Go to your misc folder and pick the girl that is the most likely to fall in love with you out of the first 30 girls.
Go to your misc folder and pick the girl that is the most likely to fall in love with you out of the first 30 girls
see here user, unlike you, the rest of us aren't delusional.
A retarded girl is my only hope I guess.
Feels good
maybe if I don't hide my powerlevel
If you have a huge black dick she'll easily love you
Here's a realistic answer for all of you.
The most likely doesn't mean that she would.
I'd say she's the most likely. Not very likely though.
>Most likely
0.2% is higher than 0.1% so to speak.
If all options are 0% then "none" is a valid answer.
My dick taste like candy
Joke's on you, OP, I have neither a misc folder nor will any woman ever love me, 2d or otherwise.
>nor will any woman ever love me, 2d or otherwise.
Cheer up, user. There's a chance greater than zero that you'll someday win the lottery. I'm sure some women will love you then.
Being rich wouldn't really fix most of the problems most guys like this have with women. Plus she'd only be loving the money, and in todays culture she'd probably try to scam it out of you in a divorce or something than actually bother staying with you.
Realistically? Kirin-chan
It's possible, he fell for the jellyfish nerd after all
Not like I'd be happy with it but I think is the most possible.
waifu soul yay
I love naps.
>yet another thread of "blah blah blah question look we all know nobodies going to actually think about it realistically just post a picture of your favorite cartoon girl for the 1 billionth time"
Her dad would kill me though because of our age difference...
You're welcome.
Not if he doesn't buy the shitty lottery.
I'm just going to ignore your instructions pick one at random and post it and there's nothing you can do to stop me
You can pickup a prize ticket from the street that someone has lost. Still a greater chance than a girl falling in love with you.
So can be all then my fellow user
I don't really remember the joke, but I seem to have a lot of poorfag Gundam princess.
Just few nice words and she'd be on her knees.
You did say misc folder. Realistically, probably gonna be this doormat.
If I get my entire folder, probably Uiharu. We'd bond over Cred Forums things.
>brown hair
>brown eyes
Likely, she's ugly.
Hey! I thought about it...
>most likely to fall in love with you
Where do you fucking think we are? You could say the first 30k girls and there likely aren't any that would fall in love with you.
Where do you live? I want to suck you off.
It counts even if she's completely nuts, right?
Take what I can get
I look up the folder but it seems so unlikely for those cute girls to love me
>tfw never ever
All I have to do is feed her.
I don't keep pictures of anime girls on my computer.
hey thats my waifu you're posting in this shit
Who's this qt3.14?
ha good one OP...as if any anime girl would fall for a single person thats on Cred Forums
I'm an anime girl and I love you, you fucking faggot.
Bend over.
But that is a boy
Now why would you lie on the internet
Most anime girls fall for MCs just because they are yasashii, and it's not hard to not be an asshole.
My nigger
Does the plushie whale counts?
my what folder
How about you consider how hard Subaru worked and how nice he was the first two times they killed him and try again
But unlike Subaru, I won't have the pesky witch scent to make me a target.
I think.
you also aren't fanatical like an oni
hard to find one in a similar age or income bracket for me these days sadly
See a doctor, you might have diabetes
The OP asked for Girls who will fall in love with you, based on your personality
NOT girls that you will fall in love with while they ignore you for eternity
Even then it's not likely at all since she often avoids people with the same hobbies as her.
I was always told never to stick my dick in crazy, but I guess it is my fate. At least she has the same voice actress as mai waifu.
She'd be pretty fun to hang out with too.
Maki-chan loves me already!
This is my most likely choice due to my alcoholism.
Who is that?
I was actually going to choose her as well.
That's the only girl I have saved
2d and 3d included
well, your chances still seem pretty high
Y-you too