Wakako Zake

I just watched a woman eat various foods and drink alcohol for 12 episodes.

It was good. It stayed entertaining throughout. What was the whole point of it though?

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It is called entertainment son.

>What was the whole point of it though?
Entertainment, maybe.

Of course. But what was it trying to sell, if anything at all?



They are trying to sell pshuuuuu


I suppose you could say it was promoting a "good" taste in food and alcohol pairing or the remembrance of such an event for the audience.

Where can I get my own pshuuuusaaa ?

Need to be alcoholic first and a food snob.

Now go watch it again.


I hope you had the Mori enriched version.


I'd like to chill with Wakako.

ayy lmao


Booze and snacks.

Of course I did. Mori is a swell cunt, and if he ever comes to my state I'll buy him a drink.



Man, I earmarked this to watch at the start of the season and totally forgot. Good thing I remedied that literally just now.

The Mori subs are a bit short on seeds?


Those subs are shit and unfunny and I hate that Mori ruined every Wakako thread for the rest of time with them.

Her voice was very soothing.
Eating the same stuff she does while watching it must be the ultimate blss.

IIt feels like a waste of time because of how short it is, but it's so damn pleasant and addicting.

12 2min episodes and 25sec op each, annoying to have to fast forward so often, should be 1 20min episode.

Can a sound webm fit into that?

The purpose was to convince sarariman to spend their disposable income in more healthy socially acceptable ways than futanari loli porn.

oh fuck yes butter

Don't forget that there's a season two.

I learned a lot about their weird food and how you're supposed to eat it.

We need more shows like this.

>what are birds?

You have my attention. Please continue immediately.

It finished airing half a year ago, but I don't know if Mori ever bothered to sub it.

fucking memeing idiots

the meme webms are major reason why people watch the show in the first place

Is that supposed to be a plus?

It's not like the proper track is missing.

He was complaining about Cred Forums, not the anime.

only closet hipsters want a show to stay obscure
>oh no show i like is popular now, threads are ruined woe is me etc etc

It is now objectively impossible to have a quality discussion of JoJo.
It used to be a gentleman's manga.