ITT: References in Anime
ITT: References in Anime
That is a damn good Pacific Rim reference, The monster is on point
I don't understand the the reference.
They've done a reference to an Aphex Twin album as well.
Fuck off idiot.
What's wrong with Kissanime?
Don't post streaming shit on Cred Forums.
What you do in your free time is your own business, but on Cred Forums it has no place.
Naisu baito
You didn't answer the question. What's wrong with Kissanime? More specifically, what's wrong with streaming?
>You didn't answer the question.
And you didn't lurk.
I'm tired of repeating the same arguments in every thread with every newfag because all of you little shits are too self-entitled to spend even a little time trying to acclimatize to the place.
Fuck off.
How new are you, for fuck's sake?
Is this how Japanese watch movies in theathers?
Both are based from a Bruce Lee movie.
You are not me.
Fuck off.
>You are not me.
>Fuck off.
I know what you are really saying but just taken as a standalone message, it's a really funny satire of Cred Forums.
Stop using my name you faggot.
Why are you namefagging in the first place? You could've avoided that whole thing if you didn't use a name.
Because there's nothing wrong with using a name.
Again, fuck off.
You're just bringing attention to yourself that way. This is not a goddamn forum, user.
what, because it doesn't support local, wholesome subbers?
>You're just bringing attention to yourself that way
The name field exists for a reason, sir. Not everyone has to conform to your "board culture"
>This is not a goddamn forum
Yes it is. What makes you think Cred Forums is anything but a discussion forum?
Two Taffs are better than one.
>Because there's nothing wrong with using a name.
>On an anonymous imageboard
You are the cancer that we strive to eradicate.
Lurk more or fuck off to where you came.
That isn't Ataru you idiotic namefag.
You came here, and you should play by the board's written and unwritten rules.
People who use names like you are always shitty posters. Similar is the case with the majority of tripfags, too. Most of them use it to get attention, and rarely it is used for its' true purpose.
I am a huge faggot please rape my face
There is nothing I enjoy more than a nice thick cock
>Both are based from a Bruce Lee movie.
Lel, people still parrot this when there has never been proof.
I like how you're still trying so hard to fit in, even though your faggotry has been exposed.
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
What can you spot?
Sound version:
bruce lee? lupin
This is now Godzilla thread
jew detected
Sauce porfa gujs.
GTO had a reference to Ringu.
Urusei Yatsura
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Where is Goemon?
On the ground.
He's not as iconic as these two.
Truly outstanding bait, Cred Forums.
We're truly living in quality times, Cred Forums!
There is nothing wrong with streaming you elitist fag
In an alternative reality, Lupin was a cop and got killed.
absolutely nothing. they want you to pay shekels for your chinese cartoons
Unless you like quality.
He's been shitting up other threads too, as seen here: Just filter his name.
I want him dead right now
Wow you must have shit internet if you can't stream in 1080p
Do you really think resolution is a mark of quality?
Nice, where in Megazone 23 was that?
What is the mark of quality?
Sharpness, the colors, plenty of things.
A stream is a re-encode of a re-encode. It's like editing a jpg over and over and saving your process between every step, leading to more and more jpg artifacts.
We can't get the original file (and we don't want to because it would be HUGE), but downloading the original encode before it was downgraded for the stream is objectively and always a superior choice to the stream.
Wow that's really cool
Kissanime's new HTML5 player looks just fine. Stop hating.
Torrenting is easier, faster, better and doesn't get you into arguments on Cred Forums.
Stop being stupid.
Are you serious? Even so I still don't understand why you would get mad because someone streams, seems a tad childish to me
Nice buzzwords
Possibly better quality? maybe.
faster, better? nope
>I want to see my 10fps animation that uses 12 differents colors in crystal clear HD
was it autism?
One less watermark and softsubs, so even if the reencode didn't lower quality (which it does), it would still be an inferior version.
The guy who uploads the anime episode to kissanime has access to the original file at the same time you do. If you download then, yes, you'll have it faster than if you wait for him to upload it.
each time a lossy encoding is transcoded, there is noticeable generation loss. also if you, for whatever reason, decide to rewatch something, you have to stream it again, duplicating the operation of downloading it for no other reason than to appease someone that decided they want to exert some kind of ownership on something that costs negligible resources to replicate, pissing away bandwidth in the process. I suppose people get annoyed at the posts of watermarked/low quality images, too? idk it's your bag and your bait, though. and CR isn't a bad service, honestly.
