars

Yeah no, I'm happy with what we got. This is less like an OP and more like a tribute

Post Aida Mitsuo quotes.

sup gays

Yeah, he had friends, but he died alone.

>Stroheim died surrounded by his fellow Nazis at stalingrade

>Erina died in her sleep, surrounded by the ones she loved

>Speedwagons heart breaks and he falls over ded

He literally says he would put the moves on her if it weren't for his respect for Johnathan.


Where does it say that? I thought that Speedwagon supposedly crushing on Erina was only something fans/Joseph came up with.

this image made me finally realize what GER's hear reminds me of

I thought that was to win favor with Polpo while sparing Bruno from having to do that.

I do remember Bruno emphasizing that they're not murderers though (in contrast to their enemies killing civilians left and right). Perhaps you can argue that not everyone in the team feels the same way but hard to say.

>Rock disease scars

He's the best BroJo only shitty rusemasters would think he should get together with Erina.

Where did you get the alone part?

Originally speed wagon lived to the ripe old age of 89

In steel ball run he was shot to death while still in his prime.

Check that image, nigguh

As i have said before,

Yeah, he had friends, but he died alone.

>Stroheim died surrounded by his fellow Nazis at stalingrade

>Erina died in her sleep, surrounded by the ones she loved

>Speedwagons heart breaks and he falls over ded





holy shit

Part 5 is good

It kind of fucks up Abbacchio and Fugo, though, as well as Bruno. While Bruno's naturally kinder and more moral than them, his ruthlessness and care for his teammates is notable, and them having to go out of their way to shield him from icky stuff completely turns the group-dynamic on its head.

Not to mention it makes Abbacchio in particular seem needlessly horrible, while he's a rude and grouchy fucker he was never shown to be an enthusiast for child-murder. And unlike Fugo he doesn't get the chance for development or redemption in the book, since he's already dead.

I want to be kissed by those beautiful men.

What? No he wasn't there was the Speedwagon Oil Company in SBR. I mean of course that doesn't automatically mean Robert Edward Owens Speedwagon was the founder and is the actual parallel. Though, I could see Mountain Tim's desire to protect and save Lucy at all costs could be seen as Speedwagons desire to help Jonathan.


That's not confirmation at all, though, that's Joseph's theorizing. This is the man who thought he could befriend Santana by singing and dancing in his face, he's not remotely a credible source.

Abachio killed a kid?
Tell me, I don't care about spoilers

They had the same hair.

>Giorno is Bernie's favorite in the original universe
Yeah, sounds about right for a beta like him

Read the fucking manga

Erina so vehemently denying it shows just how loyal speedo is though.

Erina may be a bit dumb, but she's no idiot. If anyone would know for sure how Robert feels other than himself, it would be her.

shit you got me there.

It doesn't delve into it, it just says 'Blah blah, Fugo and Abbacchio went out to do dirty-work Buccellati wouldn't like such as missions that involved killing a child.' I don't know why it'd even have that since it adds nothing to the plot in general, turns Fugo and Abbacchio into brutes no better than the ones they fought against, and Bruno into some ignorant twit who gets protected by his men instead of the other way around.

It's irritating because the novel is good on the whole but has these snippets of crap through it.

Random question, but has Doppio been voiced before?


Kind of, in ASB he has like, 3 lines.

Or she could just be angry about her grandson theorizing on her sexual relationships with family friends. The only thing this page confirms is that Joseph thought it was a possibility, not that anything happened or even that there was any desire for it to.
Well this certainly puts a new [spin] on things.

Thats a good point, actually.

FUCK you

>Speedwagon had a Stand since the beginning that gave him the ability to see the future/gain special awareness of the world surrounding him
>his Stand was primitive and not really defined so it's power was sporadic and random
>it was the power that allowed him to throw bladed hats with such curve and precision
>it was the power that allowed him to deliver such precise exposition at the events that were happening
>it was the power that allowed him to sense Dio's evil and see through his façade when no one else could
>it was what allowed him to find oil and become a rich tycoon in America
>but it faded away as he aged and never really realized he had it
>but, at the age of 89, he receives a clear, concise vision
>he finally understands that, all along, he actually had a ability that he could use to help Jonathan
>something that would have allowed him to save Jonathan
>he receives a vision of Dio trapped in the coffin, still alive, and the fishermen in the future bringing him back to life
>the shock of said vision and realization is too much for his fragile heart
>he dies as he rushes to try and call Joseph and warn him

Cute, cute af

Fuck you!

It will be when we get that sweet ass jojo pachinko machine

Why would you do this to me user

There's ASB
BTW, anyone know if Morikawa voiced ASB Diavolo and Doppio? Or just Diavolo?

>His last vision is Joseph laying on the ground drained of blood, and Jotaro being hit with dozens of knives

My god that's brilliant.

