Buyfag thread: Daughteru edition

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Other urls found in this thread: wolf

Behind that cute gaze all I see is cruelty to my precious Nano

Does Cred Forums sleep with their daughteru?

your daughteru has downs syndrome

I wish I could buy one of these without paying $500 for it.

She's being released after all. Just got a payment request.

When are preorders opening for it?

she came home!

>when you buy the last acrylic figure
my wallet weeps

Saturday afternoon.

Japan Saturday?

Which one?

Post more of your Azusa if you would please.

Both. I didn't even finish the anime I just think they're both really cute.

sorry user, I have to go bed now

>all these garbage characters getting amazing figures

[Tetris intensifies]

Neither. She's my favorite of all characters but those poses and and dress are just awful.

Where's the damn invoice

I sure hope it's just the poor lighting cause haha holy SHIT Morrigan looks bad right now

I would if I had a daughteru.

Have to see what it looks like painted, but I am sorely tempted.

My friend has one of these he got for like sub $100

we all saw it coming but wow

Jesus, why would anyone get this?


Did someone say daughterus?

Quickly, cast a lot of shadow and put a contrasting background to hide all the imperfections. It's the only way to save face.

She's a big squid.

That's my wife.

I'll take pictures of mines when it gets here. I'm not expecting much though you can see her frumpy face in the promo shots so it's either that or worse

Now that the yen is seems to be getting stronger- are any of you anons considering shopping from western online shops or local stores? Really want to get Mizuki, but I see her on MH toyshop or Fakku for 130$ or less and figure that may be cheaper than paying for Native's shipping and proxy. What do you anons think?

Not nearly as cute as deka fumos.

Meme figure of 2016 goes back up for sale tomorrow. A part of me really wants to order for that 10/10 sculpt, but I don't give a shit for TLR and feel I will regret it if I do. The recolor looks 10x better than the original I will give them that.

>this cute Hakase
It's been a while since I last wanted a figure really bad.

But I don't buy figures. Let's just suppress that.

I'm getting mines from MH, but if you go that route expect to get her 2-3 months late

Finally my Thanatos will have his headphone senpai. Took way too long for this, my hype is completely dead but the completionist in me needs him.

Wait why? It says May 2017? That's only a month later and most of the time my proxy takes 2-3 weeks anyway.

I don't hotglue but my god this is the most tempting fig I've ever seen.

Pretty sure they're closed already. It's almost 8PM Thursday over there.

I refreshed the store page at 20:04 for me, so at 19:04 JP time and the orders were closed already.

Thank goodness the decision was made for me then. I'd rather not have the meme figure tempt me and regret ordering her later. My wallet is relieved.

it went on sale again 45mins ago, and was sold out when i check 10mins in. I guess no lala for me

Most overrated figure since Kiss-shot in these threads.

that maybe true, doesn't stop me from wanting it though

Don't know about the case for Native figures specifically, but estimated times are dodgy when it comes to US based shops. There's a lot of times where people complain about Kirinhobby, TOM, etc not getting their shit it the estimated time. I think Yukari from GuP took like exactly 3 months to get to US shops.

Hmm ok thanks for letting me know. While I'm used to getting figures later than all the early recievers in these threads, it would be a bit of a bummer to get it 3 months late. At the same time I don't have to pay for it til it ships which is an advantage over fakku/Native. I'll sleep on it!

Post em'

Post your collection

Also Porkchop nendo when?

Please user, stop.

Fuck off

I want a Cocoa figma

Why do people like to say that you "grow out of" action figures when you "move on to" scales?

I'm at 8 jointshits and 14 statueshits currently, and my opinion is still definitely "both have their merits".


GK, I assume?

Of course.
It's a charagumin

I haven't really seen that mentality. I have seen people on here shit on joints though. Personally I like both.

Because you're still new.

Well, it's not like they haven't done PVC before.

Is it bad that I want them to do 1/35 versions again, for displaying with a 1/35 T-34?

What kind of discount did you get and where from?

never watched past the first episode but I have this on order, no regrets

>Those proportions

I don't even have space for them anymore.


I feel degenerate but I love it.

Your daughteru is very cute. Is it worth watching or reading?

>Not being a baggy shirt wearing nigger with skinny jeans.

if I can get her for a reasonable price I might consider ordering, maybe she'll bin after release

At what point do you realize you have a mug collecting problem?

>Wearring clothes

Four mugs.

Manlet and/or hungry skeleton?

She has delicious shortstack level proportions, only thrown off by her long legs. This is one of the closest bishojo designs to come to my tastes, I'm not one usually for bishojos but I think I'll keep an eye on it and see if it bins.