Honestly streaming or downloading doesn't matter but what really grinds my gears are fags care about how people watch Chinese cartoons
Oh, thats what you meant with faster. Then you are right, you will get it a few hours sooner. But that doesnt really matter to me
I want that LUM Star Wars so badly.
>what really grinds my gears are fags care about how people watch Chinese cartoons
Watch it however you want. Just don't bring your streamshit to Cred Forums.
Try to be less obvious about your samefagging, phonefag.
Nobody cares but autistic people. fuck off
>tfw one of the animators probably spent days drawing that star destroyer, which only lasted a couple of seconds
>Nobody but autistic people
Welcome to Cred Forums.
Fuck off.
Stop acting like you speak for all of us you buttfaggot
At least use punctuation when you are pretending to not be you.
Not pretending anything spergo
Didn't even think it was C3PO at first I thought it was the tin man and the cowardly lion.
If you post a screencap with a watermark, be prepared to get called a faggot. If you used VLC be prepared to get called a faggot. If you watch dubs be prepared to get called a faggot. If you come on this site be prepared to get called a faggot. Either ignore people and accept you're a faggot, torrent your shit and stop supporting faggots who make money off someone's torrent, or fuck off faggot.
You're pretending to belong here, for one thing.
my jaw dropped when I saw this one, especially since before watching death parade I rewatched death note
oh the irony
The girl from Megazone 23 who gets shot in the head.
Bruce Lee
Cutey Honey
Scopedog (or something similar)
Shogo from Megazone 23, complete with the Garland
Lupin and Jigen
Dragon from Dragon Ball
Mamoru Oshii
>jaw dropped
can no longer read/hear this without picturing Jared Leto. Fucking hell.
Had me laughing like a retard at 4am
Fuck off.
basically, streaming is thought of as a taboo here because i guess downloading is easier. Don't actually understand it myself, but I guess the idea is when you're streaming anime, you're downloading it anyway, so even if you have good internet and can watch the highest quality shit regardless, if you ever want to watch it again, or whatever, you're just downloading it twice, which is redundant and wasteful. Something like that.
For me, I don't want it on my computer, and I have no bandwidth limit, so I don't really give a shit. The quality of the video isn't even that important to me, I watch it on a shitty ass old laptop, not a nice crisp TV (in which case I probably wouldn't watch shitty versions of it)
In reality, it's incredibly sad that anyone cares, though. The manga ones really get me because worst case scenario you'll have a single watermark that makes no difference.
There's nothing wrong with just streaming your cartoons to just watch them, but no one should ever post a shitty screenshot here. Posters should always try to post the highest quality screenshot/image.
Posting a screencap with a watermark is unsightly. This should be obvious.
There are posting standards on Cred Forums.
Some of them you may like (proper language, for example), others you may not like. But it's easy enough to not break the rules once you understand them.
People who promote streaming here are considered unwilling to adapt to Cred Forums and thus foreign invaders.
There is an objective advantage to proper downloading, but nobody really cares what you do in your free time. Just keep it off of Cred Forums.
By way of board rules we make sure that our board isn't constantly overrun by the freshest kind of cancer born on reddit or Cred Forums or wherever. We make lurking a necessity.
>a single watermark that makes no difference.
Yeah, there is no difference in regards to resolution, or jpg artifacts or whatever.
The difference is objective, even if the alienation of streamers seems silly to some.
i just dont get why Shigurui was pretty much cancelled towards its end.
There seem to be so many fans of it.
What do you mean, that the ending was abrupt? I don't remember if it was rushed or anything but Shigurui's ending was absolutely perfect and fitting.
>low IQ streamcucks ruins another thread
they aborted all the subplots.
Yeah the main plot had a conclusive ending but the rest? No frog dude, no revenge attempt by that rival school etc.. there were other fighters established but dont appear in the tournament.
Checke some of these out.
Tho where is Cutey Honey?
Also I doubt that it's the dragon from dragon ball.
>my only redeeming quality is that I watch my cartoons in higher quality than you!
Okay, virgin.
Was that a fucking Golgo 13 reference? (the helicopter)
Oh you're right. Then again I didn't care mich about the side characters. That Gonzaemon side arc was fucking goat though, definitely one of the highlights of the series.
Wow, you seriously think "virgin" to be an insult?
Welcome to neon-Cred Forums.
Loved this TTGL reference, Dezaki confirmed for bro.
Terminator 2
This was pretty funny.
I'm posting this ironically.