Mista was always a rude motherfucker
It's just that it's hard to notice when he always ends up getting shoot by his own bullets

>He fully awake his stand in the last moment
>He see the dead of so many people, Kakyoin, Iggy, Avdol
>He can't understand who are this people but he knows they're allies and good people
>He can see Jotaro's death
>He can see Pucci and MiH
>He can see the end of the world

>QUALITY Epitaph
I want this so bad

>As his heart begins to fail, he has one last vision
>Its of the shitposts on /jojo/

He sees gappy's balls

>As his heart begins to fail, he has one last vision
>Doujins, dozens of gay doujins
>Dio raping Jonathan
>Jotaro and kakyoin gay love
>Speedwagoon cums cooly
>He die of a cold

The world doesn't end though. He'd see all these people suffering up until Jolyne's final sacrifice then Emporio fucking boiPucci and then Irene living a happy life, and he realises that even though the world is filled with pain and suffering for no good reason that there's still hope and that the future is in good hands, and he passes without regret.

She doesn't have Lisa Lisa's big nip nops though.

Thanks for linking to my youtube channel man


I want you to tap my dick with your dick

that's great man

Do it.

Dick fence with me.

100 bucks will get you anything you want

I didn't ask for these feels.

What time does the PVs usually drop?

i would.... but I'm hung like a skin tab.

>There was a fucking sword with a Stand in Part 3

Can we talk about how forced and stupid Anubis was? How the fuck did DP pad that shit out between two episodes? Why the hell did Araki think this was a good idea in the first place

This has got to be the worst padding in the entire Part

It was 6 chapters. And Araki was just aping horror movies during Part 3, most Stands were based on something from one. Anubis is a classic haunted or possessed antique.

anubis should've somehow fused with silver chariot and made polnareff less useless.

>Why the hell did Araki think this was a good idea in the first place
Because this was how he was defeated.

Polnareff carried the part and had the second-most victories after the main character you ultra retard

I dont like this

>a sword with a Stand was forced and stupid
Okay so you sat through
>a ship Stand
>a bug Stand
>a sun Stand
>a beetle Stand
>a book Stand
And a cursed sword with a Stand was what outraged you ?
I mean, Anubis is not even the first Stand that is bound to a physical object, what makes him so bad ?

>How the fuck did DP pad that shit out between two episodes?
Because DP sucked at pacing during Part 3, I thought we established that a while ago

>Why the hell did Araki think this was a good idea in the first place
>implying the Anubis fight wasn't one of the highlights of Part 3

TFW anons are posting the pictures I post here to the SDC subreddit

(note: had to scale the picture down because it was too phat for Cred Forums)

To be fair Part 3 was difficult to pace since it was almost exclusively 3 or 6 chapter fights, 3 chapters being not enough content for a good episode and 6 being too much for one but not enough for two.

At least your work is being appreciated by a larger audience

>Jotaro is bleeding out from a big wound on his stomach
>Polnareff: Here I have this band- aid
>Jotaro: No thanks

I'm not the artist I just look at jotakak on pixiv at night and then shitpost them here later lul

This. A lot of people miss out on this point
You cant make an episode out of 2 or 3 chapters and you can't stuff 6 chapters into one episode

are they hard?

I mean you CAN put 6 into one episode and do it well as DiU has shown in the past two episodes but there's still a fuckton of stuff cut to make it fit.

Everything involving Annasui is a joke with Jolyne/Jotaro
I love that.

Source on the un-citrused pic, friend?

Anakiss can't live a happy life?


It's popular for fujoshis, but they are just loud, not many.

They are great, they always make me chuckle


It's still popular as fuck amongst normal fans in Japan as well, just not to the same levels as Part 3 and maybe around as popular as 4.

What the fuck even is that, what's up with her shoulders?

Goddamn early Araki art

Fujoshis just draw the art and write the fanfics, they don't do it just for themselves, they do it for an audience. The consumers of fujo fanart is large so it's expected that many of them are fine with the parts they're obsessed with (namely parts 1-3, 5, and 7). Based on this, I can only assume that part 5 is very popular in Japan.


You think AltJotaro aproves his marriage with Irene?

Gappy makes me happy

But user... is Gappy Happy?

Even part 2 is more popular then 5 now.

Gappy is not happy

In Annakiss defense he doesn't look like a cheap male stripper and doesnt seem so be a loser stucked in the friendzone so I'll say theres a chance


I need more suit and tie Gio.

Shh, Gyro is sleeping


Probably by JoJo elitists or something. I figure it could be something like the whole nostalgia train modern Hollywood and normalfags have been going through late in the last decade and through out this one

Nips can be going like
>This ain't the JoJo I remember as a kid. I remember dumb action fun with big baras, not dumb philosophical twinks

And that can be what kills everything from Parts 5-7. Part 8 is ongoing, based in Japan, tons of waifubait and has a protagonist as burly as Jotaro, so it's not really similar to what JoJo had been in those years

you should make an imgur album of those for easier shitposting

Dhoo yuuuuu rehehhremmemreburuuur hwooo maaeenny bennnis yuu lickle in yer liife ?

They don't have the same bara/twink dichotomy that we have here though, huge muscly guys are considered FAR more homo than twinks in Nipland.

So why the fuck does Jotaro have to say the World instead of just Star Platinum?

I'm reading through Stardust Crusaders.

When does this become not terrible? The "enemy stand user of the week" bullshit is already tiring me out. I know the later parts have stands too? Are they all like this? If I'm not liking Stardust Crusaders should I just quit the whole thing now? Does Hamon ever come back? And why is Joseph so boring and useless now? Does it at least get fun again when Dio comes back?

Ssame type of stand user

i forgot lol

Just skip to the thing that makes SC noteworthy at all in the first place, DIO's World.

