Liking flawed girls

>liking flawed girls

Perfection is a flaw

Imperfection is a flaw.

Megumi is literally perfect.

>having shit taste

Pink snail is the best. Other's are degenerate whores.

Eriri best girl

She's flawed.

Flaws make characters interesting you fag.

Is her being dull as shit a flaw?

No, she is flawless.

No, that's your shit taste.

That's what makes her best

Compared to 3DPD normies, she's an angel and waifu material.


Early LN art's Megumi is perfection. No idea why Kurehito would adapt to the anime style.

I think you missed the point of this series.

I don't really see a difference.

>liking megaboring bland no personality girls


>liking Mary Sues
Gas yourself.

I tried watching this show and dropped because MC was an insufferable faggot. Is there more to it than just him trying to make a game?

Wow user you're so funny.

Why is Eriri wearing a bra over her shirt? Actually, why is she wearing one at all?

She is definitely not Mary Sue.

OP implied that liking Mary Sues is the right choice.

It's a great harem.

Nope. It's just that and the usual girls being attracted to the faggot for whatever reason.

And it shows in the threads. Every Saekano thread on Cred Forums is always waifu faggotry and Megumifags and Eririfags flinging shit at each other, which was what tricked me into actually watching the damn thing.

>being a meme spouting faggot

But Megumi and Eriri are great girls.


What are supposed to be Megumi's flaws exactly? That she's normal and doesn't stand out much?

>He doesn't

She runs away from her problems.

>literally redit the girl

You're so original.

We all know Megumi is perfect, but which one is the most perfect?

>We all know Megumi is perfect

It's pathetic how hard megushit fags are trying to force their bland shitty character here.


That's not what last year's threads say.

Holds grudges.
Envious of Tomoya's special treatment of Eriri despite the shit she does.