What did they mean by this?
>Let's grab some text in English, it will look foreign and exotic!
Now this is something you don't see often.
I watch 30 animes per season via torrenting and you're telling me kissanime is easier to do that with?
It looks easier when you have no idea how to torrent and are scared to try.
>watches 30 animes per season
Good 4 U
Are you intentionally shitposting or just too new to know the rules?
Also it just anime, not animes
That's it, we're done.
I'm not explaining anything to a namefag idiot.
Came across this earlier today.
I really enjoyed that about monogatari. There were subtly references and pretty obvious ones like the one you posted
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, tastes better than a man's 3-day unwashed penis covered in smegma. Milking that kind of dick with your mouth and swallowing every last drop of cum is the greatest pleasure on this green earth. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
>implying there's anything gentle about spike's fists
>Both are based from a Bruce Lee movie.
Post the scene then, fuckhead
>he doesn't use free-range subbers without any GMOs
Does anyone have the timecode for when the Blade Runner city appears in Lum the Forever?
Protip: to avoid a load of spergs whining about a kissanime screenshot, just crop the image enough to get rid of the watermark. No one will notice.
What he does in his spare time is post on Cred Forums, Cred Forums is not your personal playground buddy, as much as you may like to pretend it is. People can post all kinds of shit that you don't like all day long and your impotent ass cannot do a single thing about it.
Post a comparison if it's such a marked difference.
Shit you got me with your excellent image user, all possible arguments I could make have crumbled before your .jpg, you are truly the lord and master of this place, the mods do your bidding. I guess I'll just wait for my ban then, sorry for intruding.
If you use shit like taiga to torrent, it also wastes less time. It automatically downloads shit you want to watch and lists all new episodes available to you in one tab (and automatically keeps track of what you watch.) Also, no time wasted checking if a new episode is out, because it alerts you when it downloads new shit.
Even if you have good internet, streaming sites not always let you use it in full. A few seconds of buffering, trouble with skipping to other part of video, etc.
Really not a big deal, but better all around. Anyway, nobody really cares whether you choose a subpar way of watching Chinese cartoons, but posting bad quality images really is against global rules.
Because of that the artifacts are even more visible. Shit you wouldn't really see if there were no big areas of exactly the same colour becomes clearly visible.
Was it stupidity and newfaggotry, or are you baiting?
What show is this from and what is the pirate reference?
>There are posting standards on Cred Forums.
Oh yeah dog because retarded memes about which 2d girl you like to fap to are such high quality content. You're all fucking retarded for bitching about something as irrelevant as streaming over downloading.
No there aren't. That board culture you cling to has zero impact on the actual rules of this place, the rules are pretty much exactly the same as every other board. The pathetic impotent rants of people like you when someone breaks those "rules" are just encouragement to do so.
The entirety of Abenobashi, especially episode 12 which fucking predicted Sharknado.
Actually there is a rule abut posting high quality images. Global Rule 6.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>I want Cred Forums to become like Cred Forums xD
Yeah lets spam le epic pepe and youtubers e-celebs threads shall we?
but no one is doing that in these threads retard, you're complaining about autistic things like what platform someone watches their anime on
To this day, this still baffles me
He complains about posting subpar images on Cred Forums. Nobody would complain if you didn't upload bad quality images. Nobody really cares if you eat shit, just don't stick shit under our noses, pal.
what is it even supposed to be?
See No one actually notices
yes, complaining about subpar images as he posts an epic ironic one. fuck off, I haven't posted any images in this thread
But you're also using a name, you hypocrite baka.
They're attractive white men that review old japanese games and cartoons what's so baffling about them getting a reference one time?
Hard to determine ANY of the cameos when the video quality is so utterly shit and is condemned to REMAIN utterly shit because lol MUH COPYRIGHTS effectively kill any chance of a rerelease and thus completely defeat the purpose of any sort of restoration.
>stream in 1080p
Yep, even 15h ago you are still a nigger.
Kill yourself.
Yes, and the image he posted far exceeded the standard for posting. Guarantee you even the picture posted would be sufficient, though if you reported him it might get deleted anyway for the text shitposting.
>I want Cred Forums to become like reddit xD
Yeah lets silence everyone who posts something we don't like shall we?
Old meme, streaming quality is really good now.
the absolute madman
Holy fuckin shit the "rebuttal" to the second point. Literally trying to come up with reasons why it's not okay to not give a shit.
>Literally trying to come up with reasons why it's not okay to not give a shit.