I know, it was just a theory about how come those Parts are lower. That said I was mostly aiming for the nostalgia-factor of what JoJo used to be, or the fact fujoshits do kind of run the JoJo fanbase as a whole so it's easier to work with those

Then again, Phantom Blood is looked down upon there too, but everybody considers it one of the weakest so that doesn't really add much. I just think there's this golden era between Parts 2-4, maybe including 5 that's really exploded lately thanks to the anime

Or not, did Steel Ball Run actually jump up in the ranks? I remember it being significantly lower than that

He says Star Platinum: The World.

He thinks ZA WARUDO sounds cooler.

''I have no eyes but let's fuck anyways lol''

Reading this post in abridged speedwagon's voice is great

Just drop the whole series and never come back

>Mini Abbacchio brutally topping normal-sized Buccellati

that's my fetid fetish

I dont think I have one of Gio
Have other suits instead

This scene was kind of sweet in a way, even taking the fucked-up eyes into account.
>Old couple who are still clearly still deeply in love with each other getting to fuck again
>They're just happy about it instead of sulking about the man losing his failing vision
Money well spent.

>That like/dislike ratio

Is there a shop with them having the hairstyles and clothes?



63? But what's the point with these fuckers, they look enough like hot chicks as-is. Zombuccellati's always cool though.

>Giorno tipping his fedora

gaijin cosplay

they should've casted these white ppl imo

stop looking at the same tweets i'm looking at asshole

look hot and "be hot" - as in don't feel bad about jerking off to a penis because she'll have a vagina


why do they all look miserable?

Because let's be real, even if they tried really, really hard there's a lot of people going to hate it on the pretense alone that the very concept of a JoJo movie is going to suck hard. Especially made by Nips

so if the movie is "part 1" (i think?) how far will it go? i could see it stopping at maybe RHCP but that means no kira which kinda sucks

If they include Kira then they are forced to do the whole thing
if it ends at RHCP it's a good place to end it
That being said, will we get a live action Italian?

They should been casted Gachimuchi.

>van darkholme as rohan
>I'm an artist.... a mangaka artist

They confirmed to do the whole thing in couple of movies.


> Especially made by Nips

Explain, because Hollywood can't make a good anime adaptation to save its life, while I've seen plenty of good adaptations of Japanese movie adaptations of manga/anime. Or do you just really want to see everybody be white?

I like Mikitakas platinum blonde hair
also eat shit Doc, but thanks


Thanks doc, you make staying up till 1 am worth it
oh and thanks, too i guess.

Josuke makes me happy.

Japanese production values are low, much lower than the standard Western movie. And while Westerners tend to be hit or miss with any adaptions, at the very least it'll look passable for the most part

I still believe DiU is the perfect Part to for them to adapt as a film. I'm just wondering why the fuck it's being filmed in Spain

2 slo, kevin!! :DDDD

The best manga adaptation was done by a Korean studio, so it's not like the Japanese hold the reigns to everything. Plus, the Ghost in the Shell live-action one looks better (cast-wise) than DiU's, and that's saying a lot seeing as how Scarlet Johansson is Japanese now. It's just a fact of the matter that Japan isn't actually great at adapting manga/anime, so DiU being made by Nips isn't something to get excited at.

Pretty sure they moved Kiras new life part 2 to another episdoe since it looks like AYY LMAO its gonna be the whole episode

I suspect I am Alien will end around Chapter 4--5 of the arc and the final chapters will be in Highway Star Part 1

Interesting he's so pale, but I guess it makes sense to facilitate the idea he's lying

Actually they can do I am Alien if they move Kira's New Life in one episode

But they also kept his weird green eyes so you are not entirely sure

Doesn't make much sense to show it off because it's not the focus of the episode

I've got some concerns for this EP. They're cramming so much into it, and they'll probably get rid of a lot of Mikitaka's antics.

Hope David proves me wrong.

still looks weird to me


We don't know when I am Alien is going to end.

The only part of it that has an actual connection with the arc is the last like 1 or 2 pages of Kira's dad flying around and hitting Miki with the arrow

Why did it has to be that very specific amount of time?
Couldn't he just said he erased 1 or 2 seconds?

I highly doubt it. If they've moved it to a different episode then I'll cum on my JoJoniums.

Because Araki's second personality, Teriyaki the Autistic Mangaka wrote Part 5

1 or 2 seconds is still very specific. It's arbitrary in the end.

Screencapted user.
I'll save this.

True, call me when Hollywood adapt SBR with Brad Pitt as RIngo.

>almost lived long enough for this
I just have to make sure not to die of any colds in the next 36 hours

I need to cook German food for an event.
But I don't have SUPERIOR GERMAN TASTE IN FOOD to cook.

Don't trip on the soap when you are showering and dont open the fridge bare foot

>Stone Free smells like soap

So I'm wondering, what is it about that ship that makes it so popular?

I'm guessing Kakyoin basically following Jotaro to the ends of the Earth and risking his life for him could be see as love instead of simply trying to repay his debt? That I get. But I don't get what Jotaro's side in this would be since he's basically a robot in the flesh and essentially has no emotions.

Can Jotaros feel love?

