Hey, Mobu

Hey, Mobu

Other urls found in this thread:


Go do something with your life Reigen

He actually makes a living unlike most people here.

>not "Oi, Mobu!"


Is Reigen the Fonz of Mob Psycho 100?

Where is the source of this image

Twitter I guess



Go back to facebook.

I got you covered user twitter.com/tsulala/status/778002462540115968
I think it might be the Reigen-est we can go

I saw him as kind of like Sokka, role-wise. Or Osomatsu + Karamatsu's positives and negatives mashed together (not every single trait though).

>Oi (nipponese)

>not wanting to sleep with his nii-san on Reigen's bed
I will be forever jealous that Reigen has access to the Kageyama brothers.

I accept the job

>has the purest boy in the world and a qt tsundere all for himself

>not typing it using china characters.

Why live?

This image and log is great.

おい , モブ 。。。



Did this get translated?

I don't think so. ;_;

New manga chapter came out today, by the way.

Finally caught the last episode. "Soap Bubbles" was amazing. I'm so glad they included the scene where Mob runs past his brother and passes out. Fuck me, it was basically perfect.

S2 when?

Yeah, waiting hurts.

Hopefully, sooner than later.


>those subs
er, was that intentional?

>all four of you are going to hell
Is Ritsu judging us for staring at his nii-san's thighs?

I meant waiting for the translations for the chapter and song hurts.

No, the user who posted it said that it was an error.

Even so, it's kind of funny how well they match up with what's going on

Yeah, it made me laugh when I first saw it.

Anyone else though the final episode of the anime was rushed and thus shitty?

Do you guys expect any OVAs?
I have hope for a Rubble's guy OVA.

Hoping for an OVA that focuses on the Psycho Helmet Cult. Pretty much all of their scenes were removed in the anime.

It'd also give us more Ayumi Fujimura.


CJ just dropped some truth bombs and put Mobfags into the dumpster where they belong.

Why do you think it's rushed? Shiji admitting his mistakes was a parallel to Ritsu and Mob. Shinji made up with his brother offscreen after he got beaten up. It's like when Mob was getting beaten up and Ritsu realizes his mistakes. In the end both siblings made up with each other.

I don't know who this is but I'm sorry they couldn't enjoy a great anime like Mob Psycho.


a guy who have One Piece as his favorite anime.

The episode was fine and there is a short new OVA in the 1st BD.
I hope you meant Rueppell's fox when you wrote Rubble's guy; that whole part requires about 2 episodes.
Shit bait, I'm not clicking that shit; I don't know the guy and I don't care what other's think about it either. I had fun and that's all that matters to me.

>unironically reading anime reviews

> agrees with CJ
> user thinks I unironically read it

I read some LOGH reviews on MAL the other day.

I'm never doing that again.

Shit, does anyone have any info about the newest chapter? All I know is that it has something to do with Reigen.

>No, the user who posted it said that it was an error.
Why didn't he fix it?

He posted it because he taught it was funny.

But its not.

It was one of those tfw webm gets fucked up during converting posts.

>It was one of those tfw webm gets fucked up during converting posts.
That just shows incompetence for fucking up the command. Not sure why someone would want to show their failures.

The whole chapter is Dimple talking to Mob and Mob thinks about Reigen but I can't really tell what the hell is going on.

Also, the omake is Mob and Reigen thanking people for watching the anime or something.

So given the snail ass pace ONE works at, up to what arc do you think they'd continue the anime at? Because the anime-onry shitters need to see this in their lifetime

If I was an anime only I'd be mad because I can't see shit with that resolution.

Some user posted fucked up scans their scanner messed up once, some people find it funny; I didn't make it man, I just answered the guy who apparently missed the thread it was first posted in. Why are you so hung up on it? Make a new one if you want to.

Manga leaks when?

>Why are you so hung up on it? Make a new one if you want to.
I am.

It's on a phone app there are no leaks required, we are just too lazy to rip and post them.
Okay, post it if you want.

It takes time to convert to webm and fast seek is still slow on my machine.

I meant it as someone describing the manga chapter before someone else got around to posting it.

Take your time man, it was just a funny repost it's no biggie.
Someone will soon.

Well, that explains it.
Something I've noticed: every time someone critiques Mob Psycho harshly, they always harp on about Mob's lack of progress with Tsubomi. That's always a part that upsets them, and they always mention it, as though it's some kind of a big deal.
Tsubomi is little more than a joke, a mostly-irrelevant character except as she relates to Mob's growth, but for some reason a certain group of people just can't deal with this and consider the lack of romantic subplot a serious flaw of the show. Are they trying to self-insert as Mob or something? What's up with that?

Didn't someone say there was gonna be a Mob event in a few weeks/months? Maybe they'll announce Season 2 there like they did with OPM.

500 episodes in and Luffy is still the same character.

Complains that in 12 episodes Mob didn't change.

I don't even.

He does mention that having a static character would be OK for a vaguely different kind of anime. I think he used Dragonball as an example.

I don't get it either, I watch shows without self-inserting in any way; I like watching characters grow and evolve instead.

>not self-inserting as Tsubomi

She's not interesting enough for me.

In January, I believe.

>not self-inserting as Reigen's clients

>not self inserting as the spoons that get bent.

>not self-inserting as the spoon Ritsu carries around everywhere

Well, whatever this CJ guy's whining, it won't affect the Blu-ray sales in Japan. So all's well.

Does anybody have the OST release?

Not out yet.

It was out till November user

>not self-inserting as the white t-shirt

>read anime review
>cares enough to post it on Cred Forums
>gets called out for it and starts backpedaling

Seems like you're unironically trying to convince yourself that you don't take it seriously.

