It's time

It's time.

Other urls found in this thread:

first for ferri!

I want to fucc that boipussy, then marry it.


I cannot wait for Arcareafags.

This is the first trap where I can honestly say that I'm glad they used a female VA for it.
He's perfect.

Hoping there will be subs for this, Tiger Mask W and the Chinese animes.

>that entire color palette

>Some retard wrote a 2000 words essay about how Battery is a metaphor for being gay in Japan

Is that the Yu-Gi-Oh kid with a more restrained hairdo?

It's Digimon.

Any hopes of this digimon being good?

Who knows. I've liked some of the writer's work but he doesn't feel like the best fit for Digimon. His stuff is usually self-aware, character comedy for kids.

Homos, you might want to check this one out It is the Samumenco Thread Archive.


It's weird how there's a cult for this show

Totally nothing weird about it.

Post pits of this season. pic unrelated


No, fatso.

Obesity levels up.


Lazily edited in MSpaint because I just had to.

What you people think about Danganronpa final season?
Also that MakoKoma pandering was pretty good.

Less offensive?

Komahinafags are the greatest cucks

Link to essay?

Kuroko boys are very hot.

I just hope the Toei QUALITY is not that bad

Go search through dumblr yourself, no need to bring that shit here.

Will Utapri ever look that good?

The CG looks a lot better than the anime.
Just the movements are a bit weird sometimes.

Sakakura didn't make it so hope side gave me despair.

It's going to be so gay.

Thai boy is gonna be one of the best boys

Which is weird because Thai boys in real life are pretty shit

>nip Yuri is an hetero beta who got NTR'd
Hope Victor saves him of that cruel fate

What did he mean by this?

Fuck off

Fuck off

Kuroshitsuji sure has some great PLOT.

He wants the rape experience, consensual vanilla is too boring

Post the full page.

And since when did Ciel have nipples? He definitely didn't in the anime.

Disgusting. This is real PLOT.

If somehow you could choose a boy who'd get a lewd figurine(Whether it's just suggestive or as lewd as bondage Aoba), who would you pick?

No, this is PLOT.

Didn't watch the anime so I dunno, but he definitely has nipples in the manga.



No, THIS is.

Is this a manga for young japanese boys?

Nice, little erect yaoi nips.

Hasebe's face is weird

This show needs more distinct lines.

Is Kashuu doing a :3 face?
What does he look like he wants the dick?

It's always been a manga for young boys.

Don't post girls.

The anime was weird. Ciel didn't have nipples, but Best Boy did,

Back when the first preview was released I never could've dreamed it would end up containing that much homolust. It was a good development, of course.

Because he was a real boy whore.

Only sluts are allowed to have nips in anime

>Hand gently touching chin

>this art quality for a magazine cover
This show is going to suffer a lot of QUALITY

The colors look so washed out.

>something remotely dangerous happens

Bastard can barely use his sword without it turning on him somehow. Nonetheless he's my favorite Cross-Eye for how hard he tries to protect his precious Dokuga.


He'll do more than gentle touching.


Magazine spreads are usually QUALITY tier, but the other stuff looks fine.

43 hours left.
Or something, I'm bad at math.

It's in 67 hours.

Holy fuck, Hundred got a bara doujin.

Let's hope the upcoming bonus episode is as gay as the last one.

What type of man dresses like this?

What was the point of this storyline?

Super interesting.

If only what was being implied was what was actually happening.


Needs more fatty oil.

>Yaiba praying to the BLACK GOD
>Crow stealing meat
>Aion eating ramen with a fork

So the show didn't turn away otomefags with potential gayness, probably. Too bad it felt like a bland animated formula instead of an enjoyable show.

That's probably just how it was written in the book.

You're thinking of Battery.

I want to smell a sweaty Rom

Smells like a wet cat and taxes.

No I'm not.
>Cheer Boys!! (チア男子!! Cheer Danshi!!?) is a Japanese novel by Ryō Asai, first published on February 20, 2013 by Shueisha. It follows the members of a university's all-male cheerleading squad.

