Am I being rused? ~10 eps in, this is boring af. When will it get good?

ep 16 is when shit start to hit the fan

get ready and enjoy the mindfuck

>When will it get good?
Good is a matter of taste.
But it will start turning into something special at about episode 15.

user, sorry to tell you but if by this time you're not engaged by it, drop it, it just gets more confusing with each episode. Try watching the Rebuild of Evangelion movies, they have more action and are less philosophical about everything.

Rebuild 3.33

That was one crazy ride.

thanks, I will give it some more time then. still I can't see how the remaining eps will make up for the 16 episodes of shit. Fingers crossed

As the intelligent being that you are OP, you are allowed to judge the work.
You can drop it whenever you feel like it.

the same threads every day i'm going to kill my self because if this

Be my guest.

As the intelligent being that you are user, you are allowed to judge the thread.
You can drop whenever you feel like it.

you are welcome user, keep on enjoying best girl until you don't enjoy even the plot

hey, I watch like 1-2 series/year, I cant imagine what it feels like to be in this place every day

best girl

Episode 1

there's a lot of things you could say, but boring is probably the most meaningless. why not just say you're not interested?

That is episode 2, that fucking cliffhanger at ep1 then first half of episode 2 with the epilogue of the battle

that got me hooked up quite pleasantly

>When will it get good?
When Eva 01 goes berserk because the soul of Shinji's mom is inside of the eva

>boring af

You have to be at least 18 to post on this board.

Episodes 1-14 are pretty much shit

So are episodes 15-26.