Will this episode be animated by Shin Hyung Woo? The art looks pretty similar to his or some other episode artist, can't put my finger on it.

Jotaro is the main character and Kakyoin is the most effeminate of the Stardust Crusaders. Plus Pol and Avdol are pretty much butt buddies the entire part, Joseph is his grandpa and Iggy's a dog

There's not much to work with outside of enemy Stand users or his mother

>14 years old
>only three years

So is becoming HUGE is a secret part of Star Platinum's stand powers?

Though a trans and/or crossdressing cutie Jotaro would have made Stardust Crusades much more enjoyable.

Most of the rationalizing I see around this ship is based on one of two things. Kakyoin either sees Jotaro's removal of his fleshbud as Jotaro's act of love and thus, goes on the adventuring and the sexing with him, OR, Kakyoin's love for Holly is mistaken, by him, to actually be his love for the other Joestar in the family. They also shared some "cute" moments in the story so that could be it.

Either way though, it's just a ship.

Jotaro's not a robot by any means, he's just a sperg. He clearly feels love, hate, anger, joy, amusement, fear, etc etc etc. Look at the tantrums he throws, he's a big kid and he'd seem entirely childish if he wasn't big and scary enough to pull off the 'looming giant' vibe instead of the 'awkward bitch' one.

Jotakak, however, is based simply on shipping the two conventionally attractive teenagers in the team with each other. He's closer to Polnareff as a friend and hangs out with him more, but because Polnareff is some French weirdo instead of a bishi fellow student, Kakyoin's the one winning the Jotarobowl.

Naw, just some good, old-fashion childhood traumatizing

Fun fact: Jolyne's mother is Italian-American just like Jotaro's

Is Gappy going to vape?

And because Jotaro is underage and shipping him with Pol is wrong.

Pol is a manchild.

Honestly I think Caeser and Joseph makes for a better ship.

Oh yeah. Silly me, I forgot that Jotaro was some wide-eyed young shota who doesn't know what a penis is, and the cunning, predatory Polnareff fucking him would be pedophilia of the highest degree.

Jotaro/Anne is perfectly fine though.

my fav ayy lmao it's finally happening

Honestly I think you should step on this.

Kars/anne is better

>the wedding rings in part 2 were actual wedding rings

please new OP
please new OP
please new OP
please new OP
please new OP

Kars/Jorge my man

It's probably canon in that shitty book

That's retarded, because Joseph's disguise was a huge muscle man wearing girl's clothes, which the nazi dudes saw through as soon as they saw him.

>live action movie
>for part 4
>not even about Kira
It's going to be shit. Not even Miike can save it.


Kars-senpai is for hang out and chill, not for ships.

What if Hol Horse and Anne stayed with the SDC team for the rest of the part?

>After they get split up in DIO's mansion (Anne falls through the floor and is part of the Junior D'Arby fight.) Hol blags the others through Tenore Sax, but is attacked by Vanilla Ice because he can't remember DIO's favorite color.

Even your filename is afraid!.

> 7 chapters
> new OP

Diddling a pillar-man would be crazy and potentially lethal, probably. I'm disappointed at how vanilla their porn is.


>Hol Horse fucking dies

It would make the finale feel even more cluttered than it was prior to Jotaro and DIO's fight. Anne would provide no help and Hol Horse is just a second Polnareff. They got what they deserved


I know this artist

She draws some damn female vore

>Anne defeats Vanilla Ice with a mirror trick using sunlight
>Hol Horse stay with Pol and he dies saving Pol from Diavolo
>Anne shows up in part 6 with Shizuka to save Jolyne
>But they ended up being the new cumdumpsters in prison

Charmy Green

>Hol Horse is just a second Polnareff
Lies, Polnareff only ate shit when he had no other choice but Hol Horse volunteered to do it completely unprompted

We need to replace anime Koichi with live-action one.

Anne would've just been a dumb comic relief character that will just make things harder for them.
people were talking of how the Vanilla Icen would've went down if she was there and it was incredibly stupid.
And Hol Horse hanging with the crew is out of chracter considering he hates Polnareff with a pasion and same goes for Polnareff and I dont think Avdol would be a fan of hanging out with the guy who shot him in the head.
What we got its better

they won't attempt to cover all 7 chapters in one episode
i promise

Part 2 when



This is a sex thing, right?


Are you aroused by this? Does the sight of the sweet, heroic teenager Josuke being brainwashed and having his beautiful hair of which he's so proud shaven off? You're sick, sick, sick.


They'll do the last one or two chapters at the beginning of Highway Star.

This already got posted. Not that it should be in the first place.

Where are you getting this from? Fuck we still need to see how Surface and RHCP 1 look in the BDs.

The shoulder being only vaguely tinted pink instead of being a big gory hole spurting blood actually makes it grosser, fuck


This is suppose to be Vol 4. So who knows.

Anyone know where to check to see if BD download rips for part 4 are up for download?

I don't like part 6

Well, I check on nyaa nothing there but who fucking knows, this isn't even a screenshot there, it's just a photo.


Cool, want a medal, my friend?

If the result remains how does Diavolo avoid getting shot or getting hit by attacks? I never understood this.

Vol.3 isn't available even now.

Dammit that's the one that'll really show how much the BDs actually fix too.