You knew what would happen if you posted here, so deal with it, CJ-lover

>not self-inserting as Teru's wig
Episode 11 was painful for me



>not self-inserting as Regien's pants

>dragon type
>not self inserting as the knife that made Teru bald

Just caught up with this. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
How are it's sales coming along? Enough to get it another season?
Also do you guys think bones had a lot of internal pressure to make its animation really superb because of what madhouse did with one punch man.

1st BD just came out on 28th September.
It seemed like they had fun making the show.

Sound version

Is the OST out yet?


Did someone say Ritsuxspoon

He was a consultant for various personal issues/Massage Therapist.
That's a job.

Glad to hear one more person enjoyed the anime.

I hear it's quite good. The Blu-ray is currently 5th in the anime Blu-ray section at Amazon.

Never heard the staffs saying so, and I doubt it. Why should they?

Just curious because they were both ONE works and both had huge opportunities for big budget sakuga moments.
For the record, I think bones did better work than madhouse.
It felt more natural to me. Madhouse did great stuff but when they did it it was like they were slapping you across the face saying "Look! Here is the fluid fight scene you were expecting!"

I find it fascinating that Reigen is confident and talented enough that he could either straight up be or fake being whatever he likes to the point that he was thinking of going from a psychic to a detective on a whim but because of Mob he stuck with the whole psychic gig.

He would have made an great detective honestly, his deduction skills during the Mogami-arc surprised me.

I think Mob Psycho is a lot more consistent throughout the whole show with its animation, where OPM had flashy battle scenes whereas the more mundane parts were very average looking. Mob Psycho also has a lot more personality to it, what with all the mannerisms they added to the cast.

I think BONES also tried to be more creative with the constant change of art styles. It fit the most eerie atmosphere the manga has in many moments, and it's certainly more needed in a story about spirits and psychics than in a comedy about superheroes.

>I'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this spoon.

The thing about both of the adaptations that ONE got was that I think both were a labor of love for the animators.

For OPM the entire series was a bragging rights contest from different animators which gave us a lot of different animation styles and impressive scenes while Mob Psycho 100 is a project that BONES got the chance to do and went all out with it. (It's pretty obvious that they adored working on the series from the various interviews and pictures we've gotten)

I love both but MP100 definitely won out by a mile in the animation department, partially because they were very dedicated to the animation in all fronts (not just fight scenes, the characters just talking and messing around can be a treat to watch) and because they were consistent.

OPM had some over the top amazing fights but the inconsistency killed me (compare the Genos and Saitama sparring match and the Sea King and Genos fight). And they sure as shit didn't care much when there wasn't a fight.


>It felt more natural to me. Madhouse did great stuff but when they did it it was like they were slapping you across the face saying "Look! Here is the fluid fight scene you were expecting!"
OPM does have some panels that are nothing but crazy beatdown for the sake of itself. You don't exactly spit on the source when you add more action to an already action-heavy series. I do agree that Mob is different though. Bones did well by the source material. Gratitude was everything it should've been. Wish I had the webm of the 500kg tackle.

>He would have made an great detective honestly,
Maybe once Mob grows up, Reigen will actually switch jobs and become a PI. Or better yet, a consulting detective, with Serizawa as his Watson.

You know, when I started reading this series, I wasn't expecting the "good brother" to be a brocon spoon-fetishist.

>CJs favourite anime is One Piece
So everyone now you know that every word out of his mouth should be taken with a grain of salt.







That page would look great as an oil paint sequence in the anime.

7/7 omake? Hope these are good quality

they're very good, thanks user

Aww fuck

Damn, that's creepy as hell.

Thanks user.

In terms of creepyness, which villain wins? I think Psycho Helmet might be even creepier than Mogami.

Thank you

I like LPH design more. But Mogami's 6 month torture was something else. I don't know if there's a way for Mob to suffer even more.

Shit, this page is great.

Psycho Helmet creeps me out the most.

Your meme show is over
Fuck off

it's always the good ones that have the freakiest fetishes

A new chapter just released.

Imagine what you were thinking when you first saw the Cult Poster and compare it to how the living entity makes you feel.

I'm really liking the layouts and effects of this chapter. Too bad I can't read moonrunes to appreciate it more. I assume Dimple is repeating the same shit that how everyone that Mob knows would be happier under his rule/religion.

Fuck on

Yeah, at first I thought LPH would be a joke villain.

I keep getting either regular Reigens or highschool girl Reigens in the app, maybe I shouldn't have lusted over him so much these past few months.

>salt "season"ing
>mushrooms cut in "two"
Fucking season two confirmed by no other than ONE himself, crafty lil guy, get hyped bois.

There's a lot of 2s in that image

inb4 it's a ruse

So apparently Mob can't even hurt the guy without going through some of his friends. Any ideas on how this is going to get resolved? So far this chapter has been downright grim.

I thought this might be Dimple throwing a temper tantrum like some people guessed, but this seems downright evil. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since he's been calling himself just that throughout the series, but it really seemed like he had softened enough to care about Mob and the ones he loves at least.

good lord

I hope ONE goes back to doing longer chapters now that the anime is done.

I agree. Six pages and an omake is kind of ridiculous.

I hate the way ONE is telling his story now. Those 8page releases fucking suck. Ruined the whole boss arc and makes the story feel so incoherent.

I still think he's throwing a temper tantrum personally, which is exactly why he's doubling down.

Dimple's the kind of guy that would full on deny ever being any sort of good despite his becoming nicer so now that it's come to this he'll do whatever to convince Mob and himself that he's still a big bad villain.

Not that he won't do something bad this arc, I'm sure he'll do something worse than what we've seen because he's lashing out but I'm certain he still cares and that it'll be a big factor of how shit plays out.

Is this dude for real?

The last three minutes were amazing, loved that strict adherence to the ONE style. What a fag.

I wonder if he'll change after all this. A big theme of Mob Psycho is people changing themselves so I expect this to happen to Dimple as well. I know Dimple is a ghost, but it's also been stated many times that maybe spirits and humans aren't so different.

