The anime industry is finished

The anime industry is finished

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They did it. They finally saved anime.

>chinks saved anime

Glad to see the solution to saving anime is mass producing shitty TV series.

>saved Hollywood
>saved anime
Is there anything they can't do?

Bring Ed's mom back to life.

Seiyuu events are generally more entertaining than Anime anyway.

If you think that, why not be an idolfag fulltime?

> They did it. They finally saved anime.

Bullshit they didn't save anything anime now have no heart.

only people can save anime is nico tanigawa

Watamote is trash

Nah it's Yuuasa and Ikuhara

>Posting twitter screenshots from a sjw faggot

Hope your dad dies just like his

>chinks saving anime


Where were you when Chinese streaming saved anime. Pirating through torrents no doubt, instead of supporting the industry by STREAMING.

>Japan commits incredibly evil war crimes
>years later, the Chinese are bros and they lovingly support Japan's industry
>the gesture is paid off by making more characters wear Cheongsam dresses

China is incredible. I hope they did get rid of the communism, though.

>12% growth
>when entire Japan GDP growth rate is 0.8%

Holy shit, check out this dying industry guys!

Obviously they need to go back to the glorious days of manime!

You have the same taste as yellow uncultured chinese monkeys
How does that make you feel

Still better than americans.

It has nothing to do with the content and everything to do with chinks discovering anime

Do you even know where most $ comes from?

Streaming sites are just a tiny %.

Chinks probably knew about anime a long time before you did bob. They just dont have a lot of internet freedom because of the great firewall of china.

The GROWTH came from chinese streaming

That's not how it works. Anti-Japanese sentiment has grown in China the past decades and there's lots of protest against Japan. Likewise the Japanese perception of China has gone from mostly positive to terrible in the last decades.

That's a 2013 figure and it's domestic. A lot has changed and streaming in Japan is big too, and there's new markets internationally to benefit from.

which ones suppose to be streaming? Foreigners?
And wtf Pachinko at 16%? Why ? How? No wonder they keep churning out those anime pachinko machines

>chinks discovering anime
Chinks have known anime for years. They're the most devoted foreigners when it comes to translating, scanlating and ripping anime-related stuff, especially seiyuu stuff.

It didn't. Learn to read.

It's just a part of it. Along with idol events.

Anime industry is growing fast due to many reasons. It only slowed down for a moment after international crisis hit Japan hard.

China - Japan relationship still not good but weeb gonna weebs.

Discovering paying sites

>it's domestic

It's not. Look again.

You are an idiot

Unlike Chrunchyroll, chinese anime streaming is free. The revenue? Same source as youtube and other video streaming sites.

Poor anime industry.

>The revenue? Same source as youtube and other video streaming sites
AKA same source as the vast majority of TV networks.

I hate Cred Forums between seasons so much

You are an idiot.

>Jingping-san, the population is growing tired of their boring daily lives, what should we do to calm them down!?

the newbie suggests
>abolishing the single-party system?
>tearing down the (fire)wall?
>to stop building ghost cities just so you can spend money?

>Xi-san answers
Anime, Maing Mann. Wait, don't make me explain, just look at this.


>yes, this is perfect; thank you chairman-sama


Dumb frogposter.


What this means is more horrible low-budget adaptations of Chinese Manhwa.

That's great and all, but what's the point if they can't watch Inferno Cop?

I'd be ok with an anime version of The Ravages of Time

The transcription of 漫畫 is manhua though.

Kill yourself and fuck off to Cred Forums

>disrespecting the dead by watching a skullsploitation anime

>live event revenue

>11,383 - Mizuki Nana Live Galaxy -Frontier-
>11,231 - Mizuki Nana Live Galaxy -Genesis-
>13,843 - Symphogear Live 2016

Nana please will another season

Wrong post, meant for OP.

Godani will be the last studio standing.

No PV ever, have a Christmas-time album and a mobage to tide you over.

And more puppets

Taiwanese puppet shows will take over

>inb4 we get a shitload of Romance of the three kingdoms and China Stronk anime


I'd be ok with the former because what there is now sucks.

Soon this really will be a taiwanese puppet show forum

S4 and S5 were confirmed at the same time a while ago
No news since then though, besides a phone game

Will we actually be allowed to post about Thunderbolt Fantasy just because Urobuchi directs it?

