
Episode 26 FINAL in 39 minutes

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Muetta Best Girl

is there a better version of pic around?
i need it for.. science.

oh shit, and i still have to watch the last 2 episodes



please somebody tell me this is not what i expect...



>Best Father Of The Season.




Rita is back


muetta and ken go to zeru home planet
yukina still on earth
adult sophie too cute
yukina immortal like ken

so muetta win kenbowl ?

Muetta won the samurabowl

5 years later, Yukina, Sophie and Sebastian going to find them in ending.
Hope there will be movie continue from the ending.

>worst girl, a Moeblob focused on generic moe drama for children under five.
absolutely disgusting

So akagi really end up with Yukina?
I'm proud of mah boy

there is season 2 right?


He didn't.

No. We will have a S2 of Shirobako

>He didn't.

It is time to stop dreaming user




Koharu a Cute

>most forced couple actually didn't end up together

Also pooleykins will come back. Have faith.


death toll = 0

dead guards

user was referring to named characters, user is still wrong cuz Yukina's dad died to retardedness.

It actually makes sense, too. Ken is motivated by duty and only fell for Yukina's because she is so helpless. But Muetta surpassed that level of helplessness as an actual drugged prisoner. Ken hooking up with Yukina would also invalidate her own personal character growth to be more mature, independent, and responsible.

Well, the shows ends with Yukina(with Sophie) is also leaving the earth to find Ken.

Subs when?

Thanks be to God, as this would be seen as a new... see... pic

>dead guards


>Ken and Muetta
>After five years
They married and they have a 4-year-old daughter called Muetta Tokisada Ouma JR.

Now i understand the OP1 lyrics means.

tell me, they escape from earth to the red guys planet, and earth is raped by the efildolg?

So Yukina does go to mars.


Sick bait m8.

that line on the bodysuit makes the girls so fucking hot.

Did Zeru and Ken take the hinge with them? It seems inefficient to go through normal space.

Thanks to Tom and Shenmei in the big mech trying to stop them, Zeru, Ken, and Muetta get to leave Earth, but Yukina's prevented from going with them. The incident seems to cause Earth to pull it's collective head out of it's ass, as just a few years later Yukina, Sophie, and Sebastian are leaving on an interstellar trip to look for them.

What did the nips think of this series? it bombed, didn't it?

The air port become something high tech place.


She's still broken?


So it seems. They did say they hadn't figured out the mind control. It's better than being dead I suppose as they'll probably manage to fix her eventually.

where are the idiots claiming that the effect of the nanomachines on yukina was temporary? it was obvious she turned into someone like ken.

>Travel more than 220 years of space time.

1. Yukina isn't going to be home when the invasion of earth happens.
2. Aren't Sophie and Sebastian going to die along the way? I get that Yukina is immortal now.

I think it has some sort of jump option after leaving the solar system.

Ken is not a super helpless weakling horror like Yukina.

As long as Ken and Muetta are happy together then its fine with me, the others not important.

I don't think you become inmortal just by having some blood transfused, that would be way too op, they would just need to give blood to everyone to get an inmortal planet.
I think in the x-ray of muetta and ken there was a little machine inside them, wich must be the one providing the nanomachines or whatever.



Sophie is taller than Yukina now?

What happened to the slut?

the loli imouto is going to go for a muetta look, in the future.


she is inside zeru's mech getting the oni dick all the way to the other planet.

Wait, is Dr. Hausen the father of Kayahara? Or just a relative? Either way that'd explain a few things about cameraboy.

>What happened to the slut?
Yukina married Akagi

yeah that's bullshit.
this collage is missing the cosplayer girl it seems.

Yes biological father

Ken died?

Ken left with Muetta and Zeru.

Rate Kuromukuro

>Ken died?

I'm glad it's over.

Yep, Sophie was a few years younger than Yukina as I recall. So she still had some growing to do. Yukina on the other hand would have mostly finished growing already, and her nanomachines likely help keep her as youthful as possible.