Of course, ONE could use Dimple as proof that not everyone is willing to change, but he already did that with Touichirou just one arc ago.

Gonna play devil's avocado and say that Luffy did in fact get a good deal of development during the Marineford saga

But you wouldn't know it since he basically acts like the same person he always was most of the time. He just has a better sense of when to stop fucking around

He IS an evil spirit though. When he lets go of his grudge or delusions of grandeur or whatever, he will pass on. It is the only outcome to this arc and it only makes it more sad.

Yeah, the claw boss arc is one of the big reasons why I ultimately think Dimple won't end the arc as a villain since it'd be a rehash of what happened then.

It'd be dumb to have two "and then Mob couldn't change anyone" arcs in a row considering the themes of the series, especially when a good outcome would be better story wise.

Chances are because of what happened in the last arc Mob might be more determined to make Dimple finally let go of this shit and be good since they were actually friends.

Well specifically I think it's the line between "bad" and "evil" that we're playing around with here.

Dimple is bad, he wants to do bad things quite often but evil is something a little different and strictly speaking it's a line that Dimple hasn't actually crossed yet which is why he was able to join the main cast in the first place.

Mob is very cute. No homo.


Reigen is very hot. Full homo.

>Dimple is bad, he wants to do bad things quite often but evil is something a little different and strictly speaking it's a line that Dimple hasn't actually crossed yet which is why he was able to join the main cast in the first place.
There are no good spirits in MP100. If a spirit is good then it passes on into the afterlife. There are borderline cases of spirits just not being able to let go, but Dimple in particular is characterized by his desire to do malicious acts. You're discussing his morality but as soon as he doesn't feel like being malicious anymore, he will be gone. The fact that he is still around directly states that he still has a grudge in him.

I'm re-reading the manga and the part where Dimpe promises to be good after he starts following Mob had me wondering. He goes on about his plan to pretend to be his ally while he waits for his chance to strike. I really hope he was not faking it all this time.

>thinking there wont be a season 2

I'm not so sure... This is a quite common trope in anime and we know ONE likes to subvert readers' expectations when it comes to these things. I don't think Mob will be able to Talk no Jutsu him this time. It might also be quite anticlimatic, imo.

>It'd be dumb to have two "and then Mob couldn't change anyone" arcs in a row

The Divine Tree arc is a direct consequence of the Boss Arc, though.

There are parts where he shows genuine concern for Mob or for those Mob cares about. At one point in the Boss arc where he's fighting the buff Super 5 dude he's stuck in a crowd of people and he thinks that if he has to fight the guy then some innocent people will get hurt but he's okay with it, but then he sees Tsubomi in the crowd and he changes his mind because Mob will hate him if Tsubomi gets hurt because of him. I'm a little foggy on the details, but it has also been stated that Dimple can't take control of Mob's body, and he knows that, right? So that means he cares about Mob's opinion of him, and not just because he wants to use him.

what if there was an earthquake and a bunch of important people that worked on the anime dies?

not trying to jinx it though

There was a chapter about Mob dealing with the general morality of ghosts and how they're not all evil. I'm certain the only actual rule in MP100 as to whether or not a ghost will stick around is whether or not they still have something they want to do, whether it's good or bad.

The ghost family wanted to stick around to spend a little more time together before passing. Mogami is a straight up evil spirit but his only current goal(as far as I can tell) seems to be simply observing Mob and he's still around doing whatever.

There's no reason that Dimple couldn't make his new goal "hang around with Mob" and stick around for that since that's what he's essentially been doing anyway.

Of course he's not going to talk no jutsu him into being sunshine and rainbows but there's a difference between subverting audience expectations for the sake of plot and themes and doing it for the sake of doing it.

There's just nothing new that can be done with Dimple going full evil and Mob exorcising him at the end. We've already gotten similar shit from Mogami arc and the claw boss arc.

And to be frank if Dimple did go evil that'd be super cliched as well. Then the arc would pretty much go:

Mob tries to reason with Dimple and fails
Mob fights Dimple
Mob is super sad to exorcise him and Dimple probably says something emotional before vanishing or some shit
Mob is super sad

That said I don't know how ONE could make a redemption arc happen without also being the shounen standard but there's more potential for a curve ball in that route than straight up destroying him.

Which is why it would be a nice conclusion to that story thread if Mob could turn his "loss" in that last arc into a "victory."

Psycho Helmet is promising that even when brainwashed, Mob's friends won't suddenly act coldly or differently towards him; they will all stay happy. The only difference is their reverence for Psycho Helmet.

>So, what do you have to complain about? Have I done anything wrong?

what is this one a redraw of?

I think the effect of the brainwashing is pretty interesting. They're not acting any differently than they would normally, they're just praising their God. Of course, they're doing it against their will, but I wonder what Mob really thinks about this situation.

He was a bit confused after taking down the (LOL) cult until Reigen told him that he did the right thing.

The Office

The wording of that about confirms it for me, he is absolutely throwing a tantrum.

That is remarkably petty, its almost funny.

rough translation:
>Join Psycho Helmet. It's not too late.

>It's still time... for you to assume your position as the second founder.
>After this let's go live it up you and me, Shigeo.

>I shouldn't be of any more use to you by now, should I?

>From the looks of it...
>You must've gathered more than enough power to stand on your own legs.

>So, what do you have to complain about? Have I done anything wrong?

Well he did beat up Teru pretty badly and bondaged him. But I guess he is at least still hanging around.

He could argue that it was self-defense, since Teru did try to exorcise him.

>You're still growing and I'm following you, Shigeo.
>Thinking of how much more powerful likely to carry in the future, I feel like it'd be a waste to not make good use of it...

>I refuse.

>...Well, I figured that's what you'd say.
>But, you know...