What are you talking about nothing changed other than they are being more honest about hating each other.

Chink here

Nope, it's more than that.

I'm velly solly


Rather the Chinese than the West desu.

Cred Forums here.
Fuck off back to your homeboard.

Nice. The chinks have better tastes than the average buta otaku.

Ask for a Nanking anime then.

The average chink doesn't even know how to shit in a toilet, never mind have good taste in anime.

Where were you when the chinks began taking over?

I don't know what I'm looking at but fuck off back to with this "muh industry" garbage

How the average chink usually shits?

What's with China keep buying everything in Earth lately?

They even buy a land in fucking Africa.

Squat toilets. People not familiar with western/British style toilets will often squat on the seat of the toilet instead.

in holes

On the ground, ask anyone in Hong Kong

Cute girls doing cute things and cutely raping and killing people in Nanking.

>They even buy a land in fucking Africa.
They bought a country, or just land? Because Africa is full of French and American companies exploiting it already, not so unusual.

People with wealth in China are desperately trying to invest it in more stable economies with slower growth, so when the Chinese bubble inevitably bursts (like the Japanese one did in the early 90's) they won't lose out.

They are in a very funny economic situation. They need to make investments fast, otherwise their economy goes bust, but if they keep making investments, their economy bubble will go bust anyway, just slightly later.

Basically the entire Earth is in a very funny economic situation though.
We are post-pre-crash and waiting for the explosion to actually happen while at the same time denying reality.
The best thing though is that even if economy "experts" refuse to accept that their entire model is fucked and everything they love is combustible, they can't talk away the fact that if China goes belly-up, so will they. But at least if China goes first, they can pretend it wasn't their fault.

This. Its why I pay crunchyroll and buy a figure twice a year

Oh boy get ready for all that China propaganda and product placement in the anime just like what happened to Hollywood.

but manhwa his korean

Well, as long as it's from legit sources, it helps.

So Trump was right about the economic bubble. Really made me think.

Paying CR only supports the jews, just buy more figs or other merch.

>grew over double

Figs and merch goes to the jap jews too, the only thing to do is buy manga and anime boxsets.

>Paying CR only supports the jews
The delusion on Cred Forums is amazing. The OP post is an indicator of streaming being a revenue boost for the anime industry and in the same thread you repeat this bs.

Better their jews than our jews.

Hello Miles

>that CR faggot shill is here

Only in China you doublenigger.

I don't pay streaming sites a nickel but it's literally in the OP.

The difference is Chinese streaming sites are free but it's not so different for the Japanese revenue.

Put a HTML5 player on your site first.


So they really were Chinese cartoons all along. Life imitates meme?

Hardly surprising since the current marketing strategy for anime is make absolute bargain bin dog shit for TV but package in event tickets. Anime is an event driven industry nowadays and this is just further proof. Cocksucking anone industry leaders have nothing to be proud of with how they've actually devalued and made a secondary concern the core product itself

Meme magic is real.

>They did it. They finally saved anime.
Shit, does this mean I gotta spend the rest of my life with you fucks? I was hoping it would crash and burn and maybe then move on with my life.


>BD sales keep going down
>revenue goes up

really makes you think

>>BD sales keep going down

No it just means even more cheap shit garbage tv shows with event tickets and the same old seiyuu to dance like monkeys in said events

How the Transformers turns out to be nowadays always makes me want to cry

Just look at spring's sales. Top seller only sold a bit over 10k.

Their BD prices are fucking insane, always have been. As the Japanese government has been playing havoc with prices in the domestic market, people have become more miserly and are spending conservatively. You can see that in the focus on event tickets and merchandising, which holds more value to the industry consumer than a finite amount of animated content which might or might not have been animated well with a budget that might or might not have been shoe-string.

Yes, they make money from increased Chinese streaming.
Obviously, overseas streaming does benefit the Japanese industry. No, that doesn't mean CR or Funi are the biggest revenue stream. You can scream shill if you want, though.

Because all the shows were shit.

It didn't grow over double you moron. 112% of 2015s revenue means it grew slightly more than 1/10th again mainly due to things going on in foreign markets and events like idol concerts. All the anime industry is doing is getting better at squeezing even further revenue out of the same old kinds of crap and double and even triple dipping on it not making better content.