The bullets go through him but since time is being erased nothing happens to him

Diavolo is immune to fate during this period, no one else is. that's literally it. He can enforce it on others by skipping it so the results remain but skip the ones that apply to him completely.

Shit that happens in the erased time isn't kept and doesn't happen, unlike time stop. He predicts what'll happen and King Crimson can have him deliberately ignore those events

It's not really hard to understand

>Going through DIO's World again
>Star Plat punches The World really hard in the leg and it makes him explode

What the fuck, why couldn't it at least be The World's head? That would've made some sense amount of sense

Who else thinks that King Crimson is the ugliest, stupidest looking stand out there? Seriously, red waffle with a retarded face with stupid eyes and a tiny mouth, and if that wasn't enough it has another even stupider face coming out of its face. And the fact that it's between the coolest main villain stands (Killer Queen and Whitesnake) makes its stupid looks stand out even more.

DIO's leg was already injured, whereas his head wasn't so much.

I've never noticed, but KC has tears on its kneecaps


> Danny Devito
> Not Shigechi

There's a magnum dong joke there somewhere

How many act 2 koichis to beat 1 jotaro?

How much prep time does koichi has?



How do I become a Gang Star, Cred Forums?

Selling drugs

did araki create all of part 5 because he thought gang star sounded funny?

Let this fat fuck into your asshole and he'll let you into the gang

Did you rike it?

So next episode, do you think they'll
>Have Kira's new life at the start like in the manga, but have a cliffhanger shortly before Alien arc ends
>Leave Kira's new life for later and do the whole 6 chapter Alien arc in this episode
>Somehow do 7 chapters (pls god no) and do both New life and all of Alien this episode

They'll probably have a cliffhanger and have the last chapter or two of Alien at the start of highway Star. Highway Star starts of with Mikitaka anyway so it's not like having a bit of cross over is gonna feel out of place.

I really hope they'll do this, there should be enough room in highway star's two parter for it. It would also be pretty funny to have --> To be continued, around when the dice start throwing up or something.
Here's the new preview

>part 4 movie
cool, but my dream live action JJBA movie would probably be 7

I thought everyone agreed that Jotaro is an autistic fuck.


DIO unbirthing Giorno

Jojo? Jojo the character is making a movie?

Stand called『My dick is big 』

Honest question. How low are our expectations for the film? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst, 10 being the best, what are your expectations for it as of right now?

2 or 3 at most

I will marry Narancia.

I know the OVA gets shit on a lot and mostly deserves it, but it has some really good shit. Jonathan flinches in pain and recoils each time the tendrils hit him, and their tips turn into flesh-bud tips right before they do. Cool shit.

Would anyone here be kind enough to translate what they're saying?

Diego is the best Dio

Josuke: Mister Rohan! My spending money is just about gone, so please, play me at Cee-Lo!
Rohan: Very well. By the way, do you know the history of the die? Apparently, it started out being made from bones of humans and animals. The time period where dice were used in games was after France's ....
Josuke: He's so annoying!

That's lewd.

Thank you based user, I had a feeling it was something like that

He's mine Fugo




We did it boys, Cred Forums properly spelled out "It Just Works"

yummy in melones tummy

Post only perfect boys

Quick poll about the quality of this general.



You just posted one.


>tfw DIU live action will have a Red Hot Chilli Pepper song as it's theme song.


I've heard the left leg was the last part of Johnathan's body that hadn't been 100% assimilated by Dio, making it his weakest point or something

oh come on there are stands that look way dumber than King Crimson, he's fairly tame all things considered. and the double face thing symbolizes the Diavolo / Doppio dichotomy

>these people are among us RIGHT NOW

Also >gap flaps

Now in non-tumblr lenguaje per favore.

Bitch what is Speedracer?

I think 'among us' is a pretty unlikely scenario, Naranciafag hates Fugo and probably doesn't even actually like Narancia that much.

He was weakened, he said he couldn't skip more than 0.5 seconds

Also because of Araki's autistic writing

Anasui should've stayed as a girl.

Because Jolyne isn't gay

Because Shonen Jump went shit on Araki, i guess making anasui a crossdresser was another way of getting somehow what he wanted to do in the first place.

In part 7, since he got much more liberty with ultra jump, Araki put at least three lesbian on it.

>Implying Hermes wasn't his sex friend.

jojo is garbage

I'm hoping for a doujin like this, but we only got yaoi shit.

You mean Giorno?

Are you even trying?


The "part 5 sux xDDDD" meme is staler than "ZA WALDO WRYUXD"

Just a reminder that after Gay Priest reset the universe 36 times, Giorno and Rohan were the only ones unaffected

Recurring digits of truth, literally every time there's been an argument on part 5 sucking the people defending the part are the only ones who actually make good counterarguments.

Where does it say in the manga about Giorno?

This nigga gets it

It was in the Novel about Jorge Joestar
>after Made In Heaven resets the world thirty-six times, it focuses on kid detective Joji Joestar who, while investigating a recent incident, comes across and meets up with the original ("Universe-J") Giorno and Rohan. Giorno has survived due to his Stand Gold Experience Requiem nullifying the effects, Rohan survives by being too preoccupied with his manga to realize Made In Heaven was activated.

Regardless of what you think about Part 5, Giorno is a boring twat.

It's not canon.