>Your family, your friends, everyone...

>They already like in a completely different world from you.
>A world in which believing in Lord Psycho Helmet brings them happiness.

Is he still relevant?

>The only one who was left behind in this town was you, Shigeo.
>Left behind by a new religion-like movement. And now, there's no more coming back for anyone.

>You're always so stubborn.
>But it's meaningless now.

>You brainwashed everyone, that's all there is to it.
>That's enough.

>Are you mad?

>Of course I'm mad.
>It should be obvious.

Always. Did anyone shop him in Episode 12?


Keep up the good work translator friend.


Mob suffering is cute


Caught up with the manga
Fucking Dimple

Come on user, don't be so salty


Am I reading the manga wrong or did the mogami arc just end that abruptly?
At any rate, holy fuck the story took a DARK turn after the end of the previous arc. Holy shit, poor Mob.

Read again from the beginning because you're reading from shitty website and missing a ton of chapters.

Fug, will do

Wow holy shit what the fuck why was that site lacking so many chapters, that's fucking awful

She's been portrayed to be really cute in recent chapters and in the anime.
Is ONE trying to redeem her character or

It's just ONE's improved drawing. Compare the first Anger vs Dimple to the Anger vs Boss and the difference is huge.

>Ending on a thematic anecdote is bad.
Why have people become retarded?

Because it's imperfect.

There are a lot of people who think progression is entirely reliant on coming closer to your initial goals.

What are some other manga panels that would look great with oil paint?

It's pretty annoying, honestly. Tsubomi is some unattainable middle school crush, little more. One of the biggest points of the story is that Mob's growth needs to come from inside, and not for the sake of some chick. Tsubomi is a catalyst for Mob's change but that change ends up being a lot more interesting and exciting than that, and the end goal for Mob ends up not being about Tsubomi, but rather his maturity and strengthening as a person.

I can honestly not understand people who would fault a show for basically giving Mob a character arc, while also not letting him get the girl (who is pretty much forgotten for like, 90% of the show). Isn't it more realistic that way? That the quiet, loser kid doesn't usually get the girl at the end?

nobody posted this yet right?

>Wake everyone up right now.
>I don't know how, but you brainwashed Ritsu and Reigen Shishou and co. without them noticing.

>The first stage was... come in contact with the God Tree, then create foodstuff out of it that could be easily ingested...
>From this physical contact I invaded their minds.

>The second stage was... using the opportunity to have the collective consciousness swallow up the minds of the [unaffected] minority. That's how Reigen got caught.
>He's the kind of guy who's easy to undestand and can get overwhelmed by the atmosphere. This influence is being amplified by the God Tree's power.

>And now, we've entered the third stage.
>The enthusiasm for this strong belief is spreading from neighbour to neighbour.

>From here on out, even as I'm doing nothing it keeps expanding.
>It's but a matter of time before the faith in Psycho Helmet spread to the whole country. It might take less than a month...

>That would be pretty awesome...
>I could really become a new deity.

So let's say Mob defeats LPH. How would he get rid of the broccoli? If it was defeated, what would happen to all the psychic energy stored in it?

Oh boy I can't wait for next mobday

oh wait

Ouch user.

That hurts.

There is going to be a dub soon. I'm going to watch it because I'm not ready to let go.

>original series has bland art and character designs
>Inspires tons of yaoi art by dinosaur where the characters all look handsome and gay

Why does this always happen?

>yaoi art by dinosaur

I'm sure that with enough searching, you could find lots of art where the characters look ugly and gay, if that's what you'd prefer.

The anime made the characters look handsome, not the fanart.

To be fair, Reigen, Ritsu and Teru are all stated to be handsome in-universe in the manga. It's just that ONE can't into people, so he couldn't convey that through the characters' designs.

>I don't know anything about all that but, this whole becoming a God business... isn't the point.
>Cancel your brainwashing.. Right now. Don't you even understand what you're doing?

>This isn't like you, those irrational and one-sided arguments, I mean.
>I know you're getting irritated, but are you sure you're not the who doesn't understand, here?

>What you guys call brainwashing isnowhere near that bad.
>Their personalities haven't been overwritten at all... Their hobbies, what they like, not a single one of these important things has changed.

>Ritsu, Reigen, or even the Body Improvement Club guys's supportive attitude with you; none of them grew cold toward
you. So far, nothing has changed at all.
>Well, save for the part where they became Psycho Helmet believers... heh.

Maybe if the real fans kicked out the fujos as soon as they appeared, this bullshit could have been avoided. But now it is too late since they settled in and will band together if reasonable people try to burst their homofetishizing bubbles.

As fanservicey as that moment was at least the anime doesn't show Reigen like this for the majority of the time he's onscreen. If he didn't have his silly side I probably wouldn't find him nearly as attractive.

We also have to take the seiyuu into account.

LPH has a good point - the brainwashing isn't actually harming anyone or changing them for the worse. Mob should save himself the trouble of trying to 'save' everyone, since they don't really even need saving. The only person who is worse off from this is Teru, and that's because he tried to fight back, but if Mob told him to join the cult, he'd probably do it. It wouldn't be a large change on his part anyway - he already sees Mob as the protagonist of his life.

The girls are barely relevant, the male characters are likeable, and the anime made everyone look good. Also, for example, Shou already acted like a faggot in the manga.

Why do you guys keep replying to that same shitposter again?

user, could it be... that you have been brainwashed too?

Nothing else to do desu.

But LPH really hasn't done anything bad to the people he brainwashed.

We're his only friends

I want to give him (You)s so he can be happy.
Here you go, my friend. Psycho Helmet-sama banzai.

If one of the Fuccboi Four had to be a girl, who should it be?
Somebody on Twitter did edits of all of them as chicks so I'll post them.

freedom to believe what you want is pretty important

Edgy brocon imouto Ritsuko would be top tier waifu bait.

