how hard
Danganronpa 3
Other urls found in this thread:
She is alive
Hard, but with the gloves off.
Very carefully or her rotten corpse will just turn to ash.
I wouldn't even. Give me Asahina or Junko and now we'd be talking.
Bacon hands handjobs.
What is this face trying to convey?
Rock Solid
So, Naegiri is canon?
Chiaki shouldnt have been real in the first place. Real Chiaki shouldnt have existed.
>Aoi lost
You know what.
>the pillz lol
This whole show shouldn't have existed
"I lost my waifu and my husbando but I will live on to bring hope to the world."
>DR3 shouldnt have been real in the first place. DR3 shouldnt have existed.
There you go.
Kohacka would have go another route with Kiri staying ded, but he doesn't have guts to do so.
Anyone have the S Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier list with dr3 characters?
Im fine with S+ lists
There's that warmth that Naegi sees in her.
Fuck off nigger
Charts are cancer and so are you
Class 77 > Class 78
Is there a word for the feeling of being underwhelmed and disappointed but still being entertained?
The best I can come up with is "low standards".
He really grew as a character. I thought he would be boring but he really really changed for the better. Didn't know all you had to do was kill Santa Claus.
they fixed everything in one episode while Makoto was being useless for 13
they really are amazing
With Negi being the headmaster That's just setting him up to him being executed at the start of DRV3.
Like how conman died in DR1
>muh red herring
Post V3 waifus and husbandos
Kirigiri a shit.
>Ryota doesn't even commit mass murder
>Allowed to join in on the Class 77 Jabberwock orgies just cause
> not being cucked elitist
V3 is going to be trash, don't trust Kohacka
It goes beyond that. Naegi's luck didn't make the rocks fall.
It's Naegi's fault for not saving more of his own class. Sakura could have been a great help. Instead he saved:
>Togami the nobody
>Weedman the weedman
>Kirigiri, the useful one
>Asahina who keeps failing
Sayaka is no better, and I'm not even a Kirigirifag
Kirigiri a winner.
>Not even the good version
Best girl
Who else?
>Naegi-kun, it appears I am pregnant with your child
You already posted mine. Husbando is folklorist. I like his talent and his design is unique for the talent.
Back to >>>/drg/
>Naegi, my man, why don't you just live
Theme song for thread:
I'll drink all your tears don't worry.
Time to make history is better song anyways
This pic...
Does she want the dick or not?
How is the stalker ratings for this shit after the episode?
>Naegi plows this every night before sleeping
Literally Junko. She needs to die first.
>Asahina who keeps failing
She literally carried his sorry ass for the entire anime
> Instead he saved
It isn't Naegi fault that Asahina, Weedman and Togami survived the game. They were just not autistic enough to die.
What was the site for the Danganronpa tier list? i need to update mine now that the anime is over.
Also, post yours.
She'll end up being your favorite.
Haven't you learned that yet?
Also, Tennis Player will also be great. I can't take his design seriously but I love him.
Maybe I guess. They didn't confirm anything, but their feeling are obvious.
I want her to be the first killer and get rid of Kibo.
That way we can kill two birds with one stone and move on with better characters.
But it was Naegi's luck that made it so Nagito was in that specific place to make the rocks fall into the guards :^)
>mfw they didn't go with the "It was all an anime" ending
No. They left it ambiguous.
>Got HOPE'd into harming Naegi
>tried to kill everyone in DR1
She's okay overall. I don't dislike her.
Naegi live my man
>retarded shipperfag everyone
glad no ships became canon
>retards also believe this
Being mind hacked doesn't counts
When even Jesus could of saved but didn't want to even after you begged.
>mfw they didn't go with the "It was all an anime" ending
Does that confirm the Junkirigiri theory ? She literally drank Liquid Junko AI
lol cry more Sayakafag
>Sayaka got to fuck Naegi
>Kirigiri didn't
>Naegi tap this.
Lucky manlet.
I thought about that too. What happens if Naegi, Komaeda, and Izuru sit together?
Junko saved Kirigiri? Confirmed for bro.
Good. Though the actual ending isn't any better.
Homonyms or something.
That was fucked up. I dont know why they all couldnt have gotten brainwashed like Mikan did.
You're the biggest retard of the thread, and that's saying a lot.
>not even a sayakafag
kirigirifags keep showing off their cancer status I see..
So who starts the new killing game in V3?
What about Killer Killer manga? Was anything from it relevant in the end?
So is Kyoko still dead or not.
No, they just feel very strongly about each other, have gone through the scare of dying with things left unsaid and continue to work together very closely as an effective power couple due to covering for each other's weaknesses pretty much perfectly.
OF COURSE THEY FUCK. Hopelets aren't going to make themselves.
>Implying the DR1 cast didn't deserve to die for being cunts
>Even then it ended up getting everyone to work together
Also lets not forget Kirigiri threw your ass under the bus the very next case, with Alter Ego Deus ex machina you to safety
Where are all the sayakafags?
Kibou, of course.
Watch the episode you tard
Doesn't help that Naegi and Kirigiri will never get anywhere now that Naegi is destined to run HPA for the rest of his life
and then fuck everything up by letting in another Junko
No, nothing. It was just Kodaka lying to make us read it.
>Butthurt Kirigirifag
That she is brother.
Homonyms with what ? Lol
I can't I'm abroad for work, can't watch shit.
Is that who I think it is behind the white text.
DR:0, DR:AE, Killer Killer, DR2 even ,could have been skipped and the story would moved the same way.
How is Kirigiri alive she fell asleep before she could take the Antagonist so HOW
Writing a new thesis.
No. Not a single thing.
At best: it introduces Juzo/Munakata but they don't do anything. Hell, it didn't even introduce them, just shows them.
I'm not going to continue reading it.
But they're both running HPA.
Great taste user.
Sorry I only go on Cred Forums
He just pretended to fall asleep.
>Butthurt Kirigirifag
Where did that come from?
>Blue hair
Naezono confirmed.
Is this 2007 again?
>each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins
Antagonist and antagonist. One is a literary tool, the other a chemistry/biochemistry tool.
Celebrating baconfags getting btfo
Good thing I dropped it
>tfw nobody loves pinwheel
It hurts, man.
Kek good job triggering Kirigirifags, Sayakafriend
>Spend all season mocking Kirigirifags and DR2 cucks all the way
>this shit ending comes
At least I got chiakifags.
Witch bitch going to be a killer, trust me.
>we may have destroyed the world but at least we got MEAT ON THE BONE
No Naegi is. She's just second in command.
Either way they've sold their lives to the school like Jin and the committee did.
It's nowhere but down for these retards now.
>Tangible theory that makes sense both in the events and Thematically
>Hurr durr you're a retard
So why did drinking antagonist save Kirigiri ?
It's Jin's hair, Kyoko's face and talent and Makoto's eyes and manlet height.
So, what's the deal with the 16th participant? And no, Kyouko and Juzo being alive does not explain it, because before they died the counter was at +1 already. The only explanation is that either Juzo stopped counting once he cut his hand off, Kirigiri stopped counting for the sake of hiding the fact she isn't really dead (which is awful), Hakugure counted all along (also awful, because they told us he didn't count) or Kodaka forgot/it never mattered anyway (even more awful).
She will fuck things up for sure.
Honestly i don't think V3 will have D1/D2/D3 charcters. This ending had a sense of finality to it and it would ruin it if Makoto and co came back
At the end of the day, Cure W fags were wrong
It was actually Antagonist.
>Gundham is alive
>he even said his name
>How is Kirigiri alive she fell asleep before she could take the Antagonist so HOW
She partially unscrewed the cap and shoved it up her own vagina for the purposes of slow release that's why Naegi-kun it seems my panties are wet.
>First and second in command
>Not both running the school
>Hajime tells Chisa's corpse that talent isnt the goal.
>But he also says he has superpowers now and doesnt mind having them?
Is there any doubt that Hajime made completely the right decision in becoming Izuru?
He wouldnt have saved Nanami if he didnt do the project and someone else would have done it in his place so he just got a net benefits.
If it wasnt Hajime who did the project, Chiaki would have never touched Izuru, which led to him saving her class.
The real question is how they feel about each other
>Hey, you fucking kill me
>Oh shit, i thought I killed everyone. How are you guys alive?
I mean, Mikan is still alive for fucks sake. And the others: They killed when they DIDN'T have Despair
So let me get this straight
> Gets new robot hand
> Still best hopeman
Meanwhile in V3
> Robot named keebo
> Robot is named after hope and has white hair and ahoge.
I'm forever delusional.
>Mikan results in one waifu dying but ends up saving another
I feel conflicted.
Cooking dinner, can't post right now
>So why did drinking antagonist save Kirigiri ?
I actually want to know this. I understand the chemical definition (sort of), but I don't get how that would save her.
There was no 16th participant. The counter was intended to mislead the audience from the very beginning. Also note that it never actually appears in the show itself.
Not happening as you actually played Komaeda.
That makes him a protag.
Which Keebo isn't.
Not with how Naegi's Luck works
His Luck guarantees a Hope victory and the factors that lead up to it.
Trust me. I dropped out of detective school to get a PhD in Luckology.
here's your (You)
Ahh. I love the tears of saltiness you have there user.
Fave design, looking forward to her bantz
>Not even human Chiaki
>Tangible theory
Stopped reading there.
The countdown was about survivors, not participants. Weedman was in the OP, so he did count.
That was probably the least of their worries since they fucked up the world and they all agreed to the killing game before hand.
Despair Mikan you mean. Normal Mikan only ever helped people. That's why you shouldn't of treated them as the same person in the first place...