Basically it says you are a retard for doing so.
>lol I'm killing myself and you can't do shit to stop me
>ok you are just a retard, kill yourself already
Basically that.
Why don't you eat off of silver silverware user? Other materials influence the taste of food you know. It doesn't really cost that much to get a single set, so why are you being retarded and ruining your food experience every single day?
Ha ha I'm a retard too, this was meant for
No Fraw?
>the Blade Runner city
It's called Los Angeles.
streaming is universally hated on Cred Forums
If you don't download your shit and watch it on a video player, you're basically a lesser being than them
Tell them to get over themselves.
Yes its a meme user
>implying I don't have silver silverware
Define meme
I would except
I really don't care
they're not really stopping me from watching anime however I want.
Funny thing actually, wanna know how to find Cred Forumsnons in public? Stream anime in a public place like the library or a cafeteria if you go to college, they'll shoot you a butthurt look.
japan loves AVGN
>Its a "Actually autistic newfags trying to fit in" episode.
Kill yourselves.
Yet you are still to blame, literally google gives you what you want, so if you never google shit you'll never get what you want and will always ask for source, lurk more.
>google provides the same results for everyone
Just keep talking; in doing so you only show what a raging ignoramus you are.
GuP had a reference to the bridge scene in Sorcerer
Sadly there is no pic.
Who doesnt love James Rolfe
Ah! The directors cut, where it went from Godzilla during the rampage to Handsome-Serizawa waiting on the boat patiently for him to finish due to his device only working in water, while one fo the reporters looks on completely unimpressed and mentally making jerkoff motions to Handsome-Serizawa's acting.
The classic.
I'm definitely going to watch yatsura
Where did I said that? I implied that you first need to google for it to actually work.
>assuming that isn't my first course of action
That's right, just keep digging yourself deeper.
>That's right, just keep digging yourself deeper.
You are just shitposting at this point, wait, you were since the beginning.
You seem to have run out of arguments.
Please, no one edit the frog.
Nice bump nigger, also my point stands and I'm going to spell it out for you again: If you don't have good google manners then you'll never/almost never find the source, so if you can't find what you are looking on google you are the one to blame, it's that easy.
No but there should be another reference in episode 178. Plus it got another Kenshiro in it.
C'mon don't be like that. I'm also curious.
Taken from Bruce Lee fight scenes. Can't seem to find a .gif of what I'm talking about though
>you control what results google shows you
And you've just gone full retard. Thanks for playing.
>you control what results google shows you
Basically yes, except for a couple of exceptions, you are welcome.
Ah yes, I've heard of the new eyes that one recieves once they become an elite.
But what if you are the faggot? What if someone likes their stream and doesn't care about what some other faggot on Cred Forums thinks? What happens then? Doesn't that just make us all faggots?
>I've heard of the new eyes that one recieves once they become an elite.
It's funny that you say that since people have claimed to notice artifacts only after they were told that those were artifacts and looked bad.
You are a faggot for giving enough of a shit to post what you do, same goes for women posting mentioning their sex without reason.
>bumping this dead thread
Fucking use sage niggers.
Bumping specifically because it triggers this user.
user why are you so mad
You shouldn't play with necromancy.
The whole plot was basically a reference to modernist philosophy
>feeding her popcorn
that's so cute
>all these strawmen
Nice bait.
Most oldfags used to watch anime at 240p in the past. Nowadays almost everybody feels uncomfortable watching stuff at DVD quality because it looks bad.
So yeah, you need to look at good things for a while to notice that you were looking at ugly things before.
holy shit completely forgot about that image
>it became famous in japan as part of those old 4-panel comics, literally known as 4panel Gaijin comics
>my face when
WHAT. What show is this?
>No there aren't.
Just because it's being undermined by newfags doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
>That board culture you cling to has zero impact on the actual rules of this place,
But board culture is the reason why emoticons get deleted.
>The pathetic impotent rants of people like you when someone breaks those "rules" are just encouragement to do so.
Intentionally breaking with with the idea of "lurk more [and adapt to the place]" is relatively new - because previously the ratio of newfags to oldfags wouldn't have allowed it.
>black bars
Fuck off idiot streamer
This show was nothing BUT references...
This seems familiar, where's this from?
Urusei Yatsura
Reference to what?
Using any Shaft shows is just cheating
There's also a black-haired version of that one guy from L-Gaim to the right of him.
Remember when TETSUOOOOO and Akira were just hanging out in Robot Carnival ?