Watch an anime as teenager

>watch an anime as teenager
>it's awesome

>watch it again after all these years
>it's boring

What's the name Cred Forums?

Obviously Eva.

this triggers me unbelievably hard

Obviously One Piece, I guess.

I read the black lagoon manga, and just watched the show for the first time recently. It's childish.

And I think I knew that back then too. 16 or so was too old even, it's adolescent edge core, like Dickie Roberts former child star.

EVA, naruto.



Hellsing original was that for me, but with a bit of a twist.

>watch Hellsing as teenager
>it's awesome

>watch it again after all these years
>it's boring

>soundtrack is the best fucking thing ever holy shit why didn't I go nuts over this before?


>watches children shows
>surprised to discover they were for children

Read the thread again, retard. It's not about being surprised.

Recently rewatched Black Lagoon and I can't believe I ever liked that garbage. Should have been a comedy show.

>not a teenager
>still like naruto
>never liked eva, even as a teenager

is something wrong with me brehs

Every shounen and edgeshit

>watched Eva as a teenager
>didn't get it
>rewatched Eva 6 times this year
>freaking love it

Basically, as I get older and watch more intellectual and mature shows, I start to dislike all the shit that was exiting and enjoyable before (like TTGL, code geass, black lagoon, steins gate etc.)

so everything except slice of life?

I think black lagoon manga have the same type of writing as Hellsing.
Same type of edgy shit, same type of boring super-badass characters, pretty meh.
I regret not watching it when I was 13, I would have loved that type of stuff back then.

Did you expect anything else from Cred Forums?

Most anime.
Fuck, I think I'm starting to grow out of anime again.
If I had life, I would have not relapsed.


> Eva
> intellectual and mature show
Pick one.

Become the blogger you always wanted to be.

I think I can see the bait.

>never watched Eva as a teenager
>never watched anime in general as a teenager
>watch Eva as an adult
>it's garbage

A good story remains a good story no matter your age.

Yeah, naruto is bad.

But Eva really is only for teenagers who sympathize with the main character and his children's problems.

Literally every anime. Once you grow out of the weeby teenager phase and stop consuming shitty fiction without question, you realise how pathetic and laughably bad a vast majority of anime is.

>implying adults questioning themselves the way of doing shit was not present at all.


Gundam Wing. I don't know what appealed to me about it back then, but holy shit is it bad. Epyon is still best gundam, though.