Massive fat cunt detected.

My friend got me all 3 of the fumo mugs for christmas- they're adorable!


Fill them with cum and freeze them please.

So manlet.

You've never worn properly tight clothes then.
We have different standards, or you're a chubster

You're a mug.

I buy L's, large in Japan is about a medium in europe.

Hand em over, weeb.

What anime figures do you jack off to

I usually look up high quality pictures of sexy anime figures on MFC

Cotton shrinks in the wash,

Does Skytube never release on time? This is the second time these two have been delayed and I can see they have a delay notice for some other figure too.


I just got my payment request too. I really do hope this one is popular enough to make the rest of the cast come out in matching outfits. The things I would do to get Chino wearing that can't be spoken even in a shithole like this place.

Rise is a good girl

We just don't know.

On the one hand, it sucks that you couldn't get what you want. On the other, it's great to watch this happen to other people for some reason. I'm sorry.

No kidding. Tell me you took one for the team and got the prize figures too.

Just got invoice

Good for semen, am I right? That figure is too sexual.

Gotta pay for that plastic

Might be the only static figure i buy

It's pretty great. But the the anime is one of those SEASON 2 NEVER series.

Fuck yeah, best To Love Ru girl is getting a dakimakura, insta-preorder for me!

Funnily enough, this is probably the best looking one out of the new set of covers they're releasing, thought they've looked pretty lackluster up to now.

Why do you keep your mugs in the fridge?

Why do you keep eggs in the fridge?

to keep them

What the fuck user?

I live on base and don't have anywhere else to store them.

>I live on base
Being a welfare queen aside, how about not wasting your tax-payer-provided money on things you don't use instead save it for a rainy day when you finally leave the sausagefest and get a real job? It not only solves your cup problem, but also makes me feel much better about paying taxes.

Damn, I wasn't expecting this. Another 100 dollars down the drain.


Why so many belts?

>your tax-payer-provided money
Keyword being your. If you are delusional enough to actually believe that people do this job to die for their country you are without hope

i'm not a fan of her design

Other then hearing Plum isnt the best, I really think they've made a huge mistake releasing this the same month as Alter's Saber. I might pick her up but I'm going to wait for her to get released first. Reckon she'll bin?

It's still MY tax money that's putting money in your pockets every month. I should have the right to tell you and every other welfare queen in the country on how to spend your money because you OWE the taxpayer some accountability by being on OUR payroll. It's bad enough that you think you're entitled to better healthcare than the average citizen for putting your health at more unnecessary risk and exposure because your trumped up federally-funded gun club fuels your adrenaline junkie habits.
Stop wasting your money of stupid little cups and then complain that you have no room for them.

Just take a look of any Tales series protags.

Is this daughteru worth $150 anons

Joints remind them of children's toys, also scales have a higher maximum level of detail I guess?

How does it feel to know your money is mine now and it's being given away for stupid little cups like the dirty whore it is.

no staff no buy

When you get mugged.

You will have to buy explosion effects

you're in luck user, the bad news is they're pulchra.

I didnt receive any notice, but would explain why this months invoice hasnt come in yet.

>implying jappo L isn't smaller than western M

With the recent EMS price hike, what's the most effective way to approach shipping three 1/7 scale figures in a order?

Separately with EMS? Together with EMS? Seperately with SAL?

can't wait for the forced cast-off

Don't like the face, looks like a dude.

I thought it was a trap.

Only you can decide that, but she certainly doesn't look good for the price.

Different guy here, but please dispense some freedom on my behalf. Or whatever your country's equivalent is, I guess.

No I haven't had anything from AmiAmi about them being delayed yet either however they've changed the release date on the website now and the Skytube twitter account says they're delayed until next month. I wish they'd give us a reason instead of just saying unforeseen circumstances again basically.

I ordered pic related about a month ago from Amiko. After a little more than 3 weeks she's been returned to Japan. She wanted me to pay 8k for re-delivery and SAL returning charge. After cancelling the order, they refunded me 30$. STR+shipping were 110$.
That can't be right, what the hell?

What happened? Why did it get sent back?

Why'd you return her to begin with?

What about the Rize figure?

16 hours till Draken

Apparently the address was incorrect, but I've never had that problem before, so it must be AmiAmi's fault.
I didn't want to pay another 8k, she was expensive enough already.
80$ down the drain is what really makes me angry.

So glad every time I tried to buy this it fell through.

Now I can get a fresh, untouched version.