Giorno is a great character who's personality got muddled up with bad translations, he's got qualities of Dio and Johnathon but still keeping the stoic personality that he's known for, GE is a cool stand because of the applications that it's been used for (like overloading Bruno's senses in the first fight) and how the stands grown over time, i will admit that it's evolution over time was kinda shit but still worked
GER was also great because it represented the whole premise of Part 5: Fate, GER is the embodiment of fate, that's why it made a lot of sense when it beat Diavolo who thought fate was constantly challenging him to win
TL;DR: Wryyyd the manga

Even Araki acknowledged it and not brought him back in SO.

what is the most terrifying stand and why is it tusk act 4 ?

seriously his mechanical face is so uncanny its the stuff of nightmare

Not with that attitude

forgot pic

>Bad translations: Part 5 and giorno are bad, Giorno is boring
>Good trasnlations: Part 5 with better scans, but Giorno is still boring
>Bb-ut muh fate! and themes! you need to read it in japanese!
What comes next? you need to have a tea party with Araki?

people fuckin loved Part 5 in japan cause he actually had a good personality that didn't get fucked with translations, it even had it's own standalone game in japan (Le Bizarre Avventure Di GioGio) Araki loved Giorno and didn't bring him back in Part because it would've made no sense, Giorno didn't know Joylne, Jotaro, or the SPW Foundation

Amidamaru, he's menacing

The themes of fate are still there throughout the story and the better scans have been following them through better but they're much more fully explained and shown better in the last quarter of part 5. At least wait until the part's fully scanned and translated before you fire off your "Waw part 5 a shit!" memes.

Jorge Joestar is shit and Giorno too, stop placing him together with Rohan.

Rohan licks spiders

What does the chef's Stand actually do anyway?

You just overthinking, VA and Gio is shit.

>Giorno didn't know Joylne, Jotaro, or the SPW Foundation
you clearly didn't read PHF


PHF is not canon.

Thank you for being the shining example of intelligence that the majority of people who think part 5 is shit bear, senpai

>Rohan survives by being too preoccupied with his manga to realize Made In Heaven was activated.
How can one man be so based?

Is the SK anime s good as the manga? Does it cover everything?

Mangaka powers

except that it is

No, it cuts a lot of shit

It should be honestly, it's a brilliant story with great fights and characterizes Fugo fully as well as working as a much better ending for part 5 than Sleeping Slaves. Hell it even showed Don Giorno and brought back the Stone Masks.

Now in colour!

Post Gay Priest

It was obvious that Araki had the ending of SO planned out and realised halfway through writing it that Josuke/Gio being there would signficantly change the direction of the plot. Since writing SO seemed like it was a pain and Araki wanted to be just done with it, thats why he only had a throw away line about Gio and didn't even bother with Josuke.

>spot the fags



I sincerely doubt that, wasn't there something about his editors telling him to wrap up part 6 earlier than he had actually planned which was why the last arcs had to be rushed to meet a deadline? Probably because the nips had shit taste and weren't reading part 6 much. Saying Araki wasn't interested in finishing part 6 is a pretty weird thing when the last arcs were the peak of his writing until SBR and JJL.
Here (you) go, senpai.

The themes of fate doesn't change the fact that VA is shit.

Was Part 6 really badly recieved by the nips ?

Sorry, but it isn't.

Yup, it's why Jorge Joestar mocks it so much


Whatever you say, my friend.
Seemed like it, mostly didn't like it because at the time it was published in a shounen magazine aimed at teenage boys, so a female protagonist that wasn't a big-tittied moe blob was received quite badly. If part 6 got an adaptation today I'm pretty sure it'd change a lot of the Nips views on the part.

yeah in America it was considered shit, but in places where it had good translation it was loved, it's like reading the duwang translations of part 4 and saying part 4 sucked

I completely get it now since i thought it was a useless stand but apparently he can even ignore the effect for himself.

Seems like point still stands

People who say part 5 is shit are the same kind of shitposters like that guy who keeps on coming into these threads to say "Part 2 is shit! Am I fitting in yet?"

People that saying that part 2 is shit just doesn't watched anime.

Except everyone loved part 4 even with Duwang translation. The issues part 5 has have nothing to do with the translation, which is conveniently used as an excuse to shift all the criticism.
I don't think VA is shit, but saying that it would be any different with the good translation is wrong.

why do i feel like that it was actually araki putting his actual thoughts into rohan dialogue there

No parts are shit, but people putting part 2 below all the other parts (aside from part 1) is perfectly understandable.
But it is already MUCH more different with the good translation, have you compared the shit scans and translations to the good ones at all?
Judging by these threads, it's pretty true.

Is there any visuals from the movie yet?

>Va is shit
>Giorno is shit
Well, yeah. With the good translation he is a very suave and charismatic motherfucker, but he's still boring as fuck.


Stop posting, Rohan.

I'm getting a JoJo stamp on a t-shirt. What should I put on it? I'm thinking of Crazy D or some cool stand.

uhh, go for Killer Queen, D4C, or GER, they're pretty cool looking imo, or just get your favourite

i think vento aureo anime will be the ultimate way to see if its good or not for everyone

Adding on, the part 5 bad scans are almost the same as the Duwang scans but without the humor or the memes. It's just really bad translation with a lot of things made up, and a big amount of characterization was lost through it. Just one quick read of a few chapters in the old translation compared to the new ones should make that obvious, it DOES make a big difference. Of course part 5 still has its flaws but so does every part, but quite a few flaws came from the horrible translation and scans such as the myth that the entire cast (not just Giorno) has no character, same with the minor villains, etc.