>not wanting to lick Rom's sweaty abs


Well, fuck me then.


The fact that it's a very thinly veiled reference to his own school means it was inevitably going to be unusually straightlaced for an anime about a bunch of cute guys. I still enjoyed it.

I do wonder if there's notable differences between the book and the adaptation. For all we know it might've changed some things in a way that made the show more bland.

And here I was thinking Crow could not get any sluttier.

You can smell him, but I get to lick him.

Did the new chapter get translated already?
I was wondering about the bottom left line, since my chink level isn't that high
Still glad bitch got btfo, though that was obvious

As bland the show was, and as modest the production was, I still found it to be decently enjoyable. The guys were cute and I would have loved to see more of certain characters. The premise of the male cheerleaders was interesting too.

It could have definitely been improved in all areas, but it's still above generic sport trash like Stride.

So glad we got to see them together getting along. komahinafags are so fucking obnoxious gloating about Nanami staying dead though.

Why do people like this Kawoshin clone?

He's one of the most interesting characters in the series. He's a full madman made SDR2 goat.


Killua is cute!

yeah true, it's not like was a gay thread

So, will he fuck the Katsudon?

Yes and make him pregnant too.

Will there be Jiji?

The pork baby will skate out of the boy-womb.

Komaeda is nothing like Kaworu.

Because Kaworu is not a character

Kaworu is Jesus, so liking Kaworu doesn't make you gay, only christian

What did he man this?

Why don't we have bara porn anime or ova, anons?

Because gay nips don't buy anime

Did OPDORO stop posting or he finished with all the translated volumes?

That the guy dumping all the volumes? He stopped with volume 17.

I think No thank you Ova got canceled

Hentai is dead.

What is /blog/? /vg/?

I thought hentai could bring money if it wasn't about underage but grow up men fucking each other.

Too threatening to masculinity. Only gay hentai is shota trap shit because it's the least threathining to straight guys.


Because bara is disgusting.

Are we going to live enough to see a quality bara animated?

Bara is amazing, in its own levels and layers.

Because the bara that gay nips are into make the men look like furry roid monsters, and that's way too niche to make money off. Especially since they're pretty allergic to spending money on things they like.

Stratified shit is still shit.

Doubt it unless something happens that makes bara a thing that sells. Which will never happen.

Not this half of century, sorry grandpa.


>Especially since they're pretty allergic to spending money on things they like.
Is this true? What about stuff like Badi magazine and the gay doujinshi scene?

Who says we don't

It's because all the gay nips moved to Canada, so there's no audience in Japan anymore.

Mike, pls, be faithful to the memory of Ryo-san.

Best Kaworu is.

I miss Karl.

I'm sure Sadamoto does, too.

>Favaro pulling Kaisar along
>Kaisar pushing Favaro out da way
Wow Kaisar

Do his bandmates know he's actually a poorfag?

They found out in a later episode when he yells his frustration out.
The anime will probably show the same.

That is true

Does Orion confort him?

Stop making me want to watch this blond a cute

He probably has the worst personality out of the group. I can tell just by looking at him.

>Hasebe looks full QUALITY

I swear to god, he better not look like this in the anime.

As long as he bullies Shuzo.

He's probably the best at sucking dick out of the group. I can tell just by looking at him.

The one he bullies is best boy Rom. Lamb a shit.

He'll probably bully both.

It's just meme magic.

They resolve the problem just like all manly men do.
With their fists.

>the guy that's advertised as the group sex symbol is the shyest one and always gets embarrassed about it
I love this cliche the most.

Just watch it, user. Now is mid seasons so there is no much ongoings to disturb so you can watch S2 with us.

Promo art is always hit or miss. Last time they even forgot Kashuu's nail polish too.
Just expect it to look like the other recent Douga Kobo shows.

Gap moe is always the best.