>Mahiru is fine
wtf I love this show now
They're the same, she said she was created from everyone memories of real Chiaki.
>what's the deal with the 16th participant
Shh. No tears, only dreams now.
Keep telling yourself that.
Remember that one girl from high school you could have fucked if you weren't a retard?
Well Hajime has to live with that feeling for the rest of his life, turned up to 11 because it happened twice.
Yes, please.
>made an expression like Saionji in one screenshot/trailer
I just hope she isn't really like her, then she'd be okay.
The best.
Still sitting on the fence regarding cosplay. Looks kind of bland, but might turn out good.
>sonia looking at gundham
like pottery
Let's not get into that again.
Last time we destroyed the world.
>being this delusional
If the survivor counter showed she was dead at around episode 11...
Then why is she alive??
Did the survivor count even matter?!
the cuckening never ends
Didn't Kodaka literally say in the past that killing someone who survives a previous installment in a new one is a terrible trope?
Kys conman.
Not only Hajime, but Naegi too. Despair is fucking cockblocking slut.
It counted her as dead cause her NG went off. MIRACLES
She's still there user in his heart
Then the hack should have never even made this shitty anime in the first place. Just a waste of time since literally nothing changed.
>My copy of Ultra Despair Girls just arrived in the mail a few minutes ago
Pretty good day. I'll see you all later.
Fuck off.
He said he personally didn't like it and would never do it. By far the biggest reason I thought Kirigiri was alive.
I wonder if he feels despair from it
I guess the simplest way is to say: Certain drugs affect certain things. Some attach to receptors on your cells. But if something is already attached to the receptor, they can't get in.
If the door is blocked by Chad Thundercunt, you ain't going through, even if you have a key.
Of course, they were vague on the antagonist so there are other possibilities.
Still, my version gives a possibility to why she was unconscious/bleeding from the eye, but not dead: it didn't do everythign was supposed to.
Naegi had no chance of fucking her before the Tragedy, and during it they were all too busy worrying about the outside to have romantic interests.
The survivor counter never meant anything. It was completely meta. It didn't even exist in the actual plot.
it cancels out the poison, duh.
Except it's not a free item. The intention behind it is to sell BD's, which do cost money. Now you can argue that we're consuming it free, but never has being able to consume it for free jabsolved something of criticism, otherwise you must think every anime you watch through torrents are great as long as they don't completely suck, because they're free.
Also, people pay subscriptions to Funimation for this, so it's not free for them. And people will buy the BDs too, and it's not free for them either. Honestly, your argument is horrible.
Just another friendly reminder that ghosts and the afterlife exist in the Danganronpa universe
Did Nagi become the new head of the academy in the end?
>implying Naegi never tapped it
>water bottle has おいちい on it and one of Ruruka's candies
> Mikan strangled Ibuki and slit Hiyoko's throat
> h-hey it's cool right it's all in the past haha it never really happened anyway haha
There were a few I could have. They weren't attractive. There are a few maybes I fucked up though. Damn shame.
You can't fuck your heart.
I'm listening to Dangan Radio's aftertalk. It's probably obvious, but Fukuoka said Souda made the robo hand for Komaeda.
She shouldnt have been real in the first place.
Naegi's SHSL Luck saved him from his own shit taste with Sayaka.
From the looks of it he move on.
He's right. It can be done well, and maybe Kirigiri's method would have been good, but I'm glad he didn't.
He got Kirigiri out of the pic so Naegi can save the day himself.
Wait... Persona/Izuru, etc did. Oh well.
This is canon.
>implying he didn't fuck her pre tragedy
>implying they weren't walking off to fuck and work off stress
Oh user
Sayaka was just so fucking terrible.
Even ruruka didn't manage to be as much as a cunt and Oh boy did she try
Huh, I guess. I don't entirely buy that Seiko (or Mikan, even) just happened to have a drug like this and didn't previously say anything to anyone beforehand, nor did she take it herself when she could have. Even she wouldn't have been able to rule out the possibility that someone steps on her shadow entirely.
I suppose that comes down to suspending disbelief though. I mean, it's an asspull, but there is shit pulled in 3 to be more bothered by than this, I guess.
How many children will she want? I think she's the kind to go for one boy, one girl.
-DR2 cast SoLing it up
-Weedman and Togami
-Junko treating her sister like shit
-Chiaki's entire existence
-Chiaki and Hajime relationship
-Chiaki being the reason why Izuru did what he did
-Aoi fakeout
-Kirigiri fakeout
-Brainwashing the DR2 cast
-Brainwashing in general
-The RoD waking up
-The FF being a bunch of fucking retards
-Really nothing got done, and the last episode could have been an extending cut of DR2's ending
-Chisa character was basically pointless
-Like the rest of the new DR3 characters
-The first killing game
-DR:0, DR:AE, Killer Killer not being relevant at all
Pretty sure there's more cons too, but I rather not but more thoughts into this shit show than I already did.
Except their personalities weren't even the same. Anime Chiaki, or I guess real Chiaki was shit. AI was a better Chiaki. 2D>3D
>Naegi's SHSL Luck saved him from his own shit taste with Kirigiri.
what the fuck
2 Munakatas?
Hope's Peak probably forbids relationships between students, and Naegi is an obedient boy who doesn't break the rules.
Where is the sayakafags collage?
Munakata being a walking meme with a new hilarious line/look every episode outweighs just about every negative I have with this show
Nice bait. Responding to yourself isn't cool.
I hope we get to see them talking about the murders in Nagito's OVA
This about sums it up. The anime was fun because of these threads but writing wise it sucked.
Geez Munakata, you can't fill the void with food
Overall, it was a mediocre anime, but there was nothing in it I hated, and I genuinely like that ending, even though it was clearly fanservice wank. That's alright since it's the last time we're seeing these characters.
I'm glad it got made, that I got to see it, and that I got to spend time with you assholes discussing and memeing it. So long, guys.
Im going to miss you guys
What the hell?
Which one is the real one and which one is the imposter?
> Chiaki being the reason why Izuru did what he did
How this is bad? Alternative is because he wanted to fuck up the with Junko *that* much?! Even if he doesn't even have a grudge against her.
You must be retarded. Sayaka isn't anywhere near the cunt Ruruka was
>-The RoD waking up
Which was always hinted at
-The FF being a bunch of fucking retards
Which again was hinted at in AE
You know why
Well, Seiko wasn't worried about her NG killing her overall. It was dark rooms. She was worried about the killer. So most of your argument falls flat.
>Just happens to have the drug
Pharmacist. Fits her well
>Didn't say anything
We saw her giving Bandai something but it was too late
>take it herself
As I said, no reason to.
At best, she could have vaccinated herself to the poison through some methods. But scientifically, we don't know the LD (the lethal dose; aka, how much poison is okay, how much isn't. Without knowing this, it's hard to immunize yourself)
>Special reopening offer! Enroll in the Reserve Course now and get a 10% discount!
> The first killing game
It was good to see at live. Definitely a Pro.
>pirating torrents
>not free
But, who activated the NG codes?
Who made the sleeping drug and monokuma poison?
Who physically moved everyone from the real building to the replica underground?
Who killed the guards?
Who set the bombs?
Who was in the helicopter?
Who voice acted Monokuma?
How was it that Monokuma was able to talk and respond to Naegi in episode 1?
Why didn't the 13th branch leader show up?
How come Antagonist didn't work on Bandai but worked on Kirigiri?
What did Juzo amputate his arm with?
Why did the RoD take responsibility for the killing game nobody knew about?
Probably my favorite new design desu, hope she doesn't die/isn't a cunt
Where the gif at?
>Hope's Peak probably forbids relationships
You mean Junko's killing game.
HPA doesn't give a shit as long as there's talent involved.
I don't like Sayaka, but that's too much. Ruruka was the biggest cunt of DR.
You know why
You know why
You know, I feel like this show was targeting the secondaries despite the name.
It's supposed to be nothing but mindless fun where everyone dies except for the DR1 cast.
This is exactly how I feel user. Can't wait for V3 cause I know even if it's shit it'll be one hell of a ride.
Neither Saionji or Ibuki are immature enough to blame Mikan, because of something a puppet who got brainwashed twice and because of some disease did. As for the other murders, I guess they talked about it with each other and managed to forgive.
>not liking chiaki's existence
I don't even need to read the rest.
I accidentally missclicked
You know, who, how, why and what.
End of story
>No blue people allowed.
Real Munakata has two eyes and one sword. The skinny one must be a faker.
>comparing sayaka who wanted to save her best friends to ruruka who wanted to save herself
Don't Use My Art really gets it.
I won't.
the threads became shit with all the bitching once the anime brainwashing was confirmed.
I want him and Himiko to be cute together.
So many of your cons are kinda weak.
>Chiaki and Haime relationship
What's wrong with it?
Makes sense. How do you get the world to fall without doing it one by one.
>RoD waking up
That's a pro.
Everyone is retarded
Why do people keep saying this? What was the problem with her? She helped orchestrate the Tragic Incident behind the scenes and got her class infected by despair. Everyone wants her ot be somethign that wasn't her character
>The first killing game
What of it?
>DR3 characters
Most were great
>Light novels not mattering
Good. They were pretty bad.
Most would say there are several pros you forgot.
>"let's rebuild the school that helped destroy the world you guys!!"
Naegifags will defend this.
You can't fool me imposter!
What's wrong with brown Kaede
It's a trap, don't answer his seriously.
For you.