Still looks like a homo, even as a chick.

Shou would have been pretty good as a girl, and so would Ritsu. I think ONE should have made the two of them girls, so he could attract straight males to the series, and maybe even have some yuri subtext between them. Then people who like yuri could have ShouRitsu, people who like het could have RitsuMob and fujoshi could have ReigenMob and TeruMob. That way, everyone would be happy and the series would be more popular, so there would be better chances of a second season.

so when is season 2

never, going by the sales

what's this spray called?

Plot Device

Anti-Esper Knockout Spray iirc

>Only one single element was added to everyone's order of priorities, that's all.
>Furthermore, it makes them happy... This
sense of well-being is something they all possess and share as fellow believers.

>I have no particular intention of isolating you from your friends.
>It's fine if you come this way.

>So... what the hell are you complaining about?
>What is it that I'm doing wrong?

>Thank you very much for watching the anime.
>The picture above is the illustration I was allowed to draw for the final episode.

thanks for your work user


Smelly Cursed Perfume


Thanks user!

Or maybe this series isn't about wanting to fuck someone.

woops live*, not like

I'm surprised the fujo drawfags didn't take advantage of it after the episode.

He robbed them of their freedom to choose whether or not they want to follow this belief. That's pretty bad and hardly any different than (LOL)'s old policies where outsiders were "peacefully" forced to join or eliminated if they became a potential threat to the legitimacy of the cult (see what happened to Teru and Minegishi).

I really hope the upcoming showdown is some kind of fakeout and Mob goes get some outside help.

source for that image? filename and image search gives nothing.

where the hell is serizawa when you need him

I'm just saying, it would help the sales and the chances of a season two.

He's at school like a good boy.

well, can't argue with prioritizing education

this is brilliant, shame that twitter been locked

You're fucking retarded, please leave Cred Forums.

Almost 100% certain that's Yanagida fumita. Same artist as Tomo-chan.


that only leads to an upset bear image



God damn it autocorrect

What was it supposed to be?

I'm curious, what was it supposed to be without being autocorrected as dinosaur?


>yaoi art by dinosaur

You realize right that MP100 has had a fujo fanbase from the very beginning?

lol why are you here?

From the very first chapter? I find that hard to believe.

I think that was a joke

There are barely any female interactions with the main cast so I can't bring myself to blame them; also, why would the fujos stop fujoing because someone told them to fuck off? They would just make their own thread.
80% of the stuff posted in these threads is from the nips and gooks on pixiv and twitter who read the manga since they draw stuff not yet covered by the anime.
Not that user; but, they read it raw so they are usually making their art while we are still waiting for translations.

Ah right, I always miss the joke.

In several polls I have seen in Japanese sites woman always make like 80% of the voters.

I need more halloween art.



Strangely enough fujos can be fans of things before they find out that there will be a large boy component.

I want to die between Mob's thighs.

Very shady

I need more vampire Reigen

>your otouto will never love you as much as Ritsu loves Mob

Is this okay?

Yeah, that's great actually.

Fujos aren't even that bad in and of themselves, it's just that shipperfags of any kind are cancer. For instance, I've seen two separate people shipping Tome with Shou.

Well, if you ignore the fact the the fucking tree is sucking the life out of the other plants, going to destroy the city and may soon move on to humans.

Heck, we might end up seeing a Matrix plot where everyone ends up sleeping in the tree as batteries.

>ywn work out with Teru
just kill me senpai
this is my excuse for not exercising

I know, I've been in all the threads since the anime aired and only one thread was badly ruined by homo ship wars.
Why Shou? She spends so much time with Inukawa and the other club guys, even Tokugawa makes more sense.

Wait til Novmber

'They look pretty together.'

But seriously, Tome is a best. BEST.

>your nii-san will never love you as much as Mob loves Ritsu

>'They look pretty together.'
But Shou only wants that edgelord D and Tome is ayylmaosexual.

Is it Inukawa or Inugawa? The anime used Inukawa in the last episode
I like Tome, Emi seems great too.

Not that user; but, you made me choke on my tea.

Girl ranking
Tome = Emi > Rei > Tsubomi > Mezato > Minori

I agree.

just like how Shou is going to be chocking on Ricchan's edgy, edgy dick

Good taste.

Sounds painful. Is he okay afterwards?

Superior ranking
Reigen > all girls

no. that's why you shouldn't blow emos - your throat gets all cut up and you cough up so much blood it looks like you're dying of TB


Here's one, hope you don't mind fujoshit

Whenever mob uses courage I get goosebumps

Minori did nothing wrong


That one guy's been shitting on the series since episode one. It's almost funny how he misses the point so.

Memes aside, she did do a lot of bad shit and she realized that and became a better person; I still can't forgive her though, I am not as forgiving as Mob is.

You don't know what shitposting means. Please refrain from posting from now on.

Good to know that cock is still a retard. He's complaining about how the anime ended on a happy note even thought it's the end of the season(so there should be some form of closure) and the full story isn't even over yet.

Why is this 13-year-old so ripped?

His dad keeps him on his toes.


Young martial artists gain that look if their training starts very early, Shou's a wrestling fan and his dad probably wanted him to be a strong fighter just in case of emergencies where he is unable to use his powers in front of other people.
Alternatively, the staff likes drawing fit boys.

There aren't nearly enough Shou lewds desu senpai.


Truly the best boy

Agreed. Needs more lewd.

So in terms of power-unaugmented physical strength, would it be:
Teru > Shou > Ritsu >>>>> a kitten >>>>> Mob

Make Spice City Great Again

>Needs more lewd
be the change you wish to see in the world, user

The lack of lewds really is a travesty.

Maybe at the beginning of the series but Mob's gotten quite a bit stronger, he can lift a weight that Reigen finds heavy.