Is this really bullying though? It seems more like teasing

It's not friendly teasing, they are rivals. It's a boyband catfight. Also, Shuozo hates talking about the past.

This is bullying.

Which one was without nail polish?


I feel bad for wanting to bully the cross-eyes but there's something so funny about a bunch of deadly poorfags running around in tracksuits doing odd jobs to make ends meet.

>double double peace

>boyband catfight
What a time to be alive.

Well, it's in the game. Not idea if they will adapt it into the anime canon.

I miss them already.

Are you ready, Cred Forums?

The russian fairy's mouth is so big it can fit 10 old men dick.

3 days lads.

He mad.

Can't wait for more yokai rape.

>boueibu still gets magazine spreads
There's still hope.

Will it happen this season?

They get bullied by the manga enough already.

Hopefully not, so their retarded and obnxious shippers will sodoku.

Okada will kill them both.

I'll force myself to watch this but if it's focused on Kurdelia politics after 6 episodes I'm gonna drop and just lurk the threads.

I honestly just want more Eugene content.

I can only hope both of these things happen.

Jesus, that looks terrible. Please tell me this is supposed to be a comedic scene and that the fairy doesn't actually have a dislocated jaw.

>That Vesta

And this Vesta,
We've discovered he goes in the middle.

S2 was a mistake.

It's supposed to be in motion to show emotions and screaming more expressive

Yamato is so sweet.
I'm glad I got into this series.
Movies teasing the fojos was fun to watch too.

Why is everyone so excited for this? They look like girls.

Because swords are great and I love them.

Shitposting, though it's still nothing compared to the excitement for Yuri on Ice.

Who here is ready for homo secret santa cards?

We already told you to fuck last time you made these, and again the last time you mentioned them.
Fuck off to your shitty /ss/ thread.

>S2 was a mistake.

SC fag detected

Only if I can send mine through e-mail.

Fuck off already

Fuck off with the /soc/ shit.

>stop doing what I don't like even though it happens every year

No it doesn't and the first organiser was told to fuck off long ago.

Exactly, you have your shitty yearly /ss/ threads so you can just go there.
Nobody wants you here.

>every year
Stop lying, newshit.

Oh well. Guess you'll just have to deal with it. See you all in November when it's time.

It happens in the /ss/ containment threads not here, so fuck off already.

Cross-eyes except Dokuga are a bunch of jobbers, and he's the biggest one. Hey, at least he got focus, unlike those two members whose biggest spotlights are selling himself to a landwhale and getting turned into a pie.

Nah, you will fuck off like the one before you.

Him and Taichi should just fuck already.

See you getting banned for posting off-topic. :^)

Sure, /soc/ cancer.

The /ss/ format sucks. Wouldn't mind doing something like that last minute OnS santa last year though.

So Killuafag is a /soc/ poster?

The previous ones were banned and so shall you.

We've known this for a while.
Sasuga cancer.

Fuck off to the /ss/ threads.

Why don't you go instead if you're so obsessed with it? /ss/ is shit.

>best boy in centre as he should be

Tight and vibrates with anger.

>/ss/ is shit

Good that you know. So stop bringing that garbage here.

Then don't bring /soc/ here.

The card swap is not /ss/. There's no gifts exchanged here. No one made a fuss last year or during valentine's day. No need for you to try and fit in so hard.

Actually it would be nice to have Killuafag's address. I could spam his mailbox with free qurans or something.

Stop posting dykes.

>still trying to force /soc/ grabage

there's multiple killuafags please don't condense us into one.

Fuck off newshit

>not already knowing where he lives

The first organisers were told to fuck off and you too will do the same.

I hope we can get a S3.

>Studio Shuka

I try to pretend they don't exist.
Please tell me.

Same staff.

Are you a bot who replies automatically or what? Don't reply with automatic shitposting if you don't know what the post is saying.

Fucking Fujita is more competent than Tetsujo.

I've got the manga for this on my backlog, should I watch the anime instead?