Can't believe Cure W wasn't just a meme
pianist is gonna be the mc because she fingers the bad guys
That pic goes really well with your comment
so, what the fuck happened in the end? is class 77 still despair or what?
Naegi waifu rating
It was memes, who destroyed the world, not the Hope's Peak™ Academy. Personally I respect the Naegi decision to rebuild Hope's Peak™ Academy and can't wait to enroll myself into Reserve Course.
They took the blame for what happened to FF.
Everything is great, despair has been BTFO
Too much Hope and Luck in a single place
No, they snapped out of their brainwashing mumbojumbo
Nice comeback.
You know she is better.
Probably had some kind of fucking nerve reader so that the moment the body gave signals indicating the ng code was broken It'd go off. I'm chalking that up the Mr. Nuerologist work.
Seiko stolen by Tengan
Unmaned AI
They skipped naming a 13th cause it was bad luck
Kiri took it preemptively
Fucking anything really
Someone had to take the fall for the death of the branch heads, and if they knew Tengan was the mastermind, Hope would get fucked. Might as well take the blame when you're already known criminals.
>so, what the fuck happened in the end? is class 77 still despair or what?
They're Nolan Batmen.
>J U Z O B O Y S
>Chiakers stayed dead
>Junko stayed dead
>DR2 pandering warmed my heart even though my brain knew it was retarded
>Kirigiri alive, even though she didn't get much screentime
>music was excellent even if half of it was just from the game
>enjoyed Munakatana's arc
>Naegi actually did some smart stuff when he had to cope without Kirigiri
>POTTERY of him saving DR2 cast and the DR2 cast saving him
>real Chiaki was a mistake
>brainwashing was dumb
>Tengan's plan makes no sense, so much that they used half the penultimate episode to explain it in a recap
>Chisa was poorly done
>they ruined Junko by giving her too much screen time
>NG codes were meaningless in hindsight
>so much screentime wasted on 76th class for next to nothing
>UDG was irrelevant as was DR:0
Overall I enjoyed the ride with Cred Forums a lot even if a lot of the anime was weak/stupid. It's a mediocre show, especially Despair arc and it doesn't hold up so well if you binge watch it.
They took the blame for most of the FF executives suddenly being dead in place of the senile old man.
Most of this shit you can figure out on your own... But I'll help, but you can never post this again? :^)
1. Sleeping drug didn't need invention. Already existed. Or Seiko. Poison is poison. Already exists. Or Seiko, who forgot she made it.
2. Tengan could
3. Monaca
4. Tengan
5. Computer
6. Recording. It was always a computerized voice.
7. Foresight
8. Why did Ryota show up? Coincidences and accidents ahppen
9. Too late. Poison is too fast acting. She said it herslef
10. No idea, but lots of broken metal
11. Because we lost FF members and a building. Questions will be asked. But yea, its stupid
Not saying these are great answers but they are simple to understand.
I want to marry Mahiru!
Fuck off.
Agreed. Mindreading would make for a kinky relationship. Kirigiri is just vanilla waifubait
t. junkofag
I suppose.
Post Inventor Girl
That moment, that single moment when Kodaka killed her for cheap shock value in DR1. That one single moment was when Danganronpa went into complete shit of franchise with needless memes, inconsistent writing and baseless pandering.
Which is why brainwashing is a fucking copout for people too afraid to have their characters actually mess up, or for there to be actual consequences for the shit they do.
>How come Antagonist didn't work on Bandai but worked on Kirigiri?
The Antagonist just delays the poison and puts you in a fake death state, it didn't work on Bandai because he poison already killed him. Kirigiri would have died too but Mikan saved her.
Monaca was wasted as an antagonist. I'm still mad.
She's the best strawberry
>tfw no pics of her taking more sexy selfies
she wasn't even the mastermind of her own game
> I killed two people but nobody cares about that hehehehe
>Pros: J U Z O B O Y S
Stopped reading there.
She was annoying as fuck in her own game.
>Imma create a new Junko out of a girl with no smarts or analytical ability.
She really seems to be most balanced and normal of the cast
Mikan's DR2 outfit making her tits look smaller than they are confirmed.
The reason Maki's last name is Harukawa is because they all had to change their names and identities before doing it.
>Imma create a new Junko out of a girl with no smarts or analytical ability.
But she got the titties right.
> My methods mind hacked the world twice, but I am, technically, your classmate, even if I skipped all classes to create some stupid anime, so don't mind me, guys.
So in the end, all of the remnants of despair survived + got away with the things they've done around the world while they were in their despair trance, scot-free.
Hmm, well shit.
What else? Might as well have Hope Director Naegi hire them at this "New Hope Peak Academy 2.0" as teachers?
Also, Hajimeme dual booting his two sides, gets all of his memories + personality back, which, was supposedly completely erased from all the experiments and brain tinkering that was done to him in order to become The Talent Master, and can now channel his PERFECT MODE with this naruto eyes magic heterochromia.
All of this leaves me wondering what and how Junko would've looked like if Mitarai wasn't such a faggot and had made that hope video sooner and showed to her.
We got to see an Despair: kill yourself version of Naegi.
Then, there's something about Kamukura having a "luck" talent. How could they engineer that into him? It's not like luck is an attribute which you can hone, learn or train.
Overall, the whole two sides two animes thing was an interesting concept idea, definitely better then the first anime, which was a quick run down of the games.
You know nothing.
they are all mass murderers anyway, except Hajime
Why else would people ship her with Hajime most of the time?
Reading comprehension failing you again, ESL-kun? Try reading it again, carefully this time. You will find I specifically said that, if being free absolves an anime of criticism, almost every series that it's just woeful would be fine, according to that user's argument.
Titties is where you store the abilities. She just didn't realize her own potential because she focused on pantsu.
Komaru had the loli sensibilities instead of the lady sensibilities. It's evolution.
Mikanfags are retarded
>> My methods mind hacked the world twice, but I am, technically, your classmate, even if I skipped all classes to create some stupid anime, so don't mind me, guys.
To be fair, he was really close to Imposter and Mikan, even if he barely knew the rest of them.
>tfw no crazy Kobayashi Yuu despair voice
for what purpose though? damn, Cred Forums was right all long, kodaka can't write for shit
HOPE always wins
>ogata megumi not singing the ending in the last episode
kodaka fucked up once again
>Everyone in my class got their happy end except me, but I don't mind.
No shit, Kirigiri.
They had Imposter with them, so basically they know Mitarai too
I want to know more about this nigga. What was he going to do with those Shogi pieces?
Why komaeda have a robot hand?
A bit better than Kyoko. She's qter, more outgoing and supportive. Would've been a top assistant, exercising with her sounds like a lot of fun
Hajime enabled Junko
If it wasn't for Hajime, Komaeda would had shot her
I hate how dumbasses like Hagakure and Aoi survived yet best girl didn't.
Yet she is death fodder first trial, fucking Kodaka.
What was the point of the anime again?
Only character whose plan succeeded.
Well, maybe Kirigiri.
because he chopped it off
He was FFL Shougi Player.
despair disease/brainwash
Ibuki is useless and Hiyoko had it coming for being a bitch.
Technically she was brainwashed at the time. I guess Saionji and ibuki just kinda forgave her for that.
Honestly I'm more concerned for Peko, Fuyuhiko and Mahiru. Case 2 was the only murder that had no real push by Monokuma. Hell Peko already offed her best friend.
Cause ever scone SDR2 came out that is how fan artists have been drawing him post-wake up. That Souda or someone made him a replacement hand.
Apparently Kodaka thought it was a good enough idea to steal.
He'll probably balance it by having regular and talented students in the same classes together and treated as equals. Seems like something he would do.
His father-in-law's rolling in his grave.
They were all fucked in the head though.
If Hiyoko or Ibuki caught the despair fever, they'd have killed a person or two as well.
I forgive you. Just don't do it again.
He cut his original hand off for Junko's
>If Hiyoko or Ibuki caught the despair fever
You mean the remembering diseases
To be truly serious, it would be more shocking if her case was in the middle of things. First victim could be Yamda or something. Fucking Kodaka and his dice rolling pllot writing.
New ep link?
Reward fans with fanservice, conclude certain things.
For example
Yes, a new episode.
Don't call me Link.
It's amazing! This amazing ending surely befits the beginning of the end!
It's over. This is the end. The threads are done for good!
Scapegoating the secondaries in the name of "justice", while fearing when the others will shitpost about you in the back...
This threads of self-righteous hypocrisy ends now!
Goodbye Cred Forums it's been fun
To be serious, Danganronpa #1 would be better if instead Kyoko solving murders for you, you would solve murders for Sayaka.
Wait for subs. The stream was long over.
Good taste. Glad she didn't get sucked into this retarded Hope vs Despair garbage and left early.
To tie up some loose ends in the story.
Oh, and money
Your thoughts?
I want to FTE Seiko
she is best girl
>Honestly I'm more concerned for Peko, Fuyuhiko and Mahiru. Case 2 was the only murder that had no real push by Monokuma. Hell Peko already offed her best friend.
I didnt see them interact much in DR3 anyway. It'll probably be eternally awkward.
>Junko stayed dead
Opinion discarded.
Nah, I think that would have been too cliched.
Fuck, that's basically Phoenix Wright. You having NO assitant and NO ONE trusts you makes it better.
That's why I'm scared of detective in V3. He's going to hold Kaede's hand a lot.
Souda made him one after he cut off Junko's hand. Fukuoka said so in today's Dangan Radio.
It was a decent anime, not as good as it should have been but not as bad as it could have been. Bit disappointed overall.
Which is kind of BS since he shouldnt have the knowledge of the human neurosystem like that.
