Can anyone teach KyoAni how gravity and skirts work?

Can anyone teach KyoAni how gravity and skirts work?

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Kyoani is a family company. They can't do that.

There's a reason why Nichijou aired on an educational channel.

I don't even understand gravity myself. I thought I did when my school teacher pretended that Newton was the last authority on the subject, but then, years later, I heard about Einstein.
I'm fucking confused, man.

Are you having a stroke?

No, I think he's just a crossboarder.
I heard Cred Forumsermin talks like that.

Their animators never talk to real people, never study how real people or objects move, they never go outside. They're a bunch of shut-ins who make escapism material for other shunt-ins so that they can continue bearing that shut-in lifestyle.

Not lewding Nichijous is a superior natural law

quirky and zany
hehe she stand on head


Nice fanfic.

wowlol, that's freakshow as dank my tubular dude

>wanting real people in my chinese cartoons

I know you're referring to Miyazaki's criticism of the industry, but KyoAni does use real life references in their works.

>real life references
Nice one
Just look at how her whole body moves up and down while she's just working with her hands on a small ball of dough.
No human who isn't on anti-schizophrenic hyperkinetic medication or an autistic kid would move like that.

You sound extremely autistic.

>kyoani is suppse to be good
>can't even animate skirts
btfo kyoani fags

Just a medfag who has a little experience with animation.

Nah, in fact, he's right. If KyoAni animated that scene without references its amazing, look at the closeups of the hands.

Is she standing on a conveyor belt or is she a student of the moonwalk jutsu?

I miss the days where kyoani didn't have to whore their characters to sell.

Nowadays all they draw is boobs.

If only they would go back to their pure roots.

When I watched it the first tie, I was still so innocent I didn't even notice that I was missing out on some juicy details. It was just a bathing scene.

Yeah I miss the day when KyoAni showed twin yurincest naked and hug each other in the screen.

So you're telling me all of my acquaintances has that disease? Really makes me think.

Who's got that "any time you bring up real life physics in anime discussion, a catgirl dies" image?
because that kind of applies right now.

I want lewd KyoAni back


Here you go.

Watch the phantom show

>If only they would go back to their pure roots.

Didn't Ishihara direct that episode?

Yamakan, actually.

As expected from the master

Butt it works just like that.
Source: I have a PhD in Anime Physics and Cute Girls.

>Yuko headplants the cement, instantly killing herself

I expected that it would have been Takemoto, though he did storyboard the episode.

It was the moment that Yamakan realized he needed to save anime.

>13 years later
>didn't save anime
What a failure

I...I want to see a Nichijou's panties.

Maybe her skirt was over-starched last time it was laundered.

Gravity isn't actually a real thing. We don't even know why it works the way it does, we've just come up with equations to describe the behavior we observe. There is no fundamental particle that controls gravity (that we've found).

Magnetism is largely the same. We have good equations and rules, but there is no fundamental magnetic particle that has been discovered.

>There is no fundamental particle that controls gravity (that we've found).
What about Higg's boson?

>not finding a way

Gravity is simply the result of matter creating a depression in the space around it, causing other matter to fall into that depression toward the object.

Magnetism is the effect observed when an electric field moves through space.

It seems like the existence of the Higgs Boson has been all nut verified, though that would only strengthen the theory that the Higgs field exists. I'm not a particle physicist, but it seems like the Higgs field is what gives particles their mass, preventing them from surpassing the speed of light. Waves can travel at the speed of light (like photons) though, but I'm not sure how that works or how this all relates to gravity.

The idea of matter creating a depression in space is just a way to visualize how gravity works.

An electrical field moving will induce a magnetic field, but this is not the fundamental reason why magnetism exists.

How new are you to eastern animation that you haven't picked up on symbolic movement yet?

she's bobbing because she's enjoying herself

It's like you're asking me to link this

Typically when a youngster's ass-wear is oddly sticking to their body, it's because they have crapped into their pants.

I´m not an expert but i don´t think that´s how physics work, user.

gravity is love bro

>I´m not an expert
Then why should I listen to you?
At least I have good credentials in shitposting. What do you have?
If we allow Gundam characters to selectively switch between floating and walking, then this is completely fine.


Gravity is the force that makes two bodies attract each other.

I have a decent record of posting cute stuff. That counts for something, right?

I kinda get were you are going with this but i would need some examples.
And what you are saying is that i love Earth?
If i hated Earth would i be ejected of it?

actually it would work like that. The force of gravity pulling down on the skirt (and thus exposing her panties) is negated by the centripetal force of the rotating skirt. The skirt thus stays up (and not exposing her panties) so long as she rotates fast enough to counteract the force of gravity.

No, Earth loves you.

Your cute ways won't help you against me!

But what about the flip before? Is she just world´s most secret ninja?

Does Earth likes moon too but not as much?
Does the Sun also likes the solar system?

Notice how her skirt wrinkles ever so slightly in the headstand position. This is because Yuuko presses and starches her skirts everyday so she can do amazing stunts while maintaining her lady-like status of having un-oogled panties.

>Implying anything or anyone loves user
I think something is wrong with your equation.

>If i hated Earth would i be ejected of it?
Yes, that's why only certain people can be astronauts. They are trained for years to hate this earth and all the shitty people that live here. When it's time to launch them into space, the astronauts all hate this fucking planet more than anyone ever has before.

Shh, don´t fight it, user. Let the cute flow through you.

The Earth loves the moon very much, and the moon loves the Earth. But they know they are no good for each other, so they stay away. But not too far away, since they can't help their feelings.


This shit could be some SOL material.

Twin yuri incest eh?


Time to finish you off.

Can anyone teach KyoAni to not make the cutest girls ever?

Can anyone teach kyoani how to fail? because it sure can't

But for completely unrelated reasons I have to go offline now!

That´s what they all say.

Eh? It was Yamakan all along?

Now i know what to say if someone post that webm again.

That was years ago. A lot has changed.

>how her whole body moves up and down while she's just working with her hands on a small ball of dough
Do you have some kind of disability? Can;t you move your body while working with your hands?

Yeah basically

Kumiko is ugly.

Can anyone teach KyoAni to sexualize lolis?

Fuck off Shoe.

Do NOT think impure thoughts about Nichijous!

Is that your commandment?

Sorry can't hear you over the sound of Mai's ass

>the sound of Mai's ass
hmm, there's probably a better way to word that


Holy fucking quality post right here


Wooooo holy fuck


I'm curious about the origin of this meme.

Did you not watch the anime?
Shuuichi called her ugly.

top tier post

Nano's butt is better.

Jesus man put a warning up next time, I nearly had another heart attack.

There's Kannazuki no Miko. There's love between celestial bodies, but definitely not SOL.

Only ep one. Looked nice but I wasn't in the mood for teen drama at the time. It's in my backlog.

Look at the top of her head, it only moves down when she leans forward. Her "body" moving "up and down" is her using her shoulders to knead the dough you mouthbreather

do not sexualize nichijou

It's not a fantasy comic. It's a fairly realistic comic set in a real life setting where things mostly behave as they do in real life.

She is using magnets.

Magnets aren't real

How Can Magnets Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?