Are AmiAmi not willing to accept fault for it then? If you've ordered from them before how did they manage to get the address wrong this time. Perhaps your postal service was just being a shitter. Sorry to hear you've lost out user.

You can always do a chargeback but you'll burn your address and CC info with them.

Not much but I'm excited. I think I have a good chance of getting the number Spicy Wolf book since I ordered within a few hours of the announcement.

Nah, they simply told me "Sorry for the inconvenience" and left it at that.
I guess I'll never know what really happened.

I don't even want to order from them again.
I've been a customer for 5 years and this is how they treat you. 30$ Amiko points!

Sorry for blogging, I'm just pissed.

Sounds to me like your postal service couldn't be bothered to deliver it, I guess some part of your address got obscured during transit. I think you should contact them if you really want to resolve it.

Post figures you want to see painted.


Play-asia is preparing to ship out my Eli figure as we speak

What does this "tentative pre-order" mean? I pre-ordered this over a month ago.

Any particular reason why this hasn't sold out yet on AmiAmi despite being released last year? Thinking of buying her.

I'd do what said and just do a chargeback, if it was me I'd also never want to do business with them again and you've got plenty of other places you can buy from.


I'm thinking about getting GSC's Saber Bride.

Why do you need more than one Saber?

Got my Hitagis today!


Can skmeone post that new nep figure that just got announced

I guess?

I can't wait for the hermit. I hope there are new 2hos and a Kourindou Patchy come out soon.

That's on the lower end too.

I got some Hitagis coming in as well. Got to wait till Saturday though.


I lost the auction on her. I didn't expect her to go over $800.

Sabers are like potato chips, you can't buy just one.

Well I usually only like to get one certain type of falvour.

Post pics when you get Eli

It looks like a nice figure, really disappointing that they ruined the boobs.


Short hair a shit.

Don't do this.

>Rise will never dance for you
>Rise will never rub her butt on your dick while dancing lewdly

>$110 with shipping
Nice. I thought she was super expensive.
I recently sold her figma because I wanted to get rid of figmas and now I miss her.
Such a shame chariot never got a scale.

Overstocked? Flavor-of-the-month meme waifu? There are multiple Angela things at discounted prices now.
The quality is good though. At her current discount, if you want her, buy her.

There are different Saber flavors though. There's Vanilla Saber, Alter Saber, Saber Bride, Saber Nero, Saber Lilly, and there's even a "Saber" that's not Saber at all: Lancer Arturia.


The figma was my first figure, actually. I wanted to celebrate 5 years of buyfagging with her scale.

Anyone else planning on getting this qt 3.14?






>high test

Recent deliveries.
r8 h8

What a useless rabbit!
Only good for her sex-appeal.

is there moar?

nice bruh

I only see 3 worth my taste.

That atuhuta is one of them

No, that was only a tease.

Poor titty monster

Invest in a cupboard user

Thanks, user! I'll do just that.

So, why isn't Alter the de-facto Tales figures maker anymore?

Did Alter's CEO fucked Baba's daughter or something?



That's a nice house, got any more pics of it?

I wish I was this rich and have a comfy mansion filled with animu plastic butts and books.

pretty good purchase for the price. delicious butt.

H h how much do you make user?

The pictures have been posted before, that's not an user. Apply yourself.

Hey you! Did you generate that image?

Rich people wouldn't post on Cred Forums.

How many of you actually have any significant others?

Hardly anyone on Cred Forums owns their own house I imagine as well

Printed these myself with a regular printer - pretty happy with the result!

Define rich

I've had a waifu for 4 years.

I really want to get this because Velvet is a qtpatootie and probably won't get another figure but the quality isn't all that great.

pic related, my gf

Enough money to live extremely comfortably without ever having to work again.

Been with my wife for 7 years married for almost 2.

Don't mean to be rude, but when you talk to her which eye do you look at?

Divorced and own my own house, so I have lots of room for my figs. 2D waifu can't hurt me. Couldn't be happier.
Also just preordered Vapeduck

Why are daki covers so expensive?

>inb4 slut

People actually like Tearju? I mean she's not terrible or anything but she's as bland as they come.

Serious answerwife no kids

I own my own house. Well, still paying it off but plenty of space for plastic butts.

To differentiate between real buyfags and newfags that think bootlegs are acceptable.

bootleg dakis are fine though

Good goyim, wouldn't want any more pesky white people!

Good for you user.

Getting married next month. Yes she is into figures as well. No we aren't fat neck beards

I just bought my boyfriend Alter Maki.

I'm not white


Some of us get accused of having multiple significant others.