If they had to kill her off it would have been better if Sayaka broke in like case 4 and back-stabbed Naegi to see her friends again. It would have made a good story at least.
>Best girl win
I hope he would be that kind of detective who fuck things up and he is jailed for being corrupted investigator.
Anything else said?
>mfw Kirideadfags BTFO
>mfw KiriJunkofags BTFO
>mfw RealChiakifags BTFO
>mfw JunkoAlivefags BTFO
>mfw Munakatadeadfags BTFO
>mfw Hopeman won't wake upfags BTFO
>mfw 'Miaya is totally going to show up'fags BTFO
>mfw 'DR:0 and Killer Killer will be relevant'fags BTFO
I give it a 5/10, but it felt like 9/10 material while watching it with you guys
Why does he have such a cute moth?
>he finally got to see the brightest hope
Does it means that Weedman x Hina is reality?
Doujins when?
I'm telling ya, he's going to be a fraud pretending to be a detective and he's going to keep fucking up deductions in the first case because he's actually the murderer.
Also, Izuru can do anything.
Watching this with Cred Forums made it so much better.
>Reading comprehension failing you again, ESL-kun?
Oh, the irony. You didn't read anything else apart from that one post, did you?
Yes, cost of something doesn't give determine the quality of something.
The point is that that user was whining like a bitch.
I don't understand why people would spend a lot of time watching a show with 24 episodes for 12 weeks while part taking in the threads non-stop, like seriously, go to school or something. It's even worse when he claims like 95% of the show was bad especially when those point were his own opinions and not fact.
There's a big difference between actually criticising something and just acting like a manchild.
What happened to Naegi's parents?
It does feel like one of those series that is better enjoyed once a week while it's airing. I can't imagine it really being anything special at all if it was marathoned. All the theories and memes were fun, even if what it ultimately amounted to was a little underwhelming. I'll miss the characters, some of them anyway (I can do without any more Naegi) and I'll miss the threads. Bit sad it's all over now, really.
>You having NO assistant and NO ONE trusts you makes it better.
>Instead of having those two characters that basically help you with every case, everyone puts in effort to try and solve the case while the murderer tries to throw everyone off
>As the game goes on, people start to like and trust you more
>Other see you as a threat and target you
>Have to solve cases while also trying stay alive yourself
I haven't listened to it all yet, I'll write about it on later threads if I hear something interesting.
>detective wearing a baseball cap
>What happened to Naegi's parents?
Honestly, Monaca probably for reals killed them.
To put it simply, everybody who watched DR3 BTFO. I don't think there's a single person on here who wasn't BTFO by this anime at some point.
>Other see you as a threat and target you
Not gonna happen. This is a linear story.
It defeats the atmosphere of mistrust. Especially as you KNOW someone is the mastermind. Also, I don't need help. Also, the last half is what happens in DR anyway.
They're running around Towa cutly like the other hostages.
And make more loose ends
Nobody is saltier than people claiming Kirigiri is dead.
> This is a linear story.
I expected heavily branching where everyone could die and who exactly would be called to be based on FTE events. Could be a pretty based game.
would juzo have fucked both of them?
>Oh, the irony. You didn't read anything else apart from that one post, did you?
Given that I was originally responding to one post, specifically an idea brought up in that one post, yeah, I didn't. And how, after reading my response, what you can pull from it was me apparently claiming that watching torrents isn't a free thing, then I think that there is nothing ironic in what I said.
>Yes, cost of something doesn't give determine the quality of something.
It was brought up that it was a free product. I refute the idea that it is free. That's all.
As for the rest, I don't know, I didn't hate the anime overall. It wasn't great, but it wasn't as awful as I feared it could be. Some people just want to stick with it to the end I guess, or they just like watching bad anime.
Im happy as fuck
Where did he get that coat though
Nagito fags got hella pandered to.
Probably because Megumi loves her role(s).
Is Megumi's passion legit? Does she always get like this, she seems really excited during the radio shows.
Pic related will happen so I'm good.
You bet
Honestly I would have preferred if Kirigiri had died but it was pretty obvious when you see Asahina knock a Cure W bottle away in episode 9 that she was coming back.
Real DR fans got BTFO the most if anything.
Yea, but ridiculously hard to implement. The game is 35+ hours anyway.
Zero Escape is the closest we can get I guess.
Yea. Even if he saw through the illusion, anyone would fuck Imposter-kun.
>have to buy all 4 BDS for this poster
These are some shady business practices. I bet the poster isn't even that high quality
>he believes this
Except you know.
Yes. The Imposter is that damn good.
He would be the happiest man alive ;_;
Also he brought her back in a computer. Honestly, I'd stay in the computer simulation over real life.
When a character touches her deeply, that seems to be the case. Like Sailor Uranus, even Yukito/Yue and Kurama still pop up her in mentions on Twitter. Of course Shinji. A lot of her love also seems fueled by the fans; she couldn't believe how much people loved Komaeda at first.
Are you implying user, you were never BTFO not once during the whole time DR3 aired?
And he'll get even more pandering with the OVA coming out in January.
That's the game everybody wants but will never happen because it would be so expensive.
The most we'll get is the illusion of your choices mattering unfortunately.
I think it's more of people just wanting to believe Kodaka had the balls to actually kill her off simply because she was a DR1 survivor and have her death mean something.
But that would require Kodaka being a good writer which we know he's not.
I've been listening to her shows and interviews for a long time and I can tell you she really likes her DR roles. She is always pretty energetic.
Oh, yeah. That's right, beaches and clear skies don't exist in Danganronpa anymore.
>Seiko posthumorously helps someone
>Died in agony thinking that she was a complete failure
>impostor kept his boyfriend but p4 didn't
makes me sad
Why Komaeda is getting all of the pandering anyway? What makes him so likable?
Not him, but I wouldn't say BTFO, but some things I didn't agree with
>Kid chainsawing his head off but saying no
If they just took out the "NOOOO", it would have been fine. Brainwashing IS fine. Absolutely. but mindhack: making people things do things they don't want to, isn't.
Naegi was the true mastermind
>initiates Operation Hope by putting DR2 edgelords into HOPE program
>triggers FF to try him for treason which allows killing game to happen
>Naegi doesn't have to do shit, gets carried around by browntits all the time
>qtp2t detective who's tie-ons are eternally moist for him solves all of the major mysteries for him
>the one time he has to act for himself a fire extinguisher does the job for him
>all he has to do is tell katana edgelord that he misses his '''''''dead'''''' waifu and he recruits a new guy to the Cult of HOPE
>decides to crap out an explanation of the mastermind's true plan while he has a few minutes free because why not
>doesn't even need to stop Animanlet because the edgelords he saved earlier do all of the work for him
>he literally just gets to show up, take credit, then go be a professional conman whilst putting his Kuu into Kirigiri's Dere all night long
Yeah this scene is especially fucking stupid. The sky has been red for literally everything including flashbacks now it's just magically blue again.
>we still don't know why blood color/chisa hair changed
>when megumi asked Kodaka if it was just for the ketchup he dodged the question
No because as of today DR1,2,AE, and 3 are old fucking news.
V3 is where its at now
>kodaka kills off almost anyone
>He doesn't kill off ONE, ONE CHARACTER and he instantly is a bad writer
Fuck off. I honestly don't see how her death would do anything.
the sky was clear at the end of DR2 too
Souda fixed the atmosphere because hes the one who ruined it in the first place
I just realized how stupid I am. When I saw that scene I didn't remember they were bros. That should be far more touching. I'll have to rewatch it hwhen subs come out.
I guess Komaeda's sickness is just, forever gone then?
>>he literally just gets to show up, take credit, then go be a professional conman whilst putting his Kuu into Kirigiri's Dere all night long
>in the same school where he put his kuu inside his idol's zonos.
Yeah no.
You realize the same thing happened in SDR2's ending?
Worst Ending Ever.
Oh yeah, Reformed Munakata left before learning Kirigiri was actually alive. Imagine the butthurt.
He got cured by Izuru, the SHSL Brain Tumor Remover
Symbolism. Don't look into it that much.
What part of bullshit luck do you not understand.
Chiaki got what she deserved
Yup, same with Nekomaru's cancer
>but it was pretty obvious when you see Asahina knock a Cure W bottle away in episode 9 that she was coming back.
Not to deathfags
But DR:AE had an ending with clear skies
>defending Kohacka
Fuck off cancerous Kirigirifag.
That's because it's a skip forward to the eventual bright future.
I agree, but let's talk about DR3 and not ZTD.
>tfw i thought about it too and got sad because even if he woke up from the coma he's gonna die early anyway
shhh, no sad now user, only hope
You can just wait for it to appear on mandarake or something.
>Are you implying user, you were never BTFO not once during the whole time DR3 aired?
Not really. I only got sad when Chiaki died but I knew it was going to happen.
>my favorite DR2 character is alive
>I liked Juzo and Munakata from the start and they were great at the end
>I got to see the first killing game
>I got to see Monaca and Komaru
>I got to see Yuto and Matsuda for some seconds
I enjoyed it
Kirigiri died, that's clearly imposter-kun.
So how did they fix the world when it was all despaired and shit
>After everything, this is actually of a likely canon event
You mean the same scene where DR3 gave it red skies as well?
Don't defend this dumb writing.
>Also he brought her back in a computer.
It was confirmed that the NWP created her. Which in turn means Chihiro created her.
Izuru created AI Chiakifags BTFO
>>impostor kept his boyfriend
I'd say Mitari is more Imposter's closest friend. If he's dicking anybody it's Mikan.