So why did over 10-15 people participate last time?


Do both. Cry at teacup as many times as needed.



I am, ignore the haters.

They are newfags like you.

Read the manga first then go for the anime.

Because we have 10-15 shitposters.


It's a famous artist.

Of course the cancerous namefag supports other cancer.

I think next time the best thing would be to not reply to /soc/ stuff or it turns the thread to shit. It's probably just some (You) fishing.

user I don't follow dumblr western artists. Don't be like this.

Yeah and if any of them post their shit just report them for spamming the thread.

>not knowing anything at all
Lurk forever.

You say that like it's a bad thing but feminine boys are a miracle only 2D can provide, if I wanted hairy nasty manly men I would be into 3DPD.

>into futa

We have had pretty feminine boys since forever, I don't understand why it's suddenly treated like an oddity.


>that typesetting

Considering the first post was someone who saved a pic from another thread just to shitpost, yeah.

Good scanslation for Side B never

angelo. that frame, that haircut, them crazy eyes, that long-game multiple revenge murder-suicide. got damn

If it happens, I'm ready, even if it's just a few of us.

>the arcareafact item is a bed with petals, money, and a mirror
What did Sanrio mean by this?

The few of you cancerous shits will fuck off with that off topic /soc/ garbage.

Titan pleases old men for money.

Keep an eye out in early November.

Literally a casting couch, but for music gigs.

Just remember to report any of their off-topic posts.

Unicorns are the purest animals. Delete this.

They were banned before and they will be banned again.

He must have a HUGE dick.

There are a lot more wasted replies that have the words cancer and /soc/ on it. Report absolutely everything.

Blame those cancerous fucks.

Yep. It's like that retard that was forcing gookshit and chinkshit here again.


Blame yourself. Meta ironical shitposting is still shitposting.

>blame the people that didn't bring up the topic
Just leave already.


Cancer needs to be told that they're cancer.

It's the /soc/ shitters that ruined the thread.

>/ss/ shit is 4 or 5 posts
>whining is over 30 posts

Report and ignore instead of trying so hard to fit in next time.

There shouldn't be any /ss/ posts at all.

The retard refused to fuck off the last few time it was told too.

>>/ss/ shit is 4 or 5 posts
Don't post cancer and no one complains.

What part of let it go didn't you understand? Stop shitting the thread with your pointless whining.

Best boy

>Stop shitting the thread with your pointless whining.

The ironing.

They aren't even posting anymore, why are you guys so autistic.

Try the super size next time, ladies.

Why do you keep lying?
>Mon 11 Jan 2016
>Homo organizer here
>I might get told to fuck off or something
Too bad archives are shit now so you can't look up everything. You've been told to fuck off already, do it.

Make sure you don't bring up /ss/ garbage again.

2nd best boy

>If they're on their period, I might get told to fuck off or something

It's not like he's wrong. Must be that time of the month.

God I wish they didn't lose the rights to use the original design and the old weiss kreuz was still a thing.

This end though, I approve.

>still defending /ss/ shit

Do you have any new magazine spreads of Natsume besides this one? Can you post them, please. I don't know how to lurk twitter.

Fuck off already /soc/ cancer

Yeah yeah I know, everybody who disagrees with my blogging and faggot tastes are blood waterfalls.
The witty comment doesn't make it any less true.

What is Cred Forums's secret santa? It's not offtopic. Why can't we have our own husbando exchange?

At least Aya got that nice braid. The pony tail they were going to use before didn't look nearly as nice.

Luckily they both were able to find better costumes and normal wear in Side B. And get married then adopt some kids.

Then go to the /ss/ threads.

It's offtopic when it isn't in its own thread. Go there. It's there for that very reason.

We've had a simple card exchange many times. Last year it went off without whining, and then there was a Valentine's. It's just some people trying to fit in and making a big deal out of nothing.

Which boys are you going to miss most from this season?

This isn't the /ss/ thread.