Technically speaking, Research shows that squat shitting is actually better for shitting bowel movement compared for sit shitting. Something about how humans have been squat shitting for thousands if years and we are biologically predisposed to shit better that way compared to the rather recent invention that is toilet bowls. Just putting this out there.

>overseas streaming does benefit the Japanese industry.
The Japanese broadcasting industry, not the anime industry directly.

Yes and bidets are more hygienic than toilet paper but since we're white none of that matters, our way is the best.

You obviously haven't watched

>Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
>Flying Witch
>Boku no Hero Academia
>Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
>Bungou Stray Dogs

I hope that means a change in what gets produced, i hope we go far way from this Moeshit craze and back into more story telling heavy shows. Fuckin chinese changed the game, production committees are probably now williing to put less shit out and experiment a bit more like in the mid to late 90s.

All are 6/10 or below.

No it means we need more diversity.

Are you dumb? Those Chinese streamers love moe.

>we go far way from this Moeshit craze
kill la kill yourself Cred Forums


I've heard that the Chinese have even worse taste than the Nips, can any chinks confirm? Isn't Date A Live incredibly popular there? That's what my chinese friend said after he got back from a con.

Are there any new technology cleaning your ass? Bides do make you cleaner relative to toilet paper, but a waste a lot of drinking water.

Gonna shill for Islamic takeover so we get water to clean our anus in every toilet.

It means We get more manhua and manhwa anime adaptions like Journey to the west and Tower of god

Date a Live was indeed hugely popular.

Maybe wet wipes are the best of both world? Though desu I think more water is wasted in the production of paper than in cleaning your ass.

And that doesn't bode well for the future of anime itself cause it sends the message that it's okay to have productions call apart as long as people get there events the BDS of which sell better than most anime. I'm expecting u's final concert BD to end up in at least the 60K range and it costs like $200

Not him, but I would actually be okay with that. This would bring some much-needed change in the word.

We should be more careful on making things into memes, lest they become real and we end up in a really fucked up situation.

They have about the same taste as nips actually, even their fujos go crazy over the same things

I'm not sure if it's worth the lack of alcohol and lewd cartoons though. Lack of bacon I can deal with.
The increased terrorism would be a downside too.

We do that on the regular with all the "S2 never" bullshit.

Cred Forums is probably too dumb for this sort of conversation and I doubt it knows what any of these numbers might mean. I'm just not looking to other kin ds of morons saying this means the industry is healthy and it's wretchedly exploitative practices are good in other venues

CR is helping japanese productions too. I think at the moment the streaming rights for a series should almost amount to the costs of one episode of said series. Not much but it will get bigger and bigger. Not to mention that once netfilx releases its own series, anime could explode in the western nerd scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if the anime Netflix releases is barely relevant at all.

The Chinese have fucking shit taste. Look at their taste in Hollywood movies, they fucking killed the industry.

ESL, sorry..

Yeah, that sounds best, but I was looking for something new and alternative. I do know lots of trees in various forests are cut down to make paper you can brush your ass with, and that wood material has to be made into mushy pulp (wasting water in the process). They could probably use seawater for that, though. (I'm not well versed in the whole thing, so please correct me if I'm not correct).

Bidets skip the middleman and spray water at your bumhole, but it still wastes water.

Wet wipes sound like a decent compromise, but surely there should be something better for cleaning one's ass out there, right?


>Cred Forums argues about industry and economic growth with no knlowdge of either one again

they banned Ghostbusters though :^)


Is there a country worse than China?

>saving anime industry

They also banned Suicide Squad, taking away it's chances of beating GotG.

You could clean your ass with seawater too probably.

Kill la kill sucks just as much, at least you outed yourself as a moefag.


Jesus christ, HOW EMBARRASSING JAPAN, your industry exists because of fucking CHINKS.

Let that sink in

Thank you based chinks


Various counties at Africa. Trust me user, there are legitimate hellholes you ask god on why it exists.

It has suicide in the name. Warner Bros should have known better.


That'll change soon after Trump wins.

streaming anime is free in china
like youtube, you watch ads

I'm not gonna get political, but what for? The race of the actors, or death/ghosts (the chinks have some thing about hiding corpses). I put the race thing here because they've changed the race of the characters in the posters of some movies.