>when you talk to her
It's just a doll man. [spolier]:)[/spoiler]


I wanna get one too, but I'm still living with my parents.

I just want the damn cat, surely there's some Hakase-loving but cat-hating person out there who'd sell me just the cat and the box for a few dollars plus shipping?

nice chair you got there

>demon arm part is Koto exclusive
Why can't things ever be simple?

YenPress posted some new pictures of the Spice & Wolf Collecter's Edition.

How can you actually clean these things?

I'll probably never have one and I'm fine with it

And some video:

Take a shower with them

If you use them for sexual reasons instead of dressing up, they have a removable insert that you would clean like any other onahole

Is it ok to mod podge nendo parts?

same way you clean a human, with pic related

>they have a removable insert
not all of them

It's looks very good. I missed the numbered edition, but at least I can get one.
Thanks dear user.

I'm glad I can get one at all but I fucked around with indecision too long and got stuck with Murrican Amazon prices. As expected of me.

Hey guys.

Should I get worried yet?


>Oda Non posters
Mi Negro!
Looks pretty cool
Can you post the images that you use?

how much did you pay for her?

8 grand.

t-that's yen right?

Can you fuck her?


you got jewed hard

Really want to order this but i've only watched the anime. Feel like a dirty secondary if i order the numbered edition (Still up on UK amazon for some reason. Thought they'd be sold out.)

I'm just disappointed that Zonda got boring, and the GBF collection wasn't long enough. Navier tank hopefully within the next two years, and please organize the photo contents more so it's not a jumbled mess.

Most recent delivery. Anyone who can guess correct will get the next image of the grand scheme of things.

Just ordered this cutie from a local shop.
is 50 euro, too much for a nendoroid?

Also they have a confirmed oversell. So you might not even get the numbered edition. Makes me hesitant to drop £115 on this.

Well, I got mine for 15€ from Mandarake unopened.
She's not that popular, 50€ is far too much.

She is $1500

They stopped selling her size on the US store though because customs was upset about it and seized a few of them

When they resume selling them on the US store, it will be a different face and only the large breast version

You can still buy the small chest version on the Chinese store but there is a chance that US customs will take it

There are more expensive ones, but they usually come with a lot of extras.

At least you are supporting the local seen I guess.

yes but it's good to support small businesses selling niche stuff

Yeah, i got the feeling, but i love the figure and character. Sadly most shops here are over-priced as fuck. AND she had a 10 euro discount

Stuck on a Hanjin ship?

>She is $1500

>there is a chance that US customs will take it
I don't even want one, but why? I thought US customs was generally fine with loli.

Could be. There's been some negotiations recently though to bring all the Hanjin vessels into port.

there's a difference between loli and child fuck dolls legally

That's your problem, yerup taxes are so high that stores need to sell nendos for that price to make any profit.


Hello again purchasing homosexuals. It is I, script-kun, here with another MFC image generator

Today's installment is an enhanced wishlist montage. As you can see, this will be very handy for the upcoming Christmas period

Really wish someone good had picked her up. Always a GK.

I found this one on Suruga-ya for ¥90000 + BuySmart fees of 10% + ¥200 which came out to a little over $1000

Oh shit is that a plastic build or what?

how can I check if I've pre-ordered something or not
I can't remember whether I pre-ordered the yuru yuri nendo re-releases and I'm not sure where pre-orders are in the ami ami account page

My account>Search order history>[VIEW ALL UNSHIPPED ORDERS]

That better be gloss paper.
I ordered a day after it went up on rightstuf, i better get the numbered edition. If I don't hopefully they'll let me return it or hopefully I can sell it and get my money back.

>they show the panties

It kind lessen the appeal.

It never hit me before, but that's probably why Archonia's figures are so overpriced too. (Even considering conversion rates, shipping and the possibility of getting taxed myself, I still end up saving money by just importing.)

probably won't be gloss, since it's about 1000 pages and the book doesn't look very thick.
so you can expect paper similar to university textbooks - matte and slightly on thinner side.

is it shimapan?

I ordered Maki the day she released and she got bounced back to amico too. They resent it for free though, rsal since that's what I paid for.

Still waiting.

>was too late on buying merch of waifu
>now going for 4800 when it was 2740 on amiami
>have to pay for proxy services and shipping now

I'd have preferred one more clothed, but I'm still happy to see a proper Neptune fig come around. There is a dire lack of figures for the girls in the series.

Is emptying an entire figure display to clean everything at once better than emptying and cleaning one shelf at a time?

I'm learning the hard way that straps/buttons/random goods are nigh impossible to find after release

does your waifu have a lot of merch? some characters literally only have one thing so if you love her, just do it.

