Anime only you watched (and loved).
Anime only you watched (and loved)
Been a long time, but it was pretty good fun. Howard a shit, but an entertaining shit.
>yfw Sharla's VA has never ever voiced anything else
What the fuck
Yeah but he grew on me, he's the "jerk that redeems himself", which I tend to like.
I liked it but Luna was kinda Mary Sue-ish in the final arc with her over-the-top super psychic powers.[/spolier]
you're joking right?
Minori was best girl. Minori/Howard was best ship and something should have come out of it.
Cred Forums doesn't watch enough childrens' cartoons.
Cross Ange 1.0
Wasn't that pretty popular?
S2 never ;_;
Pretty sad that the below average 2.0 version is more famous than Strain.
Oh shit nigga, they aired this on on TV in my country when I was a kid, loved the shit out of it.
I wonder if it's actually good.
It had a following in Japan since it's an NHK show.
Only /m/ and I watched the show. You couldn't even talk about it on Cred Forums, threads would die in like half a reply.
short sweet and made me think a lot
Comfy as fuck alien invasion.
Interesting how they managed to somewhat loophole the censorship at the ending.
I wish this had been pure SoL instead of mixed with wacky squid monster action. Very comfy ED.
World Break
>Your shit taste
>3deep5u hipster shit
Need more nakadashi doujins.