And? What does that change about the revenue to Japan Jesus you people

Who cares, before that the industry existed cause of otakus, Japan as a whole looks down on both of them just as much. The cancer of the industry are virgin Moefags, be it chinese, japanese or ugly westerners like yourself.

Probably because the chinks are so superstitious

Will only get worse, bernie was your hope. Now you fucked it up.

There are some official western streaming sites that are also free like Daisuki. They don't have the biggest selection, but there must be some reason why they would put it there instead of CR/Funi.
If I recall Kawamori also said in an interview he would want to put Macross Delta there.

>streaming doesn't support nothing!
>115% increase in revenue in just 1 year because of STREAMING

lol Cred Forums is always wrong, but keep buying those overpriced blu rays you don't even understand, wew lad

I just wanna pretend that I'm smart, dude.

>Chinks saving the anime industry by using streaming sites like CR
>Americans refuse to pay for anything and pirate all the shows they watch
really makes you think

Chinese streaming is free, the thing is the market is just so huge.

It's just buyfaggers entering a stupid e-peen contest with streamfaggers, and now losing miserably.

We unabashed pirates who don't try to pretend we're better than either of them are the true masterrace.

fucking mainland chinks are animals

>Japan doesn't give a fuck anymore
>shits out badly animated trash and moeblob
>China comes in and starts replacing them

Don't see the issue here, a lot of new shit from China looks a hundred times better than anything that has come out of Japan in the last 16 years. In other aspects I don't know, but purely as far as animation goes.

>chinsk paying
>when it's free


It's already a thing in videogames with SKELETALS being evil in China.


watamote season 2?

if streaming is free then how is the revenue increasing? checkmake moetards

How does TV work?

Ads motherfcuker

>tfw Chinese Love Liver are more cultured that the average

Every time I finish watching a show, I send the studio an envelope full of cash.

Fucking idiot

>grew to 112%
That's 12% growth. Do some math now and then or else you get rusty.

> Paying studios directly

Jokes on you, I donate Horriblesubs :^)

they deserve it. they're fans are pretty good quality for how fast they translate and put out episodes

And they pay Funimation and Crunchyroll :^)

漫画(màn huà): the Chinese word for "Manga," sound-borrowed from Japanese, literally translates to "unrestrained painting" or "free painting."

Never gets old

The average you say?

> Sound borrowed from Japanese

What the fuck am I reading
Manga is the Japanese "Chinese" reading of a Chinese character compound. The word in the meaning of comic is a loanword from Japanese but"sound borrowing" makes no sense.

Sure is reddit here.

So are they going to start pandering to chinks like hollywood does?

You have to go back.

That's some giant shrimps they got here.

Ok im here now what.


you cockslut

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board. Cred Forums is over here

how has hollywood started pandering to chinks? its not like they put any chinese characters in movies anymore, ffs Ghost in the Shell whitewashed everything

"Mànhuà," the Chinese pronunciation, is derived from the Japanese pronunciation, "Manga." The Chinese made their own word for manga by creating the pronunciation "manhua," which was assigned characters with those pronunciations, 漫 and 画,that relate to the original meaning in Japanese.

t. Crunchyroll cucks

Bland simplistic plots so that the Chinese masses could understand it. BvS was the last of an era of deep, intellectual movies, but now the MCU has won.

The new Karate Kid is an example

And look as them climbing cherry trees in Japan like a bunch of monkeys.

>the new Karate Kid
>the one with a BLACK MC

>deep and intellectual

sounds like they're pandering to Americans

>"Mànhuà," the Chinese pronunciation, is derived from the Japanese pronunciation, "Manga

No, that's literally the original pronunciation of those characters. And 漫画 are the characters in Japanese.

Is this a meme I never noticed before or what

Cred Forums thinks Japanese invented far east culture. News at 11.

Karate Kid is a story about black kid learning Kung Fu and fell in love with Chinese girl

Well Japanese did invent the word 漫画 for comic and it found its way back into Chinese but the pronunciation borrowing.. no, just no.

Oh shit you're right, I only took 3 years of Chinese, I always thought it was a phonosemantic compound from Japanese but then I remembered that all the Kanji in Japanese is just Chinese with different pronunciations. Except when I comes to measurement words I think.