I have them occasionally but between buying useless anime crap and working 40-50 hours a week to fund said crap, I don't really have the time.

first time using mandarake. just wonder what im getting into in terms of quality.

I wear S and M in Japanese sizes. They seem to be inconsistent sort of like American sizes, depending on the manufacturer.

Also sizes in Japan are usually M and L, and that's it.

I wear S in American sizes.

tempted to get her myself. It'd be worth it to me, but I need to make room before I get more statues.

Max Factory, pls

Best slav.

who is your waifu?

What sort of monster would steal Galko's hands? What could they possibly need them for?

"Unopened" - you should be fine, i've bought near enough half my collection from Mandarake and I've yet to have a bad experience with them. It's opened/used you've got to watch out for. There may be some minor damage to the box but it looks like it's a safe purchase.


Hand is still hovering over the Boku Girl Mizuki figure.

What the actual shit, since when does Manda charge taxes in advance?

Japanese products usually include tax in the price so there's no surprises at the register.

Just pulled the trigger on this, 13k from Mandarake unopened. This is going to tide me over till I get my Odile and Odette. Sorta disappointed I couldn't get the blonde version but I like this one just fine.

Some places, like Sahra, will charge you on the spot. I prefer it this way as they tend to list the postage cost too.

So is that supposed to be shipping price? They usually mail the shipping price back at a later date, though.
Well goddamn, didn't expect it to be that expensive. No sale, then, sorry, waifu.

I'm guessing that what they mean by "carriage" is shipping. What are you ordering?

>Orders looking fairly light thus far this year
>Good because want to get some pricey vidya, so lightening up on plastic butts good for the wallet
>Suddenly Arabian Rise, Velvet the Edgy Crow, Max Factory Hotaru, and figma P3 Protag

Got my invoice for her, and 18.

I'm looking forward to posing him together with my Thanatos and Elizabeth.

So edgy, but it's just my kind of edgy.

It manages to blend lewd with cute and good family values all at once somehow. Very enjoyable.

Very sad indeed.

Slain figma is way too expensive

I hate this meme. A Japanese large is small as fuck. Smaller than an American M.

Yes, of 7 years. Recently engaged.

Did you pick what shipping you wanted? For me, DHL and EMS are astronomical. Some stores only let you pick those two as well, it's a bit of a nightmare. 10k shipping tells me you probably went for DHL.

>Can afford to buy all those Metal Builds and Dolls
>Detolfs for display
I'm not sure if this is efficient, frugal, or mixed priorities.

2 plushies, a mug and 2 doujin. The order does say 2 boxes, I guess, just never expected the shipping to be twice as much as the products.

Anyone else got the Sansei Muramasa Nurse and had that happen to the vest?

It got those very visible blue spots.

My Galko came in today. The arms with the holes to get around her giant boobs are apparently not hollow enough, I still couldn't get them to fit into the socket snugly.

Also, she comes with two bags, and they're exactly the same. What's the point?

Don't know if it's because I'm asian or whatever, but Jap M is pretty much equal to the M t-shirts I wear.
Could be the two boxes, could also be the plushies. I made the mistake of shipping two of pic in a single box and I got hit with ¥5000 shipping.

Is your daughteru machine washable?

Yeah I have trouble with her holes lol in general. Keeping her on the stand is a pain too.
I thought the same thing about the bags, figures they don't hurt to have extra I guess. The background thing is neat.

Guess I'll buy them one by one and pray they don't get sniped, then.

It's more that American sizes are fat as fuck. As a yuropoor I have to order one size larger for Jap sizes and one size smaller for Amerifat sizes compared to our sizes.

I just recently had to pay 4300 or so for SAL Parcel for 3 Jumbo Nesoberi, so they really don't help for that.


How fast did they get to you? I live on the West coast and with EMS, they arrived in about a week.

So the HLJ sale ends in 12 hours and I'm really not sure if I want the Nozomi Nendoroid or not.

I liked Rolling Girls but the character proportions seem really off, even for Nendoroid standards. It doesn't really look like her at all.

But I also dig the bike, and it would be cool to put someone in the side car for presentation.

Anyone own this? Thoughts?

I'm a Britbong and they haven't arrived yet, but it's only been a week.

I have that nendo. For that price, its a great deal. Posing her on the bike without the sidecar is a real asspain though.



Please do not use buysmart again. There are proxy services and forwarding services that charge a flat 300-500 yen per item.