See? You can't deny I'm right. How bootyblasted you are.
I didn't want Naegi to become a Principal.
How is being a Principal suppose to spread Hope?
A regular classroom teacher interacts with students more than the Principal of a school.
If anything, you only get called to the Principal's office if you get caught selling drugs, cheated on exams, or get caught fighting in school.
An super elitist school like Hope Peak's Academy doesn't fit Naegi's future at all.
What was the writer thinking?
Heck, with how shitty the world became, Naegi becoming a Ultimate Farmer would benefit humanity much more than a principal.
That's even more retarded
>hurr red skies for everything out of nowhere now we got blue skies out of nowhere again
Probably this. Doesn't excuse it being stupid though.
when was this ever stated?
Nice quads, but I think you overexaggerate how much people care. Not everyone is BTFO when a slight theory is off.
He has always been popular.
>questioning a franchise with luck as a skill
Its less about killing off characters, but cockteases character's death twice.
Once fine it was a good twist, but two times and you're a shit writer
The problem is he had wasted a lot of time, and I mean wasted, on tryoing to make us believe that he would go agaisnt our expectaions and actually kill a DR1 character, only to not do that and in the end play straight into everyone's expectations, pretending as if it's some kind of epic twist. It's bad writing.
Of course there are more problems with 3 that show why he is a bad writer. Like the reliance on plot devices, for one.
If you think HPA is gonna be super elitist again then you know shit about my boy Naegi Makoto
It's ok user, don't worry. You'll cry when the subs come out just like I did
What. Kirigiri should be the Principal/Headmaster.
It's DR3 user. At this point you're better off forgetting it happened and move on to V3. Just hope they won't bring up anything from this cancerous HPA story in the new game.
Fangirls like him cos he's a kooky crazy pretty boy.
I doubt HPA will be super elitist with Naegi in charge. Im sure normies will get the same treatment as ultimates
>reliance on plot devices
I laughed hard. EVERYTHING is a plot device. EVERYTHING is a trope. You should at least say cliched or bad plot devices.
Land is super expensive in Japan, you know.
I also get a headache imagining the costs of electricity, water, and gas in such a large facility as HPA.
>assblasted Sayakafag STILL in denial
>thinking anybody but Naegi will get any credit or power in anything.
I bet he was the one who let Kirigiri become leader of the 14th branch since he didn't want to lead.
I think the idea is that he wants to help cultivate the next generation of hope. He was so fucking done at the end of DR3, and it wasn't his Ultimate Hope that even saved the day. It was an entire class of SHSLs working together and using their bonds, and he wants to foster more of that. That is the true Ultimate Hope.
Or some cheesy shit like that, I don't know.
>yfw impostor won the ibukibowl, mitaraibowl and mikanbowl
He's so great, I love him
All students treated equally, however some are treated "luckier" than others.
He probably snatched it since institutions don't exist at all anymore
He isn't getting with anyone anytime soon. The memory is still too fresh
Actually Hopeman has as many fanboys as fangirls. He's pretty entertaining as a character besides his fangirlbait appearances too so it's not surprising that he sells, and they must pander him hard.
Denial over what? You know I'm right.
That's better. I can accept that. It IS kinda weird for him to kill Kirigiri and then not. I can think of some reasons behind it, besides screwing with fans (Make Naegi do some work and not have him hide behind Kirigiri) but it is kinda weak. Not enough to annoy me though. He killed people I didn't think he would.
Yea, that's kinda weak that they devote so much but don't do it. Kirigiri's death would have been truly symbolic.
To be honest: You can tell the last minute is to just please fans. If you want to ignore it and say Kirigiri died, that seems fine. The series is over.
Mikan and Hajime are OTP now.
Can't wait to hear he got the Jin treatment and finally got sent to the sun.
>she will be forever associated with 11037
Naegi will be fine.
>He's so great, I love him
Imposter-kun is the only thing about this crap anime I have zero complaints about.
Weird how little attention she getting considering she the only fighter out of the whole cast. That basically guarantee she not gonna die early on. Maybe robot and bugman can hang due to their physical traits but I can't imagine anyone killing.
imo, she gonna make it far in V3. All the strong fighters in DG is either the killer (Peko, Mondo, Gundam) or died to circumstance (Sakura suicide, Nidal big red button)
>the city of class 78
I don't give a shit about the lore
But that memory is an argument for getting with her. He's already suffered that loss once before and very nearly suffered it again, if not for a beyond lucky second chance. He'd be insane to risk letting it slip away again.
and also
assuming 2 Sayakafags actually still exist
Reminder to both of you that
>Naegiri is canon
>Naegi's happy end is to get Kirigiri back
>Munakata referred to her as 'the one he loved' and he didn't SORE WA CHIGAU YO
>Sayaka just appeared in one flashback because idolfags will put bricks through Kohacka's windows if he doesn't pander at least a bit
Your tears are the most delicious of all. Salty, and yet so sweet.
What about Juzo or Munakata?
Or Seiko? Or Boozeman? Or seeing Hajime not be despair?
Him being headmaster pretty much solidified he's not getting any pussy. He's going to be the Tengen who spends the rest of his life watching over the school to make sure nothing goes wrong as he raises the new students.
Though it's a waste since I doubt anybody will even attend with what happened last time.
stop replying to those idiots, idiot
>Weird how little attention she getting considering she the only fighter out of the whole cast.
This is a universe where SHSL Class President, Housekeeper and Old Guy are fucking samurai ninja masters.
Tengan got loads of pussy. What are you talking about?
>mikan and hajime
>forgetting his Sayaka moment in AE
Of course, while Makoto and Kyoko go their separate ways and help the world recover via hope they'll fall in love and marry their waifus. Kyoko still needs Komaru's approval if "anything's" gonna happen
I'm sure he still cherishes the memory of his middle school crush and probably a great friend from HPA, don't sell Sayaka too short there.
That's more reason why Naegi being a fuckup will still make no move. The ending pretty much stated it.
It could have ended with Naegiri babies but it didn't. The only Naegi ship that is only canon is Naegi/Hope apparently.
Also, was Jin Kirigiri anything? He got Junko'd hard.
Mikan liked him in DR2. Despair Mikan even slutted it up with him.
Maki is their daughter.
No and the episode is rushed enough as it is making time for an intro would have just made it even worse
Class 77's bonds only exist thanks to Chaiki and Chisa, not because of their principal Jin.
If Naegi wanted to foster hope like that, being a teacher would be better.
This is because a principal's main job is basically only sucking dick for funding.
Just look at how College Principals operate.
They suck a lot of dick for continued funding at the cost of the normal students which is why new fancy gyms and stadiums are always being built when nobody wants them.
Not only that but I think Naegi should care more than just Japanese students but all Japanese civilians like children and the elderly.
If Naegi wants such an authorize role that seperates him from actual students, then he should just become Japanese Prime Minister, instead.
At least being Prime Minister would allow Naegi to broadcast Hope on a more Global Level than a mere principal of a highschool.
This anime actually has some great themes of brotherhood which I am a sucker for.
>imposter is a total bro who wants to care for Mitarai and is genuinely a 10/10 guy
>banter between Naegi, Togami and Weedman was 10/10 and only good part of Mirai 12
>Juzo saving Naegi, ending the killing game to save the man he loves
>Komaeda hopegasming to meeting the Ultimate Hope
>I'm sure he still cherishes the memory of his middle school crush and probably a great friend from HPA, don't sell Sayaka too short there.
Sayaka was his first handjob, but now he gets to hit a home run.
>baconfag this upset the manlet didn't bone her like he did the idol
top kek
>Not getting any pussy
How do you think Chisa was so effective at putting Munakata and Tengan at odds with each other?
>Juzo ends the killing game
Holy shit. I don't think anyone expected that. Are we sure Kodaka is a really a hack?
But the ending was them smiling warmly at each other and preparing to work with each other to continue fostering hope, it's not like some bittersweet thing where he's gone off to rebuild HPA and she's returned to the streets as a detective or something.
Japanese are pretty Superstitious as well.
Apartments or Houses where Murders took place sell Super Cheap because nobody wants to rent it or move in to a building where murders took place.
I highly doubt any Japanese Parent would send their kid to a school that was Ground Zero for the Ending of the World.
Ultimate Complex Motives
Who are their parents?
>Sayaka was his first homerun but now he gets to retire from the game.
Jin was a researcher, he was the principal in name only. I doubt Naegi is going to turn the school into a glorified rat lab again.
>>imposter is a total bro who wants to care for Mitarai and is genuinely a 10/10 guy
I like it a lot that they expanded on this, because it was what defined him in SDR2. As soon the killing game was revealed, he was busting his ass trying to protect everybody.
I'm not so bothered by it to just disregard it when it's still clearly canon, but I do think it takes away from rewatchability to say the least. It could have been avoided if it had just played it straight, and I don't see why he didn't when the entire ending is just played straight to expectations anyway. It's not like he's tried to pull some great twist with 3 or anything. The only answer I can think of is that he wanted to write some cliffhangers that have no long-term consequences but shocked fans into wanting more, which is just textbook bad writing. Entertaining on the first watch I guess, but go back to it knowing it's just shock value and it completely loses all impact. At least if she had stayed dead you could go back and pick up on the hints that were leading towards it, but that's all gone now. I just wish he had been less cheap with 3, the ending could really do with fleshing itself out more - what happens to Munakata, Asahina, Weedman, some SoL with Naegi and Kirigiri running Hope's Peak and Class 77 living together on the island. Just that would have made the ending more complete for me, instead it feels rushed pointlessly.