>but then I remembered that all the Kanji in Japanese is just Chinese with different pronunciations
My eyebrows are twiching

You're right, I'm wrong, sorry.

Can we go back to talking about toilet paper and bidets

Prove me wrong, Kanji or 汉字 have the same meaning in Japanese and Chinese

I'm suddenly reminded of Chinese escalators.

No. Kanji in Japanese generally have at least two pronunciations. one of which based on the Chinese pronunciation.
And no, kanji in Chinese and Japanese are often not the same in meaning because both languages have developed since Classical Chinese made its way to Japan.

Are you dumb? Japan has created a bunch of their own kanji, known as 国字. Most Chinese kanji introduced into Japan have both their original Chinese readings and Japanese readings; the reading used in Japanese depends entirely on how the kanji is used.

Even the kana writing system is essentially something of Japan's own creation. When Chinese was first introduced into Japan some smart people went "lol fuck this" and modified a bunch of the more complex Chinese characters into simpler forms so they would be easier to read and write.

What the fuck is the red "amusement" bar and why did it not exist before 2008?

It's pachinko and it was counted as part of Other before 2008.

if kana is so easy why doesnt Japan just get rid of Kanji?

A combination of Japan rarely using punctuation and kanji being necessary to differentiate between certain vocabulary.

Why don't murricans get rid of the imperial system even though it is retarded as fuck compared to the metrical system? It's just culture at this point. The entire Japanese language is awful but they don't give a fuck.

It's also just a very nice system desu.

hehe nice bobs

desu if Japan just used spaces it wouldn't be so bad

It's certainly a nice writing system once you get used to it.

this is why Hangul will always be the patrician language

That doesn't make sense.

Ossowa? Bangtan eo choju ni?

This also means that China will start directly influencing Japanese animation/game industry. They will start forcing them to delete ideas and concepts that goes against China, and Japan industry will start making stories that Chinese will like

so many weaboos thinking Japan is a special snowflake.
Korea, China and Japan are more similar than you think.

Christ you guys.. desperately trying to distance Kanji and Chinese characters.....

Soon you will be spouting how Confucius was actually a Japanese or something.

This is why people look down on Anime. It creates people like you guys.

Nobody said anything like that, you dork.

good thing Kyoani is an independent entity

>Christ you guys.. desperately trying to distance Kanji and Chinese characters.....
If this the same person who was mistaken about the word manga you can go die in a fire

webooos really really trying so hard!
"Its not really chinese g-g-guys....!"

>stories that Chinese will like

Cute girls working in a sweatshop?

Cute girls playing esports

So it is the same guy.

It will get good because Trump is an isolationist. The European Union and all of Obama's bullshit across the world have been mostly there to protect the interest of American companies. The moment Trump gets into power with all his putin grooming and anti-otan anti-internationalism rhetoric the world will be a safer place for latin americans and iranians and chinks in general. The exception being the western europeans, they are so fucked the moment the EU collapses.

As a postal worker I thank you heartily.

But that's Korea

>Japan industry will start making stories that Chinese will like
Better than stories otaku like

Nah it's both. Look at dotes and LoL.

Chinese weebs literally like the same shit.

you jerk! that money belongs to Studio Feel!

Rest in pepperoni Yuki Yuna, Mahouka, Kancolle.

Nips will make stories that chink otaku like. Who are like nip otaku.
Just more chinkish than nippish.

b-b-b-but Anno said the industry is dying.. !

It's because the chinese consume anything, even shit like Chaos dragon gets a lot of streaming views.

>and literally nothing of value was lost


50% of the event revenuew is KyoAni Free! Chu2 and Tamako events.

90% of Chinese streaming rights are aquisition rights for Fractale, BRS and Wake up Girls. Yamakan was right creating USP with aim to foreign markets.

Its actually last years of anime. What we see is just China preparing its populace to become consumers of anime, so that when the Chinese animation companies start massively deliver product and outdo the Japanese by hiring all their best freelancers and having budgets Japan cant dream of - their market would be ready.

Nice dystopia, but no. Talk to some Chinese animators about how horrible it is to produce domestic animation.

Thats what Koreans were telling about Chinese MMos and browser games few years ago.

It's very different. Look at Korea's head start with working on outsourced anime, and they still don't have an interesting or fruitful domestic industry.

But Shinkai literally just saved it.