Hitomi Tanaka figure when? We already have Anri so we have to complete the set

Except when they don't especially in Mandarake stores where prices are always given with no tax.
Only combinis and smaller shops, I noticed, have added tax value and no tax value on the price tax.
This shit happened after the tax got increased to 8%, it makes the prices look same as before.

David Bowie?

Or stupidity.

>I'm going to keep posting this until you love it!

user, no!

They're pretty nice but where did you hang them?



Here is with better lightning. Is it stretch marks on the latex or is my skin corrosive to those things.

>diving girls
I don't like how bikinis make most figures look generic but I love diving gear on scantily clad butts. Odd.

There is an mfc listing for her that actually doesn't look like a bootleg.

Did you go somewhere to get them framed?

I'm pretty sure that's just shading, user.

You can some under the creases near the side of the hip/waist as well.

I've only had paint come off once and that's after excessively rubbing a bootleg's high heels to get her into position.

Just asume it's what says.
I once got obsessive over a similar thing with one and ended up straight up removing the paint like a retard.

Well, I see the shading on pictures from others, but nowhere near as much as mine.

I like her.

Also, why would you add pre-rendered shading to a physical figure when you'll have real life shading on it.

Well, remember that these figs and painted by hand by underpaid ching chong slaves, So your could have a bit more of shading


Guys, I just dropped about $3000 total on all of my figures. I'm starting to realize this is kind of a drain on my money.

Yet only a few minutes ago I just pre-ordered Alice Shimada. Someone help me.

What method?

You don't need help. Boko needs help. Give all of your encouragement to Boko!

You don't need help, you've found the light.

So, do I read it or do I watch it?

I think the worst part is there is still more I want to buy. I still want to buy the Momohime and the new Velvet figure.

Fuck man, this isn't what I wanted to use my bonus for.

You're buying things you like. What's the problem?

That seems precarious. Be careful Mikudayo.

Thanks for the input. Just bought her.

I'll buy pretty much anything if Cred Forums tells me to. You guys never steer me wrong.

I've been eating microwave curry and ramen for the past few days non-stop. I wanted to spend that money on an actual dinner to take my sisters out since they're visiting.

But dinner in Seoul is expensive as sin.

Is that what you really want though?

Anyone have any experience buying items marked as "New Item w/ Box Damage" off ami ami?

They got majora link marked down with it.

I was wondering what they define as "box damage." Does that mean maybe a few scratches, maybe a dent, or does it was in a clothes dryer for 5 hours on full power? The site doesn't really define what the margin for damage is.

Same user. Patchy is my favorite 2hu so any new plush of her would be day 1.

Huh, never would have thought boku girl was popular enough to get a figure.

I normally have stuff shipped to my friend in Tokyo, but in the time it would have taken me to set that up the item would likely have been bought by someone else already.

I made it on some dinky make a mosaic site. Why user?

>what is scale

I got a B/B figure and the only thing I could tell was wrong with it was that the tapes that seal the box and blister pack were open. Japs are generally pretty fastidious about this sort of thing, and will exaggerate faults just so you know it's not perfect.

>tfw waited too long deciding whether or not to get the spice and wolf CE bible and now it's sold out everywhere

Go buy a dragon dildo, user.

Those look like do-it-yourself frames.

Though I would love to know Michael's policy on framing lewd shit. I have some Erostika posters I want to get matted and framed.

>dinner in Seoul is expensive as sin.

I miss being in Korea around 2008 when the conversion was like 1USD:1.5WON. I ate out almost every night.

you should never preorder figs domestically if you want it on time right?

sorry didnt mean to quote.

As long as it's not C, you're fine with amiami. Their ratings are very conservative. I'd be a little more cautious with anything that has ANY damage from other places (e.g. mandarake, solarisjapan, Y!A, etc.)

I really like the AmiAmi Exclusive Bonus for the Aquamarine Illya Beast style 1/8 Complete Figure. wolf

Someone post THAT screencap.

Yes, two months on average, but you should also avoid a 50% markup, god damn.

On the plus side MHToy, Kirin, AI, etc. usually have deals for free shipping and discounts around the holidays like most US businesses.

You idiots realize all the numbered editions are sold out right? Yenpress themselves have said so several weeks ago.
There was some other autistic waste of life linking one on canadian amazon thinking it was legit.

That's the only reason I can justify this one, the bit of diving gear makes it look a lot nicer than just a bikini girl. Shame it doesn't have any more gear, some flippers and mask or something woulda made this a 10/10 for me.

>and mask
It already has one, though. Sort of.

What the fuck? I got mine for $60 after it binned

its CAD user but yeah, thanks for the info.

