>Late 90s/early 00s anime
>Has a Ska music in the OP
Late 90s/early 00s anime
Other urls found in this thread:
Name five examples homo.
Green Green, I can't remember the others.
Nihoniggers love Ska.
You know what's worse than that?
Newfags misusing the quote function in the OP.
the only thing worse than that is autists sperging out about people green-texting.
>not sperging out about the most stupid shit
It's perfectly fine.
Pointing out that you're a newfag isn't "sperging out", no matter how much it hurts your feelings.
greentexting has been a thing for a about 6-7 years. It's time to drop the /jp/-style aspergers act.
it's a persona 4 meme
>hating Ska
Holy shit get some taste my man
>>Has a Ska music in the OP
where is the issue?
>Liking ska
>not liking ska
Dumb kongposter
What's wrong with Ska?
Kong thread to the top!
>Cred Forums only-posters unabashedly like Ska
Well, whats better than ska?
>Hating on Ska
Do you guys really hate fun this much?
Can't think of anything.
Ska is the best.
Western songs
Esoteric electronic stuff
Just because kids on youtube are doing it doesn't mean it's accepted. You're still a newfag.
you posted literally the most plebian normie-core ska song you could.
>the specials
>plebeian normie-core
popular doesn't mean bad, rudie
what the fuck are you even talking about at this point?
if you asked someone to name one (1) ska song, odds are almost everyone names that one because of Shawn of the Dead.
So what?
it's still as good as all the other Ska
all ska is bad so it too is bad (by extension).
You'd know if you weren't a newfag.
There's no need to maintain your facade any longer, redditor. Go back to watching your One Punch Man episodes on VLC and leave us in peace.
Pinocchio by Oreska
Tower of Druaga
Also OP being a faggot as usual
See, you don't even know what to accuse me of anymore. Newfags really are sensitive to being called so.
It's always funny when you see a poster who's actually mentally ill.
It's always funny to see a newfag get frothing mad for two hours straight because he got called a newfag.
I wasn't the guy you were arguing with.
You've been replying to him for two hours as well.
Kong is very cute, I wonder if she would smoke me out while listening to ska?
to be honest with you, nobody uses the word "newfag" anymore. Using a word like that marks you as a "newfag" or someone straight off Cred Forums yourself.
/jp/ pls
Anyone who came to Cred Forums from 2007 and beyond is a newfag. Deal with it, cunt.