Why Yuki Yuna?

I feel bad for KyoAni. Make a movie that breaks 1 billion in 2 weeks and no one cares because Kimi no Na wa is released at the same time.

You are just ignorant of it. Koreans started with Manhwa, which didnt really lived up to manga - but had breathrough overtaking Japan in idol industry, live action dramas (extremely popular in japan) and now webtoons influence japanese manga industry themselves.

As for domestic anime, they do plenty of good animated movies - in fact, having healthier industry than Japan with PreCure/OnePiece/Detective Conan iterations being majority of industry. Unlike Japan, they regularly make internationally recognized ib festuvaks movies that arent Miyazaki

But the issue is not korea, but China - realizing that anime industry actually brings money (and growing market is evident), more and more will invest in it - billions if needed: like with all other industries there: throwing money at it, until it starts bringing it back.

>They have about the same taste as nips actually, even their fujos go crazy over the same things

Any Chinese yuri fans?

Any other English speaking Chinese here?
Just curious

>China literally saving anime

Considering how lots of Asian American kids are weebs, yes. You're not very special.

Why couldn't Ze Tian Ji's adaptation be quality instead of QUALITY.

>Studio Feel
And nothing of calue was lost.

>The King’s Avatar(全职高手) (or Master Of Skill, no official English name yet) is an anime adaptation of the 2012 hit internet novel in China depicting the lives and drama of several pro gamers, of their ambitions and struggles both in and out of the game, the series is a joint project of Tencent and and is scheduled to be aired/streamed in 2017
That sounds so awful. There's no way I could ever take that seriously.

The black haired lesbian is a nippon banzai nerd?

Come on user, Galko-chan was one of the best-looking shows of the year.

I really hope China economy implodes by 2020.
I fucking hate them.

From what I read of the novel, it's about an ex-pro gamer smurfing.

No trapped in another world, no life or death situations, it isn't even VR.

Because it was a short.

If it isn't about StarCraft: Broodwar pros caught in the match fixing scandal playing in online tournaments, and being unable to compete in person since they'd be found out it isn't shit.

They also did Dagashi Kashi that season.

What are you implying?

Pretty much all of the stuff they've done in the last three years has been good in terms of production quality. They're one of the better small studios. Even that Art Club anime had good visual style and consistent animation quality.

but Anno said Tokusatsu was dying, not my chinese cartoons

Not many chink weebs find their way to Cred Forums, and even less stay. There shouldn't be too many chinks here.
I'm a chink though.

>good in terms of production quality
Now if only they started adapting stuff that isn't dogshit we would get somewhere.

>Soon you will be spouting how Confucius was actually a Japanese or something

I think if they hired a good writer they could do a great anime original series, but that's probably too risky an undertaking for a studio their size.

They chose the wrong domestic studio.

If you mean within the country, yeah. That's a cool compilation btw, think the artist is some Vietnamese deviant-tard.


Kill yourself

Being able to adapt stuff without butchering it is in itself a huge accomplishment these days, they really just need to find a good story to adapt to make their mark first anime originals can come later.

you wanna know why?
because english sub is cancer
going for eng sub when you can read chink, is heresy

why would anyone ditch the exact meaning of nippon anime script's word choice and watch in sub of a very european very foregin language to nipponese

This might mean more cute girls in qipaos, can't wait.

I disagree. I think overall English is better because it's less rigid, and it's easier to put emotion into text.

Chinks of Cred Forums, tell me who is your favorite seiyuu.

>English is better because it's less rigid
you havin a laugh m8?

KugiRie and Ayaneru

Grating taste.

posting shit quality B.E.E. because there's isnt a single hd op video


not surprised


You are saying that bs,because you are a fucking banana and can't even read chink.[\spoiler]

So you're watching animu for shitty emotional insertions from some english subber-who, instead of a more authentic true-to-source experience.

5 dollar betting you'll go for dub

Only in Japanese

dude you told him to kill himself over the internet u hardcore cold motherfucker

>All these contrarian English shitters
As someone who has studied Japanese, French, and Latin, I find English to be the best of these languages, and I don't say this because it's my mother tongue. The range of expression English offers is nigh unbeatable.

Ever read something English translated into Japanese? Shit's bland as all hell.