It's probably more like:

Teru>>>Shou>Ritsu>>Mob at this point.

Will Reigen get any kind of power now? I would love to see him fighting bad guys again

I wish someone had added some colorful balls near his hands to make it look like he was juggling.

>We'll never get a moment as good as Gratitude 1000% again
What a fucking shame. ;_;

I would suck ONE's dick for a Teru vs. Shou fight desu, with or without powers.

I want Reigen to get his own powers, but not as powerful as the rest, just see him do really simple stuff would be fun like mental wrestling a spoon and taking 15 minutes to bend it


The only power Reigen's ever going to have is the ability to see spirits

i hope the anime gets more episodes so that this arc can be adapted someday, every chapter i keep thinking how amazing some parts would look animated.

You're talking to the right user, I'll try and make up something lewd for you guys.
This is cute and I don't even care for RitsuShou.

>I'll try and make up something lewd for you guys
can't wait


Thank you

I was so happy for the kid when I read that chapter, felt bad for poor Reigen though.

Can someone translate the sign?

i think shou is stronger

>I am a fucking crook.

holy shit really?

Such beautiful numbers.

Cheater, swindler, or fraud also work.

Because people want to fuck handsome people?
Are you saying porn should be unattractive?

november 23rd or 28th can't recall which

if they animate psycho helmet, i hope they just do him completely in the paint, all of the time

It'd be funny if he just did it according to Reigen's dumb plan

I feel you user

Dammit I'll have to do some reseach again I remember some panels that I thought would look awesome with the paint on glass

"What could go wrong?"

Are there more? I like them, it's funny

Thank you! Jeez these panels make me suffer more than battle for survival

Same here. Shou's probably been at it for years while Teru only started his intensive training 1-2 months ago, plus he's into pro-wrestling and judging from his fights he practices it too.

Teru's fancy pigeon-toed and vogue stances would definitely fuck him up in a regular brawl.

Small correction:
>how much more powerful you're likely to become*

The first volume released on the 28th, right? When will we be getting the sales numbers for it?

I can't wait until they animate best boy.

It would be fucking hilarious to watch Teru get his ass kicked by a midget.

what chapter do i start reading if i just finished episode 12?

The anime ends at chapter 50, but it's best to start reading from chapter 1.

for art or plot?


That's lewd as fuck

Mobu is cute! Cute!

Sadly this sold not so well but what are the possibilities a second season?

>this sold not so well
How much did it sell?


When anime started, people poked around the code of the site. There are placeholders for another 12 episode descriptions it in, so maybe it was planned.

by stalkers threads so you can call this just shitposting if you want it's around 6k


How can other girls even compete?
They can't.


That's predictions, not actual sales.

There's a new event in the puzzle game, by the way. I wish I could read what the fuck it entails.


So digibros is /one/ of us now?kek.

I meant of the edits, but I'll settle with this

Will ONE ever draw Teru and/or Shou in a dress?

This guy got it.

I like how this guy always do good reviews if he likes the show and seems like he has autism when he doesn't like it

>the day i watched the episode i went to my older brother and gave him a spoon, haphazardly
no questions were asked

fuck all of you for promoting spoiler tags

go to hell


What an era we live in

Mob is more than just a message about self improvement. It's about growing up and coming to terms with yourself WHILE striving for self improvement. It's pretty obvious to me, a mangafag that ONE is aiming for a middle ground where Mob accepts that his powers are a part of him while understanding that they don't make him special.

There's also a new gacha thing, I got Koyama and salaryman Reigen. c-cute

Thank you very much translatorfriend

I was pretty bored by this arc until the recent chapters, now I'm on the edge of my seat
I don't even know what will happen since DImple seems to be doing his best to avoid combat with Mob, even though he might actually be on par with his powers now

Shouldn't he technically be Boss of Claw level? Ths entire tree IS made out of his power, after all.

>102% Sorrow

Who knows? I'm still sort of betting the divine tree/Psycho helmet will actually take action by itself. Although that might be a too easy way out to redeem Dimple.

I hope Mob actually gets to put it in his shitty love interest.

Just to piss off the fujos.

How new are you? Fujos have been shipping canonically straight men with each other for decades now, they don't give a shit.

Nip fujos dislike canon homo, they say it messes with their imagination; they are not delusional about homo romance, they are called rotten simply because they don't give a fuck about how canon or how taboo something is.

I know they'll do it anyway. But as the poster below you stated, it fucks with them.

I derive pleasure from their angry, hairy tears.

>But as the poster below you stated, it fucks with them.
Read that post again.

I don't get what you are saying, I just told you that they hate canon homo, they won't mind if Mob fucks a girl? Did you even read my post.

Yeah, I misread that are canon hetero. I'm confused as to why they'd dislike that. God knows, the yurifags don't.

You sound angry, user. Here, have some cute Mob fanart.

They like making things up for their art and doujin works, a canon homo ship kills all other homo options but a canon hetro ship can be worked around by the males meeting on the side in secret or something; I don't know man they like up to 75% canon homo with room for adjustments.

Yurifags are also mostly purityfags as well, Fujos are 'fujo' so they like everything from light romance to gore filled smut.

What if Reigen actually dies later in the manga?

I will kill myself

>He's the kind of guy who's easy to undestand and can get overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

I don't get this explanation. Don't the past arcs make out Reigen as the exactly opposite kind of person Dimple is describing?

then I die too
yeah, that struck me as weird too

That would be too sad; I love the guy way too much.
But, if I had to pick what happens afterwards i'd wish that he'd casually haunt Mob while trying to keep running away from Ritsu and pass on with Mob once Mob kicks it at a ripe old age.

>and pass on with Mob once Mob kicks it at a ripe old age
Fuck, that's so sad and cute. ;_;

I don't disagree with purityfags on principle, but I think the idea that yuri is somehow more pure is stupid.