I'm glad the best girl won in the end

she did?

Ken sure is loyal

Never post this picture again.

No, she didn't, it's just the usual shitposter.

Newtards nowadays keep using buzzwords they have no idea what they mean.

No she didn't he still got Chucked. Even the fucking ermine got a mate instead of him.

>he still got Chucked

Is that Spike Spiegel?

As annoying as Kayahara was, it's kind of a pity Yukina's attempt to go with Ken failed, just from the standpoint that Kayahara was riding with her. It would have been funny if the departure had ended up being Zeru, Ken, Muetta, Yukina, and cameraboy.

why are mecha cockpits such a mess? every fucking mecha anime has some of less comfy cockpits. like you would kill yourself after being inside it for a long trip.

Honestly? All shipping in this show seems to be TO BE CONTINUED or out right dead. They are setting things up for a second season in 200 years to fight the invasion they probably aren't getting.

>why are mecha cockpits
I think it's because IRL cockpits are kind of a mess for military vehicles, and it takes inspiration from that.

I thought there is season 2? Or was that just a netflix thing?

What Netflix is calling season two is just the second half of the series. He's talking about the show getting an actual second series, though a movie or an OVA would probably be more likely.

yeah, she won the kenbowl, Unfortunately, our frustrated yukina fags are bad losers, especially D-Joe, miniwatermelon, a legion of lunatic redditards and some MAL fags

Best guy

Cool story retard-kun, but here we don't use names.


>suffix "kun"
holy shit, a weeaboo

>a S2 of Shirobako



>Copy pasta posts on Cred Forums, on /m/, and then copy pasta posts from normalfag sites




In a day or so, as usual.

thanks user, i didn't have time for anime in the last months and marathoned it all the last two days



BD volume 2 release date dumbasses.

Did Muetta's laugh make your heart go doki-doki? Because holy shit, she's a cute.

PA would be dumb to make continue this shit.

So, what's the chance of either movie/OVA/S2 happening to give the series proper closure?
Thankfully they're not Madhouse but I don't know how well the series did on sales.

-12% with a 12% margin for error

1.2 k

They're immortals too, right?

If Netflix manages to blow the series up into another Tenchi tier franchise, I can definitely see Kuromukuro Wars being a real possibility.

Its main franchises faces are immortal, nanomachine immortality is practically available to anybody if they wanted it, how they handled the series pretty much assures that Kennosuke will become a Tenchi-tier harem master over time by sheer virtue of the gradual acquisition of traumatized and lonely waifus, Earth politics was never a real thing in the series beyond the influence of the media and Youtube, and Sophie's Mass Effect team being able to jump out of the Earth basically implies that mankind can just run the fuck away to another star system instead of sticking around to get curbstomped after fighting itself to death like retards for 200 years.

>PA would be dumb to make continue this shit
Kill Yourself, Tomiko.

Basically. Its weird because now I want to ship them hard, since theres really nothing to do for them on the ship other than to exercise, do robot maintenance, listen to him shout about asses all day every day, and fuck for eternity. And who wouldn't fuck her for eternity?

Well, I didn't have that much hope to begin with.

So cameraboy was biological son of dr. hausen. Now i understand.

Hey, no joke, this show was more interesting than I expected to be.

Never thought I'd like it this much.

>They're immortals too, right?

well, It's about three times greater than Glasslip and HaruChika

i want more butt

Untill their brain is alive. his brain smashed.

sound webm of muetta and ken laughing when?at the same time.


Comparing it with Glasslip is an insult in itself.

PA Works shows sales doesn't matter for them, especially this one.

it kills me that there's no fanart of muetta, she is so fucking cute.
I don't give a fuck about hentai, just want cute/badass fanart.

too much shit only one pic..


Was this show good?


Muetta has only become her own character after being betrayed. I expect Muetta fans to be out in full cosplaying force at the next Comiket, though, since her entrance to the series was literally pretending to be a cosplayer in space cop armor.