But this one isn't in English, is it?

I just imagine someone breaking in, seeing that in the dark, and be scarred for life.

What do you mean by "C"?

Is there a site that sells larger sizes of anime t-shirts? I can only ever find XL.

I am not a rune rhymer, user.

Wait, why is the one place it's not sold out it's country of origin?

>being obese

>Before collecting
>Unmotivated, leave work early every chance, have money but don't really want for anything.
>After collecting
>Spent several grand on plastic bitches, at work all day every day, boss thinks I'm a really good worker when I just want to fund my PVC addiction.
In a fucked up way buyfagging has made me a better person despite being several grand poorer than I would have been without it.

Being obese is not supported in Japan.

You'll eventually want to kill yourself if you keep working for the sake of working.

a man

Buy an L and get on the elliptical, chunkmeister

Be glad to your waifu user. The needed money for buyfaggotry also made me get a better job.

Nah. Japs are short aren't they? I know a guy who's 5' 6'' 240 pounds and wears XL. Me.



Working can give purpose to a purposeless life.

It's a really expensive articulated figure with die cast parts.



I ordered another Arshes Nei grade C from Amiami to use for spares and to replace my broken stand. The figure was said to be missing a collar, but that was still attached to the figure. Paint transfers were at acceptable levels of fixable, but a spot on the hair and cape had bubbling paint. Not to mention some of the figure had yellowed a bit.

So, that is C grade. If you order C just hope that the previous owner didn't leave shit in the sun and smoked a ton.


I like the idea of working for something. Whether that's the advancement of the company you work for or for plastic butts.
I'm going to wait to see if Amico stocks these slim posters.

I don't know if I should drop the 7,500 yen on the R. Ichiro Tanaka figma coming out. You guys think it will get any cheaper?

Popura-chan is cute

Depends, what does it come with?
there is the link to the goodsmile page

She's beautiful. I hope I have the same luck ordering her as I had with Siegfried.

I don't think I've ever spent this much on one IP.

Ohhh, it's that one with the bike. Is it GSC exclusive? I mean 7,500 is quite a bit to drop on just a figma, but I spent quite a bit more buying Saber 2.0. If you like the character and you can afford it, then why not.


Can't wait for Frejya Nendo, any word on when its going up for preorder?

I'm almost tempted to get three of these expensive bastards. And display one as a fighter, one in gerwalk and one in batroid mode. But the cost would probably ruin me.

Welp. At that price, 2k more isn't gonna stop me.

They're Co-de's.

I actually don't know what they means

You mean QTs?


It means no joints


They aren't posable.

Ohhh, luckily I'm fine with that.

Mirage when?

When she wins.

Why is Poplar so cute? Why does the color of that soda bother me a bit despite the fact that I'm aware of both melon soda and floats?

Now that I have an actual heart condition I can relate to how the whole "hnnnng" thing started.

delet this

No out-of-the-box swappable parts and fixed poses means that they're worse desk accessories than actual Nendoroids are.
Wait for the movie.

Why are they worse?
I usually put my Nendo in one pose and never touch them again anyway, I got hamfingers

Anyone got experience buying nendoroids off of amazon?

Kumo Kumo a QT.

I'm pretty torn on what delta figs to get. Probably gonna wait and see how pic related turns out and then decide.

Some stuff came in. Walkure Trap! is on its way in another order.

At least the box has a nice illustration.
You post this picture, but do you have a github or something or is this just what you do for yourself? I ask this more out of curiosity since I have little need to post preorders in these threads.

Just like Figma is a brand of GSC poseable figures, Dollfie is a brand of Volks dolls. And you're thinking Dollfie Dream which is anime themed and made from PVC. Dollfies are more general BJDs and made from resin. And that in the picture is clearly made from silicone/rubber.

Mikumo is the best girl and this is going to be the best scale.

I need this.

Then purchase her. What is stopping you?

I would love to buy Walkure's CDs but I don't have the money to buy shit I can get for free.
Maybe one day

He knows that she doesn't compare to others.

It's too bad for walking balls of sex like pinchi Nendos don't seem to translate well. Or at least I don't think so. Trading that for bonus SD cuteness leaves something missing.

That walking ball of sex is three years old.

Am generating images with a script. Would have incorporated into that

Gotta save up money.
I was trying to get her at AnimeExpo but they only had the yamada nendroid.

I don't understand how that comment is supposed to dissuade me.

The sad part is that despite only being three she's probably already dashing up on her expiration date.

Plus Phat Azusa and Tony Rin are on their way.

I love Popura, but the base is weird.