I know a good amount of nip (I'm somewhere between N1-N2) in addition to knowing English and Chinese and both subs have their good and bad sides. If anything it's just a lot easier to translate from nip to Chinese, but there's no guarantee that it sounds completely natural. Nip vocab, compound kanji terms specifically, don't perfectly map to the same thing in Chinese anyway.
CR does need to step their translation game up though.


Did I hit a nerve

Japanese-Chinese tl is often really corny and uses some retarded transcriptions and you know it.

Don't delude yourself, the anime industry has been doing nothing but pandering to otaku hikikomori trash for the past 5 years, this year was better, though. We in the west only get to see the relatively good stuff which comes out.

The Chinese will pump money into this industry, kicking it back to life.


12% but keep not knowing what you're talking about or how math works

Gambling is a highly profitable sector no matter what they slap on the machine.

Filthy PRC money.
Now explains the PRCdogshit that is Hitori no Shita: The Outcast
and AOTS Thunderbolt Fantasy

It really fucking does. Chinamation is no longer an in joke thanks to the A-1s of the industry and China just having a higher standard and better industry infrastructure hard as it is to believe from where it came from in decades prior

Oh boy, now there will be even more otaku hikkikomori trash, because that's what the chink otaku hikkikomori like too.

I thought Thunderbolt Fantasy was capitalist small China and not "communist" big China.

>I want anime to become socially acceptable
>I want to be able to talk about anime with my normalfags friends but I don't want them to call me pedo because of those otaku anime!

This is what you meant right?

I reallllly disagree. There are good individual Chinese animators who are worth watching but the domestic industry is trash. Do you want to watch happy goat?

So are live events things like this?


If there's a forum on the internet that seems to know less about what it's talking about than Cred Forums right now I'd honestly be amazed

It's a source of pride

why do you even want to aunthenticize an user's chinese-ness
this is not your tieba
fuck off 外來種[\spoiler]

Being a retard ironically is the same as being a retard, user.

Don't be so harsh on MAL.


Yes. And they love "Their Story" by Tan Jiu.

>>All these contrarian English shitters
>As someone who has studied Japanese, French, and Latin, I find English to be the best of these languages, and I don't say this because it's my mother tongue. The range of expression English offers is nigh unbeatable.
You are ignorant. Russian is objectively the best language when it comes to expression. English is among the worst possible.

>fucking chinks are buying everything
>they are fucking everywhere
>even in this thread
I can't wait until your country collapses on itself and your communist government has to order a "mass population reduction" because the situation has become impossible to manage with 1.3 BILLION OF YOU AMORAL FUCKERS ON THIS PLANET

6/10 is not bad though. 6/10 is above average and perfectly enjoyable.

But they can't give me a fucking Index III already

Your inferiority is showing

What makes you think we live in China?
What makes you think we give a fuck about what happens to China?

Having a guy from the most polluted country in the world that censors everything, plagiarizes known works galore, cannot do anything original or non-belligerent, has a population that smashes dogs against the ground or kills them with a firethrower for giggles (among thousands of other shits) tell me about being superior is really funny.

Ok let me add one more thing.
You're fucking invading every other country. You're like cancer, you can be contained in your shit country so you spread. Just like a disease.

What does a China-pandering anime look like ?

>they're fans are pretty good quality

Oh, gee that almost sounds the US of A.

Stop it Cred Forums yes we all know the chinks are cancer, but just talk about the anime industry

So why the people say the industry is dying exactly?

Because Cred Forums told me to say it.

Good thing I'm not from this shithole either, you idiot.

It's a meme, you dip.

Because Yamakan says so

Adds a whole new meaning to saying "chinese cartoons"

There in the beginning laughing my ass off because it was so predictable tencent.

like a book tencent, like a book.

>it's easier to put emotion into text.
stop reading commie subs

Why is everyone responding to this chinese user opinion?
Are you all fluent in english and chink?

Please stop it, ESL.

Will this ever be relevant.


It's a maymay perpetrated by CR shills trying to justify getting people to pay for streamed memesubs.
Moral of the story is don't stop pirating.

Is Aniplexfag a CR shill?
He also claims that Anne May is dying?


You're welcome.

We need to purge all chinks.

Say goodbye to anime with ghosts/yokai in them

配信 = streaming = 2%

>The range of expression English offers is nigh unbeatable.
all of my keks
try saying (You) in polite and rude manner in one word in english

You need to work on your English as well, retard.