>Is this the perfect time to be a JoJo fan
Enjoy the legions of illiterate weebs that are going to pick up the series, refer to all the characters by their censored names and then tell you that is the official translation so it doesn't matter.


The point I was trying to make is that the better translation don't make VA better than it is. The things people disliked about it are still there. Its good stuff is still there. King Crimson still makes no sense. If you didn't like VA with the shit translation, you won't like it with the good ones, because they don't change the flaws or charms of the part.

>>JoJo coming to Toonami

The manga scene is from a spin off you moron

>big amount of characterization was lost through it.
It really wasn't.

Stop posting, Josuke. Rohan is a god among men.


Can't wait for his house to burn down tomorrow.

> but people putting part 2 below all the other parts (aside from part 1) is perfectly understandable.
As anime-only, part 2 is best so far, and no Kira will change it.

I just want an ASB2

>next episode's PV is mostly Rohan talking
wew lad

Regardless, I can't believe we live in a world where Highway Star is but a week away from airing on TV.

What in the ever cunting FUCK a film?!

Do we actually have actors confirmed or is it all speculation?

What do you think they'll change it to? I'm calling Freeway Star or Highway Meteor


>Part 7
>A single movie
It deserves a mini-series at the very least

>JJCA working hard

it's probably gonna in episode after that.


Any translation of the PV yet?

Why's that? I'm An Alien is one episode.

Unless you think they'll shift things around since it bridges right into Highway Star.

Wait, weren't they doing a Part 3 movie, or was that just a rumour?


They releasing chapter of SBR every other day, soon to be finished.

What about Kira?

>Okuyasu is played by the prettiest boy

Do you really want a 7 chapters on one episode?

First film is not gonna get to Kira.

Remember the "this is me" meme?
It's that, except they think it's not a meme.

How do you think Stands will look?

they will be CG no doubt about it

Death Note live action movie tier.

Is there was PV translations before?

Like CG stands

Take that as you will

Wait, they're doing a whole series of films?


Most weeks some user posts translations. Don't know if he does them himself or if he gets it from some place.

Really good food.
I don't think it's ever explained, actually.

Every day, not every other day. Chapter 94 came out today, it ends tomorrow.

Live action Ryuk actually wasn't too bad. Live action Rem however looked like a character from some shitty Nickelodeon CGI cartoon.

> Hirano also confirmed that the staff is looking into hypothetical sequels. Hirano noted that the manga's Part 4 is particularly long and will not fit entirely within two hours of screentime. If possible and if audiences support the project by watching the upcoming film, Hirano wants to eventually adapt Part 4's entire storyline in additional films.

Yes. whole DIU in couple of movies.

Good food that heals your body of most sicknesses. plus maxes out their nutrient level.

>Getting excited for a Japanese live action manga movie
Do you learn nothing?

None of the characters will look like the characters because all Japanese men are twinks and the CGI will be offensively bad just like every single other live action adaptation of a popular manga.

Log in, Musicedge.

to be fair CGI has improved since then

Don't tell me what to do.
And I'm not musicedge, anyway. Or on the JJCA team.

That's right it has, so what is their excuse?

Do the Part 5 good translations stop at chapter 543 ?

I think most here are just looking forward to it being a train wreck.
I'm still surprised that JoJo of all series is getting live action films.

They stop when there's a notable drop in image quality and things look like shit



Can't wait for the eventual live action JoJo netflix series where Jotaro is black, Abdul is a woman, Polnareff is gay and Dio is just normal because he is a blonde, white man making him an already passable 2016 Western antagonist.

> I'm still surprised that JoJo of all series is getting live action films.
Are you living under a rock, they shitting tons of them.



>There is russian sbr


Crossing my finger for old-styled OP visuals

>all those "it will be in ep 28 because op 1 debuted in ep 2 and op 2 in ep 14" fags

Heh. Bamboozled again

Guess this means that the whole Alien arc (hopefully) won't be shoved into one episode. Even if they postpone the Kira part for later, to do it in one episode, they would still have include the arrow part in the start which would make it hard pressed. God, I really hope they'll just leave it as a cliffhanger this week, since it also goes over into the Highway Star arc partially.

What would his stand be?

"Old-styled"? As in CG? If so I seriously doubt it.


They must be trying to get it out ASAP instead of waiting to cram as much into the episode as they can since Mikitaka isn't Meme Master Rohan

I think we can guarantee some stuff is getting cut or moved to Highway Star 1

Yeah. I know it's very unlikely but still it would be the best.

It would be for sure. I wonder if we'll get a bites za dusto version opening during the final arc.


Studio that was making them is left to do own thing.

Crimson Kings initial description makes no sense I agree, but when he's in an actual fight and you get to see him in action his abilities become a lot more clearer and it fags like you that cling on to dead memes that need to grow up and make your own opinions.

Kamikaze Doga was always "its own thing". They were never a subsidiary of David pro or even affiliated with them in any manner.