She's 2.6k. How cheap are you?

Oh. I saw it cost a lot more somewhere else when I originally planned to buy it.

should I?


>it's not one of those silicone lap pillows

wasted potential

Only if you think you're still going to remember her halfway through the next season.

based melon soda base man, I love it

Watching is good, but reading has much more content.

Yes I posted it last thread but didn't seem to get much of a response

I never noticed that her boobs were that big.

Very important news.

>Uses ImageMagick
>No Linux support

I'll just be here, waiting for linux support

Fork me faggot
It'll be a literal 1 place change in callMagick. I just don't have a Linux machine for testing

Someone posted an ImageMagick script in one of the past threads.

Would she even fit in a washing machine?

Oh god my diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

leopard print is such a boner-killer

Tell me how you feel about Emilia. Do you care for her?

I love Emilia.

Then you'd be better off killing yourself.

>those high-heels
>that leopard print
>that expression

I would so insta-buy this if it came in a tanned/gyaru variant.

>buying your boyfriend cute girls and not keeping them for yourself

Cuck detected.

Eurofag here again, what would you consider an apropriate price in euros for this saber?

You're in luck

how do I add imagemagick to PATH?

What is new? I thought the global store has been open for months now. I wish they'd improve their interface. It feels like a shitty Japanese website.

Why are there six versions of this? That is a lot.

How do I defend my plastic if I'm a trucker?


Who do you need to defend it from? I'm a NEET. Let me live with you and I will watch over your stuff while you're on the road.

People from Detroit and Dearborn.

Me too, and I also like their [Bonus] BD Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei!! Blu-ray Limited Edition Vol.2(Pre-order)

Amazon still has the non-numbered version.

I got new curtains

I'm not powerful enough for those guys. You'll have to find someone else.

Nice filename, original owner of that picture.

I saw this post already. I'm sorry for not commenting before. Who are they? What do the curtains block off? What does her genitalia look like?

Because it's the kind of trash that sells easy.

Windows? It should have been a config option during install. I think it defaults on so its probably done

Most faggot post I've seen in my 9 years here. Congrats user.

Looks Nice

Oh I know this fucking guy. Youtsuki was it? Bitchin house in Tokyo, Driving a Lexus RCF, and all those weeb stuff. Does an interior designer really make that much?



Not bad for now. Let's see how the coloring goes.

A very few can, sure. If you make a name and manage to attract rich/celebrity clients.

>$100+ charged to bank account
>Won't receive the actual item until 10 months later

How do you guys deal with this feeling, waiting for a pre-order?

This is the only nepshit figure I have any interest in. I hope it turns out well.

I have stuff coming in every week so it doesn't feel like I'm waiting.

You only pay upfront if you buy from local shops, dummy.

I have enough savings that I don't even notice on the occasions I have to pay for something up front.

Or made to order figs.

Funny because I ordered straight from Aniplex+ and that never happened.

一番可愛いフィギュア 顔は何ですか

Is the charm of waiting for something lost to you? Well, that's one perspective. Or maybe it's just Christmas every week.

I try to avoid ever having to pay immediately. Pay when shipping is the only fair shake. Granted if you bought shit when it was 123~ yen for 1 dollar buying advance would've been smart.

>Cred Forums is one person
In the process of selling my first place.

Can't decide if I want to pick up the Majora's Mask nendoroid as a surprise gift for a friend or if I should jump on a nendoroid for myself like Teto/Hajime/Ayumi

Get Teto. You will love her.

I put the email in my pre-orders folder and forget about it or try to anyway. I get more anxious about getting the payment email on non prepaid orders though. I want to pay for it asap so it ships asap


face expression ruined it

Who are you quoting?



Sculpted lips are fantastic. More figures should have these. Down with open mouthed ':D' smiles.

Did someone say TETO?



>those feet

they look like gangly old man feet

Those are the ugliest boobs I've ever seen

I actually got mine into figs as well.

eBay is having a $15 off $60, and it applies to almost anything. Can be used on Amiami's eBay.

They're just unperky Raita tits.

I really wish there were more nichijou figures, the ones that are out there are expensive now.

I really want her figma but it's like $100 on amazon

Real Girls are expensive.

for good reason

$1500 for the smaller models, $3000 for the larger ones

>not posting the uncensored
>$1500 for the smaller models
>smaller models
Are you implying what I think you're implying?

except it's not a RealGirl

dolls are a commodity now

>leopard print


>teenage tranny face
>horrible teats
>middle finger
Congrats on a truly horrible post, user.

That is a tragic ass. Still flat despite all that fat.