Easily one of the best mecha shows of the decade, although that speaks to the poor state of the mecha genre more than anything.


Well even though this series wasn't the best, it's still a shit ton better than Delta was.

How exactly did she win? Ken did confess to yukina after all and he doesn't want her to come with him because he actually cares about her.





So that's what this lyrics means.

That's not Yukina

So Samurais in Space might really become a thing if Netflix wants? What a time to be alive?

He wants to give Yukina a purpose for living the same way Yukihime gave him a purpose. It's not an equal relationship.

Muetta gives him a purpose and he enables her to live her ambition. That is a relationship of equals.

Muetta also actually needs him now and for life, whereas Yukina has learned how to live responsibly on her own. It's not like Muetta will start making babies with him until Yukina arrives and makes the harem official.

but he didn't mention the worst girl
are you blind?

>Ai waa toki wo koeeee yume waa haruka kanataaa eeee

>Love trascends time, dreams are far away.

Something among those lines.
Both OP's were pretty good

Underrated post.

I dropped it at some point.
Spoiler me the ending.

blue mech princess carrying the black one was hilarious.

this could be anyone, hardly resembles her, looks more generic than muetta

This is nothing new.
Romance blossomed and now the two lovers will have a beautiful son together.

They defeat the Efidolg which turned out to be reconnaissance troop, they intended to use the hinge stone as a portal to bring the invasion army to Eartg. Even if the vanguard troop was defeated, the invasion army would arrive to Earth some 250 years in the future, so Husbandosuke and Muettaifu parted with Zeru (the oni) to the latter's homeplanet to keep fighting the Invasion army there in order to stop efidolg forever and find their meaning in life in the meantine.

I agree with you, she looks more generic than Yukina.

>Husbandosuke and Muettaifu

>implying they won't spend the first hundred years together focused entirely on SRW-tier teamwork battles against Efidolg scum

Muetta won't recognize her true feelings for Kennosuke until Yukina finally arrives. Then the true war begins.


I still haven't seen any pics of Mirasa.
Did she die?

Kuromukuro in SRW when?

Probably the next one or the one after.

So, Samurai was an alien or a samurai?

Why not both?

if they want to be mad, be mad at the ameriburger and blushing chink for cockblocking.

cuck characters


fuck off Dr Hause is camera guy's father

Samurai. Zeru and his comrades crippled the previous invasion by ramming the invasion ship with an Efidolg ship they'd stolen, crashing both ships. Most of his comrades died in the subsequent ground fighting, leaving him and his last companion short two pilots. So they raided the Efidolg base in an attempt to recruit some humans, but only Yukihime and Ken were still alive to be saved and recruited. Kennosuke tested similar to the aliens because piloting one of the alien mechs gives you an injection of nanomachines. Including regenerative ones that'll keep you young and try and heal you, as long as you have brain activity.

My waifu became tall and even hotter.

the other guy is still a fat faggot.
and the loli imouto gonna end looking like muetta.

soft hair

Sophie will win the samurai bowl in the sequel!

Look at that smirk, the pride of winning the girl.

The fatfuck buttler fucks her daily.

Nine years later,



So, Sebastian is totally fucking Sophie right?

no, Sebastian love MILFs

Butlers are pure, you philestine


Worst P.A show by far.

Go watch Glasslip.

Yes, there was a wormhole malfunction and both she a Ken were killed.




What's wrong with Glasslip? Too deep for you?

It contains precisely zero transparent bouches and that is probably a breach of advertising regulations

I also dropped this because I couldn't stand main girl, but how was the romance resolved, waifufag delusions aside? Did samurai dude ended up alone or something else happened?

>Hime actually won
>Yukina became a immortal cuck who doesn't age and is in the body of a teenage girl forever

Yeah, right.

Hime fucking ruined this show.

Fuck this 2nd cour.


Sophie is only attacted to pure wapanese samurais folded 2000 times

Fucking shipperfags ruin everything. Even their own expectations. The always inevitable buttwrecks would be funny if they didn't insist on blasting their liquid shit everywhere in the meantime.