By preventing Naegi sudoku he ensured the game would end and by turning off the power he made double sure that the suicide anime couldn't do its thing.
There truly was nobody who could even remotely control our boy.
So, what was the purpose of this anime?
I mean, the Impostor was already a huge bro back on sdr2.
Junko, Chisa, probably more.
While you were socializing, wasting time forming petty relationships, I learned the art of the sword.
>But the ending was them smiling warmly at each other and preparing to work with each other to continue fostering hope,
Because friends can't do that either. It's gotta be romance.
>it's not like some bittersweet thing where he's gone off to rebuild HPA and she's returned to the streets as a detective or something.
You need to know what bittersweet is.
>Still using ZTD memes
user-kun, I...
Yeah but there were some fags back in threads on Cred Forums who argued that he was emulating Togami's leadership qualities.
The anime confirmed that it's his own personality more than anything that makes him such a bro. For me that's enough reason for the anime to exist.
what was his fucking problem
Yes, you can see the DR1 kids on the background.
Basically this. The class 78 survivors are so fucking retarded. Have no idea why they think anybody will attend a school where dead bodies and murders took place and the literal world ender was growing in that place.
Was anyone else hoping for a fourth wall twist with the hope anime/side:hope
Or the 16th participant being the viewer?
Irrelevant whos that won't mean shit.
It makes so much more sense though with AI Chiaki being created by the NWP thanks to the memories of her everyone in the 77th class had. It's a very beautiful and powerful idea too.
>1 year ago ZE fags always shit on DR fans calling their series shit and a weak imitation of the 'mature game for mature gamers such as myself'
>ZTD happens
>No matter the shortcomings, DR3 is nowhere near as bad as that garbage
>mfw DR won in the end by not taking itself too seriously and ZEfags still on suicide watch because of COMPLEX MOTIVES
I enjoyed the meme threads on Cred Forums during the shitstorm when ZTD came out though and still like the first 2 games.
Go away Uchikoshi.
Yeah, the school is gonna shut down, guaranteed.
Naegi won't have enough money just to turn on all the lights in the building.
I want to marry imposter!!
I actually don't know. I usually can answer most stuff because I pay attention but I think we can actually just say: He's not such a good person. He told Jin to hide Natsumi's death and probably took part in the Izuru project. he also didn't take the Junko problem too seriously
So basically, his character was to seem like a badass old man but in turn, he actually wasn't a good guy. I'm not as annoyed about him being the mastermind luckily as I thought I would be: Mitarai being the final boss saved that.
Welp, so much for nothing to do with the previous games.
Leave your headcanons out of this and provide facts.
I kind of wished Chisa survived and went to live with Cass 77 on the island while they help her recover from despair. It just feels so pointless to have killed her off after all the focus she has had, and it would have made for a better conclusion for her character if she was to spend the rest of her days with the students she loves. There could have been a tearful goodbye with Munakata and everything. Instead, she's just dead. Silly.
I wonder what Juzo would think.
He would take Munakata, Punished Munakata, and Imposter Munakata all at once.
Why the fuck didnt Hajime do air guitar.
Say a friend wants to watch the DR3 anime. Would you recommend Despair arc first, Future arc first, or air order?
Ouma- Sonia x Gundam
Inventor Girl (Cant remember her name)- Sonia x Souda (officially uncucked this episode)
Angie- Akane x Hopeman??
Rantaro-Hopeman x ???(Maybe Peko)
thats all I can really see at face value
No, because that's what made ZTD horrible. Good job Kodaka for saving us.
It's probably just an in-progress picture, since Yamada is there too.
Release order you fuck.
Can't wait to hear Naegi's "Revive HPA" plan crashed and burned before it really took off.
I was a bit disapointed they showed up in their avatar clothes. I wanted to see them in suits or edgy post apocalyptic RPG like clothing fitting for the Ultimate despairs.
makes it less likely if anything
Air Order, but really, I'd just say unless they really want to watch it, to not bother and just tell them that Class 77 wake up, Naegi becomes headmaster of a new Hope's Peak and Monaka never does anything important. It would be better that way.
user it's likely just in development images that don't mean anything in the end.
desu the only reason I even tried the ZE games was because ZEfags kept shitting on DR so I have to be thankful since I actually really liked 999 and VLR
ZEfags are always stupid when they compare to DR.
Virtue's Last Reward, while great, ISN'T the best of the series and had silly shit just much as DR. So it's not more mature on any level
>can jump between plotlines to answer questions
>crazy upon crazy twists and a plan that makes no sense
999 will always be the best ZE game.
Also, ZEfags forgot
What? How does their sprites being there make sense by the picture being in-progress?
He would still love Munakata even if he was fatfuck
fuck this meme, what's the point of a reboot if they're just gonna tie it back to the original games anyway
>Rest of class 78 survivors celebrating
>Naegi trying to be happy for class 77 while wondering what it was all for
I liked tired Naegi. The weary tiredness was a good look on the Ultimate Hope.
>because you can't say that about your family and closest friends
>has to be strictly romance
Shipperfags are the worst.
I'm kidding. Why are you so interested in the sex life of an old man? I'm sure he's fucked someone. He's a Japanese old man AND a headmaster. Have you seen hentai?
I meant it more in tongue and cheek. If monokuma(s) appearing, it's not the worst thing to acknowledge that the killing games happened. Trials might take on that kind of style where the referenced scene hangs in the background like that.
I don't think Kodaka knows about the meme.
Why would Tengan ever think that a hope brainwash anime was a good idea?
It would've been much better if the killing game was co-opted by Chisa at the last minute, since that would've been pretty believable. Similar to how the NWP was co-opted by AI Junko.
They still could've had Tengan's motive be to foster hope in the fracturing FF. Heck, even have him and Mitarai be in cahoots to use the game as a test of the HOPE anime.
Mitarai going off the deep end could have been triggered by Tengan's death, or by the others finding out that he created the Despairification anime.
I bet that most people would've been pretty happy with this, at least compared to the shitfest we got.
As much shit as DR3 gets I felt it did wonders for Naegi, I couldn't stand him until DR3 happened.
I'm not. I'm just saying Tengen was more interested in watching over his school of hope than getting pussy. Seems Naegi is sharing that mindset now.
they replaced the other cast members with other game sprites in the reveal trailer
if kirigiri and asahina appeared in the game they wouldn't use the DR1 sprites, which are magnitudes less detailed than V3 sprites to an almost jarring degree, and V3 seems to take place in a more futuristic setting so they'd be a quite a bit older.
and they wouldn't reveal it in the first trailer anyway
Anyone have "FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH" meme? I need to send it to a friend to convey my disappointment.
>being this delusional
stay mad
>V3 ends with the kids finding a hidden room
>They open the door and see a movie theater
>Popcorn everywhere
>Junko snoring loudly on the back rows
>Chisa cleaning up with an annoyed expression
>Komaeda hopegasming to meeting the Ultimate Hope
>Juzo saving Naegi, ending the killing game to save the man he loves
I don't see how those qualify as brotherhood, how well, as long as you enjoy yourself, brother.
Class 77 gets to enjoy this BBQ party.
Meanwhile, Class 78 went to total shit and never got to have a party.
Why is this so unfair?
> Why would Tengan ever think that a hope brainwash anime was a good idea?
He was the same guy who comes up with Izuru Project, user. Artificial Hope is kind of his thing.
I'm the opposite on that, I feel like DR3 has finally caused me to dislike Naegi.
That makes too much sense. It needs to be COMPLEX.
Forgot to add that, for this to work, Chisa needs to not die at the start of Mirai and her mindhacking needs to happen in the last episode of Despair arc.
Have Chiaki's death be the cause of her mindhacking since she failed the one student she specifically tried to motivate and turn into the class' hope.
Shit, I'm a better writer than Kohacka and I'm not even wearing pants.
If anything I hate him more than ever thanks to DR3. He wasn't this bad before.
Even if its in the same timeline its not a continuation of the story as they said.
I guess you can say Chisa was the mastermind in a way
Chisa was the one who pushed Munakata into "MUST ELIMINATE DESPAIR" mindset, which caused him to be at odds with Tengan who acquired a more pacific view throughout the years, this ended up causing the foundation to split in factions ( as per pre anime material) with Munakata's faction being the more powerful one. Chisa then conveniently approached Tengan with EVERYTHING that he needed to set up something to erase the FF as it is and she probably was behind invinting Mitarai to the meeting as well, which is something that screwed Tengan's plan up
Mitarai was used, by both Tengan and Junko, he is just a pawn. Chisa acted like a chess master
Please elaborate.
I'm not going to lie, I would fucking love that twist. The reason they're all in prison is because they were all Despairs who caused a lot of shit.
Life is unfair
>Camera zooms in on Junko's face
>"See you in h*ck, normies!"
Can't be mad at a platonic friendship user.
Can't believe there are people on reddit and youtube actually trying to defend this garbage ending. What the fuck is wrong with them?
Just how little his experiences have changed him over time and how bland he is, something about his characterisation in 3 just drove him to the insufferable levels for me.
What happens if Sonia watches anime Cred Forums?
They were doomed the moment they had Junko as a classmate.
There is nothing bad about this ending.
She is but in the end why the fuck would Tengan invent NG codes, especially ones that could end up killing both Mitarai and the Ultimate Hopelet?
It just makes no sense at all and can easily be fixed by having Chisa tamper with the game. As you say she was like a puppetmaster fostering the exact environment that would lead to this outcome but even in DR there needs to be at least a basic level of consistency.
Please no.