If everyone who pirated anime watched it on crunchyroll instead, studios would make enough to pay for the entire season from that revenue alone.
I don't know why Cred Forums is so defiant about not supporting the industry.

Saved Christianity.

Nana is literally saving anime as we speak.

Chinese streaming only began like a 2015

>webtoons influence japanese manga industry themselves
What the fuck? is this the same faggot from that new Cred Forums rules thread?

Did you watch Outcast?

>Shit's bland as all hell.

It's bland exactly because tons of stuff that give color to dialogue in Japanese don't exist in English, so any direct translation from English to Japanese will seem rather bland and barebones (and the same is true the other way around since those same things are lost).

This is here to tell Cred Forums to fuck off with their "muh disc sales"

Die you fucking inbreed

i couldn't care less if chinks will start animating anime, just give me japanese seiyuu. Other languages are ear cancer when it comes to anime.

This gook is fucking retard. No one give a shit about your shitty webtoon, don't delude yourself

And a ching chong nip nong to you, dear anons.

You are the ignorant one here, gook. Stop spouting bullshit

I remember one chink just keep shilling that shit is the AOTY despite no one give a fuck about it

And a ching chong nip nong to you, dear chink

They literally made that bee girl show with Hanakana voicing the MC
And they made some Touhou fan animation with all these famous seiyuus having only like 1 line each

What with the chinks and gooks suddenly come out of nowhere today?

Only collectors buy BDs. Normies stream. Streaming is the future.

>They literally made that bee girl show with Hanakana voicing the MC
Remember when chink saying this show is the second coming of Jesus and will saving anime or some shit, hah

We've always been there, you just never saw.

>And they made some Touhou fan animation with all these famous seiyuus having only like 1 line each
Give me more shekel, chinks

Because chink streaming is relevant and brings money, so now all the chink-anons on Cred Forums who were pretending to be ameri-anons or euro-anons and sea-anons are revealing that they were chink-anons all along.

>and sea-anons
Why would you pretend to be a flip when even the flip president says they all have Chinese blood now

weeb gonna weeb

Oh, that other chink thread got deleted. What a shame, i want to shitpost more


Does this mean Thunderbolt Fantasy S2 is a-go?

That's Taiwanese tho

About chinkime esport and how shitty chink language is

So this is why CrunchyRoll has been so desperate lately.
Free streaming sites are clearly emerging as the dominant model.

>one of the flopped of the season

I don't think the official Chinese ones are free

That not outcast chinkshittori something

they are

I remember that spamming chink too, I guess he'll be back soon.

He just make a thread about chink cartoon but it got deleted by mods. Seem like he's in this thread too.

Invasion of the mandschurian candidates.

they have streaming services where I am, so I'm happy, it's also free, airs the same day and fully subbed on 1080P
That guy?

>The range of expression English offers is nigh unbeatable.

You mean the language that has words like Wolf and "She-" Wolf? AHAHAHAHHAHAAH

No, not him

Just watch Thunderbolt Fantasy already, if you haven't already done so.

Hey, SEA includes Singapore and last I check, they're pretty chill.

Singapore isn't chill at all. Successful, rich, orderly, sure. But not chill.

You guys know chink otaku taste in anime is mostly same as nip otaku right?

The only thing to worry about is government censorship.

It's trash

desu senpai

Nice description of 'murica

Of course, they're even worse than nip because they love power levels even more than nip
>defeat the grandmaster kungfu
>here come the grand of grand master kungfu
>another overlord of grand master kungfu appear
>i'm the heavenly overlord of grand master kungfu
>you will never see me the universe grand master overlord of kungfu
>you behind me 10000000000000001 times because i'm the vortex beyond universe grand overlord master of kungfu

Tan Hi doll when?

I was really hoping it would die for good

If you had anywhere better to be, you'd be there already

2015 mark the year when streaming site in China start charging audiences regularly.

Only 12% growth? Well it is not that good a year. It's for the fiscal year isn't it? Meaning it doesn't count very recent things like Kimi no Na Wa

You haven't watch the official new games sub in Chinese

I think that he was using Daisuki as an example because Gundam is on there.

Wet wipes don't break down like toilet paper and cause problems for sewage systems.