I'm not calling yuri more pure, yuri has less sex more hand holding, the purityfags like that; BL ranges from no sex to way too much sex, it has a wider spectrum which the fujos and fundans enjoy.


Will anyone except for Dimple die in this current arc. Remember it's her fault.

I didn't get it either at first so I double checked to be sure Dimple wasn't possiblt talking about Reigen's ability to understand people, but I'm pretty sure I'm not mistranslating. You still might wanna wait fort eyedelater or UK's version though.

Anyone got stills of reigen smacking the black orbs? I got a tingling feeling when I saw that

She has truly become worse than Bully-chan.

He's probably much stronger than the Boss by now with all the power the PH Cult gave him.

>Reigen will never slap your ass like this

Dayum user this is the exact frame I wanted.
>that filename

>yfw MP100 airs on Toonmai next year

Did you mean Toonami?

That looks so beautiful.


The whole sequence was full of wallpaper worthy shots.

Kvin's Reigen analysis:

I love how they animated the fluidity of his movements.

I can watch this all day

>he(Reigen) is a sort of guy who...

So sorry for butting in, but Dimple is not describing Reigen. I'm guessing the translator figured やつだ(yatsu-da) as indicating Reigen. ってやつだ is also an informal way of saying ということだ("it means-), and Dimple here is using ってやつだ to paraphrase "collective consciousness swallow up the minds of minority". Therefore, more accurate translation could be something like, "To put it more simply, the person gets caught up in the mood of the mass." (I have a shitty vocabulary and there must be a better way of phrasing this.)

There is actual Mob discussion going on in the Tatsumaki fap thread, why is the real mob thread is so slow today?

There is actual Mob discussion going on in the Tatsumaki fap thread, why is the real mob thread so slow today?
Did we get any news about what the new BD short is about?

this, OP is a faggot as usual

Presumably, the people who would normally be posting in this thread are in that thread.

Should I go and call them over, they must be bothering the happy fappers there?

>Did we get any news about what the new BD short is about?
Got my copy the other day. It's pretty entertaining. Wish it was in a different style though but Sakurai's acting makes up for it

On second thought, they seem agitated over there, I'll just stay here and wait for the typeset manga pages to show up.
Summary or rips please?

First one is about Reigen and Mob coming back from a task and Reigen lost his office keys. Second one is about after Reigen runs away from cops and lays around looking up beauty tips on the internet. Third one Reigen deals with client on his own, with the conclusion that "ero sites are the reason" as usual.

What is the time duration for these?

>Second one is about after Reigen runs away from cops and lays around looking up beauty tips on the internet.
is he a registered sex offender after that girls' school stunt?

Can't look right now but they were 3-5 minutes, iirc.

You'd have to be caught in the first place.

Been rewatching the anime and I love this part from ep 6, and all the sequences where the students turn their heads to look at Onigawara and you can only see their faces. It perfectly catches that feeling of being the center of attention for all the wrong reasons.

Thanks for the info user.

Thanks for clearing that up! It really bugged me at the time I was translating it because it made no sense for Dimple to describe Reigen like that, so I'm glad to see it wasn't just an impression.

I really need to work on my informal speech; there are way too many expressions that I'm still having trouble with.

Wish I could get a Reigen poster

>tmw Reigen alone is worth an entire sakuga analysis
Why is he so based?

I'm surprised they're not selling those


Has a drawfag attempted to recreate it?
Cause I would throw money at them for making one and selling it

Are we entering a Mogami 2.0?

Was he in the wrong here?

Technically, he's not doing any damage or drastic changes. But taking away the liberties of others is wrong, yes. I just want Teru to wake up.

>Within this city, only you have been left behind
Either Serizawa got got, or ONE forgot about him. Or Dimple could be lying, I guess.

Do you think Teru got got too, and will be brainwashed when he wakes up, or did LPH knock him out because it couldn't brainwash him?

Teru almost got brainwashed, he just realized it was happening and acted quick enough to avoid it, so I assume he'll be brainwashed when he wakes up, assuming Dimple isn't defeated by then.

Serizawa might be a strong esper but he's too weak-willed. I can see him "catching the mood" and brainwashing himself out of his own volition just for the sake of making some friends.

Also it doesn't seem like you get an immunity to brainwashing just by the virtue of being a strong esper. You also must oppose the idea of being brainwashed / have very independent thinking which Mob seems to have.

>handsome in-universe
Still dont get why that nigga isnt drowning in pussy

How many chapters are in the anthology? Are they all translated yet?

He doesn't want to.

Because he doesn't want that at he moment, his mom even wanted to set him up with some girls.

at the moment*

I get the feeling that he's actually really bad at interpersonal relationships despite being very charismatic and confident, which is why Mob is the only friend he's made in maybe his whole life (and that was after Mob insisted on seeing him every day).
I want to teach Reigen to love!

>Serizawa might be a strong esper but he's too weak-willed. I can see him "catching the mood" and brainwashing himself out of his own volition just for the sake of making some friends.
Don't you think that would kindof undermine his character development, though?

Plus there's something really fishy about how espers are affected by the brainwashing; save for Ritsu, most of the espers that were featured in this arc became aware of what was going on (to varying degrees) and got "taken out" before being able to do anything about it (namely Teru and Minegishi). I assume Serizawa would be too dense to notice there's something wrong but given his powers and his tanking abilities, it wouldn't resisting the brainwashing subconsiously. I'm also really curious about Shou: I want him to do something, see how he reacts to and deals with the whole situation.
This Dimple v. Mob HAS to be a fakeout or just a first round somehow.

Oh and nice trips, Satan.

Reigen getting beaten up by a mob doujin when?