Reminder that these same people most probably have never played the games
Never forget
In all honesty, it could have been way worse. That doesn't mean it was a good ending though.
Stop shitposting.
> playing shitty ace attorney rip off
The one good thing to come out of the fake death was the position it put Naegi in. He's always talking about how his SHSL Hope is just the support of those around him, and he had his main support ripped out from under him in a way that put it on him, while establishing just how important she is to him. It turned his SHSL Hope from a question of how long until he powers up again to an endurance race of just how long the poor kid can keep it up.
Animator's NG code actually kind of makes sense. He may have been able to end the game too early if he used it, and this way he'd spend the whole game focused on how great it would be to be able to use his anime powers.
It was garbage but was it a disappointment?
>Who's Junko
After (you)
>chiakifags this mad they didn't get their happy ending
Most of us got what we wanted.
It might not have been what you wanted but that doesn't exactly mean it's garbage.
What did you want out of it?
She couldn't escape her fate. Not even in the possibility of alternative scenarios.
By that alone, the entire spiel AI Chiaki gave in SDR2 - and reiterated here - became worthless.
How am I supposed to think that this was a happy ending at all? All I can feel is the cold, empty void of despair.
It was ten times better than I expected it to be if we talk about DR3 as a whole.
Why does everyone assume class 77 knows who killed who in the NWP? Shouldn't the comatose RoD have no memories of the events ingame? The shutdown sequence wakes them up without saving over their personalities from the NWP if I remember correctly. Hajime and the others only retained their memories because FUTURE.
Fuck off. Let 'em vent.
I don't know if your expectations were through the roof, but it could've easily been worse
>caring about reddit and youtube
Just go there and stay there.
Look on the bright side, Chiaki and Chisa are probably banging each other in the afterlife.
if she kept playing games instead of socializing she wouldn't have been Junko's target
No, can't even think of that because they explicitly showed that Chisa's in Theater Hell with Junko. Likely that the other Remnants will end up there eventually as well. No fun for Chiakers even in the afterlife.
>Kyoko alive
This wasn't surprising when they showed everyone who dies except her in the last mirai episode.
>Imposter Munakata
>I got what I wanted.
I've been ranting all day about class 77-B but if that's what I can imagine those two doing in the afterlife I'm okay with Side:Hope.
>I got what I wanted, so it's okay
Fuck off.
Side:Hope would've been better if it were 2 episodes and we scrapped the recap at the end of Mirai 12 and just incorporated the first half of the ep into Hope.
Yeah, except Chisa forced her into doing that. She didn't have a choice.
Unfortunately, see
No fuck them. Chiakifags have been shitting up these threads for the past weeks with their cancer. They've been continuously BTFO and still had hope that would stop. They deserve this.
I don't know what pisses me off more, DR3 or people who started at DR3
>angry people with shit expectations
But Chiakizuru!!!
>Junko won
Unforgivable. You don't just reference SDR2 like this with no real payoff.
I think the people who are wondering why this isn't dr2 deserves more hate
Screw off. Was it really so wrong to believe in hope?
Not with the way she died.
I love Chiaki but why would anyone think somethign so stupid?
Sure I want Chiaki but... let's be more realistic.
>i-i-it's your fault the ending was shit.
Yes it could have been worse but it was still shit.
The episode itself? Not really cause quite frankly I'm at the point of not really caring anymore. Overall? Extremely disappointed with DR3.
I actually wanted an entertaining finale like I've had the past DR games, this was just uninspiring and lame as hell and bringing all the SDR2 cast back was just pure pandering to the fanbase.
Are you trying to kill me user?
The assumption is that Chiakers AI is like Alter Ego was to Chihiro i.e. essentially the same person.
If you stop and think about it, it's basically the same outcome. Both died in horrible circumstances only to live on in a bittersweet way through technology. The REAL version of both have no solace whatsoever, especially Chiaki since she had no idea an AI of her would ever be created.
So in the end it's like poetry, it's sort of...they rhyme.
>platonic friendship
Fuck off, the ending was good
this, also they were the ones with the worst theories
>Gekko is actually Chiaki!
>ok she is a robot, they will use it to upload AI Chiaki in it!
>nevermind Chiaki is the 13th branch leader!
>the battleships at Jabberwock island are replaying the Galaga stuff like in her videogame!
>Izuru will save Chiaki!
>Chiakizuru! She is Izuru 2.0 and the final boss!
The "miracle" was the SDR2 kids waking up. Naegi said as much during 2's epilogue. But Chiaki living would've been the better miracle by far.
Will still never get over how this theory took off based on literally nothing.
No. That was all the more reason to do it.
It was a fun idea.
Why are Kirigiritards so fucking retarded?
AI Chiaki is not even the same as DR3 Chiaki. she says so herself while talking to Hinata in this new episode. not even the same personality
That's not what he said, user. He said said he got what he wanted. Which is fine.
Yeah, but that was in reference specifically to Chiaki being saved, not anyone else.
Something being entertaining or not is entirely subjective for each person so just because you disliked doesn't means everyone else did
>Calling him a kirigiritard
Makes you sound like an asspained Chiaki faggot
Except the problem there is that AI Chiaki is essentially a different character.
>not a platonic friendship
Unless stated otherwise, nothing happened
Autistic Jinfags
It feels like Chiaki's execution was a sacrifice so that the sdr2 kids would wake up
>no kiss
>no confession
>no deep staring into each others eyes or whatever
Purely platonic, they've got more time to spend clearing out the despair than loving up anyways
Most of the codes could have been avoided if everyone worked together
IMO I think it was more of a test made by Tengan, I think he was giving one last chance to the FF
Yeah, I know that. But they clearly intended to show that she was like an 'Echo' of her. Therefore, the fact that she was talking about them being able to create their own future when we know that the human Chiaki was never in any sort of position to make her own future just doesn't sit well with me at all.
No, bringing her back would've been the most retarded thing up their with the kirijnko theory.
She died. There was no real bringing her back. And she didn't die in a place that could help her. You thinking she had a chance makes you look really retarded.
Basically this. I don't know why Chiakifags kept holding on. Their waifu was never meant to have a happy ending for herself. She was the sacrificial lamb for class 77. That has always been her role.
But is that really fair? Again, it was in reference to Chiaki being saved, nobody else.
Who are you quoting?
>I actually wanted an entertaining finale like I've had the past DR games
I don't blame you, I was expecting something a bit dramatic too but let's be honest, another final trail would've gotten repetitive.
That said, I don't know why you thought bringing the DR2 cast back was a bad thing. Isn't that what everyone wanted after the game? To see class 77 and 78 actually meet up face to face?
I don't know about you but being teased for weeks with the boats thing definitely paid off after seeing them meet up again. DR3 is nothing but fanservice to begin with so it was fitting.
She died right in the Kamukura facilities, they should at least have plenty of medical equipment that could save her. Again, Izuru is SHSL everything, he could have done it.
>up their
Stop that.
It is a platonic friendship. Their relationship literally stayed the same.
>Hurr Durr I got my pandering so it was awesome.
Take Munakata's advice and kill yourself.
I know, hence I said 'the assumption.'
Personally her death hit me hard not because she's a good character, not because she was tortured for 10 minutes, but because she said 'I don't want to die' so pathetically to the man she loved. It's emotional manipulation at its finest.
Compare it to Juzo who was actually stabbed by the man he loved and ended up dying alone. Juzo's is arguably even sadder but there was some hope to be found since he had some agency in his own death and did it to redeem himself for past failings.
Chiaki never saw her fate coming and just died alone and miserable. How anyone could feel hopeful at an AI echo of her just baffles me but I acknowledge that bringing her back would've been stupid.
Deep within the combines of Hope Peaks Academy lays a room untouched since the tragedy. There lays a lone pod in the middle of a capacious room. 3 repetitive beeps ring throughout the room. The door to the pod launches open and a hand reaches out, grabbing the edge of the pod. A TV screen flickers on the wall, and on it there is an elderly man. He licks his lips. "The people of Earth are no longer capable of their own hope and happiness. These people are just vessels of their former selfs, so I entrust this world to you. The true ultimate hope." "Your name is Keebo. Continue to DRv3.
Their love is not even ambiguous anymore though
The lewd unprotected handholding was more than enough mate
>he doesn't agree with me therefore he's a retard!
Stay mad.
Izuru couldn't help a corpse user. Even then he hardly gave enough a shit about her to do anything like saving her.
Should doesn't mean they do
Should doesn't magically spawn her blood type donors
Or replacement organs
You're also implying that Izuru would've actually cared to do it
Just because he cried doesn't mean he did
Stupid desparate faggot
Who's to say that ? We didn't get any info from it in the ending scene
I genuinely enjoyed the ending though, sucks to be you, mate
>being this delusional.
Shipperfags everyone. Thank god no pairings got confirmed in the end. Everyone just being friends.
It would've been a little dumb, yes, but it would have been the perfect counter, the perfect rebuttal, to the last act of evil Junko did and give her a chance.
People have been dead for hours and come back to life in the real world, in the anime land that is Danganronpa Chiaki would've been fine.
> people are mad because kirigiri alive
Wow! What a reason to shit on DR3.
Edgy. Don't you have anything better to do?
There's lots of reasons to shit on DR3. That's just one of that latest reasons
>Who's to say that ? We didn't get any info from it in the ending scene
user I'm pretty sure they'd spend some money on a fucking confession scene or having one with them being a family with kids like Naruto and Bleach did to show where the pairings stood and made them official.
This ending had no such thing and just left them off as friends who MAYBE like each other but are more invested in other things.