>OP is almost over
>close up of Hayato's face
>the whole OP plays again

low budget

It Just Works will never be a dead meme, no matter how dated the source material is. Though the context may change, King Crimson still works and there will always be a face to advertise it

Plus it would suck to take away a meme from Vento Aureo


Wasting a minute and thirty to play the whole OP again would be unnecessary. All they would have to do is do a quick rewind back to the start and have the episode begin from there instead

Yeah I guess that'd be more feasible.

>Getting cut
Pls no. I hope they just move one or two chapters to Highway Star, that's only 8 chapters over two episodes.

Just once would be cool though. And in the repeated opening they could place Kira here and there, hidden behind a wall or spying from somwhere. I know this is basically impossible but a man can dream.

They just went to do other things.

Alright then.

Can't wait for Okuyasu to die in the next OP.

>not bite_za_dusto.jpg

Bites the Dust in any form will be fine by me, DIO got red carpet treatment for his crappy Stand so after Chase they better give Kira the send off he deserves

Though I've been incredibly spoiled by OPs since Gakkou Gurashi! so anything's a disappointment if I wanted it to be

[The Room]
Area of effect where everyone acts awkwardly and you win at everything, at the risk of possibly becoming a martyr

It really wouldn't be. The Part 4 art style isn't suited for CG in the slightest.

I honestly just want anoter opening with sound effects. But I know they would be really out of place in openings like CNBT or Chase, so... Maybe with Vento Aureo.

The PV shows Josuke facing Rohan and Rohan giving the speech before he cuts off his pinky. They're doing the whole thing.

Would any of the Stands look good in CG? The only thing I can really imagine shitty, Nip CG enhancing are Pillar Men body deformations

thank you user

Would you fucking preffer a bunch of guys in crappy costumes in front of a greenscreen?

Then they probably moved Kira to another episode.

Read the reply chain. We're talking about the new OP and whether CG or drawn would look better.

Well, that was retarded on my behalf...
I'd say the last OP could use CG just to build hype, though

Dont thank me. thank the nutshack poster.

>Nutshack poster

All you need.

Tumblr rediscovered a shitty Filipino cartoon that used to be a meme on Cred Forums back in the day

Is now a good time to start reading jojolion? Is it almost complete?

Some guy who does edits here.

We don't even know the main villain yet, m8erino. Read it anyway though, it's pretty cool.

did someone say Jojolion?

Soon JJCA is gonna do first 5 volumes in color.


>Helped Jonathan
>Helped Joseph
>SPWF helped all the others
>Truly the best BroJo
>Dies alone of a heart attack

>god I miss him ;~;

Do you remember how many anons you've baited in this thread?

Not really digging the white blonde hair, but I can understand why they did it.

What is a brojo?
is caesar or stroheim a brojo?

a bro that assists the main Jojo, like Bruno to Giorno, or Caesar to Joseph

>tonpetty had a stand
>that's how he predicted zepelli's death

Pick one.

At least he tried user-kun

siivagunner greatly contributed to this

If we define brojo as someone who was assisting JoJo in finale batle, then who is brojo in each part?

Part 1: Speedwagon
Part 2: Lisa Lisa/ Stroheim
Part 3: Polnareff
Part 4: Okuyasu/ Rohan
Part 5: Passoione / Mainly Bruno
Part 6: Jotaro/FF/ Weather Report/ Anasui
Part 7: Gyro
Part 8: dunno

> Part 2: Lisa Lisa/ Stroheim
Lisa Lisa was a mentor, cut her out.
> Part 4: Okuyasu/ Rohan
Rohan wasn't there, cut him out.
> Part 5: Passoione / Mainly Bruno
I doesn't read it, i confess, check it later.
> Part 6: Jotaro/FF/ Weather Report/ Anasui
Let's make it Hermes.

So Great Days will be sung by a jazz singer.

What are you expecting the OP to sound like? What will be the tone? CNBT was super funky and light-hearted, Chase was much more darker and pretty fucking badass with stylish visuals that foreshadowed things to come. What will Great Days be like and what would you guys like it to have that would make it an Elder God-tier OP?

But i know that Bruno is mentor, cut him out too.

No, the scene is the first Rohan's throw, he then goes to get magnifying glass, after inspecting it, Josuke throws again and only then he cuts it off.

And the scene where he points at Josuke in the PV is probably "history of dice and what they do for cheating in it" and it is even before the game starts.

alright let's change it
Part 2: Stroheim
Part 4: Okuyasu/ Koichi
Part 5: Guido Mista
Part 6: Hermes and the gang


> Part 4: Okuyasu/ Koichi
Koichi wasn't there.

Rare test footage of the new movie

Thank me later

Koichi stopped Kosaku by freezing his finger before he could activate Baito Za Dusto again and basically saved the whole crew


Kosaku was a good boy he dindu nuffin

Who is singing the new OP? Anyone got any links to their work?

he was a shit husbando though

Nobody's perfect

He did the "As you know I'm a man of loash" song iirc

Kch. The NEW Kosaku is.

It doesn't count, he did this with Jotaro after the actual battle happend with Josuke & Okuyasu.

The new Kosaku cheated on his wife with other women and their hands.

>saying bruno is the brojo
come on now even you don't believe that


new thread when ?