How would it go if the roles were reversed for reigen and mob?
Their personalities would be the same but mob would have reigens job and reigen would be the schoolkid

Middle school Reigen constantly talks back to his teachers and gets good grades all the time, which pisses them off even more.
I can't imagine adult Mob at all since him growing up is such a big part of his character. He'd be a more serious and calm version of himself, I guess.

Wouldnt it be the other way around for reigen? He's better at conversation than his book smarts

It's stated during his arc that he got good grades back in school.


Reigen's character song is slick and catchy as fuck, and he doesn't even sing in it

I want Tome to get gang raped by the Body Improvement Club

That's even more out of character.

The BIC are good guys, they wouldn't do that.

Please do not lewd the Body Improvement Club. They are pure bros.

>mfw I turn 28 next week
I feel you Reigen

You ought to be ashamed.

I wonder of the game will have a Halloween update with costumed versions of the characters.

All of them make such cute schoolgirls, especially Shou and Teru.

I'm really hoping for that.

Get your gay shit out of here, landwhale fujoshit.

You're so cute, user-kun.

>ctrl-f "Tome"
>results: 1 of 6
>manually scroll through thread
>only two pics, not new
>nothing but Reigen and fujoshit
I mean, it's not like I don't like Reigen or expect there to not be tons of fujoshit. I just wish there was a bit more than nothing at all.


Blame ONE for giving you nothing at all in terms of relevant female characters.

Either make the content yourself or get into a waifufag series. Tome isn't even attractive, imoportant, interesting, or a good character at all, and she's still far and away the best female character; that says something about how little this series has going for waifufags. Just accept it.

Don't you feel bad for shlicking to little boys getting pounded in the ass you living tub of lard?

The fujos only draw what they like.
I guess the male hentai artists just didn't find the girls hot enough to draw. The basket ball club girls were attractive.

You do know where you're posting, right?

A tumblr general, apparently.

The fuck is that thing on his neck?

Get back to me when you're done spreading your moralfag shit on every thread on Cred Forums that has people masturbating to little girls.

Yes, a thread full of fat legbeard female pedophiles.

Because Reigen is a perfect specimen

I think it's a hamster.


Females develop faster so they're at their best between 10 and 16. Men aren't attractive until their twenties, and even then only to women and faggots.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, user-kun.
So why are you here? Are you one of them too?

No problem! You are doing god's work, user. I admire how fast you are able to work. And the english translation has a really natural flow and is easy to understand.

>Females develop faster so they're at their best between 10 and 16

He's trying to shitpost the thread to bump limit; talk about fun stuff so at least the posts are put to good use.


Why is Ritsu the one who always takes it up the ass in these pictures?

So, what's everyone's favorite song from the OST? I can't wait for the thing to come out so I can listen to Teru's theme, Mob's battle theme and the sped up version of Reigen's theme on repeat for months.

Can we talk about how Reigen is perfect in every way?

The anime made the guard hot and it disturbed me.

Only if you post pics as well.

Teru's theme, definitely

I really fucking miss this random guard.

His "oyaoyaoya?" was cute as fuck.

Nips prefer Ritsu being the bottom in their ship

I need more pictures like this or Reigen.

Ass shots ok?

What happened to the quality of your pic, here have mine.

gross quality senpai

W-well, I guess you can never have too much Reigen ass.

Oh lawd
Thanks user much better than mine

Dubs confirm.

Did someone say Reigenposter?


I love how this meme has created a Reigen reaction image for everything.

it's awesome

My favorite part is that it's made me realize that somehow every stock image of a businessman is in-character for Reigen.

I dont think he did, otherwise dimple wouldnt have needed to knock him out and trap him in there.
There is a possibility that he gets brainwashed when he wakes up though.

What about this?

Not all of them, some are way too random to make sense.
I like it when it's in character, but a lot of artists haven't seen the show so it's fine.


That makes sense in a weird way.

Here ya go.

I found a different version of this.

I just finished the series and why is this thread so gay

Show's over and we talked about the latest chapter already, there is no new hetro art so we are posting homo instead.

Because of Reigen.

It's not gay if it's Reigen.

Hnng my favorite shot of reigen

>not having a Reigen daki
I still await the day

>this entire post

Ignore him good friend, he lacks love.

Is this show done? Will I feel pain about no season 2 or is it truly done?

>that cap
And people are still confused as to why fujos like this.

No news on another season so far.

No. I can't take this pain anymore. Why? if they are going to make a good show then why aren't they doing a season 2 as well as a back-up? Then they can make season 3 while those two seasons are running fucking hell japan it's efficient to do so.

People think the two mushrooms means season 2 but aside from that we've got nothing so far. Let's pray for an announcement before the end of the year.

You are in TV limbo the next 3 years, buddy. That's how it is.

Because good shows require more time and money.
I understand your suffering; calm down and have faith and patience.

How mamy salt shakers do I need to bug for season 2?
I don't want this to be another SamFlam

Thread for the new manga chapter fucking where?

Alright, okay. But I sure as hell ain't getting any younger here. They are getting paid while I'm just getting old. But I'm calm.

You okay there, buddy?

Sorry it's the phone

But why?

I had a mammy once.

Buy BD, DVD or a salt shakers for every person in your family; also SamFlam writers back-paddeled so fuck them.

Don't phones have autocorrect? Mine does.


I don't know, but I sure hope in-game purchases in the puzzle game count.

She was there before me.

If you want homo heroes watch Tiger & Bunny instead. tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/HoYay/TigerAndBunny

is that what they meant when they mentioned that?

don't phonepost if you can't, user

It does but my goes full retard sometimes
What happened if you don't mind me asking?

Samflam has only 2 type of fans the cult followers and the fujos; I wanted a season 2 for Samflam too but they said no homo and that Goto made no progress at all.

I phone post all the time
I have a SO and don't trust them going through my computer files and see all the homo I have there

>Goto made no progress at all
Shame, Goto was my favorite

Why is ONE so cute?