The only thing I would accept for Chiakers is if Izuru used some contrived device to literally upload Chiaki's mind into a computer rather than it being an AI.
This would be possible in DR-verse but sadly they already confirmed that Chiaki was an AI in SDR2.
I feel bad for Chiakifriends since they're the only people left out in the cold now but at the same time it'd be a bridge too far to have anything more saccharine than bittersweet if we look at the big picture.
I honestly believe that Chiaki living was within a realm of possibilities. Unfortunately, the writers chose an alternative path.
Says the bitch nigga crying that his precious waifu died twice and didn't come back. Even though it doesn't make sense with the events of the show.
>Kirigiri touched him with baconhands and said she'd always be by his side, and earlier when she didn't know he was there, that he became her hope
>not a confession scene
>Munakatana referred to Kirigiri as the woman Naegi loved and the fact that both of them thought that they'd lost their love was what ultimately redeemed Munakata
You are beyond retarded for thinking that you need even MORE on the nose confirmation of their romantic involvement than we already got. Just stop posting.
Bleach ended?
DR:AE proved that a finale can still be entertaining without it being in a trial room.
I wouldn't have minded if the 5 survivors of SDR2 came into all of this, but bringing them all back purely for the sake of pandering to the fanbase is poor/cheap writing and something I don't approve of.
Kibou-hen could only handle so much bullshit.
Would it have really been -that- saccharine if she were in a coma or the like, though? The thing is, it goes from bittersweet to totally hollow for me without Chiaki there.
At what point? Can you elaborate on that at all? Because as I see it, Chiaki could only choose which bad end she had to deal with.
She was shiskabobbed user. No way was she surviving that.
Thinking she was alive would be like thinking Mukuro was still alive.
Do you even know what that word means?
>user I'm pretty sure they'd spend some money on a fucking confession scene or having one with them being a family with kids like Naruto and Bleach
That's what you call spoonfeeding, honey.
No one likes those anymore. People prefer endings that give you small hints so people can decide for themselves.
You've got to be crazy if you missed those hints.
SHSL Medic, Pharmacist, etc.
I'm sure Izuru could have whipped up a miracle drug if he gave a fuck.
She could still move and talk. I've seen anime characters survive crazier "deaths." If they willed it, she would of survived.
>a platonic speech to her friend .
>an edgelord's words despite not knowing them personally
It's retarded shipperfags like you who give this fanbase a bad name.
Shit and Here I thought it would go the way of Berserk.
Who did Ichigo end up with?
>If he gave a fuck
But he didn't
He wasn't even sure why he was crying
For fucks sake Chiakishits are delusional
I feel you man but like I said, unless Izuru used SHSL skills to upload her consciousness it just couldn't work. There would need to be at least some foreshadowing of him moving her body or something which there wasn't.
They wanted her final scene to be one of selflessness, trying to inspire hope even though she was dying and in horrible pain. It's really sad but it makes her the turning point of the series since she had the last laugh: Izuru and the remnants were ultimately saved.
Not Rukia. Orihime.
People went batshit crazy.
Rukia got with that red haired guy who liked her. But also the guy who gave her up for execution.
Only people with low standards would have enjoyed this ending.
>so leave things open ended
In other words not canon and official. Thanks for confirming.
Your denial knows no bounds. I'm not even a shipperfag; I just have a functioning brain capable of parsing sledgehammer symbolism which is more than can be said of you, faggot.
>Mukuro gets speared and died almost instantly
>Chiaki gets stabbed multiple times THEN gets speared, and she still managed to live long enough to see Izuru and then bleed out.
What is this shit writing?
Sure, keep telling yourself that
Well no, I should have elaborated, that's exactly what I mean. There was no chance given for her to survive - they even fucking made a mockery of that in her execution, showing that no matter where she went she would only end up dead - and it really fucking sucks.
My point being, it doesn't matter. Because now the theme of "fight for your future" in SDR2 means nothing because Chiaki could not fight it. Thus, that is why I utterly hate DR3 and feel that it poisoned the rest of the series.
Izuru only cared about Chiaki as a way to get him entrainment on who to follow. Hope or Despair.
>break it!
>don't break it!
Ehh, I don't know, user. I thought AE was shit and boring all the way through including the ending. Hardly anything got wrapped up and left DR3 to do it.
You do remember that the class wasn't confirmed dead, right? I thought they made it obvious that there was a chance that they could wake up and turn out okay. Them showing up at the last episode paid off for me.
>I'm not even a shipperfag
Sure you're not.
Oh Shit AND best girl won.
I need to pick Bleach back up.
>This ending had no such thing and just left them off as friends who MAYBE like each other but are more invested in other things.
Pretty sure this series confirmed they have feelings for each other, only a blind wouldn't see it
And Kyoko sacrificed herself for him and relied on a gamble to remain alive so...
Answers for what? Real Chiaki got gutted like a pig and AI Chiaki got deleted.
How clear could he be with you people?
I'd have preferred it if Kirigiri stayed dead for thematic reasons you giant faggot, but even I wasn't delusional enough not to acknowledge the mountain of foreshadowing that she'd survive.
Just accept it: you're delusional and probably a Sayakafag to boot.
>there was a chance that they could wake up and turn out oka
Yes, but that okay? With pretty much no changes from how they were and looked before becoming UD?
Real Chiaki was a mistake. If she'd had the same characterisation as the AI version I'd have been sadder at her death, but more accepting of the possibility that she lived on through the AI.
>Pretty sure this series confirmed they have feelings for each other, only a blind wouldn't see it
They didn't but keep making up more things. Implications mean nothing.
>And Kyoko sacrificed herself for him and relied on a gamble to remain alive so...
>I sacrifice myself for my family or best friend so that means I want to bone them
Could of least have shown her grave do Chiakers could mourn. T_T
>still trying to false flag
You already ratted yourself out. Just stop. This is embarrassing.
Stop replying to him; he's just fishing for (you)s at this point and/or is retarded beyond human comprehension.
we saw their UD forms in the first episode, they were pretty much the same but with despair faces
Even then it'd make Izuru a fucking dick. As-is I really liked her and felt she should have survived.
>They didn't but keep making up more things. Implications mean nothing.
Edgelord literary said Naegi loved her, Naegi didn't counter
Literal parallel with Munakta + Yukizome's relationship (that no one says it was platonic)
>I sacrifice myself for my family or best friend so that means I want to bone them
I guess Chisa's "I could die for Munakata" and what Juzo did for him in episode 11 means they were only good friends, right?
Isn't her corpse rotting away in the basement of one of the finest schools in the country reward enough as it is?
I mean look at the DR corpses.
Reminder that in Shinto, everyone goes to the same afterlife no matter if you were bad or good in life.
Even the Japanese Gods don't get special treatment and will head to the same underworld should they die.
There isn't really such a thing as Hell in Shinto.
>With pretty much no changes from how they were and looked before becoming UD?
Wasn't that because their minds were wiped due to the neo world programme and their memories reverted back to when they just entered the school? It's no surprise they all got along quickly.
Their bodies are still the same since when they were the UDs as Fuyuhiko only had one eye and everything.
Yeah, I'll stop feeding him
Must be a bitter Sayakafaggot
I wonder who's behind this post...
I thought AE wasn't too bad and the climax did go on a little too long yes but I still enjoyed it.
Yes I'm aware of that, however there was more implication that they weren't going to wake up again. What makes this worse is how each of them were supposed to have implanted Junko's parts yet only Nagito with his arm and Kuzuryuu with his right eye appear to have done so.
>send phat Persona4 to Yasoinaba
>Yukiko: Perhaps taking a long dip at my inn's hot springs will make you sweat off that fat...
>Chie: You need to spend a whole day training and sweating off that grease with me, right after watching some kung-fu movies.
>Naoto: Did you went on a trip to America?
>Yosuke: Woah partner! Don't worry, I got ya' covered, a few days helping me out at Junes will fix you up
>Teddy: Sensei! Are you trying to seduce me by wearing a fatty costume? Hold on, I'll go get my bear costume right away!
>Kanji: Man, senpai... YOU SURE GOT FAT MAN! FUCKING HELL!
Kodaka, Atlus, make it happen!
>Edgelord literary said Naegi loved her, Naegi didn't counter
>expecting Naegi to give a shit about that in his current state.
>Literal parallel with Munakta + Yukizome's relationship (that no one says it was platonic)
>I guess Chisa's "I could die for Munakata" and what Juzo did for him in episode 11 means they were only good friends, right?
You can only pull up the two instances of people confirming their romantic love for a guy as evidence?
>muh samefag boogeyman
Why do you keep replying to yourself?
This is a Japanese anime so Yomi not Hell exists.
In Yomi, Chaiki and Chisa can meet each other no matter how many sins they committed or did not commit.
Fucking funi
I need to see based class 77 save the day, FUCK
>expecting Naegi to give a shit about that in his current state.
It was there for a reason
>You can only pull up the two instances of people confirming their romantic love for a guy as evidence?
They're confirmation Kyoko felt the same thing because of the clear relationship parallel between them
Well, they could have at least shown her there!
>Kirigirifags waifu survive
>deathfags on suicide watch
>deathfags taking it out on chiakifags
Kirigirifags will latch on to anything to justify their ship
>It was there for a reason
To make delusional shipperfags like you pick it to death yeah.
>They're confirmation Kyoko felt the same thing because of the clear relationship parallel between them
Now you're just creating new headcanon.
This. They're not even giving good evidence for it.
>mu-muh edgy munakata said so
Shipperfags getting BTFO will never not be funny
Keep telling yourself that
>guys who have never communicated with women before