Komi's new manga
Komi's new manga
Why him again? Nisekoi was so shitty I'm willing to believe Double Arts was destined to become a trainwerck too. And they greenlight another manga that reeks of MISUNDERSTANDINGS just with that image?
Fuck you Komi.
i miss nisekoi
We know something about it?
its shit for sure
I like the girls Komi designs desu. Still not going to read this shit, though.
Komi is actually Kubo. His end game is to create as many manga with bad endings as possible. You have been warned.
Shut the fuck bitch cunt
>Just change the hair colors
>It'll sell millions
It's a one-shot, lads.
Don't worry.
So was nisekoi.
Me too
>Blonde guy
>Black haired girl
Is this a reverse-Nisekoi? LOL
Nah Komi is actually a decent author
And Nisekoi's ending was just fine deal with it Onoderafag
What's the """"plot""""
Nisekoi's One-shot was legit great though.
Curious, if a one-shot does well enough in Jump Giga does it mean it'll run Weeky Shonen Jump or the others jump magazines.
The series was way better though
Oneshot is so fucking overrated
Whats the name?
I miss the otter.
i guess komi gave up on a world focused series and just wants to try to cash in as a newer gen akamatsu maybe more centered on girls
Judging from the title and moon runes behind them, it's something to do with time and regret. Maybe Komi's going for the serious SoL / romance route this time?
the girl in the pic is going to lose the bowl right?
boy(?)looks like future ichigo plus a hairclip raku was using and girl looks like a depressed chink yakuza girl.
The ending was the least of its problems. There were easily more than a hundred chapters of harem maintenance and then everyone takes turns to gives up in like 20 chapters.
>mfw it's actually a continuation of Nisekoi that takes place in near future
Can someone TL the stuff in the background?
summary is the pleasure of being cummed inside
the top line especially
I think he was asking for something less obvious.
I will read it, I will hate it, I will complain about it on Cred Forums.
Toki Doki
Is this the fabled Nisekoi: Darkness I've heard so much about?
Saw the spoilers. It's about Raku's son and Onodera's daughter.
You best be joking nigger.
Komi's wife's son here, can confirm this is true.
It's genderbent Chitoge and Raku