Samurai Flamenco Thread Archive

1259 Samumenco thread starting from 05.07.2013 and ending with yesterday:!1IdixYJJ!tNJTLbQwBTa6oX-g12v1Uw

This includes most of the Samumenco threads, expect some very random ones that haven't mentioned the show in no way, including the filename. "What's his name again" was included as a search tag.
Use 7z, winrar or anything similar to extract the .7z file (it becomes over 1GB big). Open the htm files with a browser of your choice.

Enjoy the autism and post some screenshots from the threads.

Wake up, people!

I can't imagine wanting this, but it's still kind of cool nonetheless. Good work, user.

that's a lot of fucking dedication what the hell

What did you use to create this archive? I'd like to read through all the threads of a smaller series but don't have the time, in case the current archive dies something like this would be neat.

I just started watching this show last week
only about 12 eps in
good stuff
music is great

I didn't know I needed this but holy shit, thank you, user. Just finished downloading it and will take a long comfy nostalgia trip through it soon.

Can't believe it's been 3 years since the ride began.


I see, I thought there was a script involved, thanks.

You have to check every thread anyway, to me make sure it is not just a STALKER thread (even though I included some), recommendation thread or something else like that. Also I wanted to have sort of proper names for every file (basically just copying something from the OP). But I am sure writing some sort of a scrip for something like that shouldn't be hard, but I want to do it myself. I ended up going through many of the threads too.

Nice, I was thinking to read again the reaction posts of 7th episode.


>tfw just finished rewatching it
Really nice work, user.

Based user. Your work is greatly appreciated.

Contribute to the thread with thread screenshots or something or others won't be able to see it, fags!

Which one is the guillotine gorilla thread? the one that had 800 posts.

>not knowing which episode it was by heart

Just search for Episode X and you will find it.


I'm gonna cry, hold me

I have only macroses from that time.

Don't cry, user. I miss samumenco bros too, but I'm proud we didn't turned it into one of those obnoxious generals. JUSTICE has won.

I am pretty sure the point is to make some after downloading the archive.

Thank you Cred Forumsnon-chan
you're a hero

>Manglobe and their IPs are still death

Thank you, user

I was waiting for that fucking assault rifle the entire series.

Me too.
I was waiting for some action with that uniform and he only wore it a couple of times, instead we got the regular ugly one.

They used those concepts again in a magazine spread, I wanted to believe they weren't dumped and were gonna be part of an ova or movie or something. So disappointed.

I need more of those two and there aren't enough doujinshi


Bravo OP.

Wasitrape-kun, you'll always be there with us.

You are fucking crazy, thanks Cred Forumsnon