Wait, Yukina is also immortal?

Muetta best girl


They were worse on the Macross threads

Yes. Everyone who piloted a geoframe is immortal.



Well this is kinda sad. I wanted clear meet-again ending, but this makes me feel awkward.

Yukina is not immortal. Only the people who piloted geoframes are able to live for a very long time. Since Yukina never piloted a mech (Muetta's doesn't count since it thought Yukina was Muetta and thus didn't inject her with pilot nano-machines) she still has a normal life span.

They will meet again. On the battlefield.

Yukina has nanomachine, too. you can see she didn't grow up at all while Sophie, Mika, 3boys looks older after 5 years.


I need S2.

By the time Sophie and Yukina find then, Muetta and Ken would have already been together for more than five years. Be shocked if Muetta hasn't already sealed the deal.

>Sophie is no longer a loli


She's hot now.

>for... science

fuck off, reddit

Are you seriously blind? She DID grow. She's at least 6inches taller.

Lolis are an investment, not a commodity.

Well this is fantastic. The worst waif hasn't won the bowl, that's very rare. but this makes me feel good.

The short version is that Yukihime did die 450 years ago. The alien that looked like Yukihime was a clone of her named Muetta. The discovery that she was a disposable construct created by her bosses caused her to defect. That basically closed off that line of possible romance(seeing as Muetta wasn't romantically interested in Ken, and he wasn't romantically interested in Muetta). Ken loved Yukina enough to propose marriage to her, but felt he must go into space to continue the fight against the Efidolg and didn't want Yukina involved in the danger. Yukina wasn't having any of that, but after she was kept from going with him, Muetta, and Zeru because of the UN, she's boarding an interstellar space ship to go after him. So basically a bittersweet ending where Yukina won the Kenbowl, but now has to go searching for him.

Yukina got the same injection of nanomachines all the other pilots did when she first sat in the Kuromukuro.

OP we cannot blame them, after These children will be traumatized for life.

Fucking hell why did she go back to the chinks

China a Tomboy

Probs because she's a chink

I ended up almost tearing up at Yukina shouting that she would catch up to Ken. I surprisingly enjoyed the show, even though I don't think it objectively was very good.

Unwatched underrated show of the year like Logos.

best headcanon reddit user


They need her to breed a fuck ton of immortal chink soldiers.


Fuck China. Can't believe she went back to become a dog of the government.

Is Sophie getting railed by sebastian?

How hard did they itch the ditch that night?

Yukina didn't win. Muetta did. Yukina is just going after him. Also she wasn't injected with pilot nanomachines. She was injected with regular nanomachines. regular nanomachines don;t make you immortal since co-pilots can be easily replaced by anyone.

Dear General Melchett,
I am once again writing to you regarding the furnishings of my office, specifically the Chesterfield sofa. I believe I have made it quite clear that it was extremely important for the Feng Shui of the surroundings, not to mention the baseline opulence that is expected for such premises.

Though I should not need to ask again, such circumstances will most likely incur the involvement of a certain General Borden to personally deliver the request up your fruity arse. This is not a metaphor.

God Save The Efidolg,
Field Marshal Graham.



She will probably end up taking control of the Politburo in 100 years and prepare Southeast Asia for interstellar warfare.




I stopped watching around like episode 10. Did Yukina become irrelevant once the princess was introduced back into the story or something?

Where'd you get that from, 2006?

Watch episode 11



Where are the doujins efidolg making clones of yukihime and using them as cockwarmers

>episode 11

no, making clones of Mirasa's ass

on here

How unfortunate

That's best

>implying efidolgs have cocks


So overall, is it good series or not?

No but why would clones need whangers and muffholes, that's irrelevant data for the mission


it's a normal series which markedly improved just after the episode 15.


>Tom didn't die forcing China to mourn stoically

Wasted opportunity.

shes a tomboy
